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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
Posts: 17614

United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
Bear in mind that if you adjust the handbrake that tight it is highly likely that it will chatter when you are driving the vehicle, the Puma is notorious for this. I have found on my 2007 110 that I need more slack in the handbrake than on any other Landrover I have ever owned in order to prevent the HB shoes from snagging the drum in motion.

Also remember that the cable adjustment is provided only for initial set-up and for adjusting for cable stretch, all general adjustments and adjustments for wear must be made with the backplate adjuster.

If you only have two clicks of the lever before the handbrake is applied I would fully expect knocking, banging and burning smells to follow. If not, you are exceptionally lucky!
Post #1010133 5th Oct 2023 10:08am
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Member Since: 29 Nov 2013
Location: Berkshire
Posts: 2299

United Kingdom 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 SW Stornoway Grey
Hello blackwolf

Thanks and good to know, I have applied and reapplied the Handbrake now several times,
and what I've ended up with appears to be a marginal alteration. The rear prop shaft is
'braked' at two clicks but with minimal force, a car ramp for example, 3 clicks are need to hold
the vehicle.

A 5 mile (unknown to me) road test shows none of the symptoms you list, maybe I've been lucky
as you say, but I suspect that I've not changed things enough.

I'm interested in your comment...
".... adjustments for wear must be made with the backplate adjuster."

Does this mean periodically tighten to 25NM, back off 1 1/2 turns, then get 'the clicks right'
at the 'double nut adjuster', as I have done... Question

Thanks again SKIP
Post #1010147 5th Oct 2023 11:29am
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
Posts: 17614

United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
Yes, that is right, however it doesn't need doing often since under normal circumstances the handbrake is never applied when moving so experiences negligible wear (it will only wear out if it fills with mud, or is adjusted so tight that it drags). Also once you have "got the clicks right" you shouldn't need to adjust the cable again unless it stretches - if the shoes wear there will be more clicks, but then adjusting the shoes will reduce the number of clicks again.

The Puma is also fairly legendary for leaking oil into the drum, which results in extreme force being needed on the HB lever and even then the brake may not hold. Very different symptoms to just being out of adjustment.
Post #1010148 5th Oct 2023 11:39am
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Member Since: 29 Nov 2013
Location: Berkshire
Posts: 2299

United Kingdom 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 SW Stornoway Grey
Thanks blackwolf

That all makes sense... (and well explained)... Thumbs Up SKIP
Post #1010153 5th Oct 2023 12:28pm
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Member Since: 24 Dec 2019
Location: Lija
Posts: 3486

Malta 2012 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Santorini Black
On my early 90, there is an oil catch plate that directs any oil leak away from the shoes and drums, and let the oil drip on the external side of the back plate. Refer to item 16


I cannot recall seeing anything that could do a similar function when I removed the transfer case from my Puma. Granted, the shoes orientation rotated by 90 degree, but oil would still drip on the working surface of the drum.


Indeed the Puma engine / gearboxes installation is a nose up. So was the location of the fill plug position changed on a Puma transfer case? 1988 90 Hard Top, 19J Diesel Turbo, Shire Blue - Restoration ongoing
2012 90 CSW, 2.2TDCI, Santorini Black
Post #1010157 5th Oct 2023 12:53pm
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
Posts: 17614

United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
Dinnu wrote:
On my early 90, there is an oil catch plate that directs any oil leak away from the shoes and drums, and let the oil drip on the external side of the back plate.

I cannot recall seeing anything that could do a similar function when I removed the transfer case from my Puma.

That's because there isn't any such thing on the Puma.

Dinnu wrote:
Granted, the shoes orientation rotated by 90 degree, but oil would still drip on the working surface of the drum.

Yes, exactly.

Dinnu wrote:
Indeed the Puma engine / gearboxes installation is a nose up. So was the location of the fill plug position changed on a Puma transfer case?

You have to ask? Rolling with laughter Of course not, it is in exactly the same place so overall there is marginally less oil in the box (probably one of the reasons they seem to get hotter). There was also one of Land-Rover's famous "not-recalls" on the early Pumas to address oil contamination of the handbrake, but I don't remember anything actually changing, I think they just fitted a new seal, new shoes, and - if you were lucky - de-oiled the drum.

Land-Rover has much to be ashamed of since 2007. Big Cry
Post #1010183 5th Oct 2023 3:25pm
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