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Member Since: 12 Mar 2016
Location: Fylde Coast
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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 SW Keswick Green
Rashers wrote:
Without prejudice.

Londoners. Why do you all seem to run for the underground train that is pulling out of the station?

I don't think any tube trains run less than two minutes apart. You have shed loads of time to walk slowly, carefully and without breaking a sweat if you see (or hear) the train pulling away, but you still run. Why? Is there a reason for this?

Sorry, I am what you would consider a 'northerner'. I will apologise now to all proper northerners. I just happen to live live north of Watford.

I'm with you Rashers, I just don't get this need to rush for the tube when there will be another in a few minutes, maybe its just the pace of life in the city, everybody seems in a rush all the time while we in the North take a more leisurely more laid back attitude. Our local train service runs approx. every 20 to 30 minutes depending on whether they have cancelled one. If we miss one we just sit and have a chat until the next train, no stress. Smile
Post #661385 2nd Nov 2017 10:08am
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Member Since: 22 Feb 2008
Location: Sussex, England
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England 2005 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
There's a big printed sign on our door apart from delivery instructions on every Amazon order. 'If no reply to bell please leave packages in outside loo at rear of house.'
Last Friday Amazon made a delivery. The tracking on my laptop said they had personnally handed it to me. Funny? I was 150 miles away in Mendip and there was no-one in the house. When we got home yesterday I discovered on of our padlocked lockers at the side of the house had been forced open breaking the hasp and the lid. Inside were a pile of Amazon 'We missed you leaflets'.
Put through the letterbox was another card with 'Left in green box at side' (locker) wrtten on it and then scribbled out and 'Left in outside loo as instructed' written underneath.
The package was actually left out in the weather at the rear infront of the outside loo door.
Fortunately it hadn't rained.
I now have to try and claim damages from Amazon. (About 100 quid for a new locker)
Post #661389 2nd Nov 2017 10:29am
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Member Since: 13 Nov 2010
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United Kingdom 2010 Defender 130 Puma 2.4 HCPU Zermatt Silver
AMAZON deliveries are shockingly bad at the moment - We are avoiding using them.
They can not use a sat nav, some of their staff are "rough" to say the least (i'd hate my daughter to open the door to some of them) they can not follow delivery instructions, they deliver to wrong house.
Funnily when you ring to complain they use professional courier companies to rush the replacement goods to you not their own team of muppets. Mad 130 Puma HCPU with an Artica 240LR Demountable Camper
Post #661455 2nd Nov 2017 4:55pm
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
^^ Exactly, it's very shoddy.

I have had Amazon parcels recently where the packaging and the contents have been delivered seperately after they've been handled so roughly that the contents has come out of the box. Recently a parcel was delivered to a "safe place" of a randomly-selected house some distance away from mine, rather than as instructed to my safe place, but one wherenthe owner was on holiday. The order was flagged as "delivered to safe place as instructed" but of course nobody had a clue where it was. It was only when I made a stink that apparently the driver said he'd delivered it to number xx, where xx is a completely random number nothing like mine, that I tracked it down. Hopeless!

I'm not impressed with Amazon Music today either. I have an Android phone which, very occasionally, I stream or download music from Amazon to. I haven't done this for a while, but today when I try I get a message which begins (and I kid you not) "Ah Fiddlesticks! We can't register your device". What kind of moron thinks that that is either professional or likely to please a frustrated customer? If they worked for me I sack them for being that stupid. The message goes on to give instructions which absolutely don't work anyway.

Very unhappy with Amazon today.
Post #661473 2nd Nov 2017 6:37pm
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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
Location: Norfolk
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
I agree with all that has been said about the delivery people, and yes, they do drive you up the wall but then again we all enjoy reasonably cheap postage and packing prices (or diddly squat if you pay the Prime fees).

So if Amazon put their prices up, and assuming they didn't pocket the uplift, but passed it on to their delivery people, paid them a decent wage not 50p a drop, and not load their vans up with an impossible amount of parcels to deliver in a shift, things might get better. But we all know, that's not going to happen.

None of us (be honest now) want to pay large amounts for our deliveries and in any case, I doubt whether Amazon would want to pay any more than they were forced to for deliveries.

I do feel your pain though, but I bet those delivery people get the much dirtier end of the stick.
Post #661489 2nd Nov 2017 7:25pm
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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
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United Kingdom 
I don't tend to use Amazon much any more, I used to but not now.

I don'tlike how, they display items with free delivery and then it isn't in the paymnet process once you look into it.
Or how they split orders into multiple deliveries.
Prices are often higher than eBay too, yes I know eBay isn't perfect either but it's more reliable in my view.
Better prices, easier to pick good sellers etc etc.

On the delivery front, I had a repeat of the same thing the very next day.
Different courier, was told delivery would be yesterday, nothing.
Arrived today instead. Rolling Eyes

I prefer how Royal Mail do it, generally they arrive the same sort of time ish around 12 to 1:30pm here.
I'm around normally, if not they do actually leave a card, take the item away.
But they will redeliver, only downside is it is not next day but the day after so if you miss it expect a 48hr wait.
Longer if it's a weekend, but not often I need to get a redelivery.

Chucking deliveries at neighbours annoys me most, as I normally have to run around to get it as well as annoying other people. TheThunder Rolls🇬🇧🇺🇸
Post #661500 2nd Nov 2017 7:57pm
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Member Since: 28 Dec 2009
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United Kingdom 
Free delivery?? There is no such thing. The driver/courier/postie all do a job for guess what? Yes money so they can buy things like food for themselves and their family.

Now ebay idiots are really thick idiots.

Some of them can not grasp that the price on ebay includes the retail price of the goods PLUS carriage plus ebay and paypal fees of about 13%.

Recently had an email from an ebay idiot who wanted a partial refund as something like carriage etc was included in the ebay price!

Post #661523 2nd Nov 2017 8:59pm
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Member Since: 09 Sep 2016
Location: North Essex
Posts: 1297

I think Amazon must employ their worst staff for the pre-Christmas postal rush.

Late November last year we found a package all wet, stuck under the wife's car's windscreen wiper, the previous evening in the dark. (We were in the house, a few metres away!)

Instead of parking in the layby right in front of the house like every other delivery driver, Amazon's driver had opened our gate, driven in, reversed his van over the front lawn, knocked down a post and driven off!

I sent photos and a claim to Amazon, they fobbed me off to the courier who didn't reply to any emails, and in the end I gave up.

I have no intention of using Amazon ever again! Evil or Very Mad
Post #661536 2nd Nov 2017 9:52pm
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Member Since: 07 Oct 2017
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United Kingdom 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
Amazon "delivered" my kindle fire hd into my green wheelie bin. I only noticed when dumping leaves in it. Divs.
Post #661539 2nd Nov 2017 9:56pm
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
The ever-growing obsession with gossip and tittle tattle, even in apparently serious newspapers, at the most inappropriate moments. A seven year old girl dies in an attack at her home and a 55 year old man is charged with her murder. Shocking news that does not need to be devalued by the journalist feeling it’s important to include the value of the house and even the value of the car on the driveway. A story reduced to gossip that shows absolutely no respect for the girl herself, given the value of the house and car should have no baring on how sad it is for a 7 year old to be murdered, by the looks of things in her own home and perhaps at the hand of her father. Puerile reporting, hugely disrespectful and becoming more and more common.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/11/04...on-suburb/ Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #661878 4th Nov 2017 7:21pm
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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
Amateur purile journalism Monsieur Le Grenadier.

My Dad worked in Newspapers his entire career (production rather than Journalism). He worked on local newspapers and regularly emails and phones them so they can put right errors on their website.

His last call was following a story that said that a women sadly dies in a suspected suicide. As if you could have a happy suicide?

I agree entirely Monsieur Le Grenadier. This story is abysmally written.
Post #661883 4th Nov 2017 7:42pm
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Member Since: 22 Feb 2008
Location: Sussex, England
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England 2005 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
Grenadier wrote:

Did you email the Telegraph? 
Post #661923 5th Nov 2017 1:09am
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2014
Location: newcastle
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I like to pay as little as i can for a product so i can waste the rest on slow cars and fastly ageing women ( i can never catch the Censored )I care little if it is included in the price or an addon as its the total outlay im concerned with .!Its a global marketplace outhere and it takes a few minutes to find a vendor who is taking a slightly less wedge in profit from the transaction and providing T&C are the same you would be a fool not to go with the cheaper price.Gone are the days when Britain was competitive in the marketplace and you would go to your local shop /supplier and pick out an item .....Vendors and punters alike they all let their search engines find the cheapest price( for same quality)its what keeps the world tuirning!

I meant women "singular" in case she's on overwatch Laughing
Post #661924 5th Nov 2017 1:55am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
Laurie wrote:
Grenadier wrote:

Did you email the Telegraph?

Hi Laurie and Rashers. I emailed a couple of years ago when I first noticed this nonsense appearing, didn't hear a peep back. Sadly, whatever the colour of a persons politics or journalism, all the broadsheets are going the same way, but the Telegraph is particularly bad. Their two other favourites are: Articles entitled "Ten things that...." or articles that are padded out with 75% Social Media posts rather than written content. I appreciate newspapers have to keep up with modern times but writing rubbish just fir sake of putting something new on-line is just idle. Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #661941 5th Nov 2017 8:26am
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Member Since: 11 Apr 2012
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England 1998 Defender 90 300 Tdi PU Rutland Red
If you are a company engaged in selling to the public, wtf is wrong with having a telephone number for said public to talk to you on? I might not want to contact you through Facebook messages, that really isn't going to infuriate people even more. Grrrr Rhubarb and custard let fly with their secret weapon.
Post #662462 7th Nov 2017 6:07pm
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