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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
Posts: 17640

United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
As far as I know if you swap one engine for another the things you need to do are:-

1) Enter the calibration codes from the new engine's injectors into the ECU

2) recalibrate the injectors

3) recalibrate the HP fuel pump (volume control valve)

All the above can be done with Nanocom etc, and the engine should run noticeably better afterwards.
Post #323815 15th Apr 2014 8:15am
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2013
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Seems too straight forward to be able to put a replacement engine in and drive straight away without any injector learning, unless you have touched very lucky after all your bad luck with the previous engine!

Although, these are ford transit engines - they're never going to run entirely quiet, especially with no sound deadening! I had an injector clamp lose its torqe setting a while back, the knocking was awful - I removed the injectors, cleaned and put them back with new stretch bolts to the correct torque (6nm + 360 degree turn IIRC) - the knock has stopped but the memory is there so I am constantly listening for the slightest sound of a knock!!! This may be something to check if you installed the injectors yourself.

I think if you have an injector re-learn this will put your mind at ease a little but I would be surprised if the odd knocking sound on cold startup, under load etc would entirly go away! There are many on transit forums who say they've had an injector re-learn but the knock is still there.

Go on youtube and search for Land Rover Defender 90 Puma TDCI idling - that is not mine, but it does sound exactly the same. This may give you some indication of how others sound?

Keep us updated!
Post #323824 15th Apr 2014 8:49am
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Member Since: 04 Mar 2012
Location: Cornwall
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Stornoway Grey
blackwolf wrote:
As far as I know if you swap one engine for another the things you need to do are:-

1) Enter the calibration codes from the new engine's injectors into the ECU

2) recalibrate the injectors

3) recalibrate the HP fuel pump (volume control valve)

All the above can be done with Nanocom etc, and the engine should run noticeably better afterwards.

Can the nanocom do pilot learn and VCV learn yet?
Post #323983 15th Apr 2014 8:41pm
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
Posts: 17640

United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
Good question. I don't know, I just assumed it could but I don't have one. It can be done with Faultmate.
Post #323996 15th Apr 2014 9:41pm
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Member Since: 30 Nov 2008
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Phoenix90 wrote:
blackwolf wrote:
As far as I know if you swap one engine for another the things you need to do are:-

1) Enter the calibration codes from the new engine's injectors into the ECU

2) recalibrate the injectors

3) recalibrate the HP fuel pump (volume control valve)

All the above can be done with Nanocom etc, and the engine should run noticeably better afterwards.

Can the nanocom do pilot learn and VCV learn yet?

No! Big Cry Discovery 5 td6 HSE Stornoway Gray Outback Engineering Limited Edition

IID Pro MV License
Post #324029 16th Apr 2014 7:12am
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Member Since: 12 Mar 2011
Location: Sealand - Denmark
Posts: 253

Denmark 1991 Defender 90 200 Tdi ST Alpine White
Very Happy Thank you all for very useful answers - I am booked in for all the above mentioned things right after Easter holiday. I will return with an update . Happy Holiday everyone.
Best regards
Christian 88 Ser. 3 1980 -sold
Puma 130 - 08- sold
90 200tdi 1991 - sold
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Post #324254 17th Apr 2014 10:08am
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Member Since: 02 May 2011
Location: Italy
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2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Alpine White
Eric L wrote:

Same issue on my 2007 110 and 105000km three weeks ago , fixed by 4 news injectrors.

One of them was completely distorted :

Click image to enlarge

Why the nozzle of the injector is distorted ? Did it hit the piston top ?
Post #324375 17th Apr 2014 8:11pm
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Member Since: 12 Mar 2011
Location: Sealand - Denmark
Posts: 253

Denmark 1991 Defender 90 200 Tdi ST Alpine White
Started knocking again :-(
Big Cry
Any advise warmly appreciated.
As mentioned I had a new ( 66.000 km ) engine installed. It ran perfectly for a short while and then it developed the same knocking as my previous engine ( who died at 136.000 km ) - I went to an authorized mechanic for fuel pump calibration, injector learning and all. He could calibrate the pump and all - but the injector learning was not possible - came up with fault…said it might be the ECU but not sure . About 3 years ago I had new injectors installed in my previous engine ( 45.000 km ) and was told afterwards that they could not calibrate the injectors because they needed a software update ( done at authorized as well) but they also said that it wasn´t needed…. well the engine cracked all 4 pistons 90.000 km later - burned hole in one of them..
I am now afraid that it might be the ECU that is making the trouble and might ruin the new engine slowly…
The knocking starts when the engine is warm and is not very loud it is sort of a "dok dok dok" heard over the normal transit noise and is mostly present between 1500 - 2000 rpm. sometimes more than others.. Question I do use 2 stroke….
It is not the loud knocking of a faulty injector on an old diesel engine - it is just there Shocked
Best regards
Christian 88 Ser. 3 1980 -sold
Puma 130 - 08- sold
90 200tdi 1991 - sold
88 Ser. 3 1977 200 TDI
110 CC 2003
Post #329884 10th May 2014 12:45pm
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Member Since: 28 Apr 2014
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 351

How have you gone CRJ.

I have noticed a few issues coming on with mine. I am not sure all or non are related, just observations really.
My reverse lights have not been working for a month. It seems to be the reverse switch on the gear box, and is linked in with the ECU.

Then about two weeks ago the truck started getting rattly, in that 1500 to 2000rpm rang. It always has had a rattle at some point in the range, but it has become very audible mores than ever.
The care started surging in 1st when trying to drive away steadily. It would be hesitant, then surge, then run, then do it all again. Hunting I think is another name. Quite often if I pulled second it would then die (basically power or response) for a half second, then kick in and go.
Coasting along flats or slight rises at 60km you can hear the motor revs serge and decline but not enough to see on the taco or feel through the seat. Usually all happens when its cold morse than warm.

At high speeds it seems to run fine, but is also too noisy to hear any surging.

I reinstalled my Tune which made it run better for a couple days, and eluded me to the error code P1935, which is the stop/revers light fault. Hope a new switch rectifies whatever but who knows.
Next step afterwards will be a Volume Control Valve or Fuel Vapour Valve LR009837 I guess. Trouble is I'm 4 days away from a 2000km trip. Sure don't want to burn any holes in any pistons. My Defender and travels
Post #434441 28th Jun 2015 11:07pm
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Member Since: 12 Mar 2011
Location: Sealand - Denmark
Posts: 253

Denmark 1991 Defender 90 200 Tdi ST Alpine White
Hi Newhue
Mine became like new when the workshop finally managed to do the injector learning - which the big authorized workshop who changed them on the old engine never managed to do. I am almost 100 % sure that my burnt pistons is connected to new injectors never was installed properly. And I have to say the audible knocking was very noticeable - especially compared to engine after injector learning.
Best regards
Christian 88 Ser. 3 1980 -sold
Puma 130 - 08- sold
90 200tdi 1991 - sold
88 Ser. 3 1977 200 TDI
110 CC 2003
Post #434455 29th Jun 2015 4:41am
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Member Since: 28 Apr 2014
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 351

good to hear, I'm happy for you as I was feeling the money you were spending from down here.

I have managed to obtain a Fuel Vapour Valve and hopefully the shop can squeeze in an injector relearn tomorrow. It seems to have all the symptoms of a dodge valve, but I guess one cant be sure until it's done and the money spent. My Defender and travels
Post #434480 29th Jun 2015 7:38am
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Member Since: 24 Apr 2013
Location: Australia
Posts: 4

2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Alveston Red
blackwolf wrote:
As far as I know if you swap one engine for another the things you need to do are:-

1) Enter the calibration codes from the new engine's injectors into the ECU

2) recalibrate the injectors

3) recalibrate the HP fuel pump (volume control valve)

All the above can be done with Nanocom etc, and the engine should run noticeably better afterwards.

Hijacking a thread here Wink

I have a new 2.4 tdci engine going into my Defender. It's being fitted by a Ford Transit shop. Can anyone advise me on where to source the engine programming codes/map? The mechanic has the hardware to programme, but only MAPs for Transit applications.

Any help with the programming would be much appreciated Smile

Many thanks
Post #547694 11th Jul 2016 1:36am
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
Posts: 17640

United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
Assuming that you already have the appropriate ECU in your Defender and it was running with the old engine, you will ONLY need the hexadecimal code numbers off the new injectors.

Using whatever programming tool the dealer has, enter these numbers as the initial calibration codes in the ECU. Start the engine and let it get fully warm, then use the programming tool to carry out an injector calibration cycle and a fuel pump (VCV) calibration cycle.

This will be exactly the same process as for a Ford application such as Transit, and should be a well-known procedure to the dealer.

If you're trying to fit a Transit ECU with the Transit engine, you'll have to contact one of the engine tuning specialists on the forum, such as Pete Bell at BAS, but I suspect that the job may be a lot harder.
Post #547712 11th Jul 2016 7:24am
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Member Since: 24 Apr 2013
Location: Australia
Posts: 4

2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Alveston Red
Thanks for your reply - the new engine was re-fitted with the old injectors in the same order as before and it started and runs well. A few error codes came up but I believe they reflected the previous issues from the old engine. They were cleared and I'll go back in soon and see what if any are present now.
Post #558170 22nd Aug 2016 11:53pm
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Member Since: 16 Apr 2016
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Whitewaitress wrote:
I had an injector clamp lose its torqe setting a while back, the knocking was awful - I removed the injectors, cleaned and put them back with new stretch bolts to the correct torque

This is where I am at right now.

New bolts, copper seals and VCV on the way (VCV because of other symptoms like idle hunting). I also have the BAS remote tool so can do injector code programming (is this 'learning'?), VCV learn and pilot correction ..

Is removing the injectors as easy as removing the fork clamp and pulling them out?

Aside from keeping things very clean what should I know before I do this? Any trick to putting back together? Priming fuel? Special tools? Solved the bowel problem, working on the consonants...
Post #592015 11th Jan 2017 6:36am
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