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 garage lighting

Post13th Jan 2021 10:00am
Forum: Off Topic · Replies: 19 · Views: 4987 · Subject: garage lighting
I swapped the standard tubes out for daylight LED tubes, the Food standard ones are plastic so if you hit them the don't send pits of glass flying about. Think they are Crompton make.
 Key fob, immobiliser, problem ?

Post9th Jan 2021 9:35am
Forum: Technical · Replies: 9 · Views: 3352 · Subject: Key fob, immobiliser, problem ?
The Indy who service my 110 always asks for both fobs and changes the batteries annually. Last year I got the phone call to collet the vehicle , on arrival he said sorry it isn't ready I can't get t ...
 Did my good deed for the day - RR Velar

Post6th Jan 2021 8:18am
Forum: Stolen · Replies: 26 · Views: 11142 · Subject: Did my good deed for the day - RR Velar
Likewise Greeni, I would like to think any reasonable judge would throw it out!

As the case will be heard at a Magistrates court it will be at least two Magistrates .
 Beast from the East No2 coming (maybe!)

Post3rd Jan 2021 9:44am
Forum: Off Topic · Replies: 42 · Views: 9039 · Subject: Beast from the East No2 coming (maybe!)
The beast from the East was a time to remember, heater in the 90 was wroth less, neat windscreen wash would freeze up driving over the A171 which in places had snow bonnet deep were it had been clear ...
 Beast from the East No2 coming (maybe!)

Post2nd Jan 2021 11:51am
Forum: Off Topic · Replies: 42 · Views: 9039 · Subject: Beast from the East No2 coming (maybe!)
Watched the weather forecast this morning max snow fall for east Scotland and along the east coast of England was 5cm, 2"
for us oldies . Next weekend minus 3 in some places and 5 cm of snow, ...
 My daughter and her Defender 90...the journey continues.

Post30th Dec 2020 9:46am
Forum: Off Topic · Replies: 22 · Views: 7013 · Subject: My daughter and her Defender 90...the journey continues.
Perhaps a dog guard/load screen should be on the list having screen recently what damage a flying chair can do when left loose in the back of a car.
 vehicles failing MOTs due to avoidable faults & dodgy DI

Post4th Dec 2020 2:26pm
Forum: Off Topic · Replies: 18 · Views: 5843 · Subject: vehicles failing MOTs due to avoidable faults & dodgy DI
I wonder how many of the MOT failures for failed bulbs is due to the awkwardness of replacing due to removing half the car to get change a bulb? - No excuse I know.

To change a rear bulb on Disco M ...
 To grease my nuts or not to grease - and a surprise!

Post2nd Dec 2020 11:43am
Forum: Wheels & Tyres · Replies: 27 · Views: 14458 · Subject: To grease my nuts or not to grease - and a surprise!
It always amuses me how not-tight correctly torqued Landrover wheel nuts actually are, especially when you see hefty brutes struggling to inflict the maximum possible tightness on them.

Assuming fo ...
 Weird owner profile survey request from JLR

Post2nd Dec 2020 11:12am
Forum: General & Technical (L663) · Replies: 13 · Views: 4888 · Subject: Weird owner profile survey request from JLR
I remember when I bought the Disco years back I received a large envelope with pages of questions , I just filled in name, age, address and telephone number accompanied by a letter stating the other ...
 widonws 10 2004 will not run rave

Post2nd Dec 2020 10:44am
Forum: Off Topic · Replies: 22 · Views: 5755 · Subject: widonws 10 2004 will not run rave
I Had a problem yester with Windows preventing me from uploading a scanner programme , the PC was running windows 10 version 2004 , the agent from Microsoft suggested that I update to

Edition Windo ...
 Penman Hitch - who is the manufacturer?

Post30th Nov 2020 8:17pm
Forum: Expedition & Overland · Replies: 6 · Views: 3303 · Subject: Penman Hitch - who is the manufacturer?
Blackwolf............All the staff that worked for Bradley's left or got P45's when Al-ko took it over, the current staff don't have a clue about the Bradley stuff and know little about the Al-Ko hitc ...
 Sudden bang

Post30th Nov 2020 8:12pm
Forum: Puma (Tdci) · Replies: 17 · Views: 6239 · Subject: Sudden bang
Had a rear half shaft go on a 90" at 50 mph the vehicle just pulled sharply to the effected side and steered for the only tree in miles.
 To grease my nuts or not to grease - and a surprise!

Post30th Nov 2020 8:07pm
Forum: Wheels & Tyres · Replies: 27 · Views: 14458 · Subject: To grease my nuts or not to grease - and a surprise!
Normal rules don't apply with alloy wheel nuts due to the dreaded corrosion. The thinnest smear of copper grease on the faces that contact the wheel, as well as the areas of the wheel that contact the ...
 F1 Romain Grosjean Crash

Post30th Nov 2020 10:00am
Forum: Off Topic · Replies: 27 · Views: 6969 · Subject: F1 Romain Grosjean Crash
Martin (know it all) Brundell said that it was the crash barrier the cut the car in two and the cut line is were the fuel cells are.

Post25th Nov 2020 9:10am
Forum: Off Topic · Replies: 8 · Views: 2047 · Subject: Printer
For just standard paper and black on white I use Dymo label writer, they take various size of labels which come on a roll.
I have had mine for years, the programme allows the user to create address ...
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