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Member Since: 23 Jul 2012
Location: Lake District
Posts: 87

United Kingdom 2003 Defender 110 Td5 USW Stornoway Grey
Bizarre front lift. - Spring codes.
A few weeks ago had a rear spring snap on the 90.

It's a Tdci CSW XS with a uprated anti roll bars.

As they were all looking rather scabby to say the least I thought I'd order up 4 new springs and 4 new dampers.

Rear's been fine. The front however...

I ordered the standard items based off Microcat (can't remember the code off the top of my head) and the result was about a 4 lift at the front!!! Pan to pan length of over 12"!!!

Dampers were pretty much fully extended just when parked on level ground.

Obviously I wasn't going to run with that so happened to have a new set of springs waiting to go on my td5 110 (standard 8044's and 8045s) and that's when things got weirder:

Spring pan to spring pan on the front of my 110 has been pretty much the same for a decade. About 9.5".

Put them on the rear of the 90 I was so curious and the result with a 1/4 a tank of fuel: Pan to pan length 9.5". Grand I thought.

Put them on the front of the 90 and they're 11.5"!

So it's still sat looking like someone's surprised it and as a result the front prop is operating too far out of sync and turning it into a giant wheeled dildo at about 40mph.

Oh and I've also tried a set of blue green / blue yellow's that were spare from my semi space framed 90. Result was the most extreme yet in terms of lift.

I'm no modern landy expert but I reckon I'd notice if someone had replaced the transit lump and all the front bodywork with uberlight composite components.

It's been on a weighbridge an it was just shy of 2000Kg with me on board and I'm no Rick Waller.

Any ideas as to why it's sitting so chuffin high at the front? I may be getting sick of stripping the front springs on and off but I'd rather find a solution than pay for a DC front propshaft which at this rate I'll need!

EDIT: Just thinking about it it's maybe not the amount of lift that's causing the vibration but perhaps that the front and rear ride heights are not even so there's a non constant velocity issue between the props etc. 90XS Tdci John Eales
110 CSW G4 Edition
88" Series 3 Racer
Post #428409 3rd Jun 2015 6:46pm
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Member Since: 23 Jun 2013
Location: Sydney,OZ
Posts: 129

2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 SW Zambezi Silver
HI there,
I recently changed the front springs on my tdci 110.

I used NRC9448 and NRC9449, which are for 110 Heavy Duty front, 130 Front Standard and 90 Rear.
So if you used standard 110 front spring on your 90 rear, they will sag.
There are also HD version of the 90 Rear.

the color codes, I still remember, are Blue red for driver side and white yellow for passerger side

Post #428494 4th Jun 2015 6:09am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2012
Location: Lake District
Posts: 87

United Kingdom 2003 Defender 110 Td5 USW Stornoway Grey
Well just an update. It gets weirder. Evil or Very Mad

Tonight I fitted a set of genuine REB500200 and 220's front springs. And the result was almost as bad as first time round.

Big nose up attitude and as a result between 36-39mph huge amounts of growling vibration and below that speed on smooth tarmac you can feel it pulsing. I'd say there was something else majorly up except this vibration started the nanosecond I changed the front springs and if you happen to go over any undulations at around 36-39mph as the front suspension compresses the noise goes away and as it extends it gets worse.

Can't find any play in the front prop and bizarrely the transfer box isn't to mad either for a Puma.

So can I please please ask a favour of you dear people to make sure I'm not going mad.

I'm running fairly new BFG AT's in 265/75R16 flavour. On level ground with no one in if I measure from vertically up through the front hub line to the lip of the wheel arch it's just over 900mm.

In my view that's a lifted Defender! Hence all the propshaft vibration issues.

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. It's wearing very very thin. 90XS Tdci John Eales
110 CSW G4 Edition
88" Series 3 Racer
Post #431197 15th Jun 2015 9:11pm
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