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Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
Location: Santiago
Posts: 2461

Chile 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Chawton White
Nidge wrote:
Mine runs fine on start up from cold but when I press the accelerator there is a coarse engine knocking noise. Disappears once engine has warmed up . Already had a faulty fuel switch replaced under warranty !

Is this the same problem as posted above ?? Sad

All diesel engines knock. More when cold though. So I do not buy the explanation given in the Service Bulletin. They must have found it out some other way.
Post #3435 29th Aug 2008 10:11am
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Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
Location: Región Metropolitana
Posts: 2110

Chile 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Stornoway Grey
MK wrote:
Nidge wrote:
Mine runs fine on start up from cold but when I press the accelerator there is a coarse engine knocking noise. Disappears once engine has warmed up . Already had a faulty fuel switch replaced under warranty !

Is this the same problem as posted above ?? Sad

All diesel engines knock. More when cold though. So I do not buy the explanation given in the Service Bulletin. They must have found it out some other way.


Thats true, but the bulletin said HEAVY NOISE, that is different to have a noise in the motor

Regards Eduardo

MY 2007 110 SW PUMA 2.4: Big Fog of 64'
MY 1994 Jayco 1207 Folding camper: "El Tremendo"

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Post #3446 29th Aug 2008 2:38pm
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Member Since: 27 Jan 2008
Location: Kildare Ireland
Posts: 821

Ireland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 HCPU Cairns Blue
MK wrote:
Nidge wrote:
Mine runs fine on start up from cold but when I press the accelerator there is a coarse engine knocking noise. Disappears once engine has warmed up . Already had a faulty fuel switch replaced under warranty !

Is this the same problem as posted above ?? Sad

All diesel engines knock. More when cold though. So I do not buy the explanation given in the Service Bulletin. They must have found it out some other way.

MK give me some credit !! I am aware all diesel engines knock and are noiser when cold.
Are you driving a new puma defender and have you heard this knocking noise ?? Think you will find its not normal !!
Post #3447 29th Aug 2008 3:00pm
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Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
Location: Santiago
Posts: 2461

Chile 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Chawton White
Nidge wrote:
MK wrote:
Nidge wrote:
Mine runs fine on start up from cold but when I press the accelerator there is a coarse engine knocking noise. Disappears once engine has warmed up . Already had a faulty fuel switch replaced under warranty !

Is this the same problem as posted above ?? Sad

All diesel engines knock. More when cold though. So I do not buy the explanation given in the Service Bulletin. They must have found it out some other way.

MK give me some credit !! I am aware all diesel engines knock and are noiser when cold.
Are you driving a new puma defender and have you heard this knocking noise ?? Think you will find its not normal !!

Well, I tend not go over 2000 rpm until the Temp gauge starts to go up. If you push it when cold you will have that coarse noise. Anyway, hard to tell from here. Yes, I drive a Puma and a Mitsubishi 4x4, which by the way sounds much coarser than the LR when cold and smooth when reaches proper temp.
Post #3450 29th Aug 2008 4:42pm
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Member Since: 27 Jan 2008
Location: Kildare Ireland
Posts: 821

Ireland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 HCPU Cairns Blue
There is a problem and land rover are aware of it . My 110 is having a new engined fitted by local dealer under warranty !!

Seams all diesel engines don't knock this loud Smile

Post #3915 17th Sep 2008 12:42pm
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Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
Location: Región Metropolitana
Posts: 2110

Chile 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Stornoway Grey
Hi there!

Do you know if this problem appears suddendly or start to be lousy with the time?
Im afraid that all our motors will have the same problem at the end Confused

regards Eduardo

MY 2007 110 SW PUMA 2.4: Big Fog of 64'
MY 1994 Jayco 1207 Folding camper: "El Tremendo"

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Post #3918 17th Sep 2008 1:08pm
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Member Since: 27 Jan 2008
Location: Kildare Ireland
Posts: 821

Ireland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 HCPU Cairns Blue
Eduardo wrote:
Hi there!

Do you know if this problem appears suddendly or start to be lousy with the time?
Im afraid that all our motors will have the same problem at the end Confused


On mine it appeared over a period of a couple of weeks . At first you barely notice but after a while you soon realize all is not well as the knocking gets more severe , It is May 2007 and has 16,000 miles on her. You can only hear it on start up from cold and not on tick over but as soon as you hit the revs you hear it.

Post #3920 17th Sep 2008 2:48pm
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Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
Location: Región Metropolitana
Posts: 2110

Chile 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Stornoway Grey
Thanks Nidge

I will put the ear on that.
Nine have 15.000 mi and still nothing happens

Regards Eduardo

MY 2007 110 SW PUMA 2.4: Big Fog of 64'
MY 1994 Jayco 1207 Folding camper: "El Tremendo"

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Post #3924 17th Sep 2008 4:31pm
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The Boy

Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
Location: East Northants
Posts: 1459

United Kingdom 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Rimini Red
Nidge reading above about your knocking it sounds like mine.

I have just had a Land Rover engineer form Lodge Lane come down to inspect mine. I have lots and lots wrong with it but noisy knocking in the morning is one. All he has done is to say that (though I have not had the written report yet) all faults are within normal working parameters. Even the whining diff they won’t replace as it do not affect the operation of it. My solicitor after going through all the faults and letters I have written to land rover over the last 12 months has advised me to get an independent engineer to inspect it and write a report. I have not got a clue where I’d find one of those but I am trying. I have to make a decision soon as I am running out of money, I saved for my new land rover for 16yrs and paid cash for it and I feel land rover service is appalling considering how many times it has broken down and how long it has been off the road. It sounds like a bag of nails in the morning, this started about when it was 7 months old. One morning i drove to work and got about 300 yds when the engine just took over and sounded like it was going to explode and then shut down! I was recovered and they said they fixed it but it then did the same thing a further three times, each time leaving me on the side of the road to be recovered. Since then the engine sounds awful and really rough! I am sure land rover know about this but just will not admit anything. I hate them .
Post #3939 18th Sep 2008 9:48am
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Member Since: 22 Feb 2008
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England 2005 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
The Boy wrote:
My solicitor after going through all the faults and letters I have written to land rover over the last 12 months has advised me to get an independent engineer to inspect it and write a report. I have not got a clue where I’d find one of those but I am trying. .

Contact the AA or RAC - even if you're not a member.
Post #3943 18th Sep 2008 11:37am
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Member Since: 14 Sep 2007
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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
Land Rover (Lode Lane) can be bloody minded at times and it can take a lot of time and effort to get them to agree to resolve issues ...other times they can be fine. A recorded delivery letter to someone high up the chain of command can sometimes bring results.
Post #3947 18th Sep 2008 2:40pm
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The Boy

Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
Location: East Northants
Posts: 1459

United Kingdom 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Rimini Red
Miserableolgit wrote:
Land Rover (Lode Lane) can be bloody minded at times and it can take a lot of time and effort to get them to agree to resolve issues ...other times they can be fine. A recorded delivery letter to someone high up the chain of command can sometimes bring results.

Yes quite right mate but you try to find a name and address to write to at Land Rover. They simply refuse to give out a name. All my letters to land rover customer service have been sent recorded but they still don’t reply in writing but chose to wait until you phone and then when you ask they acknowledge it but only over the phone. I have asked them to answer me in writing many time but they just won’t. The guy there that I have to talk to point blankly refuses to let me speak to his superior! It can be so frustrating that it sends you completely mad. I am always polite and never rude but as of late am being more assertive which is why I had legal advice. The franchise manager, after my first legal letter threatening legal action, from the dealers has been quite helpful and said yesterday that “off the record” that he thought that land rover treatment of me was disgusting. He gave me some off the record advice which was to trade it in for a 08 one as they are better with less problems than 07s and would try to negotiate a big discount with land rover but I don’t have enough money left even if he did. So I am up the creek without a paddle it would seem. I wish I had never bought the bloody thing and had kept my tdi, I really miss the reliability and good mpg. Another option I have is to try to sell it and buy a late td5 with low mileage, but the thought of loosing all that money really gets to me.
Post #3949 18th Sep 2008 3:19pm
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Member Since: 14 Sep 2007
Location: Norfolk
Posts: 3471

United Kingdom 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
You know why the dealer is saying the 08's are better than the '07's so chop it in ....he will be one more vehicle nearer his target ....and make more money out of you!

A very quick scan of the corporate news section Land Rover site comes up with the following names but you'll need top check who is current..

Anthony Bradbury, Marketing Director of Land Rover UK

Phil Popham, Land Rover's Managing Director

John Edwards, managing director, Land Rover UK.

I wrote directly* to the MD of LR a few years ago when I was not satisfied with a vehicle and shortly after was offered a replacement. What have you got to loose?

*Addressed for the personal attention of.
Post #3952 18th Sep 2008 3:57pm
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Member Since: 27 Jan 2008
Location: Kildare Ireland
Posts: 821

Ireland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 HCPU Cairns Blue
The Dealer has been very helpful with mine . I was aware what the problem was (Thanks to this Forum) before bringing it in and was prepared to do battle but no probs , dealer rang next day and said land rover are aware of such a problem and the engine would need replacing. However they said that there are no engines available at the moment , so I could be in for a long wait.

Keep after them but I would have thought its up to the dealer to fight your case.
Post #3953 18th Sep 2008 4:05pm
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The Boy

Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
Location: East Northants
Posts: 1459

United Kingdom 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Rimini Red
Just an update for you guys...

It broke down again on the way to work agian this mornign. Same as before the engine sounded like it was destroying itself and then stopped. Now recovered and in the dealers. LR engineer said nothing wrong with it only two days ago so that shows just how much he knows.
Rolling Eyes
Post #3961 19th Sep 2008 3:02pm
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