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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
Hi Pickles. I ended up in A&E for a non COVID reason a couple of weeks ago (I fell off a ladder!)
A&E was manic. Ambulances queuing and parked up on the grass as there was nowhere else for them to stand. I was chatting to the nurse who treated me and he said a large proportion of those patients would be COVID. It was weeks since they had a spare bed in the hospital. It was very difficult to admit anyone unless they required emergency surgery and two more wards had been ‘lost’ to COVID patients.
He was appalled at the way that the general public were acting as if They had had both jabs and now they can go back to normal and it had all gone away. There are less and less people using masks out and about, although they are still mandatory in the hospital.

It is true, the jabs have drastically reduced the fatalities but people are still getting very ill. I have friends who have caught it recently (all double jabbed, and one having caught it for the second time) and they really were not very well at all. In fact four weeks latter they are still poorly. Not so bad if you get sick pay, but they are self employed.

I think financially they are trying to get us all back to normal to bring some kind of stability back to the economy. Our furlough scheme ends this week. It appears that from what I witnessed, and what I have read, the hospitals and our A&E are struggling. The Politicians are between a rock and a harped place. Most people want freedom but the cost will be the breakdown of our health service. A fine balancing act.
Post #922818 26th Sep 2021 4:07am
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2014
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Tim in Scotland wrote:
Vaccines and reaction to Wasp and Bee stings:

I’ve had many wasp and bee stings over the years and the pain aside I’ve never had any other side effects. Since becoming double vaccinated with Oxford AZ vaccine I’ve been stung twice by wasps and both times I’ve have had lengthy (more than a week) itching, swelling and pain from the sting site.

Has anybody else found any not previously experienced side effects from wasp/bee venon after completion of double vaccination? I’m a daily reporter on Zoe and am also one of those selected by ONS/NHS for monthly PCR and blood testing but neither website has any way to report things like this.

Are you a wasp and bee wrangler ?I have been stung once in 60 years and that's while driving a motorcycle in Crete last century..i dont know what i hit but it was big and left a teaplate sized sting ring on my stomach.... i doubt the vaccine is the cause i think you just got a larger dose of venom.
Post #922923 26th Sep 2021 9:33pm
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
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Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
We in Victoria (Aus) are still battling a wave of the Virus. Melbourne has been "locked down" more than any other city in the World,..I'm not sure but I think it's around 280 days now, only allowed 5ks from home, not allowed out only for emergencies, masks mandatory etc, and despite this we're still getting 2000 cases per day, & our medical facilities are REALLY stretched.
But our vacinations are going well, we're not too far away from 80% 2nd dose, my wife & I have been double dosed for some time, but we're still very wary.
Our infections are all from community transmissions, ie people not social distancing, families meeting when they shouldn't, other rule breakers etc.
However, this morning I was checking out some other world wide virus specs, & I noted that yesterday you guys (U.K.) recorded 44387 NEW infections?.....Is this correct?....If so, how do you, your medical facilities cope, I mean in a week this would be around 300,000 infections?
Post #926013 16th Oct 2021 10:32pm
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Member Since: 23 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Java Black
Pickles, practically everyone is double jabbed here, those that aren’t are mostly people who have refused the vaccine. People are now going about life much as normal, masks are reccomended, but not mandatory. There is no lockdown or restrictions really. We have to take a test if we show symptoms and isolate if the test is positive. We no longer have to isolate if we have been in contact with a positive case as long as we are double jabbed.

I am not sure about the NHS situation as it doesn’t make the news as much, but I think it is currently manageable even if it is still a long way from normal. I understand that the bulk of serious cases are unvaccinated people although that is beginning to change as the resistance offered by the vaccine is starting to fade. We will need to start a second round of vaccination soon. 2007 110 TDCi Station Wagon XS
Post #926031 17th Oct 2021 7:24am
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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
As Bluest says, Pickles.

I will add that it seems another large proportion of cases is in School Children who fall into the unvaccinated category. I think they have started vaccinating children 11 and older.
It is reported on our news that the double jabbed are also catching it. A lady down the road from me falls into that group. Thankfully there are very few of these double jabbed people who require hospital admission, although it seems COVID is still not pleasant to get, even if you have all of the protection.

The unvaccinated in the UK seem to fall into two groups, those that refuse because they don’t believe they will get it / need it and those that are worried about side effects of the jab. In the latter group it is reported that many young females are worried by reports that it affects fertility. There are sadly quite a few people who are in hospital who are pregnant. There also seems to be a small group who still think it is a giant conspiracy Shocked

The next big push in the UK is for the over 50’s to get both their flu jabs and a COVID booster. My Dad had his flu jab yesterday and I am taking him for his COVID booster (third jab) today. I have my flu jabbed booked up and should receive notification for my booster in around three weeks time. The boosters are given six months after the initial vaccination.
Post #926035 17th Oct 2021 8:11am
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
Location: Melbourne
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Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
Thanks for your comments & info re your situation & the 3rd jab (booster) which is just starting to be spoken of here.
Our hospitals are under great pressure & thousands of operations, many urgent, are having to be posponed. How are your hospitals coping, are all operations still being performed as normal, ours in Vic are not.
Post #926299 18th Oct 2021 11:51pm
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Member Since: 23 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Java Black
No, NHS has longest waiting lists in history now, but my opinion is COVID has just brought this forward and it was on the horizon anyway. Most NHS Trusts has been slowly sinking under mismanagement, bureaucracy, and staff shortages for a long time. In some ways COVID has given the higher ups the excuse they’ve been looking for to pass the blame for parlous state it’s all in. Unfortunately, the media have made it unpatriotic to criticise the beloved NHS so I believe politicians are not keen to scrutinise what’s going on. 2007 110 TDCi Station Wagon XS
Post #926310 19th Oct 2021 7:16am
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Member Since: 24 Jul 2016
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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Orkney Grey
We now have this strange 'holy trinity' of the NHS - it's a method of funding, a method of delivery, and the doctors and nurses.
To criticise one is to criticise all.
It's not in the Labour party's interest to reform as NHS staff mostly vote Labour.
Anything the Conservatives try to do is shouted down as 'privatisation' and calls of 'Save the NHS'.

Just glad I have cover with WPA.
Post #926321 19th Oct 2021 8:09am
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2014
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Im all right jack !what a time to be alive! Thumbs Up The NHS does a remarkable job considering its years of underfunding and deserves defending to the end of days. Honest critique well the nhs will stand up to that all day long.its the loons on the right that get my goat with their twisted baseless musings on how to fix healthcare.
Post #930155 17th Nov 2021 8:39pm
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Joe the Plumber

Member Since: 18 Dec 2013
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My wife and I have both tested negative in the last week after catching Covid a couple of weeks ago. Both of us felt a bit more tired than usual and I lost all my sense of smell and taste, but they were the only symptoms we had. We each had eight days of positive lateral flow tests, which started very faint, peaked after five days with a very solid positive line, and then faded daily until the positive line disappeared after nine days. My wife's first positive was five days after mine, and likewise the first negative.

Our experience has been of a very mild illness which a couple of years ago wouldn't even have stopped us going in to work. Knowing it was Covid was, of course, quite frightening for a start. We've been taking vitamin D every day (since March 2020), which can apparently help.

We both caught it from my double-vaccinated sister, who was staying with us, and was actually more ill than we were (relatively, she wasn't very ill either).

I worked for an ICU nurse I've known for many years a few weeks back, who has been in the front line all through the three lockdowns. She said last November's was the worst. She felt the ICUs were now very well equipped (ie experienced) to deal with bad cases of Covid.

One problem was doctors who live in large households who either brought it to work from home, or brought it home from work. Apparently, this was highly contentious, but it's what happened.

She said that the victims have nearly all been either very old, otherwise very ill or, predominantly, very overweight (and she went into some unpleasant detail about why being very overweight makes your chances on a ventilator much worse). I asked her about very fit people who have also had it badly, and she said it often turned out they had serious undiagnosed health problems that only came to light when they caught the virus.

She was fascinating to talk to (we had a good laugh, as she's fat and knows it!) and it left me feeling confident that the health service have got to grips with this. The vaccines will help to protect the vulnerable, and those of us who wouldn't be classed as such have little to fear from the virus, as long as we continue to look after ourselves.

I hope this is of interest, given all the bad news we seem to see every day in some of the media.
Post #930464 20th Nov 2021 7:35am
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2014
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Yes covid predominantly kills the elderly, overweight and those with other medical conditions like serious asthma and heart disease...........However it also kills very small numbers of fit and healthy children and young people under 30.......My advice would be get vaccinated not just for yourself but to protect others and how would you feel if you passed it onto a young family member and they were one of the unlucky ones it kills.
Post #930501 20th Nov 2021 1:50pm
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Joe the Plumber

Member Since: 18 Dec 2013
Location: Midlands
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2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 HT Fuji White
We caught the virus from my fully vaccinated sister, but we still ought to be vaccinated 'to protect others'?

Hmm, I'm only an old plumber, but even I can see a fundamental flaw in that suggestion!

And of course, as we've now got natural immunity from having the virus, it's highly unlikely we'll catch it again to pass on anyway.
Post #930503 20th Nov 2021 2:31pm
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Member Since: 17 Dec 2015
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England 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 Adventure Phoenix Orange
My wife and I both had covid 19 in March 2020, and have since been fully vaccinated. However two weeks ago my wife got it again, and was quite ill with it. She is 64, so I wonder how she would have been if she wasn’t fully vaccinated 🤔🤔,

Have a moment to reflect, and think about having the vaccine, not just to protect you, but maybe loved ones around you,

Post #930510 20th Nov 2021 3:31pm
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Joe the Plumber

Member Since: 18 Dec 2013
Location: Midlands
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2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 HT Fuji White
How do you know she wouldn't have been better if she hadn't had the vaccine, Andy? Unfortunately, you can only guess how she'd have been.

My vaccinated sister (56) was worse than us, and my wife's 62 and slightly asthmatic. We are both quite fit and not overweight, which helps of course.

But I'll leave this now. It's a very emotive subject and I didn't want to get into an argument, merely to share our experience.
Post #930513 20th Nov 2021 4:29pm
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Member Since: 17 Dec 2015
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England 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 Adventure Phoenix Orange
No problems Joe, it’s everyone’s personal choice at the end of the day. Anyway glad to see you’re both well again, 👍

Post #930514 20th Nov 2021 4:40pm
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