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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
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nitram17 wrote:
Anti vaccine folk deserve to be challenged for their ludicrous rhetoric.
This is a car fan forum and to prevent it becoming a slanging match I will dial down my utter contempt for these deluded sheep.

nitram17 wrote:
I don't want to be insulting but i will simply say i disagree with everything you say and its encouraging to me that your skewed analysis is failing to impact on vaccination uptake and long may this continue.

How do you make out these two statements? One one hand you are talking down to one group and on the other making personal attacks upon “skewed” views supposedly.
Perhaps, we can agree that we all have different views and that is final.
Everyone has the right to a say and their freedom of views, but not to unnecessary innuendo.
We know what it is all really about, perhaps be a little a little more respectful to ALL members of society and we might all live in a better country.
I am not interested in whether people are Vaccinated or not, that is personal choice and to argue over such a thing is a motive behind that.
It’s a personal thing which people have the right to decide upon for themselves rather than have an “I’m a better or worse person than you are” kind of attitude between different people.

Pickles - It’s difficult to say really, not all that much is known.
It’s a possibility that January maybe a lockdown, possibly a bit sooner but this is unknown at this moment in time.
There is much argument that is more based on other things rather than covid it’s self involved and many news stories are not genuine or are fictitious. Usually created by an author with their own objectives.
Omicron does exist though, it is spreading but it’s being looked into exactly what effect it has and what can be done about it.
I hope that if anything does have to be done that restrictions are used and not lockdown measures which is a damn site worse but it’s an open book right now.
It does seem bizarre to me that Xmas seem to be Covid time, and in the summer time it’s forgotten about.
I have heard and seen riots / protest in Oz and Canada recently was there much of that or just a few isolated spots such as the capital city? TheThunder Rolls🇬🇧🇺🇸
Post #934165 18th Dec 2021 9:18pm
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Member Since: 21 Feb 2011
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England 2002 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
I've been catching up on this thread over the past day or so, there's some interesting views, along with a few misconceptions. I'm a Senior Nurse Practitioner, currently working in surgery (background is respiratory) but during the 1st wave I (along with many others) was redeployed to Medical High Dependency and to a lesser extent, ITU, both of which were Covid wards at that time. I don't make it my business to tell people to get the vaccine or not get it, I believe that should be individual choice after informed consideration, which brings me to the point of this post, informed consideration, and a few misconceptions. What follows are my views based on what I see in my day to day job, and the personal research that I've done.

Firstly, people are forgetting that these vaccines are new, no one knows what their long term effects are, despite what the Government would have you believe. Anyone with concerns on this point are not spouting "ludicrous rhetoric", but a very valid point.

Secondly, another concern being voiced is side effects. For anyone concerned about possible side effects (and why wouldn't you be) I suggest researching for yourself outside of the usual first ports of call (ie, Gov't website, NHS, etc). Pfhizer were forced earlier this year to disclose side effects that they know about, it's more far reaching than the content of either website. It makes interesting (but dry) reading.

Thirdly, despite the doom and gloom in the tabloids, the number of Covid positive patients in hospital (in my trust and the trust a friend works in at least) are falling. Obviously I'm not privvy to the briefings of other trusts, but I see no reason why that trend should be any different to elsewhere, especially as we were classed as an "hotspot" initially.

Fourthly, "I'm double jabbed so protecting myself, the NHS, and the country at large". You can still catch Covid, and you can still pass it on, which makes the claim that you're protecting others a complete nonsense. Are you less likely to be seriously ill if you contract Covid after having the vaccine? Possibly, as I said in point 3, from what I've seen, hospital numbers are going down. Being subjective however, there could also be other factors at play including the virus is mutating into a less serious/deadly form (which historically is what happens in a pandemic. The fact is, no one can say for sure with any real evidence.

Right, I'll put on my flak jacket an await the Censored storm Laughing
Post #934175 18th Dec 2021 11:28pm
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2014
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I suspect you should look to the code to guide your practice fella!what sort of trust do you work for as you should have been triple jabbed by now? Its simple really coved vaccination saves lives and the more people vaccinated the more lives will be saved!
Post #934177 18th Dec 2021 11:49pm
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Member Since: 21 Feb 2011
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England 2002 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
I'm well aware of my professional code "fella", and it has nothing to do with whether you decide to have the jab or not. Your claim that the vaccine saves lives is based on what clinical evidence exactly?
Post #934178 18th Dec 2021 11:58pm
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2014
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Why are you not triple jabbed fella?and if you follow the code you should be aware of the evidence!
Post #934179 19th Dec 2021 12:11am
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Member Since: 21 Feb 2011
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England 2002 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
First off, you aren't currently req'd to be triple jabbed until april 2022. Secondly, the NMC code has nothing whatever to do with whether you have the jab or not, thirdly, I'll ask you again, what clinical evidence?
Post #934180 19th Dec 2021 12:16am
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Member Since: 11 Apr 2014
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Zambezi Silver
Isn’t the data that 96% of ITU patients are non-vaccinated? Seems pretty damming evidence that vaccines work, also viral vector, inactivated and attenuated vaccines have been around years, with minimal side effects.

Each day millions even billions of paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen get taken, their clinical trials were minuscule by comparison to covid vaccines. Jumped ship to reliability - Mitsubishi L200
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Post #934185 19th Dec 2021 7:49am
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Member Since: 21 Feb 2011
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England 2002 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
I couldn't in all honesty say how many of our ITU pt's are vaxxed or unvaxed, I'm no longer in ITU. Most pt's overall however seemed to be vaxxed. Being subjective, the majority of people are vaxxed so that could be expected.

As to the side effects, I wouldn't call some of the potential side effects minimal. Is everyone going to get these side effects? No, but people should be aware of them before hand, which was the point of my original post. Myocarditis and pericarditis are now mentioned on the NHS website, but these have been known about for quite some time.
Post #934189 19th Dec 2021 8:28am
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Zambezi Silver
Although Covid-19 increases risk of myocarditis by 18 times, I will roll my dice with a vaccine Jumped ship to reliability - Mitsubishi L200
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Post #934191 19th Dec 2021 8:46am
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England 2002 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
As per my original post, I'm neither advising on getting it or not getting it, just pointing out that people who don't want it do have valid concerns.
Post #934195 19th Dec 2021 8:56am
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Zambezi Silver
Which is a shame, as a medical professional who has been in the covid trenches, you would have supported your NHS colleagues in the fight against COVID and all the millions of patients waiting for routine treatments. Jumped ship to reliability - Mitsubishi L200
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Post #934197 19th Dec 2021 9:04am
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Member Since: 21 Feb 2011
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England 2002 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
I can't in all good faith advise people to get a vaccine that I myself have concerns about, to do so would be hypocritical. Neither do I advise people to not get it, everyone should look at all sides of the argument and decide whats best for them. I'm not getting it personally as primarily I don't believe it's safe for me due to an underlying medical condition (which was the trigger for me looking at the vaccine more closely). Would I have it if it wasn't for that condition? Initially I would say yes. But now? No. That's my choice based on what I know and what's best for me.
Post #934202 19th Dec 2021 9:23am
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Member Since: 11 Apr 2014
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Zambezi Silver
Fair point and sorry to hear of your underlying medical issues, but as a medical professional surely you have a duty of care and posting shadows of doubt and concerns on a publicly accessible forum could be deemed as quite dangerous. Jumped ship to reliability - Mitsubishi L200
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Post #934204 19th Dec 2021 9:33am
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Member Since: 21 Feb 2011
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England 2002 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
Dangerous to who? I think not knowing the full story is far more dangerous personally. To illustrate the point, the condition I have is MS. I'm mobile, active, work etc, and currently live a normal life. If you go on any of the MS sites they recommend you have the jab, they state, It shouldn't cause a problem, should be safe etc. Should be safe, shouldn't cause a problem isn't It is safe, won't cause a problem. The reason being, that recommendation is based on nothing, no clinical trials or anything. The only clinical trial I can find anywhere is one conducted in Israel where just over 2% suffered a relapse. Doesn't sound much but thats actually a significant number. Digging deeper, I find in the Pfizer document that one side effect is Demyelination, precisely what MS does. Now, what would have been the most dangerous, taking things at face value, taking the jab and possibly suffering further Demyelination (these lesions never heal, they're there for good) and a possible relapse, or being aware of the facts and making an informed decision?
Post #934209 19th Dec 2021 9:55am
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Isn't the real question - will getting covid - possibly followed by long covid - be more harmful to your health than the side affects that affect a very small proportion of those vaccinated

I think most people would agree that covid is a nasty virus that can kill people and can have serious long term health issues - unless you believe it is a government conspiracy to detract the population from investigating a bunch of pedophiles that are actually running the world !

The majority of patients with covid in hospitals at present are the unvaccinated - the only reason to have more lockdowns is to protect those unvaccinated from filling up the hospitals and thus preventing the NHS from servicing the general needs of the population
Post #934224 19th Dec 2021 12:13pm
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