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Member Since: 26 May 2013
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Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
I think Boris is acting a bit like Trump was, He's too relaxed & He's not taking the Virus seriously, and He's not acting quickly enough. The longer he leaves things before taking preventative measures, the more pain there will be.Social distancing, travel restrictions & masks should all be on the table.
I reckon you guys need tough "Restrictions" NOW,...I say this based on what we are/have encountered in Aussie.
Post #856795 19th Sep 2020 7:24am
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2012
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS DCPU Keswick Green
I wonder why people need such restrictions to stop them doing the things they know are wrong but continue to do?

I listened on the radio this morning to someone planning a wedding and they were complaining that it was difficult to find the current rules and whether they could have 60, 30 or whatever other number attending; whether it was different indoors or outside, whether masks were required...

It's a pandemic - just call the wedding off until better times.

People who say they are living a "normal" life and just getting on with things are doing so at the expense of others who are taking the responsible path.
Post #856809 19th Sep 2020 8:13am
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Member Since: 17 Jul 2011
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Because people generally, have become more selfish and the idea of the sort of community spirit that we currently require is just a relic of a bygone age. Darren


"You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought!" - Princess Leia
Post #856814 19th Sep 2020 8:28am
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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
Agree with both comments by LandRoverAnorak and Supacat Thumbs Up

This world could do with a bit more community, a lot less selfishness and stop worrying about unimportant things such as weddings.

I will probably upset some, but for the life of me I cannot see the point in getting into (more) debt, or stripping your parents bank account to the coppers for these large elaborate weddings. The only winners are the people who organise them.

The reason for getting married is to make a commitment in front of witnesses between two people. Where ice cream carts, harpists, magicians, artists drawing caricatures, breakfasts, showers, stag nights / hen nights requiring a passport or manor houses became a necessity, I can't remember?

If for religious reasons, or moral reasons, anyone feels that they need to be married, a registry office or Church is all that is required and a couple of witnesses. As far as I am aware, non of the above is a legal requirement!

I think this should have been posted in the Grumpy Man thread, but it makes me whine (before C-19) watching young people organising elaborate weddings they can't afford, just feeling like they have to out-do every one else. Money would be much wiser spent on a deposit on the house, or reducing the mortgage. Just my opinion, obviously......
Post #856863 19th Sep 2020 10:45am
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Member Since: 09 Sep 2016
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And they don't realise that their divorce will be even more expensive!

On Covid restrictions, I hear almost equal numbers of people complaining about the restrictions, as those complaining about the lack of restrictions.

Does this mean that Boris is getting it about right?

The coming months will tell us....
Post #856865 19th Sep 2020 10:54am
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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
Damned if he does. Damned if he doesn't.

Only time will tell if our Governments stance has been correct or incorrect.

Experts after the event will criticise their efforts, but everyone is wise after the event. I wish I had kept my Series 2A Big Cry

It is a balancing act between keeping people safe and our hospitals working and keeping the economy from imploding. This is where the anomaly of being able to meet your next door neighbour in the pub, but not in your house.

It's a tough balancing act. I'm not sure we have it right, but I don't know what to do to get it right.
Post #856870 19th Sep 2020 11:12am
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
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Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
One only has to look at what is happening around the world & indeed, close to you guys in other European Countries.
I can understand why Boris doesn't wanna get tough, but believe me guys, Boris needs to get tough NOW, or it will be VERY VERY tough later for him, & also you guys, who will have to endure all sorts of restrictions, ...just the same as we Victorians have.
Boris still has a slim chance of hitting the Virus before it really takes a hold, so I hope He acts now.
Did I think I'd have to wear a mask when going outside?!!...No way,....well now, it's "the norm"!
NB: Of course there will be some who will say I'm scare mongering,...you guys will be the judge of that.
Post #856974 19th Sep 2020 9:35pm
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
My experience is that the media is doing all the moaning, comparing the UK governments with those in Europe, demanding lock downs, hyping ‘surges’ etc, whilst (from British friends still in the UK) most people I talk to openly and candidly say they understood the need for the original lockdown, but now it’s time to get on with life. It’s an awful thing, it’s hurt many families, but in real terms, when looking at the stats, the numbers who are seriously ill or killed because of C-19 (as opposed to ‘with’ C-19) is tiny, and far lower than many other illnesses that we live with daily and manage globally (cancer, 10m deaths per year, malaria, 1m per year, heart disease, 5m per year etc). Even suicides, account for almost 1m deaths per year, and lockdown has created a correlation in increased mental health problems. And then there are the dangers of day-to-day living such as accidents, violence, etc.

40k deaths in the UK ‘with’ a positive COVID test in the past 28 days, (0.001% of the adult population) but how many have died ‘of’ COVID? How many who could not have had their death attributed to serious ill health or age. Purely and simply ‘died OF Covid’. Far, far fewer I’d suggest. Low thousands, perhaps even hundreds. We need real transparency on the stats, so we really understand the impacts of the disease, but also shutting down the economy, not just UK but global.

Modern, 21c humans have become immunised to death, whereas it’s a part of nature, a part of life. We can’t save everyone all the time, but that’s what continued lockdown is trying to do and we’re ruining people’s lives by doing so. Lost jobs, worse mental health, loneliness, increased domestic violence, increased child abuse, failing businesses etc. Education is being hugely disruptive during which will impact the future. Even if we think selfishly about popping to a pub for a pint, going to the cinema, a meal out. Humans are social animals, we need connection. Lockdown is having a hugely negative impact nationally and globally. We can now manage this illness in hospitals, we have the overspill off there’s another surge, drugs are proving better at controlling the illness, and we now know that 95% of people can catch it with no diverse effects.

I know this won’t be a popular point of view. Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #857012 20th Sep 2020 8:25am
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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
I agree with Grenadier that most of our issues are based around the media in this country.

I can't quite believe that when I do turn the news on (not that I have been watching much news on TV lately) I can't quite believe how much of the bulletin is made up of C-19 stories that usually consist of their journalists visiting areas with high numbers - which I find just a little bizarre. It's the same mentality where they stick a journalist outside Buckingham Palace when there is a Royal family story. Them being there brings nothing to the party and if the BBC want to save money, that's a good start.

I still believe that the restrictions have nothing to do with saving lives but more to do with restricting the impact on the NHS.

The whole world cannot all be over reacting. There has to be a reason why nearly every country in the world is being cautious?
Post #857026 20th Sep 2020 9:22am
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Joe the Plumber

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Please don't start me off about the BBC! A disgraceful national extortion racket. However....

I first realised the virus might be serious reading about in on this forum in early March, and I've no doubt it IS serious.

But what it isn't is the Black Death, and from my own experience of working in numerous people's houses for the last (almost) four months, coupled with chatting to the lady on our village Co-op checkout who is, shall we say, well up on village gossip (!), it has not badly affected many people round here.

I still can't help feeling we have got to learn to carefully live with it and try to get on with life, not be constantly locked away to try to avoid catching it.
Post #857065 20th Sep 2020 2:32pm
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
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Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
We seem to be making some headway in Victoria Aus.
At our peak, and remember we don't have nearly the population you guys do, but at the peak, basically in Melbourne, we were at 700 infections a day. We are now down to 14 per day, but that is still not a good number when one realizes how quickly the virus can spread,particularly from a person who doesn't know they're infected.
Testing is VERY important, and like I said we appear to be making headway. A couple of weeks ago, we had 8803 tests on one day with 43 positive infections a % of .48, whereas today we had 12460 tests with 14 positive infections for a % of just .11.
In Victoria alone we have had over 20,000 infections & almost 800 deaths, virtually all of which can be traced to a quarantine debacle by the Victorian Govt. I've no idea how many were incorrectly quarantined, but I've heard that virtually all of our infections can be traced back to FOUR people. That's how infectious this virus is. We are hopeful that we'll see some relaxing of our lockdown in a few days, but it'll be a very long time before we ever see "normal" again,.... what we think we'll see is "Covert Normal",...whatever that is?'
Post #858001 25th Sep 2020 3:02am
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Member Since: 10 Sep 2007
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Over here we have 5 levels of measures to deal with the Covid. Level 1 is the one closest to normal while level 5 has the most severe measures. As of midnight tonight where I live (County Donegal) will be at level 3. The way things are going, and they are going the wrong way at a horrific level, we will be at Level 4 in a short time. It is down to people not taking it seriously. The lockdown level is actually immaterial to my wife and myself as we are self cocooning as much as possible. If the Covid gets into our house and either my wife or myself contract it it would have catastrophic consequences for our daughter. We find that the only ones taking this seriously are those with a vulnerable family member. The wife shops once a week and I strip and wash after work. Surely people can do the simple things and that would go a long way to helping to keep infection rates down. The Covid is bad, stupidity is bad but when you have to deal with the two simultaneously...... We even have people protesting because they have to wear masks.
This is the full details
This is Level 3
https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/f9a0c-do...e/donegal/ 1982 88" 2.25 diesel
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Post #858059 25th Sep 2020 10:50am
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
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If you want to see what happens when Covid meets stupid you need look no further than Glasgow and the antics of its university students.

Time was when university was the preserve of reasonably intelligent people and students went to study. Now they seem to be utterly brainless and think university is for hedonism and nothing else.
Post #858071 25th Sep 2020 12:00pm
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Member Since: 19 Nov 2014
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I wont argue about the antics of some but what did they expect? University accommodation is designed for communal living so taking students from all over the Uk and putting them together was bound to create the perfect storm One student commented today why dd you bring us together only to shift all of our classes on line? I suspect this is all about money, the universities need to bring in the income for housing and this has forced the situation. Not great for anyone. 1984 One-Ten CSW
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Post #858073 25th Sep 2020 12:14pm
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
Yes, I completely agree with that as well. Perhaps it is not (only) the students who are stupid.
Post #858075 25th Sep 2020 12:16pm
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