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Doc P

Member Since: 03 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Firenze Red
Pickles wrote:
Some good "feelings" there, certainly common to some of mine.
Australia is a very large space as you'd know, divided into several States, but Victoria is the only State to have suffered a severe outbreak, thanks to shambolick quarantine procedures, so we are lucky that it's been somewhat confined. However all States have closed their borders, so we cannot travel between States without a permit. Melbourne residents can't travel more than 5ks from home & are not allowed out of city boundaries.
Although Victoria has had the major outbreak, it forms a major part of the economy, the cost to which is HUGE, borrowings are at a simply unimaginable level and it will take decades to repair the damage.
Mental health issues are cause for concern here also.
What surprises me relative to you guys is that whilst you are a relatively small densely populated country, some areas appear to be virtually unaffected.
(And you guys may think, why my interest in the UK?, well don't forget I'm an "Old Pom", 50% Welsh, emigrated from Manchester in 1958 (still follow M.U.) and I never forget, and am very proud of, my British heritage.

It's very interesting the divisions in the frequency of cases being found and the incidence of hospital admissions across the nation. Locally (East Staffordshire/South Derbyshire), although the cases grow in number, we haven't yet seen the numbers that we did in March/April coming into hospital (thankfully).

We'll have to see how it pans out. They're recommissioning the Nightingale hospitals I read today - so there's unease out there.

Still, our ITU is devoid of C-19 at present.
Post #861180 12th Oct 2020 4:33pm
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2016
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It feels like only 3 weeks ago Boris was saying the measures he was putting in place would control the infection rate and flatten the curve, all backed by the scientists seemingly running the show. It is exasperating. Every time Boris opens his mouth the revenues in companies I’m working with take a tumble. Every single time.

The latest measures don’t satisfy anyone, the scientists want them to go further, the hospitality industry is still asking for evidence it is the root of all evil, and Joe Public in ‘the north’ is (based on the vox pops on R4) pretty hacked off with it all too.

Time to move quickly to personal responsibility and allow people to make their own decisions based on their own set of circumstances and attitude to risk.
Post #861193 12th Oct 2020 6:05pm
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2012
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS DCPU Keswick Green
"It feels like only 3 weeks ago Boris was saying the measures he was putting in place would control the infection rate and flatten the curve, all backed by the scientists seemingly running the show. "

According to the news i heard this morning, it was 3 weeks ago the scientists were saying do more now, and Boris decided to ignore them?

When there is talk of more measures because the current ones aren't working, i never see the difference made between not working with full compliance and not working because compliance is low.
Post #861314 13th Oct 2020 8:41am
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2016
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United Kingdom 
Indeed Supacat, hard to know what to believe. I think people are turning away from the daily diet of coronavirus headlines in droves.

No doubt there will soon be a legal challenge from the hospitality industry regarding the evidence for the 10pm curfew / shutting of pubs. That could get messy as it appears the govt is leaning on an academic report from the US as the basis for making these decisions.
Post #861316 13th Oct 2020 8:48am
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2013
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Cairns Blue
Pickles wrote:
Can I be honest with my UK friends?
To be honest, in terms of what I've seen in this thread, I'm showing more concern for the Virus than you guys,...and I'm 12000 miles away, and this is in spite of increasing infections in the UK.
Aren't any of you guys affected by the Virus?
From what I'm seeing in the Media, you're having very few restrictions placed upon you by Boris, despite thousands of infections,....do you have any restrictions,..shopping, visiting friends, driving, travel restrictions??...Do you have any of these? We've had all of them,..FOR SEVERAL MONTHS. If you don't, you should have, because this virus will not go away on its own, it will only get worse.
Just my thoughts, having seen how quickly & easily infections can, & will, occur.

Don't we have Concerns, restrictions?

The last time I ventured off my small property without concern for my health was 12th March 2020, the day after I caught the flu from a student who I had been assisting with a computer problem. Panic set in, mind racing I rang a close relative and made sure he had instructions if the end came.

I had been using hand gel but not a mask as the use of them had not been suggested, I tried going back to work wearing a FFP3 mask ,protective shield and hand sanitiser but still didn't feel safe having to be only feet away from different students who didn't feel it necessary to even take one of the precautions as they think that they will not be ill with it and sod anyone else. So I remain at home .

During the initial lock down people worked together to help stop the spread but now as the daily totals go up even the delivery drivers don't use hand sanitiser of war facemasks , the only one I have seen is the foot slogging postie who wears a face mask and is constantly rubbing in hand gel which is at his own expense as the good old Royal mail say its not mandatory of necessary. Don't make old people mad.
We don't like being old in the first place,
so it doesn't take much to Censored us off.

Post #861325 13th Oct 2020 9:01am
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Member Since: 22 Aug 2010
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I've just spoken to my boss for him to have a 'refresher' meeting with staff, as attitudes are slipping towards hand washing/distancing etc.

Those that want to be careful, will, the rest of the population are just rocking on as normal.

We (missus and I) are still being careful, refusing visitors to our home, we've stopped shooting, stopped trialling, not eaten out on any evening and generally trying to protect ourselves, or if we are venturing out, we go where we are satisfied that the place is as safe as can be.

I've transformed my own health, got back on my bike after 5 years of being fat and lazy and even ridden into work today in a jacket I wore when I was racing 15 years ago...it fits better now!

I feel fortunate in life. Watch some b'stard spoil it Laughing
Post #861355 13th Oct 2020 10:51am
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One thing we don't know is how high the infection rate would have been without any restrictions.

All criticism should be subject to that caveat.

One thing I do know is that everyone knows better than Boris - but few of them agree with each other.

Personally, I think the country should be run by London taxi drivers.

They're the people who really know how to rule the country. Snigger
Post #861405 13th Oct 2020 4:42pm
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90 Dreamer

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Can't be any worse......
Post #861437 13th Oct 2020 7:15pm
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
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Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
Don't believe it?!
You guys haven't had anywhere near the level of restrictions we've had, and based on our experience, I still think Boris should've clamped down sooner.
This thing spreads like wildfire, and therefore "contact tracing" is of the utmost importance. Every State in Aussie has its own system, Victoria's (where we live) is not so good. We had 3 infections appear in the country 300ks away from Melbourne,...how did it get there and who took it there?,.....and how many people did those 3 infect while getting there?...we don't know,....3 can go to 30, to 300 in a flash, depending where these 3 people have been on their journey. All of the contacts of those, just 3 people, have to be traced & tested, because any of them could be infectious. For instance, if any of those 3 people entered a shop or a cafe along the way, well then all of the people that were in that cafe etc at the time would also have to be checked,....it's a nightmare.
The Victorian State Govt is being pushed very hard to release restrictions, and we probably have to for the sake of the economy, but I believe they think, and with good reason, they don't have the ability to control it, and that a third wave will absolutely cripple the country.....We have first class medical/hospital facilities, but even a small outbreak would overwhelm them in no time.
Stay safe Pickles.
Post #861480 13th Oct 2020 10:22pm
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Member Since: 22 Aug 2010
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It’s worse than that.

Covid can stay active on a hard surface for up to 28 days. Think about that one.

That’s not a rumour, it’s fact. (Mrs G is a Director for an infection control company).
Post #861492 14th Oct 2020 5:55am
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Doc P

Member Since: 03 Apr 2016
Location: Midlands
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Firenze Red

I was young once but I think i still held a belief then that I had a responsibility to try and protect others from harm if i could.

My dad was a copper too.
Post #861512 14th Oct 2020 10:54am
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90 Dreamer

Member Since: 13 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom 2016 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 HT Corris Grey
To be clear my comment was aimed at the comments that @Slideywindows made about cabbies and such.......

Current f&kctards would struggle to arrange a large party in a nightclub full of party people already high on poppers and such.........
Post #861610 14th Oct 2020 8:17pm
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Member Since: 07 Oct 2017
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United Kingdom 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
GREENI wrote:
It’s worse than that.

Covid can stay active on a hard surface for up to 28 days. Think about that one.

That’s not a rumour, it’s fact. (Mrs G is a Director for an infection control company).

3 days max according to studies.


https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-resear...faces-days WARNING.
This post may contain sarcasm.
Post #861641 14th Oct 2020 9:35pm
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Member Since: 17 Jul 2011
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Those articles date from March and May. Greeni's post is based on much more recent research. Darren


"You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought!" - Princess Leia
Post #861661 15th Oct 2020 5:21am
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Member Since: 07 Oct 2017
Location: In the woods
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United Kingdom 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
Ahh yes. I just read about the Australian study but it's not quite as scary as the headline suggests. It will be interesting to see how that turns out. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct...tists-find

It's possible to detect it after 28 days if not subjected to UV light and at 20 degrees but it may not be contagious.
“While the precise role of surface transmission, the degree of surface contact and the amount of virus required for infection is yet to be determined, establishing how long this virus remains viable on surfaces is critical for developing risk-mitigation strategies in high-contact areas,”

It will be interesting to see how that study progresses and the others that follow. WARNING.
This post may contain sarcasm.
Post #861675 15th Oct 2020 7:22am
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