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Member Since: 26 May 2013
Location: Melbourne
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Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
Well, here we are in Melbourne, and we are still under lockdown, with at least another two weeks to go. I should say that it's just the City of Melbourne that has the most severe lockdown, which I have described previously. Yesterday Melbourne had around 12000 tests with 12 positive infections detected for a rate of .1%. Mightn't seem like much, but if just one infected person is out & about, that one person can transform to hundreds & more very quickly, so we've got a way to go yet.
I heard on the news this morning that the UK has had 23,000 new infections, albeit over a few days, which cannot be good, and that France is closing restaurants etc.
IMHO, if you guys have had 23000 infections recently, over just a few days, then Boris should be making very serious restrictions NOW, This Virus is just so infectious, and the best advice that I can give to you guys is what my Wife & I have been doing for over 6 months, BE CAREFUL. Keep your self apart from others in shops etc, wear a mask, just don't get too close to anyone, and don't let others come too close to you. I don't know what restrictions you guys have, we've not even been allowed to drive our cars over 2.5 ks from home, and then only with an allowable reason, if we don't have a reason to be out & about, we can be fined up to $5000! The center of Melbourne which normally looks like any other big city is virtually deserted, no cars, no people, Department stores, shops, Cafes, restaurants, pubs etc, all shut. almost unbelievable. Most people working from home. Construction workers have just been allowed back. Schools have all been shut, now on holidays, set to go back in two weeks.
We've had our groceries home delivered for several months now, and we'll probably continue with that.
I'll be interested to know what Boris does, but IMHO he needs to go HARD, NOW.
Stay safe,Pickles.
Just one more thing. If you haven't had much to do with this Virus, you mightn't realize how bad it really is. So, just to give you an example. We've been in lockdown for around 6 months, we're slowly getting the infection levels down, but a couple of days ago an infection "cluster" emanated from ONE butchers shop, infecting 20 people, that we know about, at this time,...but its source is unknown, and at this time it's not known how many others those 20 have infected, and so authorities have to find & isolate everybody connected, before they infect/ spread to others etc.

Last edited by Pickles on 5th Oct 2020 6:38am. Edited 7 times in total
Post #859839 4th Oct 2020 10:20pm
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Member Since: 10 Sep 2007
Location: Co Donegal
Posts: 4748

Our advisory body here has issued advice to the government tonight that we go into the highest lockdown level i.e. level five. Seems to have taken the government by surprise. Things are not going well. 1982 88" 2.25 diesel
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Post #859841 4th Oct 2020 10:32pm
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Member Since: 09 Sep 2016
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Surely Donald Superman is proving that this Covid thing is a complete myth? Whistle
Post #859941 5th Oct 2020 4:31pm
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Member Since: 10 Sep 2007
Location: Co Donegal
Posts: 4748

Mr Trump will no doubt claim that he beat it and he has no ill effects. Not everybody will have access to the immediate and top notch treatment of which he availed. 1982 88" 2.25 diesel
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2008 110 2.4 tdci csw-Zulu
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Post #859945 5th Oct 2020 4:41pm
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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
In America, you are lucky to have health insurance. To bad if you haven’t.

Seems a nice day to go for a ride in the car, Donald. Just feel sorry for the driver. I hope he / she was well isolated.
Post #859960 5th Oct 2020 5:42pm
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90 Dreamer

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United Kingdom 2016 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 HT Corris Grey
FAKE news - don't believe the 'greatest ever' has even had the disease.......stunt
Post #859977 5th Oct 2020 7:17pm
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
Rashers wrote:
In America, you are lucky to have health insurance. To bad if you haven’t.

Seems a nice day to go for a ride in the car, Donald. Just feel sorry for the driver. I hope he / she was well isolated.

Apparently not. The presidential SUV is hermetically sealed and the "experts" on TV are saying it's about the worst possible environment for spreading (outside of student halls-of-residence).
Post #860004 5th Oct 2020 9:24pm
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
Location: Melbourne
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Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
Can I be honest with my UK friends?
To be honest, in terms of what I've seen in this thread, I'm showing more concern for the Virus than you guys,...and I'm 12000 miles away, and this is in spite of increasing infections in the UK.
Aren't any of you guys affected by the Virus?
From what I'm seeing in the Media, you're having very few restrictions placed upon you by Boris, despite thousands of infections,....do you have any restrictions,..shopping, visiting friends, driving, travel restrictions??...Do you have any of these? We've had all of them,..FOR SEVERAL MONTHS. If you don't, you should have, because this virus will not go away on its own, it will only get worse.
Just my thoughts, having seen how quickly & easily infections can, & will, occur.
Post #860772 10th Oct 2020 8:03am
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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
Location: Norfolk
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
Everything in the UK is localised as far as advice.

We have the usual general advice to socially distance, wash hands regularly and wear masks when we are within shops.

Where I live in the east of England, apart from an area of Great Yarmouth, there is very little infection. We have no specific restrictions. The North West and North East are having more restrictions as they have higher infection rates,

Nicola Sturgeon has just shut pubs, restaurants and cafes for 16 days to curb their rising numbers.

I believe there is still a large proportion of people still working from home. The reason I say this is the busses and trains have reported much much lower usage. The ability to work from home is very dependant on your employment.

Some of our University’s have had some high infections and you have to feel for a kid that has just left home for the first time and having to self isolate in a hall of residence.
Post #860789 10th Oct 2020 8:45am
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Member Since: 23 Dec 2010
Location: Oxfordshire
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Keswick Green
The problem with strict lockdowns is that it is all well and good if you are locked up with your family, pets etc - but for those of us who live alone, and especially people with physical and mental health issues it is absolute torture. There are rumours that the suicide rate has skyrocketed in recent months, and it wouldn't surprise me at all. I had a good six weeks or so without spending any time with any other person beyond, say, the person ringing up my shopping. It was utterly horrible. Its still not good, as we are still a long way from "normal", assuming we ever do get back there. I'm not saying we shouldn't be acting to stop the virus, but we can't ignore the impact the lockdown has had on a lot of people. I'm okay now, but believe me the lockdown pushed me into a very dark place indeed, which I don't think I would want to repeat. I do worry about the impact on the economy, especially once furlough ends, we are going to be paying for this for decades. 2011 110 USW
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Post #860801 10th Oct 2020 9:18am
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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
They are very fair comments 22900013A.

The other big problem has been domestic abuse which has increased.

I am not a party going person. I like my own company. I am in no hurry to go back and be forced to co-habit with a bunch of people at work but I have to say that I am finding this tiring.

I keep reminding myself that I am one of the lucky ones. I still have a job, I have a reasonable sized house and garden and I have had plenty of things to get on with to keep me occupied during the last few months. My parents live in the house next door so I could keep an eye on them, but the thought of winter and an uncertain Christmas period does not fill me with joy.

It's no one's fault and I believe that rightly or wrongly, most of our world's leaders are doing the best they can with what they have and the information they have at the time. I don't think the internet and social media or the media in general have helped the situation at all. In fact they may have made things a lot worse through mis-information and poor communications.

I have absolutely no time for these so called experts who stand up in the media and tell us what we should have done 6 months ago. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and makes criticism or so easy.

I should have kept my Series 2A and bought a couple of Series 1's when they were only making a few hundred quid. Whistle
Post #860810 10th Oct 2020 10:06am
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Member Since: 17 Sep 2009
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England 2004 Defender 110 Td5 CSW Bonatti Grey
I wasn’t going to post on here as my views are probably going to be seen as stupid but here goes. The problem I see with lockdown restrictions is, we now have massive backlogs of untreated medical problems which are going to overwhelm the nhs or cause many more deaths than the virus would have. I say this because the average age of death from the virus is 85! And that’s usually 85 with comorbidities. The testing programme is ramping up so with more testing you are more likely to find more infections BUT deaths aren’t skyrocketing too, so I can’t see any point in locking everything down again. This linked with the problem of deaths being marked as COVID when they aren’t (I have experienced this so know it’s true) shows the numbers are a guess at best. I’m not trying to say there isn’t a virus (no tin foil hat here) but I am saying we should have carried on as normal from the beginning with social distancing put in place (no masks as they are useless if you look at the science) and people asked to work from home if possible. We don’t shut down for seasonal flu and we accept it will kill many hundreds of thousands a year so why for this? Ray
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Post #860813 10th Oct 2020 10:23am
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Member Since: 23 Dec 2010
Location: Oxfordshire
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Keswick Green
Sounds like we are singing from the same hymn sheet there. ^^

Ideally I would have liked to have been out and about enjoying life this year, maybe even meet a lass but that's not going to happen for the foreseeable future. I'm also curious what metric will be used to decide when lockdown/distancing( I refuse to call it social distancing as its anything but social)/masks will be dropped? Will they ever? We have to, at some point, just get on with life with this virus exactly as we do with flu etc. It just seems to me we are inflicting great misery and poverty on millions of people for very little measurable benefit. 🤷‍♂️ 2011 110 USW
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Post #860833 10th Oct 2020 12:45pm
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
Location: Melbourne
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Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
Some good "feelings" there, certainly common to some of mine.
Australia is a very large space as you'd know, divided into several States, but Victoria is the only State to have suffered a severe outbreak, thanks to shambolick quarantine procedures, so we are lucky that it's been somewhat confined. However all States have closed their borders, so we cannot travel between States without a permit. Melbourne residents can't travel more than 5ks from home & are not allowed out of city boundaries.
Although Victoria has had the major outbreak, it forms a major part of the economy, the cost to which is HUGE, borrowings are at a simply unimaginable level and it will take decades to repair the damage.
Mental health issues are cause for concern here also.
What surprises me relative to you guys is that whilst you are a relatively small densely populated country, some areas appear to be virtually unaffected.
(And you guys may think, why my interest in the UK?, well don't forget I'm an "Old Pom", 50% Welsh, emigrated from Manchester in 1958 (still follow M.U.) and I never forget, and am very proud of, my British heritage.
Post #860917 10th Oct 2020 10:26pm
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Member Since: 20 Mar 2017
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United Kingdom 
I think I will book my plot now Big Cry 1983 Series 3 Pick up in Marine Blue
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Quod Abundat Non Obstat.
Post #860920 10th Oct 2020 11:42pm
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