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Supacat Member Since: 16 Oct 2012 Location: West Yorkshire Posts: 11018 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Not sure if this is in the right section or not...
"Isuzu and Mazda are looking at a three-month halt in vehicle production for the D-MAX and BT-50 due to Covid-19. "... the production halt has come about as a supplier of ‘unique powertrain components’ needed to close its manufacturing plant in Europe due to a resurgence of Covid-19. The parts in question appear to be unique to the Australian-spec D-MAX and BT-50, thus the halt in production will only affect the Australian (and New Zealand) markets." https://mr4x4.com.au/isuzu-d-max-mazda-bt-...ee-months/ Wonder if this will have the same effect with other manufacturers soon? |
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Joe the Plumber Member Since: 18 Dec 2013 Location: Midlands Posts: 921 ![]() ![]() |
Masks in the street are hilarious. The sheeple have really been taken in.
If you see things on the BBC, remember they might not be the impartial public service broadcaster their old reputation suggests. They now only recruit from adverts in left wing newspapers, for example. 50,000 a day might test positive, but most of those people won't even know they've got it. Makes a great headline though, doesn't it. We only get figures for deaths 'with' covid, never 'from'. Why's that then? Unsurprisingly, there's a growing discontent amongst people I speak to, and a feeling we're being taken for a ride. And next month, unable to work, I've got all my annual business bills to pay.... Happy New Tier! (Sorry Martin, please delete this if you wish.) |
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Pickles Member Since: 26 May 2013 Location: Melbourne Posts: 3790 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Well, here's what we did in Aussie to beat, almost at this stage, the virus.
Masks were mandatory, and they should be, anyone who says otherwise does not know what they're talking about. On Public transport & in any proximity to others, in particular they protect you from others, & others from you. During our lockdown fines were issued for non use. We still have to wear them in shops & public transport & many other locations. You MUST practice social distancing, stay away from others & the disease cannot get to you. You will have no choice but to have a serious comprehensive lockdown, stay at home, work from home, close shops, pubs, restaurants etc etc, only allowed out of home for exercise one hour/day. Not allowed to drive car further than 2 klms from home & only if ya have an excuse to do so. We ordered, & still do, all our groceries & food online, still do, to save going into a supermarket. Simply, we were basically housebound except for an hour a day for exercise. This is just some of the stuff we had to do,....FOR OVER SIX MONTHS.....and we still have restrictions...Of course now there is hope of a vaccine, but that will take a while. Anyone that doesn't take this issue seriously is IMHO completely out of touch with reality. I'm not telling anyone how to suck eggs, just what we did, and the sort of stuff that you guys will have to do to get on top of this. Quite happy to answer any questions. I ain't a guru, I'm just informing you guys what we had to do to get on top of this. Pickles. |
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Joe the Plumber Member Since: 18 Dec 2013 Location: Midlands Posts: 921 ![]() ![]() |
The trouble is, you don't "beat" a virus. You have to develop immunity to it. It isn't going to simply disappear by everyone hiding away. Our two failed lockdowns are proof of that.
I fear for Australia if that's what has happened. I sincerely hope I'm wrong though. |
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Supacat Member Since: 16 Oct 2012 Location: West Yorkshire Posts: 11018 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Pickles - how is your vaccination programme going?
Both my parents have had the 1st injection and were due to get their 2nd tomorrow. It's the Pfizer/BioNTech version that has to be stored an ultra low temps. They were pretty upset after hearing through the news outlets that their 2nd jab was going to be postponed for 12 weeks to allow more people an initial dose as it appeared to go against the guidance of the those developing and manufacturing it. However, it now appears that the "official" advice is being ignored by at least some of the health professionals administering the programme. As they got a phone call yesterday to go and get their 2nd jab tomorrow. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-...s-vaccine/ |
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Adammacky Member Since: 28 Dec 2019 Location: West Midlands Posts: 309 ![]() ![]() |
To say 'anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about' is such an ignorant thing to say, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Some scientists say masks make you ill, others say not, not alot of advice is given as to how long certain masks can be used for before they are useless and contaminated, however its plastered everywhere that you MUST wear a face covering, some guidance would be helpful no? Also if you wear a mask you touch your face more, like trying to eat a doughnut without licking your lips. The 'germs' are then on your hands then onto whatever you pick up, right? I won't express my feelings on the 'pandemic' as it will probably against what most on here think. Joe the plumber sounds like someone I may agree with though. |
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Grenadier Member Since: 23 Jul 2014 Location: The foot of Mont Blanc... Posts: 5880 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The issue with mask wearing is understanding why we're wearing them.
For many years Westerners have raised an eyebrow (laughed) at Japanese for wearing masks on the misunderstanding that they don't want to 'catch' something of us whilst on the Tube, whereas that is wrong. Culturally a Japanese person will wear a mask when they suspect they are ill (clearly before Covid that was with cold/flu) so as not to pass it on when breathing or coughing. The masks worn commonly by us during this epdidemic, are much the same as those worn by the Japanese and do not stop infection passing through them in the very purest sense. As is obvious, if you can breathe through the material then Covid will pass through as the Covid virus is smaller than an air molecule. So the reason for wearing a mask is NOT to protect the wearer 100% from catching covid as would be the case in a hazmat suit, hence why even when wearing a mask social distancing should continue to be observed. The reason for wearing a mask is purely to prevent spread of covid by spraying airborne molecules (often invisible to the naked eye) whilst breathing, talking, coughing etc, as this molecules will in the main (albeit not entirely) be stopped by the material of a basic mask. So, if we all wear masks when around each other, we dramatically reduce the chance of spreading the virus, simply by laws of averages. If the vast majority of airborne sputum transmission is stopped by a basic mask, and the vast majority of us wear one when in proximity of others, so the vast majority of the transmission by those means (there are many other such as touch, physical contact etc) should be prevented. This can only be a good thing if looked at from this standpoint and this standpoint alone. This is NOT the same as saying you will be immune from catching the virus because you wear a mask, as if it's on an air molecule you breathe in, there's a chance you will be infected, hence the addition of social distancing. Both need to be done in conjunction to work, but also with other measures such as self isolation when infected or if vulnerable. We cannot cherry pick what suits us. But this is why (whilst not ideal) putting your own hand to your face when wearing a mask, or exactly how clean a mask is, is of less (albeit still valuable) importance. The mask still remains, to a greater or lesser degree, effective as a preventive measure for airborne transmission alone. South Korea started social distancing, mask wearing, quarantining, track and trace, hand sanitising etc the weekend the first case was discovered, a lesson learned after their experience with the last SARS outbreak, but at NO point over the last year have they shut their economy down or gone into lockdown. Have a look at their stats. 52m population (same as England) 65k total cases, 1000 deaths. England has had 2.4m cases and 65k deaths*. If applied properly by the government, and adhered to by the population, it does work. And before any conspiracy theorists say it's because the S Koreans are a controlling super state, these measures were brought in after the population demanded them because of the SARS fiasco, this is very much population led. In my opinion, this (mask wearing), is one of the least well understood tenets of preventing epidemics. That a mask is worn to protect rather than to prevent, it's not and indeed is quite the reverse. It's to prevent. ![]() *Note on case numbers. All of what I've told you above is from my old man who spent 40 years in clinical medical research as medical head of one of the world's largest pharma giants. He pointed out that the UK has by far and away the most open, efficient and transparent medical research reporting ON THE PLANET, and the most respected. Even amongst westernised countries. He trusts very little of the data coming from other regions/countries on Covid. But he also has serious issue with the idea of publicly reporting cases as a Covid 'death' where someone has died within 28 days of a Covid positive Covid test. When a death certificate is drawn up for an elderly patient who has died and they had flu, flu is not listed as the cause of death, but as a contributor. Cause of Death is still age, dementia, cancer etc and the stats reflect such. This seems to have not only been turned on it's head in reporting Covid, but down right abused when a death by suicide or car crash will be added to the global total numbers, merely because the person concerned tested positive 28 days previously, 95% of which show no symptoms. This, he feels, is entirely wrong and misrepresentive and only serves to increase the fear in the general population. Monsieur Le Grenadier I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list..... 2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey Last edited by Grenadier on 5th Jan 2021 2:55pm. Edited 1 time in total |
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Joe the Plumber Member Since: 18 Dec 2013 Location: Midlands Posts: 921 ![]() ![]() |
There's a pandemic of mainstream media induced mass hysteria.
As to the virus, well it's a virus that, even our local BBC health correspondent sheepishly admitted in last night's local news, is harmless for the vast majority of people. But I'm going to shut up, or poor Martin will have no choice but to close this topic, and it has been very useful. |
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Grenadier Member Since: 23 Jul 2014 Location: The foot of Mont Blanc... Posts: 5880 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Joe, you're right, it is harmless to 95% of the population. But that's not the issue.
The reason for lockdowns is that most westernised health services are geared to a very wide range of services, palliative, pediatric, surgery, emergency, mental health etc, and the ICU section (used primarily for post operative care or emergency care - car crashes etc) is just a tiny part. So the .5% that DO get affected by the virus outstrip the beds available across the country and by definition then prevent 'normal' ICU use being available, notably post surgery. We could just let those .5% fill the beds in perpetuity but then elective and emergency surgery would have to stop and people through no fault of their own would die of their complications. Of course we could increase the sizes of ICUs but each bed is exponentially far more expensive than a standard bed, so where does the money come from? We wouldn't accept shutting any other service or Ward down, so that means extra funds, which in turn means extra tax, which people (when not ill and directly in need of the NHS) don't want to pay. And even if they did, where do we put the beds? There's no space. So that would mean EVEN MORE tax to pay for new wards or hospitals. That's the real issue. Not how many people die per se, but how those dying effect everyone else. Of course the harsh critic in me would say this is a construct of modern 20c populations who are entirely unable to accept death and old age, and will do its damnedest to save every one. Remove that mentality and let grandma die naturally in bed rather than be kept alive for another decade but only because of 24hr care, drugs and surgical interventions whilst committed to living in a nursing home, and maybe Covid wouldn't have been such a big deal. We all want our cake and to eat it. Monsieur Le Grenadier I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list..... 2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey |
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Martin Site Admin Member Since: 02 Apr 2007 Location: Hook Norton Posts: 6643 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
All of what you said was fine, apart from this ![]() Coronavirus approx 120nm, oxygen molecule 0.12nm [1000 times smaller], CO₂ 0.23nm [500 times smaller]. [1] Masks work by blocking respiratory droplets which carry the virus sloshing about in them, the virus itself doesn't escape on its own. The droplets are 5-10μm (5000-1000nm) - approx 5,000 to 10,000 times larger than an O₂ molecule [2] 1: https://news.llu.edu/health-wellness/infec...les%20out. 2: https://www.who.int/news-room/commentaries...mendations ![]() ![]() |
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GREENI Member Since: 22 Aug 2010 Location: staffs Posts: 10383 ![]() ![]() |
What annoys the hell out of me is that there are products out there that have been tested and proven to stop and envelope the Coronavirus, the benefits are massive, but trying to get it front of the NHS to see it is just so difficult.
https://www.lumibio.com/ |
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Grenadier Member Since: 23 Jul 2014 Location: The foot of Mont Blanc... Posts: 5880 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Thanks for the info and clarification Martin. Further validates the reason for wearing a mask whilst we get on top of this. ![]() I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list..... 2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey |
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Rashers Member Since: 21 Jun 2015 Location: Norfolk Posts: 3579 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The NHS for all its great benefits is a lumbering behemoth that is very difficult to move or change its ways. Wastage is immense (just ask any Nurse or Doctor) and as you say Greeni, trying to get anyone to listen or take note is like smacking your head against a brick wall. But for all its faults, I am glad we are not in the same cart as the Americans where if you lose your job, you loose your healthcare. Grenadier. A very well written post ![]() Most people I know who work in the NHS have commented on how bad it has become in the last week or so. If you want to ignore the advice, and think this is all being blown out of proportion, well that is your opinion. Don’t start whinging when you do catch Covid and need hospital and a ventilator only to find the beds are all full and there are no spare ventilators. Lucky you if you have survived it with a bad cough and a couple of weeks off work. You have won the lottery. Others who I know have not been so lucky and they are not all old with pre-existing conditions. |
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Slideywindows Member Since: 09 Sep 2016 Location: North Essex Posts: 1297 ![]() ![]() |
So, let's not have lockdowns because the only people who are going to die are the elderly?
Even if that were true, I am sure that most of the younger people on here will appreciate it when they are in their 70's or 80's, if society doesn't just turn away and leave them to die, because they have become a bit of an expensive nuisance. Leaving people to die is only a solution if the person left to die is not you. |
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