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Member Since: 10 Apr 2007
Location: Hereford
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 130 Puma 2.2 SW Rimini Red
I am not anti Scottish, however I have worked a lot in Scotland and found a very negative attitude towards me being an English person working in Scotland nicking their jobs.
In fact it broke one chaps heart to give us an order to fix his leaking water tank, once on site he gave us a lot of abuse which would easily have been classed a racism. The more abuse he gave us the more problems we found with his tank Whistle
As I live on the Welsh border I no doubt have a Welsh twang to my accent, so for an easy life when asked where we are from we say Wales, and there ends the racism.

For the record I know a lot of very nice Scottish people and think its a beautiful country.
Post #285638 27th Nov 2013 9:23am
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Member Since: 02 Mar 2011
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Orkney Grey
K9F wrote:
I lived in Broughty Ferry for several years

MrsK's from Broughty Ferry, most of the family are still there Thumbs Up Nice place

For the record I know a lot of very nice Scottish people and think its a beautiful country.

Agree - I love Scotland. As a mountaineer, mountain biker & sea kayaker it's a wonderful playground Thumbs Up It's why I moved here Very Happy Defender "Puma" 2.4 110 County Utility (possibly the last of the 2.4's)
Post #285644 27th Nov 2013 9:43am
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Member Since: 28 Dec 2009
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 8582

United Kingdom 
Certain people wish Scotland to be independent from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

It is NOT independence from England

They want the Queen to remain head of state? An independent Scotland will have to join the Commonwealth first.

They want to retain the Great British Pound (Internationally denoted as GBP) Which other country allows another INDEPENDENT country to use their currency?

Scotland uses a form of racism the way it treats students who home address within the UK but outside Scotland differently to students from the rest of the EU. However English, N Ireland and Wales treats students from Scotland as the same from the rest of the UK.

What is an independent Scotland going to do for military forces, set up their own army, navy and air force? Plan is to close the nuclear submarine base within 4 years which will hit the local workforce.

Then there is the simple matter of tax raising and customs? HMRC will they want to give their data to a third party i.e. an independent Scotland?

What really annoys me is the talk about the English parliament which a lot of Scottish politicians refer to. Sorry but England does not have its own parliament. The British parliament sits in London where Sottish MPs can help decide on matters internal to England, BUT English MPs can not vote on Scottish internal matters as that is decided by the Scottish government in Edinburgh!

An idea of an independent Scotland being promoted to progress the political careers of a few Scottish people at the expense of the UK taxpayers.

What next? Home rule for Yorkshire and Cornwall?

Post #285648 27th Nov 2013 10:31am
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Member Since: 06 Jul 2012
Location: Wales
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2004 Defender 110 Td5 CSW Java Black
Home rule for Yorkshire

Boycott for President! Laughing
Post #285651 27th Nov 2013 10:47am
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What puddle?

Member Since: 25 Oct 2013
Location: Reading
Posts: 952

United Kingdom 
'What next' would be an almost certain rise in the interest of independence for Wales. Break up is an inevitable course - as has happened in Europe. Spain will break apart in the coming years. There are tough, uncertain times ahead, as Europe will tear itself apart, with a very strong Germany rightfully flexing its might - and expect uncertain action in some of the Baltic and Scandanavian states as immigration causes troubles (and Greece). In my opinion scattered, separatist states is the future. The EU is a principle reason for this. If they could have only shown that a collective state of nations could conduct itself properly then all would have been well. Instead, corruption and unelected officials have ruined the EU - to the point that we must get out as soon as possible. The EU is a terrible organisation - a joke. It has clearly shown that countries are best left to govern themselves. This can even be set inside a nation - district assemblies. The glaring problem is joined-up thinking, or lack of it. Imagine if one particular county or area didn't want a motorway through its land even if it benefited counties either side of it. Where I live in Reading, we can't get a bridge over the Thames into Oxfordshire (which we border) because Oxfordshire won't approve of the north side of the bridge being in their land. Mind you, our council would still screw it up even if they did approve!
Post #285656 27th Nov 2013 11:30am
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Member Since: 16 Feb 2009
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Wales 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS DCPU Tonga Green
I fully agree with your comments there Thumbs Up

What puddle? wrote:
'What next' would be an almost certain rise in the interest of independence for Wales. Break up is an inevitable course

Difference between Scotland and Wales is that Scotland has a very healthy income compared to Wales, but people are already discussing it here.... Would be interesting times, that is for sure Thumbs Up

It is about time UK/ Europe had a good shake up.... Make Great Britain Great again.

Glyn Dog Sheep
Post #285660 27th Nov 2013 11:46am
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Member Since: 26 Jul 2013
Location: Cheshire/London
Posts: 2770

United Kingdom 
personally I think a UNITED Kingdom is stronger, and Im glad to say that I think a lot of people recognise that

its just a small number who think that upsetting the status quo will benefit them directly, I don't think that there are many people suggesting that an independent Scotland will be stronger or more prosperous than it currently is as part of the UK

Salmond fancies himself King of Scotland declaring war on England from horseback methinks... Cheers, David
Land Rovers of all shapes S3 onwards… Daily is a 110 V8.
Post #285661 27th Nov 2013 11:52am
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Member Since: 11 Apr 2012
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England 1998 Defender 90 300 Tdi PU Rutland Red
I think the phrase that is needed here is 'be careful what you wish for, you might just get it'. Rhubarb and custard let fly with their secret weapon.
Post #285664 27th Nov 2013 12:16pm
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Member Since: 07 Dec 2012
Location: Auchtermuchty
Posts: 532

Scotland 1984 Defender 90 200 Tdi SW Coniston Green
I notice I'm the 1st Scottish resident to post on this thread, what is evident is that you guys don't seem to like us much!

For the record I'm against Independence just like I was against Devolution although there appears to have been one or 2 benefits, our NHS doesn't appear to be quite as bad as England & Wales for example.

When I see English folk working here I say they made the right decision! Even if we don't have Greenlanes up here...
Post #285713 27th Nov 2013 4:29pm
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Member Since: 26 Jul 2013
Location: Cheshire/London
Posts: 2770

United Kingdom 
Nothing against the scots as I said,

But feel like the ones calling for independence are being childish & ignorant, look at what the UK has achieved over the last few hundred years.

Scotland, Wales and N.I. Actually get a fairly good deal IMO since they have their own governments which England doesn't, and Sc, Wa, NI also can vote and affect policy for ENG but we can't affect yours

Plus what winds me up is how much of the UK's perks and resources/services the scots want to keep if they get independance... Cheers, David
Land Rovers of all shapes S3 onwards… Daily is a 110 V8.
Post #285718 27th Nov 2013 4:46pm
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Member Since: 05 Feb 2012
Location: Cheshire
Posts: 3555

United Kingdom 1997 Defender 90 300 Tdi HT Stornoway Grey
United Kingdom would be a bit of an overstatement if there was only England, Wales and N.I...
United Threesome would perhaps be a more accurate reflection...! Whistle An engine to TDi for!
"Land Rover- Proudly turning drivers into mechanics since 1948"
Post #285720 27th Nov 2013 4:49pm
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What puddle?

Member Since: 25 Oct 2013
Location: Reading
Posts: 952

United Kingdom 
JR, I don't think that's true at all, and you couldn't have got that from my post. My neighbour is a Scot, and a great guy, I know lots of Scots, and I cannot think of any of them that I don't like. Like I said, Britain wouldn't be the country it is without Scotland. BUT, we're sick of the whinging, we don't understand the dislike (sometimes bordering on hatred) of the English, and we cannot fully understand why almost 40% are (currently) saying they will vote for independence. I can see how it would be exciting to be independent, but realism should tell you that it would be insane. The English people I have spoke to about it in the past few months have almost all expressed a wish for you to go - not because of any dislike, but because we're fed up of hearing the false economics and the moaning about 'all the jobs being down there' (quoted yet again last night by a Scot interviewed on CH4 news). If Scotland go, then there will be LESS jobs in Scotland. Like I said, I can understand the excitement of starting a nation again, but we all must be realistic. I've been there, it's a beautiful place, inhabited by inventive, clever people - but it would struggle massively on its own.
Post #285722 27th Nov 2013 4:59pm
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2013
Location: North Yorkshire
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Cairns Blue
I to have some very good friends that are Scots and they hate the prospect of Scotland going it alone and they have made there feeling known to SNP as a result he has been attacked on the internet and hate mail delivered to his home by SNP supporters, is this the type of people that the Scots want to run Scotland.

I know of some out of work bricklayers who would only take a couple of months to finish off what the Romans started. Whistle Don't make old people mad.
We don't like being old in the first place,
so it doesn't take much to Censored us off.

Post #285724 27th Nov 2013 5:06pm
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Member Since: 07 Dec 2012
Location: Auchtermuchty
Posts: 532

Scotland 1984 Defender 90 200 Tdi SW Coniston Green
I think you're all missing the point by lumping all Scots together, it's slimey Salmond (as a friend refers to him) who wants all this his own way! Most of us, whilst we might want the odd tweak here and there, just want the status quo.

As for all of us hating the English, well put that down to scummy football where sheep go to follow their leader at matches....
Post #285725 27th Nov 2013 5:09pm
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Member Since: 28 Dec 2009
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 8582

United Kingdom 
JR wrote:
I notice I'm the 1st Scottish resident to post on this thread, what is evident is that you guys don't seem to like us much!


Personally I have nothing against the Scottish people and I think Scotland is a beautiful country.

In my mind a nice person is a nice person, a bar steward is a bar steward irrespective of race etc.

I personally think that what certain Scottish leaders are proposing is a flawed badly thought out plan.

OK the referendum will be voted on by people aged 16 plus in Scotland. That is below the normal voting age in the UK and one wonders why? Youthful vote more likely to vote for independence? A cynical political move, maybe?

The UK Royal Mail will deliver a letter within the UK for the same price. Will the new Scottish post office want to do the same for rural Scotland since the bulk of the Scottish population live in the Edinburgh Glasgow central area of Scotland.

Courier costs to Scotland will they go up since it is now a foreign country?

Now if Scotland wants to go independent, it must be completely independent, their own currency, their own passports, their own embassy, their own military etc etc. Not this half hearted proposal whereby Scotland will be independent but wants all the good bits from the UK.

Post #285727 27th Nov 2013 5:13pm
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