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Member Since: 17 Sep 2009
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England 2004 Defender 110 Td5 CSW Bonatti Grey
I don't know all the in and outs of what salmond has proposed, but how can they think that if they become independant that they can dictate which services and benefits they want the rest of the uk to keep providing? Independence surely is just that "independence" so why would a then separate country keep paying for things for them? Maybe I've just misunderstood it all.
Post #285731 27th Nov 2013 5:36pm
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Member Since: 17 Jul 2011
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United Kingdom 
Their argument is that Scotland would be entitled to a share of current UK-wide institutions, e.g. military, utilities, the BBC, etc. Where it gets difficult is in determining how those shares would be determined. So far, it seems that Mr Salmond is just setting out what he expects to get without any acknowledgement of the reality that they will need to be negotiated and so therefore aren't at all guarenteed. Darren


"You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought!" - Princess Leia
Post #285737 27th Nov 2013 5:52pm
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Member Since: 26 Jul 2013
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United Kingdom 
a few hit the nail on the head exactly,

think people south of the border are getting sick of a number of scots saying that its all rubbish and our fault and moaning about stuff that we don't actually do, or complaining about things that actually aren't a problem

i sense bit of a 'either help be part of the solution or Censored off'... the last thing we need is a large part of the UK complaining about how rubbish it is and wanting to leave, despite it being no better (all likelihood worse) if they did leave

no doubt if scotland don't get independence the party will blame it on 'the English government' as they so often call it, despite English MPs actually having less power over the UK each than Scottish, Welsh, NI etc since we have less control over those areas

would like to at this point express my admiration for the Welsh and N.Irish, as they have actually a worse deal than scotland arguably, but are in my opinion more committed to the UK and the task we all face. Cheers, David
Land Rovers of all shapes S3 onwards… Daily is a 110 V8.
Post #285739 27th Nov 2013 5:56pm
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Member Since: 04 Apr 2013
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England 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 HT Corris Grey
The MoD is the biggest employer on the west coast of Scotland
Are they not against nuclear weapons, what will happen then I wonder if they get their independence.
As for the English not liking the Scots Bo..ocks, try spending 8yrs at HMNB Clyde to see what the Scots think of the English.
But never mind the Royal Navy can then move all their Submarines down to Gods country and leave them to their mislead belief that they can fend for themselves.

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Post #285751 27th Nov 2013 6:41pm
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Member Since: 18 Apr 2011
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Rimini Red
yeah yeah!!!!

myself i couldn't give a toss what is being said for, or against.
as ever we the mere public only hear the headlines and not the whole story.
i think we just have to wait and see.
i work fulltime live with my partner who works fulltime two kids own house three cars on the road. so it doesn't matter who rules i will lose 110 xs s/wagon
s3 swb soft top
Post #285779 27th Nov 2013 8:36pm
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Member Since: 15 Sep 2013
Location: Aberdeenshire
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Corris Grey
I think we should leave this type of discussion to the political pages of the Daily papers and stick to something that unites us rather than something has the potential to create ill feeling amongst the defender community. I'll jump off my soap box now and return to rounding up my Haggis's that are roaming around the garden before they die from the cold.
Post #285780 27th Nov 2013 8:37pm
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Lou Sparts

Member Since: 15 Apr 2012
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United Kingdom 2005 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Zambezi Silver
Surely the haggis should have their winter coat by now and be alright outside Thumbs Up 2005 Td5 90 XS

Post #285782 27th Nov 2013 8:39pm
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Member Since: 15 Sep 2013
Location: Aberdeenshire
Posts: 76

United Kingdom 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Corris Grey
I have only just finished sheering them, the fur is on route to the local bagpipe factory!
Post #285785 27th Nov 2013 8:44pm
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Lou Sparts

Member Since: 15 Apr 2012
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United Kingdom 2005 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Zambezi Silver
Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter 2005 Td5 90 XS

Post #285787 27th Nov 2013 8:49pm
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Member Since: 19 Jul 2009
Location: Stafford
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
I always think politics shouldn't be part of the forum.

We all like defenders on here and should unite us as a big defender2 happy family.
Post #285805 27th Nov 2013 9:19pm
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Member Since: 15 Jun 2012
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United States 1994 Defender 90 300 Tdi CSW Epsom Green
If Scotland decides to go independent are they going to pay back their part of the national debt?
Also if they want to retain services from the UK then surely they will have to pay for those services?

I don't know the ins and outs of this and I apologies for my ignorance but I really don't care anymore.

I just get the impression that Scotland wants it cake and also wants a rather nice slice of the UK cake too.

The old adage goes united we stand divided we fall............ The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there's no risk of accident for someone who's dead.

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Post #285806 27th Nov 2013 9:22pm
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Member Since: 19 Jul 2009
Location: Stafford
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
It's like reading the daily mail on here today. Just shows just because you have a defender doesn't make you a good person.
Post #285812 27th Nov 2013 9:31pm
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Member Since: 15 Sep 2013
Location: Aberdeenshire
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Corris Grey
Rolling with laughter next it will be.... "which celebs have you seen driving a defender today, post your pictures here" Wink
Post #285816 27th Nov 2013 9:48pm
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Member Since: 15 May 2010
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United Kingdom 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Santorini Black
Well talking a load of friends from Scotland, none of them want to be independent.

All I know is that if Scotland does get independence, then working up there would be an expat assignment for me so Ł's in Mr. Green we then just need to to decide what hardship tier it should be Whistle

And just think of all the tax benefits for people that live in England and work in Aberdeen/offshore Thumbs Up Russell
2011MY 110 XS USW Black
Post #285818 27th Nov 2013 9:55pm
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Member Since: 16 Feb 2009
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Wales 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS DCPU Tonga Green
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One thing I have noted on here is people talking about a Scottish Armed Forces..... Why do they need one? Equally, why does the UK as a whole need such a large one? It isn't like anyone is going to invade- they have a large oil reserve and therefore the UK/ US etc will have a vested interest in protecting it. The Armed forced have a very minimal role back on home soil (about 1% is used for anything)- it isn't like other countries where the Armed Forces are used for a multitude of tasks on a daily basis.

Where will the nuclear fleet be moved to? There are no suitable locations in England/ Wales or N Ireland. Basically they will say that the fleet has to be out by 2018 and then about 1 day later will start negotiations on how much the UK (as it will be) will be willing to pay to keep their naval base there (as the Russians do in Ukraine).

Back onto topic:

I do agree with comments about them really going independent if they wish to- so own currency, no ties with benefits etc-a clean break, not a complicated half hearted attempt (Like people who leave home.... just 2 houses down from their parents so can still go around for sky sports, meals, lift to the supermarket etc).

BBC... of course they can keep it (in their own form), they will still be a part of Britain just like ROI who get BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) just not UK... otherwise it should be called the UKBC. Either way what awesome British TV will they be missing out on? Strictly come dancing? Eastenders? Corrie? Britain's got talent? X Factor?.......... If all those programs were removed from Welsh TV even I would vote for independence Rolling with laughter

Glyn Dog Sheep
Post #285854 27th Nov 2013 11:34pm
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