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Member Since: 31 Oct 2015
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Posts: 280

Malaysia 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 DCPU Galway Green
..all i can say is, good luck to anyone who is going for shot..far as im concerned...never..
Post #901620 6th May 2021 5:48am
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Member Since: 23 Apr 2016
Location: Lancashire
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Java Black
Had mine and my arm hasn’t dropped off yet. I guess Bill Gates could now be tracking me, but if he can make money out of knowing I’m in the B&M branch in Rochdale, good luck to him I say Rolling with laughter 2007 110 TDCi Station Wagon XS
Post #901629 6th May 2021 7:07am
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Member Since: 09 Sep 2016
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Had both of mine.

No reaction whatsoever to either of them.

So why not? Rolling Eyes
Post #901652 6th May 2021 9:06am
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Member Since: 31 Oct 2015
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Posts: 280

Malaysia 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 DCPU Galway Green
..i do not see one single reason why should i inject chemicals inside my body, considering that (where i am living) regardless taking vax or not, this is narration

-you can get infected
-you can transmit disease
-you have to wear mask
-you have to keep social distance

On the top of that, if you get hurt or killed by vax, no responsibility is taken by either manufacturer of vax or medical institutions performing this stunt. So, yeah..why?
Post #901653 6th May 2021 9:18am
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Member Since: 23 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Java Black
Everyone, in this country anyway, has free choice over whether to have the vaccine, which is how it should be. I chose to have it as I do not know how seriously I would be affected should I contract Covid19 and I’ve no desire to spend time on a ventilator or die prematurely. I know personally 2 people who have died of Covid19, I know some people who were practically unaffected and a range of people in between. Some of them were younger healthy people who have been affected for a long time after the initial infection.

The evidence is showing that the vaccine is both effective at reducing transmission and significantly reduces hospital admissions. So I guess a mixture of civic duty and selfishness made me happy to have it. I also trust science, if not the politicians, that the risk from having the vaccine is small. Effective vaccines have after all been one of the great medical breakthroughs of the last century. 2007 110 TDCi Station Wagon XS
Post #901674 6th May 2021 10:52am
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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
Location: Norfolk
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
I’m with you Bluest. Off for my second jab tomorrow.

Felt terrible after having the first one for a couple of days. Small price to pay for some protection.
Post #901686 6th May 2021 12:21pm
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
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Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
Bluest wrote:
Everyone, in this country anyway, has free choice over whether to have the vaccine, which is how it should be. I chose to have it as I do not know how seriously I would be affected should I contract Covid19 and I’ve no desire to spend time on a ventilator or die prematurely. I know personally 2 people who have died of Covid19, I know some people who were practically unaffected and a range of people in between. Some of them were younger healthy people who have been affected for a long time after the initial infection.

The evidence is showing that the vaccine is both effective at reducing transmission and significantly reduces hospital admissions. So I guess a mixture of civic duty and selfishness made me happy to have it. I also trust science, if not the politicians, that the risk from having the vaccine is small. Effective vaccines have after all been one of the great medical breakthroughs of the last century.

I'm with you, had my first dose of AZ, plus my flue injection. The risks associated with the vaccine are almost zero, & far less than other "medicines", ie ladies pill etc where reactions are well in front of the virus vaccine.
Catching the virus at my age would not be good, I had absolutely NO hesitation in lining up.
Post #901816 6th May 2021 10:33pm
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Member Since: 28 Jun 2012
Location: lanarkshire
Posts: 194

Scotland 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 HT Tamar Blue
Exactly Bluest it's freedom of choice, I'm 30 and had been considering whether to have it or not,most my family have had the AZ vaccine with minimal affects, so I intend accept a vaccine when the time comes

Right now we're in the middle of lambing/calving if I could have one tomorrow would probably postpone for the simple fact its our busiest time of year and wouldn't want to risk having a reaction. (my girlfriend's mum was really poorly for two weeks with no energy after recieving the AZ vaccine)

I think it would be unfair to force people to have it we don't live in a dictatorship but feel there's a social responsibility have a vaccine
Post #901821 7th May 2021 12:44am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
Freedom of choice is a wonderful thing, but on a planet with a rapidly growing population that is more and more urbanised, social duty is just as important. This isn't a comment against Ecco, just a wider observation, but the ever growing fad amongst people for 'rights', 'freedom', 'choice', 'respect', 'liberty' but taken to the nth degree in actually meaning 'what I believe I'm owed is the right to do what I want, when I want, how I want and I don't give a gnat's chuff what anyone thinks about it' is eroding social responsibility. This is manifested in how people drive, treat each other, help (or not) each other, where they park, how they party, how they respect the rule of law, how they treat their neighbours, how they talk to each other etc. And during Covid, how they ignored lockdown, partied, demonstrated etc.

I've was raised, and have always believed, that anything I do or say shouldn't have an adverse reaction for someone else, whether they're standing in front of me or completely unknown to me. The third party comes first, Not me. That ethos is lost in so much of modern life and we're seeing it in much of the chat about Covid. People confusing lockdown with trying to save them because they're of a certain age - yet they saying they don't care if they die - with the need to stop the NHS being overwhelmed, grinding to a halt and ultimately affecting people it shouldn't be.

The do/don't take the jab is the same idea. It's as much about protecting the wider population and suppressing the virus as it is about protecting you, the injectee. But people think it's all about 'me'. And given the number of jabs, of all flavours, the stats show it is far far safer than so many other things we do daily, (literally, far less chance of dying than being hit by a bus), that the risks are clearly minuscule but the benefits to the wider population not just us as individuals, massive. What's more, so many of the people who are saying 'no' also throw so much crap in themselves daily, but because it's normalised (over the counter drugs), or fun (illegal drugs cut with all manner of crap, produced in the most unsanitary conditions and carried up people's ar**holes), they just turn a blind eye to things that are as dangerous as the Covid jab, or indeed more dangerous, because it suits them. Rolling Eyes Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #901841 7th May 2021 7:27am
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Member Since: 28 Jun 2012
Location: lanarkshire
Posts: 194

Scotland 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 HT Tamar Blue
Agree with everything you say the freedom of choice goes to far for example to protest/riot during a full lockdown with these black lives matter protests or the Sarah Evarard etc a lot these people are morons without a care for anything other than causing trouble. It angers me watching things like that on the news.

I live at home with my parents who are in there 70s and my granny who turned 100 last year so have been super cautious about going anywhere this past year and haven't left the farm in over a month about the only contacts I've had are with neighbours or vets oh and the fallen stock driver

Would say people need to start being taught common sense at school these days
Post #901851 7th May 2021 8:08am
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Tim in Scotland

Member Since: 23 May 2007
Location: The Land that time forgot
Posts: 3753

I don’t understand why folks that are happy to have vaccines against tetanus, smallpox, measles, polio, cholera, yellow fever and a hoist of other deadly diseases just to go on holiday or for overseas work object to having an anti-COVID vaccine. Pangea Green D250 90 HSE with Air Suspension, Off-road Pack, Towing Pack, Black Contrast roof , rear recovery eyes, Front bash plate, Classic flaps all round, extended wheel arch kit and a few bits from PowerfulUK Expel Clear Gloss PPF to come
2020 D240 1st Edition in Pangea Green with Acorn interior. Now gone - old faithful, no mechanical issues whatsoever ever but the leaks and rattles all over the place won’t be missed!
Post #901855 7th May 2021 8:18am
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Member Since: 28 Jun 2012
Location: lanarkshire
Posts: 194

Scotland 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 HT Tamar Blue
Also a good point will likely need to have a covid vaccine to go on holiday before long so the selfish mentality might changed their mind Laughing
Post #901856 7th May 2021 8:25am
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Member Since: 07 Oct 2011
Location: Côte d'Azur
Posts: 878

France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
“… a good point will likely need to have a covid vaccine to go on holiday before long”

A MAJOR consideration for us, to sit out Covid we re-located to the South of France where the weather is that much better - as I’m writing this the missus is on the beach topping up her tan - and it’s less crowded than the big cities. But I doubt we’ll be able to return to the UK, or have our family visit us, without a “Vaccine Passport” or the hassle and expense of multiple testing, which we just about managed in time to leave the UK last December.

Our second Pfizer booked in for Monday (at the Clinic in St Tropez, just to make you all envious!).


Edited to add: with absolutely NO ill-effects with the first one, not even slight bruising.
Post #901860 7th May 2021 8:40am
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Tim in Scotland

Member Since: 23 May 2007
Location: The Land that time forgot
Posts: 3753

Just had a phone call from the local health centre - 0915 tomorrow for my 2nd doze of AZ. Had minor side effects (expected) from the 1st dose - my parents are 92 and 93 and had no side effects from 1st dose but my father had a day in bed after the 2nd just not feeling 100% rather than anything specific. Throughout they stayed at home or went for walks around the edge of the village - I think their cars suffered more from lock down than either of them! Pangea Green D250 90 HSE with Air Suspension, Off-road Pack, Towing Pack, Black Contrast roof , rear recovery eyes, Front bash plate, Classic flaps all round, extended wheel arch kit and a few bits from PowerfulUK Expel Clear Gloss PPF to come
2020 D240 1st Edition in Pangea Green with Acorn interior. Now gone - old faithful, no mechanical issues whatsoever ever but the leaks and rattles all over the place won’t be missed!
Post #901862 7th May 2021 9:04am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
Posts: 5880

France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
Birdy wrote:
“… a good point will likely need to have a covid vaccine to go on holiday before long”

A MAJOR consideration for us, to sit out Covid we re-located to the South of France where the weather is that much better - as I’m writing this the missus is on the beach topping up her tan - and it’s less crowded than the big cities. But I doubt we’ll be able to return to the UK, or have our family visit us, without a “Vaccine Passport” or the hassle and expense of multiple testing, which we just about managed in time to leave the UK last December.

Our second Pfizer booked in for Monday (at the Clinic in St Tropez, just to make you all envious!).


Edited to add: with absolutely NO ill-effects with the first one, not even slight bruising.

Peeing with rain here. Friends have just headed to Port Grimaud for a break, but I'm helping a mate re do his roof and we're having to juggle days based on all the rain. Also, second jab for Pfizer booked next Friday (at the hospital in Sallanches with views of Mont Blanc to make those who prefer mountains to sea equally envious Thumbs Up ). By then Mrs Grenadier and I will have both been done and keen to get away. Either to a friend in St Emilion or Turin if their cases are low enough. Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #901876 7th May 2021 10:14am
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