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Member Since: 13 Nov 2010
Location: Cheshire
Posts: 687

United Kingdom 2010 Defender 130 Puma 2.4 HCPU Zermatt Silver
Lambert, I agree, down the track from my house they breed birds for “sport” in a cage with no chance to learn bird’s life skills then they release them into “wild” chase them then shoot at them!!!! - That’s just wrong in my book. 130 Puma HCPU with an Artica 240LR Demountable Camper
Post #671424 17th Dec 2017 10:47am
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Member Since: 26 Oct 2014
Location: Bridgend
Posts: 201

Wales 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 HT Aintree Green
Completely agree with you Lambert. Until very recently my work regularly took me in close contact with game shoots (and fishing). The attitudes of many land owners and gamekeepers is unbelievable. The amount of birds of prey, herons and otters that are trapped and shot because they are ‘pests’ is saddening. The worst part however, is then meeting the guests, who genuinely believe that by paying to shoot pheasants they are contributing to conservation.

* These comments are based purely on my (years) of experience. I’m sure there are responsible land owners and game keepers too*
Post #671429 17th Dec 2017 11:09am
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Member Since: 11 Apr 2012
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England 1998 Defender 90 300 Tdi PU Rutland Red
The farce that is the administration of the test of roadworthiness standards. It seems to be becoming the accepted standard that as a garage providing an mot it is right to incentivise staff to generate repair work for the garage by offering bonuses for work arising from failed mot's. This offends me. It's is also almost impossible to prove as a member of the public that something has been deliberately failed. Complaints to vosa fall on deaf ears because all they see is another unroadworthy car being found. It is wrong and needs to be brought into the light.

In future i will be using the council service as they're not affected by the greed of conducting spurious repairs. Rhubarb and custard let fly with their secret weapon.
Post #671930 19th Dec 2017 5:27am
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Member Since: 07 Oct 2017
Location: In the woods
Posts: 3351

United Kingdom 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
lambert.the.farmer wrote:
People who have nothing productive to do with their weekend so that they feel obliged to crash about in the countryside and take pot shots with scatter guns at birds on the wing. Noisy pheasant murdering hooray types, there's no sport in that. Go shoot clays if you want to see if you can hit a moving target. Or if you want to hunt something get a camera and telephoto lens and stalk something. Don't get other people to heard the quarry onto a line of guns putting up a wall of lead. Its barbaric, not sporting. Oh and the justification of eating what is killed as a source of food is meaningless too in a society that has shops full of humanly produced food.

Sorry for the offence but the local lot were out yesterday braying away on the other side of the valley and it upsets my equilibrium. That and my sheep get anxious.

Spot on.
Post #671972 19th Dec 2017 11:12am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
Posts: 5880

France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
Is the world just becoming more and more stupid? More self obsessed? More nonsense? More precious? It's just full of morons. Take these two examples:


What? Shocked

And then there's this utterly, utterly OTT furore:


So if a black person wore the following brooch in front of a white person, would they be considered racist? No, of course they wouldn't.

And note it's the liberal whites who are actually kicking up the fuss. Do they realise there were (and are) black people who wear and have always worn turbans?

When there are so many other genuinely important things to worry about, I can't stand so much energy ibeing taken up by so many people, so vocally on something so utterly puerile. I despair Big Cry Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #672801 23rd Dec 2017 11:12am
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ian series 1

Member Since: 17 Nov 2014
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 CSW Bonatti Grey
I blame the media for actually taking the time to report on that crap!

Both storys are complete nonsense, and not worth the time of day Rolling Eyes

And to throw a wedding for yourself,
How sad do you have to be?
I think being sectioned would be more appropriate Laughing 80" 80" 86" 88" 90"

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Post #672806 23rd Dec 2017 11:52am
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bob neville

Member Since: 30 Apr 2009
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Spain 2001 Defender 90 Td5 SW Epsom Green
The BBC love to sensationalise everything !

Yesterday was supposed to be the end of the world if you were travelling by road. The A303 was virtually empty all day down our way and is not a lot busier today.

Obviously not a lot going on with Brexit so they had to make something up !

Bob 2015 Jaguar XE240 R Sport - goes like ....... !!
2013 Defender 90 CSW - sold
2009 Defender 110 Double Cab - sold
2001 TD5 90 CSW - offroad project - sold to a forum member
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Post #672844 23rd Dec 2017 3:51pm
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Member Since: 07 Oct 2017
Location: In the woods
Posts: 3351

United Kingdom 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
Yep the 303 was ok. Mind you after last year's "CARMAGEDDON!" i think everyone gave it a swerve. If only they would do the same every August and bank holiday weekend eh.

Non-news stories always get more prominence on slow news days. Especially at this time of year when journos are on their hols.
Some good ones already mentioned above but my favourite so far is the 'Blue Passport ' twaddle. Newspapers publishing blatant lies by rabid brexiteers/remainers. Some claimed that when we are free of the EU we will be able to revert to blue passports which will "make us a proper country again". Others claimed the move will "..cost £500 million!!!" Dozens of articles and hundreds of people arguing with bots in the comments section when the truth is we have always been able to choose any colour passport we wanted and the cost of change would be minimal.

it does make one wonder how low society has stooped that we allow the media and politicians to publish so many obvious lies and perhaps worse still, that so many are gullible enough to actually believe such tripe.

Anyway, *Merry Christmas/*Bah humbug to all my fellow Grumps.

*Delete as appropriate.
Post #672999 24th Dec 2017 9:30am
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2013
Location: North Yorkshire
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Cairns Blue
Grenadier wrote:
Is the world just becoming more and more stupid? More self obsessed? More nonsense? More precious? It's just full of morons. Take these two examples:


What? Shocked

And then there's this utterly, utterly OTT furore:


So if a black person wore the following brooch in front of a white person, would they be considered racist? No, of course they wouldn't.

And note it's the liberal whites who are actually kicking up the fuss. Do they realise there were (and are) black people who wear and have always worn turbans?

When there are so many other genuinely important things to worry about, I can't stand so much energy ibeing taken up by so many people, so vocally on something so utterly puerile. I despair Big Cry

I saw the second part of your grump in a national new paper and thought who is it offending, the person who the paper thought it should offend or the person who wrote the article who thought it should offend. Its utter Censored and political correctness gone mad.

There is an advert running well it will be until midnight, "Who took the merry out of Christmas"? well I want to know who took Christmas out of merry Christmas?

S.H.M.B.O. and I have for nearly 40 years sent out Christmas cards that depict the Christian meaning of Christmas to relatives and friends , robins, Santa and snow scenes are okay but not the true meaning, it has become harder to find the cards we like to send. This year all the major retailers have been selling "happy Holiday", "Happy winter holiday" and the such. It took sometime but we found what we wanted in a small independent card shop , the owner told me that he had had a job sourcing "Christian cards as the producers had gone for the Americanisation cards so as not to offend none Christians. WHAT the Censored it's a Christian festival. We have Muslim neighbours, friends and relatives who look forward to celebrating Christmas as much as anyone else, most sending Christian cards to there friends and relatives, they know what is being celebrated in the Christian part of this world and are not shocked that we dare to do this or feel that it is an affront to there beliefs and religion, one has told me that he cannot believe that we, the Christians are allowing some unknown persons to try and eradicate the true meaning of Christmas from Christmas.

Now I know that an old winter festival has been high jacked and turned into the Christian festival of Christmas but its gone to far to take Christmas out of Christmas. Don't make old people mad.
We don't like being old in the first place,
so it doesn't take much to Censored us off.

Post #673006 24th Dec 2017 10:00am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
Posts: 5880

France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
^^^ My mother is Muslim, and later today I'll be heading to my aunt (her sister) for Christmas lunch. They love celebrating Christmas. Not necessarily for any religious connotation, but the enjoyment of being together as celebrated in many cultures. Of 50 years living in London, my mother has never 'been offended' by Christmas, the decorations, the religious aspects, carols, nativities etc. Nor have any of her side of the family or the extended Muslim friends she has who live in the UK or EU. It's all a white, liberal agenda. I have a Seikh friend born and raised in London who just sent me this.

He now lives in the US, but away from the liberal East Coast, in proper Christian heartland of Tennessee and said (this is his first Christmas over there) that they're far more involved in celebRating it openly, but also welcoming anyone who wants to join in, than they are in the uk where year on year they've been softening and dumbing it down. Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #673258 25th Dec 2017 8:24am
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Member Since: 09 Sep 2016
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Posts: 1297

Is "reverse colonisation" happening?

Post #673369 25th Dec 2017 9:24pm
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
Posts: 5880

France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
People driving with a foot of snow on their cars.

Apart from being illegal, it's just plain stupid/irresponsible. If I (a lofty 5' 8") can clear the top of a 2.05m Defender, I'm sure an average punter can clear the top of a Clio Shocked

And I'm currently going through that heady mix, unique to this time of year.

Tourists + Kids + Snow. = Big Cry

I appreciate I live/work in one of the world's busiest ski resorts and as such I have 'made my bed, so I should lie in it', but Hell's Teeth, what happens to adults when thrown in to such a mix. It beggars belief that they're allowed to procreate, hold down jobs, drive, etc etc.

And on the subject of kids, what's the point of them? Who invented them? Bloody nightmare Thud

Moan over, off to have a beer Thumbs Up Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #674170 29th Dec 2017 5:39pm
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Member Since: 30 Oct 2016
Location: South west
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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 HT Corris Grey
Grenadier having skied numerous times where you live as an adult who is a non parent I totally understand your sentiments, still wont be long till the half term maddness Thud 2015 HT XS 90
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Post #674171 29th Dec 2017 5:44pm
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Member Since: 07 Oct 2017
Location: In the woods
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United Kingdom 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
Shepherd huts

Because folks are ashamed to admit they've just forked out 25 grand on a gypsy's old gaff.
Post #674172 29th Dec 2017 5:45pm
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
Posts: 5880

France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
Remember the Tourist/Snow combo I alluded to in a previous post? Well, awful conditions this morning, 50cms of snow at 1000m, but it's now raining meaning all the roads are covered in inches of thick slush. Lots of weaving on my part as I drove up, with a couple of aquaplanes too. Obviously this is a red-rag to Tourists who pull out all the stops to make as stupid decisions as they can conceive. Such as the car parked on the gap between the motorway and the slip road (the 'V' between the two) in poor visibility, with no hazards on, checking a phone (one presumes for directions). Or the car which had stopped INSIDE a 1km tunnel to mount its snow chains, in the lane used by 40-tonne articulates. Thud

Obviously we still have the usual plethora of cars in ditches, wheel-spinning and weaving up 2° slopes or driving with a week's worth of snow on their roofs. Being Saturday, this will make for a very, very interesting change-over day Shocked Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #674336 30th Dec 2017 8:47am
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