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Member Since: 13 Nov 2016
Location: Derbyshire
Posts: 396

United Kingdom 
New Year / New Years?
Where did that horrible expression New Years come from?
It’ singular- we are only celebrating one new year
Well not me celebrating- I go to bed & sleep through it. May your life be like toilet paper ; long & useful.
Post #674878 1st Jan 2018 7:52am
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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
Location: Norfolk
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
Me too Chopperone. I was sound asleep. Didn't even get woken by the fireworks! I normally am hardly ever up at midnight, so don't really see the necessity in staying up for this particular one.

As for singing Auld lang syne, why bother? Hardly anyone knows (or cares when you are Censored ed) the words.

When I have stayed up, it always seems to be a bit of an anti-climax. Waiting for the New Year and at the stroke of midnight........... yes, same life, same room, same worries. Nothing much changes.
Post #674901 1st Jan 2018 10:01am
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2016
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Scotland 2016 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 Landmark LE Corris Grey
Me too - time and the calendar are a man made invention - totally meaningless in the great scheme of life.
Post #674903 1st Jan 2018 10:22am
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Member Since: 22 Feb 2008
Location: Sussex, England
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England 2005 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
Let's cancel weekends then, they're only a man made invention.
Just work every day 'til you drop... 
Post #674908 1st Jan 2018 10:58am
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2016
Location: Fife
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Scotland 2016 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 Landmark LE Corris Grey
No No No - just declare everyday a weekend - thats the best bet Rolling with laughter
Post #674912 1st Jan 2018 11:15am
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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
Location: Norfolk
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
Bizzarely Laurie, that is the reality for most people working in service industries in the UK. They are paid no more, and are contracted to work any day of the week.
I knew someone last year who worked Christmas Day in a food processing plant on standard pay (albeit with a day off in lieu).
Post #674913 1st Jan 2018 11:16am
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Member Since: 22 Feb 2008
Location: Sussex, England
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England 2005 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
I spent Christmas and the New Year at our caving club in Mendip.
Our fireman member traded his Christmas Day holiday for a New Years holiday which meant someone with a family could have Christmas day with them.
Of course, having a job which requires you to work holidays is completely optional. 
Post #674928 1st Jan 2018 12:12pm
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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
Location: Norfolk
Posts: 3579

United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
I think it was once, Laurie, but as people move jobs, or their employers update their contracts of employment, I think it is getting harder, especially if you have to work for some of our amazing retail giants. Next used to pay a premium for Sunday and Bank Holiday working but that was finished a while back. I believe Tesco still pay a premium for their longer serving employees, but that might have changed.

My Father worked in Newspapers all his life and he always got premium pay for working bank holidays. By the time he retired it was a normal working day (including Christmas Day). All employers have to provide a day of in Lieu, and he actually enjoyed the day off when he wanted, rather than taking the enforced bank holiday day. But it wasn't a choice. I will admit that he went into the industry knowing what he was letting himself in for, but working Christmas Day only came in 25 years ago, or so, when the London Papers decided to publish on Boxing Day.

I think it is very encouraging that people without Children give their Christmas up so those with youngsters can enjoy this time of year Thumbs Up

I worked as an Electrician for many years, and you would be surprised how many of our 'customers' assumed that we were ok working nights, weekends, bank holidays etc. just so their employees didn't get disrupted during their working day. Even quite small jobs seem to upset everyones equilibrium. We were treated in some offices like we were unclean. We did get paid overtime in those days and the laughable part of it was, we were probably better qualified, and were earning a hell of a lot more money than the desk jockeys who looked down on us. The sad part of it is, working seven days a week had an enormous impact on your family and social life. I am now a desk jockey myself and can see the same sneering from others when the fire alarm is tested or air conditioning is serviced. I just make the engineers a mug of tea
Post #674938 1st Jan 2018 12:35pm
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Member Since: 11 Apr 2012
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England 1998 Defender 90 300 Tdi PU Rutland Red
What are these "days off" of which you speak? Rhubarb and custard let fly with their secret weapon.
Post #674953 1st Jan 2018 2:46pm
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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
Location: Norfolk
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
No Lambert, no days off when you have animals.

Did you see Countryfile last night? 78 year old New Zealand farmer. Still farming, still working seven days a week, still running! Lives in the middle of nowhere in absolute beautiful countryside. Makes you realise how unimportant 'things' are when you have that kind of wealth.

He had 7 Children and 24 Grand Children so any spare time must go to signing birthday cards.
Post #674957 1st Jan 2018 2:56pm
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Member Since: 03 Dec 2016
Location: Sunderland
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United Kingdom 
Rashers wrote:
I think it was once, Laurie, but as people move jobs, or their employers update their contracts of employment, I think it is getting harder, especially if you have to work for some of our amazing retail giants. Next used to pay a premium for Sunday and Bank Holiday working but that was finished a while back. I believe Tesco still pay a premium for their longer serving employees, but that might have changed.

My Father worked in Newspapers all his life and he always got premium pay for working bank holidays. By the time he retired it was a normal working day (including Christmas Day). All employers have to provide a day of in Lieu, and he actually enjoyed the day off when he wanted, rather than taking the enforced bank holiday day. But it wasn't a choice. I will admit that he went into the industry knowing what he was letting himself in for, but working Christmas Day only came in 25 years ago, or so, when the London Papers decided to publish on Boxing Day.

I think it is very encouraging that people without Children give their Christmas up so those with youngsters can enjoy this time of year Thumbs Up

I worked as an Electrician for many years, and you would be surprised how many of our 'customers' assumed that we were ok working nights, weekends, bank holidays etc. just so their employees didn't get disrupted during their working day. Even quite small jobs seem to upset everyones equilibrium. We were treated in some offices like we were unclean. We did get paid overtime in those days and the laughable part of it was, we were probably better qualified, and were earning a hell of a lot more money than the desk jockeys who looked down on us. The sad part of it is, working seven days a week had an enormous impact on your family and social life. I am now a desk jockey myself and can see the same sneering from others when the fire alarm is tested or air conditioning is serviced. I just make the engineers a mug of tea

sad thing rashers, retail is getting far to greedy and always wanting more and more. I worked for asda since 2002 right to 2015. In 2010 things turned very sour, they would keep the store open later and later, on xmas eve and new years eve. Keep people back to 10 pm! the store would be open till 8 pm! before they would just say right Censored off and a have a good one, with in a matter of 30 mins of the last customer leaving, and we are talking about 3 30 pm finishes. So the days when everyone would meet up after work, were practically history sadly. The wage side of things, changed from old world pay to the new world pay, so some people still got good ratings on a weekend etc. New world pay would get a couple of quid more for a bank holiday that was it, no more for weekends. Depending on the type of contract you had, the bank holidays you ended up going in for £3 quid an hour. As they would still pay you if you took it off, they stopped new workers taking the bank hols off, and very recently they started to introduce 0 hour contracts for new people joining the company, and try to prevent them having a break.
For what you put up with in retail at xmas time and what you get out of it at the end of the month, just isn't worth the paper at all. Its all thrown at you at august, as soon as November hits, you are brain washed with xmas Carrols, So come December you are practically wanting it to be over as soon as possible. Give Retail a chance, it would be open xmas day and easter sunday. Which I can see that happening sadly Sad Retail does kick the spirt out everything, there should be a lot of laws keeping the rains on supermarkets etc. Only takes one Supermarket to push for something like what happened to your dad, and boom. All of them will be in on the act, Tescos was the 1st company to open boxing day, then the rest decided to follow.
What used to get me too rashers, was how nasty customers got at xmas time etc, People walking out right in front of you at the last min when you are pulling a large pallet of beer isn't fun I tell you! I could go on etc.
When I got out I had the best xmas since 2001! as I was off and got the chance to enjoy it and got a little bit of xmas spirt back. Every time I go into store, I feel sorry for the staff. One lass behind the till was so stressed and wound up she was on the verge of walking off, at xmas time, due to how she was been treated. I made her day as I said I know how you feel, as I used to work for asda. I said take your time, its only a supermarket. Everyone will have to wait wont they? it made her day that did. As she realised that there are some customers that do know and understand what they are going through.
Emergency services etc I am very thankful, for those that do give up those special days. Since I started working ( 16 years of age) I always have a drink for them and spare a thought Thumbs Up Defender TD5 90 ---/--- Peugeot 306 HDI hatch back

Success is 90% Inspiration and 4 minutes Preparation # you can make it!
Post #675296 3rd Jan 2018 12:53am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
After work yesterday I returned to find this car parked in front of me. Whistle

Click image to enlarge
 Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #675361 3rd Jan 2018 11:54am
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Member Since: 13 Nov 2010
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United Kingdom 2010 Defender 130 Puma 2.4 HCPU Zermatt Silver
Was it "Paris Parked" i.e. with hand brake off?? so it can be shoved a few foot down the road? 130 Puma HCPU with an Artica 240LR Demountable Camper
Post #675366 3rd Jan 2018 12:23pm
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Member Since: 12 Mar 2016
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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 SW Keswick Green
The reverse warning bleeper thingy must have been going mental Shocked
Post #675367 3rd Jan 2018 12:23pm
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Member Since: 03 Dec 2016
Location: Sunderland
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United Kingdom 
Grenadier you need a bull bar on that, stops people been an arse. Thumbs Up did you give it a little push then ? Wink Defender TD5 90 ---/--- Peugeot 306 HDI hatch back

Success is 90% Inspiration and 4 minutes Preparation # you can make it!
Post #675388 3rd Jan 2018 1:36pm
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