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Member Since: 10 Feb 2014
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United Kingdom 2002 Defender 110 Td5 DCPU Keswick Green
Shocking driving standards
Have been clocking up a fair bit of mileage working away at the moment and not a day goes by that i don't see someone driving appallingly. I am almost certain that the standards have gone down hill in the last few weeks. Other than the usual undertaking, last minute departure from the motorway crossing hatched boxes etc. i consider a normal sight now; the following have been some recent highlights:

I use a crappy 206 Diesel for my commute and daily find people who tailgate and flash lights etc. Despite me doing 70mph and only in the middle lane overtaking trucks. I get really wound up by people who hog the middle lane so am always conscious not to do it myself.

The other week whilst heading south on the A1 around 8pm (so quiet) i pulled to the outside lane to pass a lorry, no cars even visible behind when i started the manoeuvre but before i was barely halfway past there was a 5series so close to my boot hat i could barely see the front grille. Driver was flashing, sounding the horn and waving his arms at me. After i finished passing the lorry i pulled straight back in where he then proceeded to fly past me before cutting me up and driving along the hard shoulder/sliplane at probably 100+. Obviously trying to prove a point of some kind. No idea what but was hoping he would get a puncture.

Today was some absolute Censored who deliberately sped through a hatched box and cut me up coming off a roundabout to try and get ahead of traffic. At the next set of lights he pulled along side me and told me he was a professional boxer and was happy to pull over and settle the score with me (because i used the horn). When i told him to grow up his passenger threw a load of change at me and the car and sped off.

Never see any police on the roads around south Yorkshire any more. Presumably massive budget and staff cuts means that regular patrols have fallen off.

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Post #788946 27th Aug 2019 7:39pm
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Member Since: 22 Nov 2015
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United Kingdom 
I luckily don't have a daily commute but see as you do the rise in levels of aggressive driving, and as you suggest I believe that it is in great part due to the reduction in police presence on our roads. Speed cameras seem partly effective but even Google maps warns you of their location now, so very easy to slow just for them.
I tend to leave a lot more time to get places now so I can travel below the speed limits and just let all of the aggression pass me by. Driving the Defender is also a good antidote to today's driving habits - difficult to feel bullied in a cage-equipped 110 Smile
Post #789039 28th Aug 2019 7:08am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
I did a week of driving back in the UK last week. Mainly A30, A303, M25 and other roads around those areas. If i don’t move back to the UK for the congestion, bad, aggressive, arrogant driving, it won’t be soon enough.... Whistle Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #789041 28th Aug 2019 7:12am
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Member Since: 19 Apr 2014
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United Kingdom 1994 Defender 110 BMW M57 3.0 Diesel CSW Buckingham Blue
I’ve noticed that particularly in the last 5-10 years the standard of driving has really plummeted. There seems to be this overwhelming entitlement issue with people, that think they own the road and have priority over everyone else. They tend to forget that driving on the road is a privilege not a right.
over the weekend, I took the wife out horsing, pulling the horse box with the 110. We were driving very steady down a single track country lane, maximum about 25mph because her horse isn’t great at travelling, and tends to stumble around sharp corners or under sudden braking. Out of no where, some Censored in a 5 series bmw comes flying up behind us and proceeds to tailgate us, without exaggeration within 6 feet of the rear of the horse box, which as you can imagine wouldn’t make the horse any happier Rolling Eyes .
The road we were traveling on was probably no longer than 2 miles, narrow and what lay-bys did exist, weren’t big enough for a my 110 and a horse box to pull in to let anyone behind me by. Next thing I see in the mirror is the pillock behind me driving as far over the right hand side trying to barge by and flashing his lights. I was obviously in his way and I needed to move for him. Apologies for being ignorant, I didn’t know you were the most important person on the road Rolling Eyes
So I thought Censored it, I’m not going to pull over for him now even if there was room, I travel that road often and knew that there wasn’t anywhere to pull over anyway and it joined a main road in around 500 yards where he could overtake if he was going the same way as us if need be.
We get to the t junction, pull out on the main road and he doesn’t overtake, so I thought he must have gone a different direction. Another 500 yards up the main road, we’re doing acceptable driving speeds for that road, so 40-45mph, quickly glance to my right and see the bmw reappear, steadily overtaking us, fine I thought, it was safe to do so and there was plenty of room, and was glad to have him off my tail.
I quickly glanced down to see how much gesticulating he was doing at me for just being on the road, but he wasn’t, he was just driving by, so I was a little perplexed as to what all the fuss was about. Then as he pulled in in front of us, he slams the brakes on and pulls to a stop in the middle of the road causing the horse in the trailer to stumble, at this point the my main concern was that the mrs was about to get out and lamp him for upsetting the horse and that the horse was ok. The bmw then just pulled in a lane opposite turned round and drove off!!
He did all that just to because we were in his way. Ultimately in doing so wasting more of his time!
Not only is this sort of behaviour unacceptable and chidiish, it was extremely dangerous and could have ended in so many horrific other ways. I thought about reporting him as I’ve got most of it on dash cam, but I haven’t got any footage of the tailgating as the trailer blocks the veiw, so only have half the proof. After mulling it over, I thought is it really worth the hassle of filling a report and my time put in to it when ultimately nothing would really happen. It’s just sad that that tit is probably going to get someone hurt or killed by driving like that.
Post #789078 28th Aug 2019 10:02am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
The problem is, if you don’t report him, and none of us report similar offences, then that’s how the situation worsens, as people think they are untouchable. (I’m not blaming you by the way. In terms of addressing anti-social behaviour we’ve reached a zenith where stepping in to make a difference, far from being supported by the rest of society, is now not only frowned upon, but could at best risk getting you in trouble with the law, at worse injured or killed. The weight of numbers and support is just not there and means it can actually be more dangerous to ‘do the right thing’ than not.) I’d never want to be a little-policeman, far from it, but the reason the UK is Censored and we see so much anti-social behaviour and an aggressive sense of entitlement, is that discipline went out of the window a couple of generations ago and is steadily getting worse. In my opinion (as a non-kid owner) it started with liberalised attitudes towards discipline of kids in school and public in the 70s and as each new generation arrives they take the p*** more and more. Add the anti-establishment lad/ladette culture plastered all over the TV in the 90s/00s, the endless talk of ‘having’ rights rather than earning them, and finally that currently there is little or no policing of anti-social behaviour and it only stands to get worse. It is genuinely an “I don’t give a f*** about anyone but myself” mentality. In bars, on the roads, in the supermarket, on social media, on holiday. Everywhere. Big Cry Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #789087 28th Aug 2019 10:31am
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United Kingdom 
In my opinion (as a non-kid owner) it started with liberalised attitudes towards discipline of kids in school and public in the 70s and as each new generation arrives they take the p*** more and more. Add the anti-establishment lad/ladette culture plastered all over the TV in the 90s/00s, the endless talk of ‘having’ rights rather than earning them, and finally that currently there is little or no policing of anti-social behaviour and it only stands to get worse. It is genuinely an “I don’t give a f*** about anyone but myself” mentality. In bars, on the roads, in the supermarket, on social media, on holiday. Everywhere

I grew up in the 90/00's and from my point of view, it didn't affect my attitude and outlook but then I would put that down to my up bringing and teachers throughout school that actually could instil fear into me with just a glance, I learnt about respect but unfortunately in this current society respect is slowly disappearing.

Definitely report that BMW driver! https://www.facebook.com/duckworthparts

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Post #789094 28th Aug 2019 11:02am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
Completely agree about upbringing Dan. I suppose my point is that as you get parents (and probably now grandparents) who had no upbringing, but were also able to avoid any discipline at school or in public, it’s a perfect storm. But it’s not the teachers that would instil fear in you, its your parents bringing you up to respect (fear) teachers and other authority figures. Cause and effect. If your parents hadn’t told you to fear or respect a teacher, I’d suggest their looks would have been lost on you, as they are on many kids, or adults with Police etc. But you were taught the opposite. I still can’t believe the TV programmes coming out of average town centres on average Friday nights and how the Censored up youngsters have no respect for police whatsoever....I know the TV channels will always pick the worst examples, but still... Whistle

Anyway, glad you’re a good ‘un from the 90s Thumbs Up Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #789103 28th Aug 2019 11:38am
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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
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I don't think you can really compare Teachers with the Police who represent the law.
The Police represent the law and can force compliance, so long as not it's not PCSO's.

Teachers are merely Civils in an advisory capacity.

More to blame are liberalised views on things such as drug culture and other things I won't go into depth of detail.
Let's just say the last 10 years these things have developed more so, the Police are just some of the few representatives some come across as a sign of the state.
PCSO's being installed hasn't helped the issue, with no power they can often be seen as a laugh and can only report not arrest.
Report, but not pursue etc.

Personally, I think that Officers should be armed akin to in the States, and then this wouldn't be an issue.
Along with tougher sentencing.
There is nothing extreme about it, its common place around the world.

It also wasn't long ago that they were discussing giving prisoners a guaranteed well paying job too.

That's alright then, steal a few LR's get put away for 6weeks and then get offered a 25k a year job for their kindness to get rid of them. Rolling Eyes

I swear I read that somewhere, or insinuation of proposals! TheThunder Rolls🇬🇧🇺🇸

Last edited by custom90 on 28th Aug 2019 4:54pm. Edited 1 time in total
Post #789108 28th Aug 2019 11:51am
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Member Since: 30 Jun 2011
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United Kingdom 
Personally I think that Officers should be armed akin to in the States, and then this wouldn't be an issue.
Along with tougher sentencing.
There is nothing extreme about it, its common place around the world.

I'd have to disagree, I don't think arming all police officers is the answer, nor do I imagine the majority of them want to be armed, not many are even taser armed.
Do we really want to be looking at the officers in the US as examples of how to police?! I hope not.

I don't believe tougher sentencing is also the answer, it seems the thing to say when you read about some of the slaps on the wrists being dished out in the papers to some offences - but looking at the bigger picture it doesn't work, take a look at the judicial system stateside where a massive percentage go onto re-offend https://www.facebook.com/duckworthparts

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Post #789117 28th Aug 2019 12:23pm
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
Part of the problem is that we are now well past second-generation stupid, and it is inevitably going to get worse rather than better.
Post #789120 28th Aug 2019 12:26pm
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Member Since: 13 Oct 2008
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United Kingdom 2006 Defender 110 Td5 SW Epsom Green
Thon wrote:
difficult to feel bullied in a cage-equipped 110 Smile

+1 Thumbs Up Mr. Green
Post #789122 28th Aug 2019 12:32pm
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
duckworthparts wrote:
Personally I think that Officers should be armed akin to in the States, and then this wouldn't be an issue.
Along with tougher sentencing.
There is nothing extreme about it, its common place around the world.

I'd have to disagree, I don't think arming all police officers is the answer, nor do I imagine the majority of them want to be armed, not many are even taser armed.
Do we really want to be looking at the officers in the US as examples of how to police?! I hope not.

I don't believe tougher sentencing is also the answer, it seems the thing to say when you read about some of the slaps on the wrists being dished out in the papers to some offences - but looking at the bigger picture it doesn't work, take a look at the judicial system stateside where a massive percentage go onto re-offend

On the box a couple of nights ago a Chief Constable (of Northamptonshire I think) proposed offering Tazers to ALL is officers. No requirement to carry one, but the option would be available as long as they passed the required tests. He did a survey of his officers first and found out 80% would want to carry one. Just FYI. Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey

Last edited by Grenadier on 28th Aug 2019 12:38pm. Edited 1 time in total
Post #789126 28th Aug 2019 12:36pm
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
blackwolf wrote:
Part of the problem is that we are now well past second-generation stupid, and it is inevitably going to get worse rather than better.

Oh BW, you are so wrong. Only last week we saw the highest ever passes for GCSEs in history. The country is getting brighter and more diligent I tell you. Yes they are. Shout it from the rooftops.... Whistle Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #789127 28th Aug 2019 12:38pm
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Member Since: 30 Jun 2011
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United Kingdom 
On the box a couple of nights ago a Chief Constable (of Northamptonshire I think) proposed offering Tazers to ALL is officers. No requirement to carry one, but the option would be available as long as they passed the required tests. He did a survey of his officers first and found out 80% would want to carry one. Just FYI.

Thumbs Up

think a stat I heard was from last year with a very high percentage saying no, but given the recent death of a police officer I can imagine that was at the forefront of most officers response. https://www.facebook.com/duckworthparts

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Post #789130 28th Aug 2019 12:42pm
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Member Since: 05 Dec 2013
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Wales 2007 Defender 90 Other CSW Trident Green
Oh BW, you are so wrong. Only last week we saw the highest ever passes for GCSEs in history. The country is getting brighter and more diligent I tell you. Yes, they are. Shout it from the rooftops

Ah! Now there’s the rub. You are right exam results are up, however, though I do not wish to denigrate pupil’s hard work, I do say with conviction that exams no matter what we are told that they are getting harder are a lot easier than they once were. Also and this I am afraid is indicative of what we call high pass marks of exams, an example is the new GCSE maths paper has set its lowest ever pass marks, as students need to answer just 15 per cent of questions correctly to achieve the equivalent of a grade C.

But what is more shocking with our children’s education is the social divide that is to say children from the middle classes to elite backgrounds are performing much better than children from poor fiscal backgrounds a situation that I despair of, as you only have one go at school to achieve and if you miss the boat there is rarely a second chance for this group of people.

Michael Gove’s new doctrine on education is, in essence, a con as it is manipulating national pass rates unfairly or to put it another way the pass rate is being skewed in favour of league tables by preventing students being penalised for taking the new,’ harder’ exams this year, as Ofqual ensures that the proportion of children awarded pass marks is roughly the same as last year through a process they call ‘comparative outcomes’. The conclusion of this is that by artificially lowering the pass rates to ensure consistency between different applicants is, in essence, creating the illusion” that students are doing better than they actually are.

As a retired University lecturer, I have seen over my teaching lifetime many changes in primary, secondary and tertiary education though all I can say is that the student intake in the last few years on my courses are no more astute or intelligent than they were thirty years ago and in many respects, many are less so. For those who like Welsh Mountains and narrow boats have a look at my videos and photos at..

Post #789140 28th Aug 2019 1:14pm
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