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Member Since: 15 Jun 2012
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United States 1994 Defender 90 300 Tdi CSW Epsom Green
If all that crap was removed from Welsh tv I'd move there........lol

It's been really interesting reading the views and opinions. The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there's no risk of accident for someone who's dead.

Albert Einstein
Post #285858 28th Nov 2013 12:03am
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Member Since: 04 Apr 2013
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England 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 HT Corris Grey
Glynparry25 for your information the Fleet will move to Falmouth and Devonport... the jobs on the other hand will be lost forever in Scotland and so far as the Armed forces being used at home as 1% ... what a utter load of sh.t. the three armed forces are the smallest they have ever been with their tasking at its highest level since WWII.

Sleep well because without the military you wouldn't be able too! You only have one life, live it....forget the cost.
90XS Hardtop
Post #285947 28th Nov 2013 12:57pm
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Member Since: 16 Feb 2009
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Wales 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS DCPU Tonga Green
I currently just finished 15 years service and after 6 years serving in the UK I started begging to be posted abroad.... all because of the statement about them doing nothing in the UK (other than things like Olympics)- I was questioning why I joined the Army when all I did was go into work on a daily basis like a regular person. I also as a result have many friends who also say the same form all 3 services (some like the easy money).

My partner still serves and is now basically working 9-5 Monday to Thursday, 9-1 on Friday and in those working days has 2 hrs off a day to do physical exercise and another 1hr for lunch. There the fact that when you deploy you then have to up the hours but soon Afghan commitments will be cut, Belize has closed down, we are out of Afghan soon, Germany is shut down and Cyprus receiving massive reductions soon.

So you are saying it is suitable to move a nuclear submarine fleet into Plymouth? The great thing up in Scotland is that sheep WAY out-number people and there is a larger percentage or military/ employed by MOD there, where Falmouth and Devonport are largely populated by people/ civilians.

For reference:

Garelochhead (closet town to current base) :Just over 1,000 people.

Plymouth (Devonport): Just over 250,000 people.

Falmouth: Just over 25,000 people.

Yes a couple of thousand people will be happy with the new jobs moving to the area, but 90%+ of the local population will be against it. Then there is the cost of building the correct secure areas for storage etc which will be in the tens of millions. On top of that there will then be the security issues of the new locations- the activists are trouble enough in the middle of nowhere in caravans/ tents never mind if they move to a location with near by accommodation. Then there is the impact on tourism in the area.
The fleet will realistically never move- Scotland are probably relying on that being a form of income. It isn't about the physical 'can it fit' but the problems with the local population (they will think they will start growing extra fingers and arms) .

Glyn Dog Sheep
Post #285989 28th Nov 2013 3:01pm
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Stornoway Grey
Sonarmender wrote:
Glynparry25 for your information the Fleet will move to Falmouth and Devonport...

I think they may possibly return to Gosport especially after the BAe demise in Portsmouth perhaps? They'd certainly be welcome to 'fill the void' metaphorically speaking. If you go through life with your head in the sand....all people will see is an ar5e!!

Treat every day as if it is your last....one day you will be right!!
Post #285993 28th Nov 2013 3:12pm
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Member Since: 16 Feb 2009
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Wales 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS DCPU Tonga Green
But aren't BAe moving straight back if Scotland go independent?

Glyn Dog Sheep
Post #285996 28th Nov 2013 3:18pm
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2009
Location: Bournemouth
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Stornoway Grey
Good point Glyn. We could debate this for ages and it's still about 6 years off IF they do vote for independance. Who really knows? Gosport is across the water from the BAe dockyards. Nevertheless with the draw down of the Navy, Portsmouth Docks could probably accomodate the subs as well now the Ark has gome, Endurance is not going to be repaired, the type 42s are going/gone there'll be plenty of room and the infrastructure is already there. If you go through life with your head in the sand....all people will see is an ar5e!!

Treat every day as if it is your last....one day you will be right!!
Post #286004 28th Nov 2013 3:35pm
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Member Since: 04 Apr 2013
Location: Guz
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England 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 HT Corris Grey
Glynparry25 wrote:
I currently just finished 15 years service and after 6 years serving in the UK I started begging to be posted abroad.... all because of the statement about them doing nothing in the UK (other than things like Olympics)- I was questioning why I joined the Army when all I did was go into work on a daily basis like a regular person. I also as a result have many friends who also say the same form all 3 services (some like the easy money).

My partner still serves and is now basically working 9-5 Monday to Thursday, 9-1 on Friday and in those working days has 2 hrs off a day to do physical exercise and another 1hr for lunch. There the fact that when you deploy you then have to up the hours but soon Afghan commitments will be cut, Belize has closed down, we are out of Afghan soon, Germany is shut down and Cyprus receiving massive reductions soon.

So you are saying it is suitable to move a nuclear submarine fleet into Plymouth? The great thing up in Scotland is that sheep WAY out-number people and there is a larger percentage or military/ employed by MOD there, where Falmouth and Devonport are largely populated by people/ civilians.

For reference:

Garelochhead (closet town to current base) :Just over 1,000 people.

Plymouth (Devonport): Just over 250,000 people.

Falmouth: Just over 25,000 people.

Yes a couple of thousand people will be happy with the new jobs moving to the area, but 90%+ of the local population will be against it. Then there is the cost of building the correct secure areas for storage etc which will be in the tens of millions. On top of that there will then be the security issues of the new locations- the activists are trouble enough in the middle of nowhere in caravans/ tents never mind if they move to a location with near by accommodation. Then there is the impact on tourism in the area.
The fleet will realistically never move- Scotland are probably relying on that being a form of income. It isn't about the physical 'can it fit' but the problems with the local population (they will think they will start growing extra fingers and arms) .

Glyn Dog Sheep

60% of our sea going Nuclear fleet is already in Plymouth plus just over 65% of our decommised fleet, it wouldn't be a problem. You only have one life, live it....forget the cost.
90XS Hardtop
Post #286005 28th Nov 2013 3:37pm
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Member Since: 16 Feb 2009
Location: Miserable Midlands
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Wales 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS DCPU Tonga Green
I agree with what you are saying, but you tell the general public that, most people think you get cancer if you live within sight of power lines or wind turbines Rolling Eyes .

Why would Scotland demand it goes if it is a good source of income/ jobs? I think it is a threat to get a contract, and the MoD will probably pay silly money for (so they keep the jobs and get 'rent').

Glyn Dog Sheep
Post #286011 28th Nov 2013 3:48pm
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Member Since: 06 Jul 2013
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Glynparry25 wrote:
I currently just finished 15 years service and after 6 years serving in the UK I started begging to be posted abroad.... all because of the statement about them doing nothing in the UK (other than things like Olympics)- I was questioning why I joined the Army when all I did was go into work on a daily basis like a regular person. I also as a result have many friends who also say the same form all 3 services (some like the easy money).

My partner still serves and is now basically working 9-5 Monday to Thursday, 9-1 on Friday and in those working days has 2 hrs off a day to do physical exercise and another 1hr for lunch. There the fact that when you deploy you then have to up the hours but soon Afghan commitments will be cut, Belize has closed down, we are out of Afghan soon, Germany is shut down and Cyprus receiving massive reductions soon.

So you are saying it is suitable to move a nuclear submarine fleet into Plymouth? The great thing up in Scotland is that sheep WAY out-number people and there is a larger percentage or military/ employed by MOD there, where Falmouth and Devonport are largely populated by people/ civilians.

For reference:

Garelochhead (closet town to current base) :Just over 1,000 people.

Plymouth (Devonport): Just over 250,000 people.

Falmouth: Just over 25,000 people.

Yes a couple of thousand people will be happy with the new jobs moving to the area, but 90%+ of the local population will be against it. Then there is the cost of building the correct secure areas for storage etc which will be in the tens of millions. On top of that there will then be the security issues of the new locations- the activists are trouble enough in the middle of nowhere in caravans/ tents never mind if they move to a location with near by accommodation. Then there is the impact on tourism in the area.
The fleet will realistically never move- Scotland are probably relying on that being a form of income. It isn't about the physical 'can it fit' but the problems with the local population (they will think they will start growing extra fingers and arms) .

Glyn Dog Sheep

Devonport has already been upgraded to re-fuel and re-fit the nuclear fleet (safely....if such a word exists in Halliburton/KBR health and safety manual Neutral ). So I think it's a bit late for protesting, not arguin with you just sayin. Thumbs Up

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-...61361.html Pov.spec,ftw. 2006, 110,TD5.
Post #286053 28th Nov 2013 6:47pm
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Member Since: 04 Apr 2013
Location: Guz
Posts: 338

England 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 HT Corris Grey
Portsmouth will never get the NUCLEAR boats, diesel electric perhaps, that is if we where to ever go back to diesel electric.
Devonport has already refuelled numerous boats and does have a license for dismantling them, the people of Plymouth accept the Nuclear implications and the new build program for the Astute class and Successor will keep the Royal Navy Submarine Service in the Nuclear age for decades to come, people need to understand what infra-structure is required to run these type of boats

I personally don't care if the Scots get independence or not, what I do care about are stupid comments stating our Armed Forces do very little, try telling that to the Marine or soldier who has managed to survive after being blown up, shot or tortured or to the Submariner who has just spent the last 20 months out of 24 at sea or away from home.

The Submarine Service is The Silent Service for good reason, never under estimate what submarines do or for that matter any of our Armed services. You only have one life, live it....forget the cost.
90XS Hardtop
Post #286073 28th Nov 2013 7:46pm
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Member Since: 16 Feb 2009
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Wales 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS DCPU Tonga Green
Sonarmender, you seem to have miss-read my post. I have highlighted the important part you have missed:

Glynparry25 wrote:
The Armed forced have a very minimal role back on home soil (about 1% is used for anything)- it isn't like other countries where the Armed Forces are used for a multitude of tasks on a daily basis.

From what I have witnessed of other countries:

Australia: The military actively patrol the seas/ coastlines 24/7.
Cyprus/ Belize: Military patrol the borders and coastline.
Turkey: The military set up road blocks to check vehicle/ personal documents (in addition to police) as well as on the borders.
Georgia, Ukraine: Military are used to assist on border crossings.

We don't do any of that- Yes we will always have threats in places like Gibraltar, FI etc and it is always good to keep an eye on the rest of the world, but if the WHOLE armed forces back in the UK went on holiday for a year do you really think anyone would 'invade' or the country will become unsafe? The world has changed, large armies invading countries has come to an end (In the developed world).

Glyn Dog Sheep
Post #286108 28th Nov 2013 9:09pm
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Member Since: 26 Oct 2013
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I really don't think most Scots are bright enough or interested enough to understand what they will be voting for next year. If the Scots do vote for independence do they realise they will still retain Her Britannic Majesty, The Queen as head of state and the Bank of England in charge of their disastrous financial institutions. Not the sort of independence recognised by other 'free' nations.

Then let us consider the Scottish armed forces post-independence - still swearing an oath of allegiance to the Queen? What might the People's Democratic Republic of Scotland's Navy look like - a former River Clyde Ferry boat with a couple of pea shooters mounted on the focsle? As for submarines - they might buy back one of the old diesel electrics sold to India many years ago? Can't see a Scottish navy requiring all those people currently employed at Clyde and Rosyth.

Or a Scottish Air Force - a couple of Cessna prop jobs and the new President's Executive jet? That won't need Leuchars, Lossiemouth and Kinloss.

Or a Scottish Army - subcontracted to Serco and renamed the 45th Strathbogie Regiment of Foote and Mouth? I'm sure they will look resplendent in their new uniforms marching up and down the Royal Mile in Edinburgh as the tourists take lots of video clips.
Post #286322 29th Nov 2013 6:12pm
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Member Since: 28 Dec 2009
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United Kingdom 
It is always interesting to find out about differences between the different parts of the UK.

Alex Salmon is keen on promoting the idea that an independent Scotland will be better for individual families.

However I have just noticed the following warning on the registerbyinternetcom website


Please be aware that it is an offence to give false information. Maximum fine £1000 (England and Wales) or £5000 (Scotland).

Now will an independent Scotland have harsher punishments for its citizens which infringes its law?

Post #286324 29th Nov 2013 6:21pm
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