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Member Since: 28 Dec 2009
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 8582

United Kingdom 
Try watching some people reverse on narrow roads.

Now around here we have a fair number of single track roads with drystone walls either side. Now dry stone walls are rather unforgiving on car bodyworks Laughing

Before the snow, was taking Barbara to school and it was dusk, driving uphill on a single track road with main beam on. Car headlights come over brow of hill and passed the passing place. No I am not going to back 150 metres downhill to next passing place, you can back up 10 metres to the one you have just passed. No movement so Defender bonnet within a foot of his, main beam on.

On 3rd or 4 th attempt they managed to select reverse gear in their 62 plate car. I think he has booked the car into the BMW main dealers as there is obviously a steering problem as it will not go straight backwards Rolling with laughter

Pity I did not have the Lazer lights fitted Razz

Our access road is still blocked one way with snow. Went to investigate the other end yesterday. A eurobox in front. Err the road is blocked so eurobox goes into reverse, then forward, then reverse, ooopps forward again then reversed. So I back off another 20 metres and pull to one side. Got bored watching reverse, forward, reverse, forward so reversed back 100 metres to throw a U turn in a farm gate. Err they have not managed a 15 metre straight reverse.

FTFAGOS I am going long way around.

Seems the ability to select reverse and go back in a straight line is no longer a pre requisite to get a driving licence these days.

Post #223065 28th Mar 2013 10:43pm
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Member Since: 26 Oct 2011
Location: Hereford
Posts: 3443

England 2002 Defender 110 Td5 SW Coniston Green
When I was in farming I used to drive a fair amount of oversize kit, I've widened a fair few lanes over the years, some intentionally, some because there was no choice. I've lost count of the times I've shut the machine down and sat watching some pretty pathetic attempts at driving. Some of the older drivers have just got no hope and one poor old dear we used to meet regularly would just stop, get out of the car, walk round and sit in the passenger seat as it was quicker for us to jump in and reverse it back to a safe place. She sometimes phoned the boss to see if it was "safe" to come out but didn't do it every time as, bless, she didn't want to disturb him when he was busy Very Happy
The most memorable time was just getting a combine harvester onto the bridge at Stratford on Avon, 2 lorries can just squeeze past but mine measured close on 4.5m wide due to the Terra Tyres we'd fitted to try and get on the fields after a summer like last(just ended up that the ruts I left were wider!). My escort vehicle had stopped the traffic as it approached the bridge from town, radiod me to start and as I got on the bridge some stupid old bat drove her car round his 90 complete with Wide Load signs, flashing beacons and all the lights on. She stopped in front of me and sat blowing her horn! God knows how much traffic was behind me, it had been at least a mile since anyone could have overtaken and not only that I had a 24' header on a trailer behind. It took simply ages for her to reverse and the last I saw of her was her in deep conversation with the 2 constables that had walked across the bridge to recomend a reverse strategy Rolling Eyes
Post #223075 28th Mar 2013 11:14pm
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Member Since: 04 Apr 2010
Location: Kent
Posts: 2189

United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Havana
my son and I have this little challenge between us, a sort of dare. "can you reverse down a very narrow lane [door mirrors almost brush the hedges on either side] without stopping or having to re-align the vehicle" the lane is about 130 yds with a nasty kink part way down.

think i will put a sign up offering BM drivers a challenge. [edit - present company excluded].... Twisted Evil BM52
Post #223076 28th Mar 2013 11:14pm
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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
Location: South West, England.
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United Kingdom 
Leeds (Brendan) - Yes, It's similar down here and outside the house especially only not drystone walling but solid stone walls. Very narrow too as well. And on a bend hence this muppet flying around it me seeing him early (Defender height advantage) so I was basically stopped and he came haring around and slammed the anchors on.

Everyone else - I think in general we're all good at reversing and parking the lot. As I've previously mentioned where is the insurance discount! We're obviously not high risk (Except theft) Rolling Eyes It's well proven that on the whole a good quality of driving standards is up-held throughout Defender owners young and older.
Can't imagine speeding being much of an issue either. Okay, so Defenders are always super fast anyway (Not many anyway) but even a 200tdi could break 30mph. Whistle TheThunder RollsπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Post #223082 28th Mar 2013 11:26pm
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Member Since: 15 Sep 2011
Location: Munich
Posts: 4731

Germany 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Baltic Blue
Pam W wrote:
More grumpy at myself than her though as I stupidly and very Britishly said 'sorry' and walked all the way round to trolley to get out the way so she could continue her journey

18 years in Germany and I still do this - it's a reflex bred into us by decent, polite parents at an early age. It's a sign of a civilised, evolved and non-confrontational English society... that is sadly dying out Sad I've visited England every year for 18 years and I see the changes like time-lapse photography Big Cry

When I was a young man, I used to wind myself up for days after such an incident until someone told me the saying "I always know the right thing to do, after the right time to do it has passed". The important thing is knowing the right thing to do. Then I could let it drop. That's what makes us better than "them" Thumbs Up

p.s. I now imagine such people as untrained dogs - if they $hit on my driveway, it's annoying but I don't take it personally. Tell someone you love them today because life is short.
But shout it at them in German because life is also terrifying and confusing...
Post #223110 29th Mar 2013 7:48am
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2013
Location: North Yorkshire
Posts: 1831

United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Cairns Blue
custom90steve wrote:
And they'll likely have a flat battery too don't you reckon? It annoys me how people drive in the countryside like it's a motorway never thinking that it can be muddy and poor view and a whole combination of things. Saying that the DSA driving test and modern learning to drive techniques are a shambles so that plays a part. The community on here (except Killer Laughing 0 would do a better job at learning someone to drive IMHO than a lot of driving instructor out there who are only in it for the money.

I was talking to a young lad the other day who is just about to take his driving test and questioned him about three point turns,left hand reverse and hill starts he looked at me as if I was daft and said "We don't do them" so I asked how he would turn a car round, "shunt it backwards and forwards as many time as it takes or drive up on the footpath to do a U turn" I gave up and and walked off shaking my head thinking about all the practice I had to put in before my test some 42 years ago which I passed first time.
Post #223208 29th Mar 2013 4:21pm
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Member Since: 05 Feb 2012
Location: Cheshire
Posts: 3555

United Kingdom 1997 Defender 90 300 Tdi HT Stornoway Grey
Halfrauds. The robbing Censored Evil or Very Mad Went in before to buy some alloy wheel cleaner, and wanted a 5 litre bottle, as it would work out cheaper per litre. 5 litre bottle was £27. Hmmh, bit expensive I thought. So I went to Costco and picked up the exact same product for £5 Shocked
So now I've got 25 litres of the stuff sat in my garage, as I may aswell have more of it than I need! Just shows the profit margin that Halfords have got Rolling Eyes An engine to TDi for!
"Land Rover- Proudly turning drivers into mechanics since 1948"
Post #223212 29th Mar 2013 4:49pm
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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
Location: South West, England.
Posts: 20661

United Kingdom 
Oh yes you see what I mean now. The wording is no longer a 3 point turn but is termed as a TIR maneuver as the DSA call it... (Why change it anyway!)

TIR meaning - turn in the road.

Rolling Eyes Thud Banging Head Thud Rolling Eyes TheThunder RollsπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Post #223213 29th Mar 2013 4:50pm
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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
Location: South West, England.
Posts: 20661

United Kingdom 
GUM97 wrote:
Halfrauds. The robbing Censored Evil or Very Mad

They like to wack on an extra £50 when you look at prices for some Amps too. Variable of course but I saved £50 put it that way. Evil or Very Mad (Bought from elsewhere and arrived quicker than theirs would have anyway) TheThunder RollsπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Post #223214 29th Mar 2013 4:52pm
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Member Since: 22 Feb 2008
Location: Sussex, England
Posts: 2897

England 2005 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
I think when I took my test an eon ago it was...
Cause the car to face in the opposite direction by means of forward and reverse gears.
I don't think it's ever been a 'three point turn' (Which only has two points anyway) 
Post #223216 29th Mar 2013 4:56pm
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Member Since: 15 Sep 2011
Location: Munich
Posts: 4731

Germany 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Baltic Blue
Laurie wrote:
a 'three point turn' (Which only has two points anyway)

Not if you want to finish by reversing in the same direction you were originally traveling in Rolling Eyes Laughing Tell someone you love them today because life is short.
But shout it at them in German because life is also terrifying and confusing...
Post #223226 29th Mar 2013 5:21pm
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Member Since: 28 Dec 2009
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 8582

United Kingdom 
ARC99 wrote:

I was talking to a young lad the other day who is just about to take his driving test and questioned him about three point turns,left hand reverse and hill starts he looked at me as if I was daft and said "We don't do them" so I asked how he would turn a car round, "shunt it backwards and forwards as many time as it takes or drive up on the footpath to do a U turn" .

I assume this lad has not past the theory test yet

From the Highway Code


You MUST NOT drive on or over a pavement, footpath or bridleway except to gain lawful access to property, or in the case of an emergency.

I seem to recall that when I took my driving test, touching the kerb whilst coin a three point turn was a failure.

There again in this area red lights are optional to stop at and not mandatory.

Traffic lights at RED. Car 1 stops, car 2 stops. Car 3 pulls out and proceeds through red lights.

NO car 3 did NOT have blues and twos on

I am just glad I drive Defenders!

Post #223232 29th Mar 2013 5:35pm
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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
Location: South West, England.
Posts: 20661

United Kingdom 
Touch a kerb and it's a fail that's still a certainty. Thumbs Up I drive one single Bridleway partly on a regular basis to walk our dogs. But ONLY becuas eI explicitly asked the landowners permission to do so of which he said was no problem. When he blocks off the entrance sometimes in the winter due to mud (to vehicles) needless to say I then do not go there. It's mad how many people have no clue what legal rights they have be it on a bike or 4x4. Many seem to have the impression that any non tarred surface can be driven so long as it's wide enough. it just isn't the case. A lane is just a lane to them. Un-less they can't read. Neutral TheThunder RollsπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Post #223240 29th Mar 2013 5:59pm
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2013
Location: North Yorkshire
Posts: 1831

United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Cairns Blue
Yes he has passed his theroy,
I can only type here what he told me, when I took me test I was told touch the kerb and you will fail that is why I gave up talking to him and walked away.
Post #223421 30th Mar 2013 11:27am
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Member Since: 28 Dec 2009
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 8582

United Kingdom 
Don't try to get an appointment with your GP in West Yorkshire!

Called into surgery on Tuesday but could not get an appointment as there were none available until Friday.

Appointments released on Wednesday after 9.30am. At 9.50 on Wednesday NO appointments until next Wednesday!

Tried phoning again today. Currently on hold for 20 minutes!

NO wonder A & E are busy with non urgent cases as the GP's surgeries will not allow patients to make an appointment with their doctors

Oddly enough in Germany managed to get an appointment with a doctor the same afternoon.


PS 26 minutes to speak to a receptionist!
Post #224503 4th Apr 2013 8:26am
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