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Member Since: 27 May 2020
Location: Moscow
Posts: 84

Russia 2005 Defender 90 Td5 HT Santorini Black
Bicycle attachment to the spare wheel of Peruzzo bike carrier 4x4
July 30, 2022

Hello, friends!

I decided to get my old Scott Apache bike from the balcony here, which was given to me in 1999 when I entered the university, and ride it.

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I took a ride around the neighborhood and decided that it would be cool to take a bike with me sometimes when I go somewhere by car. The 90th Defender is poorly suited for transporting a bike inside, so the only option is bicycle fastening.
Mounting on the roof disappeared immediately — it is inconvenient to climb up with a bicycle at the ready, and crossbars with a roof mount will limit the possibilities for traveling through underground parking lots.

The ideal option is a towbar mount, but I thought the price of 350 + pounds per used item was too big for a thing, the need for which will arise only occasionally.

There remains a spare tire mount. The most successful model, it seemed to me, is the Italian Peruzzo bike carrier 4x4. It looks like this:

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I found it used for 50 pounds and bought it.

Then the task was to adapt the spare tire for putting on bicycle fasteners on it.

The attentive reader remembers that I had a custom cap on my spare tire:

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which had a rear-view camera embedded in it.

The bike mount on the spare wheel cover will not stand up, so it will have to be removed anyway, which means there will be no camera.

There is no way to refuse the camera, so to install it on the spare tire, you need to purchase an original cap that covers only the disk, but not the tire. You can also embed a camera in it and the bike mount will stand up perfectly with it.

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Catalog number BTR2129NAL

The only problem is that this hood stands only on a stamped disk, and I have a cast one on the spare. In addition, the rubber on the Maxxis spare parts and if you remove the hood, it will bring disharmony into the beautiful appearance of my Defender with his big and black BFG.

But fate did not leave me in trouble and on the announcement site I met a BFG tire on sale and just on a stamped disk. Although it is not "KO 2" like mine, but still with white letters:

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A new hood (or rather a new one for me, so it was a little used))) was fitted to me by a friend.

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The hood had been painted several times before me, so it was necessary to bring him to his senses.

To begin with, it was necessary to remove the old paint from it. I bought such a flush

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I smeared a little from the inside and it turned out that this flushing corrodes the plastic, so I took up sandpaper.

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There were cracks on the hood in the places where there are holes, so these places had to be repaired.

Drilled holes, sawed strips

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Inserted and twisted the wires

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Filled with glue with soda, ground:

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Covered with soil a couple of times

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Then I started spray painting. The first time I didn't think to shoot first to the side, I shot right at the hood, so it turned out such nonsense:

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I had to sand it again and cover it with soil and paint again.

There is no final photo, but it turned out so-so… But from a couple of steps it looks normal. On occasion, I will give it to the pros, especially since I will have to visit the paint in the future anyway. Smile

Next, I punched the cheapest camera into the hood. It shows quite well.

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Since the camera is designed to be installed from below on a horizontal surface, I disassembled it and turned it over.

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Installed the camera

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To install a stamped spare wheel instead of a cast disc, as well as a cap, Britpart nuts for stamps (RRD500010), gaskets and nuts for the cap (MXC7335 and MXC7887) were ordered:

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A spare tire with a hood is installed:

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The kind for which everything was started:

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The mount is installed simply, sits firmly on the spare, does not hang out. But on the bumps it becomes scary for the British aluminum door. The mount can withstand the installation of two bicycles on it, but it's scary to hang the second one — the feeling that the hinges will tear out! Smile))

In general, whether I will often carry a bike on the Defender is unknown, but I now have a car with a cool spare! Smile))

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Good luck to everyone!

PS The bike, by the way, has seen a lot in its lifetime — in particular, I rode it in Finland in 2001, when my friend and I (for 17 years) together traveled 1400 km across this country. in two weeks, so I had to almost completely sort it out — put a new carriage, chain, etc., but that's a completely different story)

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 “A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a word of command might transform them into our friends. At some table a document is signed by some persons whom none of us knows, and then for years together that very crime on which formerly the world’s condemnation and severest penalty fall, becomes our highest aim.”
— Erich Maria Remarque
Post #963190 28th Aug 2022 6:52pm
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Member Since: 27 May 2020
Location: Moscow
Posts: 84

Russia 2005 Defender 90 Td5 HT Santorini Black
#Weekend trip - abandoned churches of the Vladimir region.
July 31, 2022

Hello, friends!

On July 31, for the first time this summer, we went to interesting places located near our summer cottage.

We took two of our five dogs with us — a teenage Rottweiler and a giant Schnauzer. The Pomeranians stayed at home)

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1. The first bell tower of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the tract Argunovo. 55.993318, 38.995197.

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"This village on the Kirzhach river served as the center of the ancient Argun parish. Residents of the village of Argunovo, Nikolskoye also, or in the vernacular Nikolo-Argunovo, have been engaged in carpentry since ancient times. In the dictionary of V.I. Dahl, the word "argun" is explained as a carpenter, namely Vladimir.

According to the scribal books of 1628, the village of Nikolskoye on Kirzhach is listed as a well-deserved patrimony "for the Moscow siege sitting in the royal parish near Moscow", given to Prince Alexei Yurievich Sitsky (d. 1644), boyar, head of the Order of the Kazan Palace, married to Princess Evdokia Dmitrievna Pozharskaya. In the scribal books of the XVII century. we read the description of the church of S. Argunovo of that time: "The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is standing on top (that is, tent), and in the church there are deesis and royal doors and images and books and candles and every church structure of the world, at the church of St. Basil." There were two priests at the Argunovo church, each in the parish had 96 courtyards, and in 1707-1708 there were 107.

According to local legend, before the construction of the stone temple there were two wooden churches, from which, according to the local church chronicle, two royal gates and an iron eight-pointed cross with a half moon at the bottom have been preserved. These churches were located on the site of the current cemetery (to the north of the ruins of the stone temple). In 1795, a stone church was built instead of wooden churches, and in 1826 a warm refectory was attached to it. The stone bell tower was erected in 1813 . There were five thrones: in the cold — in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Apostles Peter and Paul and the Great Martyr Barbara, in the refectory — the Baptism of the Lord and the Prophet Elijah. Above the main throne there is a canopy on four pillars. In 1833, the church and cemetery were surrounded by a stone fence with 5 towers and 5 gates, a stone gatehouse was erected.

In the early 1950s, people were still praying in the church. On March 18, 1957, the decision of the executive committee of the regional Council appeared, allowing "The Pokrovsky district executive Committee to dismantle the emergency building of the inactive church of the village. Argunovo", signed by Chairman V. Sporov. In the certificate signed on March 15, 1957, "Upoln. The Council for the Affairs of the R.P.C. (so in the original) under the Soviet Ministry of the USSR in the Vladimir region" I. Mirsky writes about the building, built in 1795, that it "does not represent any architectural or historical value, is in disrepair ... the foundation, the brickwork of the walls are being destroyed, especially in the corners of the main building and the bell tower. There are no bars and frames in the window and door openings… I consider it possible to satisfy the petition of the Pokrovsky district executive Committee to dismantle the emergency building."

The church was blown up in the 1960s, there was a pile of broken bricks with bent window bars sticking out here and there (according to the papers authorizing the explosion, they were absent). The bell tower, supposedly emergency, survived the explosion, stands in our time, as before towering over forests and fields. Only the cemetery remains of the village."

Based on the materials of the book by prot. O. Panezhko "The City of the Intercession, the temples of the Petushinsky and Sobinsky districts of the Vladimir region", Vladimir, 2005. pp. 26-32.

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The remains of frescoes have been preserved inside

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Rustic landscape:

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2. The next object is the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Iroshnikovo. 56.085845, 39.174803

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"The village of Iroshnikovo stands on the Volyushka River. Its name originated from the craft that the inhabitants were engaged in — skinning (untreated animal skin is called "irha"), such an explanation was given by the church chronicle, which was stored earlier in the parish church. The first mention in the documents ("Vedomosti about the churches of the former Pereyaslav Diocese") shows that in 1755 a wooden church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, built by titular adviser Alexander Fedorovich Protopopov, was consecrated in the village of Iroshnikovo. After that, the village received a different name — Novo-Bogorodskoye. The landowner allocated homestead, arable land and haymaking.

In 1815, the construction of the existing stone church began. In 1829 The warm chapel of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious was consecrated, and in 1839 the main altar was consecrated. The icons of the Lord Almighty and the Kazan Mother of God were especially revered. The clergy consisted of a priest and a psalmist. In the parish were the village of Iroshnikovo and the village of. Teleshovo, Stepanovo, Myachikovo, Rusanovo, Abrosovo, Novo-Efimevo. The farthest villages of the parish were no more than 5 versts from the church. There was a parish school with 27 students at the church (1896)."

Based on the materials of the book by prot. O. Panezhko "The City of the Intercession, the temples of the Petushinsky and Sobinsky districts of the Vladimir region". — Vladimir, 2005. Page 52

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3. The Church of the Life-Giving Trinity. The village of Golovino. 56.021616, 39.189033

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"Until 1885, Golovino on the Volga River was a village that was part of the parish of the village of Ivanovsky-Prozorovsky. It was located 8 versts from the church. In 1881-1885 the temple was built and beautifully decorated with holy icons. Its main organizers were the peasants S. Golovino I.R. Romanov, I.S. Kasatkin, A.M. Avtonomov and the Moscow merchant N.V. Lepeshkin. The consecration of the main throne was performed personally by Archbishop Feognost of Vladimir and Suzdal (Lebedev, at the Vladimir department from 1878 to 1892). There are three thrones in the temple: the main one in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity, in the side chapels in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the blessed and Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. Until 1896, the church was assigned to the church of S. Ivanovsky-Prozorovsky, then had an independent parish, which consisted of a priest and a psalmist."

Based on the materials of the book by prot. O. Panezhko "The City of the Intercession, the temples of the Petushinsky and Sobinsky districts of the Vladimir region", Vladimir, — 2005, pp. 49-50

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4. The Church of All Saints. Novofetinino village.

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The church in the village of Novofetinino was built at the expense of N.A.Zubova (Suvorova) in memory of the victory of Russian soldiers over Napoleon in the Patriotic War of 1812.
Information about when this village was formed and the church was built has not been preserved. It is only known that at the end of the 18th century there was already a wooden church here, in 1822 this wooden church burned down.

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Do you see the Defender? And he is)

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5. The Church of worship of the chains of the Apostle Peter. The village of Fetinovo. 56.1505, 39.1944

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In the scribal books of 1637, the village of Fetinovo is indicated as the possession of the voivode, Prince Semyon Vasilyevich Prozorovsky (d. 1660). At Prozorovsky in Fetinov there was a wooden church of St. Nicholas with a chapel of St. Leontius of Rostov. It burned down. In its place, a new wooden one was built in 1670 by another owner of the village, as can be seen from the patriarchal salary books, in which "the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the patrimony of Ivan Vasiliev the son of Obrucky in the village of Fetinov ... tribute four altyns of 5 money" is marked with profit again. In 1737, a local patrimony, Andrei Petrov Klementyev, wrote to the Synodal state order that the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the Village of Fetinovo burned down, and asked permission to build a new one on the same site. Permission was given, and the church was built in the same year.

In 1819, instead of a wooden church, a stone church was built by the local patrimony of P.M. Abramov; in 1833, the refectory was expanded, and since that time it has remained unchanged. There are three thrones: in the cold one in the name of Worshiping the honest chains of the Apostle Peter, in the warm side chapels in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. Demetrius, Metropolitan of Rostov. In the village of Fetinovo since 1887 there was a parish school.

Source: O. Panezhko "The city of Kirzhach, temples of Kirzhach and Kolchuginsky districts of the Vladimir region". 2008

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After the trip, I collected a small video)

Good luck to everyone! “A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a word of command might transform them into our friends. At some table a document is signed by some persons whom none of us knows, and then for years together that very crime on which formerly the world’s condemnation and severest penalty fall, becomes our highest aim.”
— Erich Maria Remarque

Last edited by Bingo on 5th Oct 2022 7:05pm. Edited 1 time in total
Post #966094 27th Sep 2022 5:04pm
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
Posts: 17628

United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
Great photos and fascinating history, and the scenery is pretty stunning too! Thanks for posting. Thumbs Up
Post #966096 27th Sep 2022 5:36pm
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Member Since: 27 May 2020
Location: Moscow
Posts: 84

Russia 2005 Defender 90 Td5 HT Santorini Black
Thank you very much! Smile “A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a word of command might transform them into our friends. At some table a document is signed by some persons whom none of us knows, and then for years together that very crime on which formerly the world’s condemnation and severest penalty fall, becomes our highest aim.”
— Erich Maria Remarque
Post #966806 5th Oct 2022 6:40pm
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Member Since: 27 May 2020
Location: Moscow
Posts: 84

Russia 2005 Defender 90 Td5 HT Santorini Black
#Regular maintenance
August 21, 2022

Hello, friends!

I went to the master for another oil change and maintenance.

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The oil was replaced — the Mobile switched to Castrol. The air filter was replaced recently, so only the oil filters were changed — the usual original (bought cheaper than Britpart), the centrifuge — Kolbenschmidt.

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Changed the oil in the transfer case

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A clean distribution box is the pride of the owner! Smile

Some time after installing the main clutch cylinder from LOF Clutches noticed such an effect — in the middle of the pedal's reverse stroke, it seemed as if something was holding it. If you let go further, it goes further with a light click. As it turned out, the problem is not in the clutch master cylinder or in the clutch working cylinder, but in the pedal assembly itself — the sleeve against which the rod rests has a small backlash. It does not affect the speed, but we will fix it at the next big service.

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For a while I got a squeak coming from the right rear wheel.

The hub was disassembled. It turned out that this sound was made by the oil seal when rubbing against the flange of the bridge. Mysticism… The place where the oil seal rubs was lubricated with grease and the whistle went away. If it continues to whistle, it will be necessary to change the oil seal.

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Duty wheel for setting the pre-tension of the hub:

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Autumn is approaching — the pseudo-noise insulation of the hood is slowly falling off.

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Periodically, the left headlight stops burning. The problem is in the round connector at the far edge of the left wing — it needs to be moved. Sprinkled into the connector with BMW branded grease for contacts. We'll take a look.

I also asked a question about the shaking of the engine, which lasts 2-3 seconds after the car stops (in traffic jams or at traffic lights, as a rule). Most likely, the problem is either in the speed sensor or in the injectors. I will deal with this issue on occasion.

Good luck to all!

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 “A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a word of command might transform them into our friends. At some table a document is signed by some persons whom none of us knows, and then for years together that very crime on which formerly the world’s condemnation and severest penalty fall, becomes our highest aim.”
— Erich Maria Remarque
Post #966809 5th Oct 2022 6:50pm
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Member Since: 27 May 2020
Location: Moscow
Posts: 84

Russia 2005 Defender 90 Td5 HT Santorini Black
#Repair. Rear seat mounting tapes
August 28, 2022

Since the advent of the Defender, I had no fastening tapes on the right rear seats.

It would be possible to order new ones by the number IPM000010 or find a used one, but the first option scared off the price, and it was not possible to find a used one.

It could be done as one Defender owner, i.e. two tapes connected by a lock:

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But in single tapes, I like the fact that you can fold the seats and fasten them with one hand.

In general, I decided to go the other way.

I bought 2 meters of tape 2 meters long and so—called gas mask rivets:

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Then everything is simple:

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Then uncomplicated manipulations with a wrench in a hot car and tapes in place:

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Another item from the list of minor Defender malfunctions that did not give me peace of mind is crossed out)

Good luck to all! “A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a word of command might transform them into our friends. At some table a document is signed by some persons whom none of us knows, and then for years together that very crime on which formerly the world’s condemnation and severest penalty fall, becomes our highest aim.”
— Erich Maria Remarque
Post #966815 5th Oct 2022 7:12pm
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Member Since: 27 May 2020
Location: Moscow
Posts: 84

Russia 2005 Defender 90 Td5 HT Santorini Black
#Modding. Additional sockets for 12v
September 11, 2022

On long trips, one cigarette lighter socket is not enough to charge phones, a camera, a quadcopter and a refrigerator, so it was decided to make two more sockets in the rear compartment.

For a long time I puzzled over where to place them, in the end I stopped at the cube box on the back side. It is in this place that the socket in the Caddy is located. But here again, the problem is that the sockets installed on the back side will greatly reduce the space in the armrest drawer, and each cubic cm in the Defender 90 is worth its weight in gold. In addition, sockets with wires must be closed with some kind of lid inside the box and this lid must be fixed somehow, so that, firstly, it is beautiful, secondly, it is safe and thirdly, but not in the latter, it is easily removable.

I don't know how the regular box is arranged, but I have a hardboard panel on the floor of it, and to remove the box it needs to be removed.

So, for the device of two sockets, it was purchased:
— Panel with sockets from Hyundai Solaris;
— Wire 2.5 black and red 3 meters each;
— Wire of any meter 2 (for the manager +);
— Fuse holder;
— 20A fuse;
— Terminals for connection to screws + and -;
— Male and female terminals with clamps;
— Male-female two-terminal block;
— Male pad for female terminal;
— 4-pin relay
— Relay pad

We also need a heat shrink tube, round pliers, a crimper, a 25-petal drill, a drill, an engraver)

Panel from Solaris:

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The cups of sockets are first removed from the panel (to do this, you need to unclench the plastic tendrils of the lid from inside the glass), then the lids are removed

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We drill, we make cuts with a dremel for the clamps (on the sides) and the guide from above:

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We collect wires for sockets:

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The short wire was connected to the long one by crimping the female terminals:

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And in two layers of shrink tube:

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We connect the power to the sockets via a relay according to this scheme:

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"+" we take from the fuse box, "-" we cling to the nut, next to the fuse box:

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We output the wire under the bottom and output it under the cubby box through an elastic band through which the diagnostic connector wire exits. We drag the control "+" relay to the radio and attach it to the ACC wire of the radio.

I did this with the floor of the cubby box - I sawed it into two parts and connected it with a strip of tarpaulin. Then I glued the front wall of the outlet cover to the back on a strip of tarpaulin and the upper part of the outlet cover onto it.

In general, it turned out like this:

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I pasted the resulting construction with carpeting on one side:

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In order for the upper panel of the "outlet covers" to be fixed, I screwed two plastic furniture corners onto the back wall of the cubby box, to which the upper panel is attached with two screws (if necessary, I will put two screws under the hexagon).

We assemble the salon, put the cubby-box in place

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And we find:

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As they say - "Measure seven times, cut once.".

The sockets are almost overlapped by the jack leg, which in Defender 90 lies behind the cubby box…

In general, the sockets should have been put higher. But in this case, the space in the box will be greatly reduced — a dilemma!

Then they gave me a great idea — to put the sockets at an angle to the back wall of the cubby-box — so they take up less space inside, and the jack does not overlap.

I decided not to postpone this event for a long time and started sculpting next weekend)

Built a house:

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Drilled holes for sockets:

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I put it on glue and toothpicks:

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Well done:

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Now it's another matter:

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I removed the support from the jack behind the passenger seat — it fits perfectly there.

Thank you all for your attention)

Good, damn it:

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Good luck to all! “A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a word of command might transform them into our friends. At some table a document is signed by some persons whom none of us knows, and then for years together that very crime on which formerly the world’s condemnation and severest penalty fall, becomes our highest aim.”
— Erich Maria Remarque
Post #966819 5th Oct 2022 7:36pm
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Member Since: 27 May 2020
Location: Moscow
Posts: 84

Russia 2005 Defender 90 Td5 HT Santorini Black
Hello, friends!

I hope that my posts are interesting to someone)

Today I will tell you about a small unplanned trip to Belarus that my wife and I and our dogs made in early October.

On the morning of a sunny Sunday, we came up with the idea to go to Belarus in order to see another Rottweiler dog, which my wife wanted to buy for herself.

The puppy should have left for the UK, but by chance her sister left there)

They planned to sort things out in Minsk on Monday and return the same day. It was supposed to spend the night in the car, on a newly designed mobile mini sleeping bag.

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The spouse sleeps perfectly in the chair.

We left our village house at 1:30 p.m. and about 2 a.m. were at a gas station in Minsk, where we spent the night. The distance is about 830 km.

The next day we sorted things out and decided to stay in Belarus and go to Grodno to meet friends and see the castle.

On the way we stopped in the village of Rakov for provisions, where we found the Church of Our Lady of Ruzhentsova and St. Dominic built in 1906

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Upon arrival in Grodno, they took pictures of the castle in the backlight, it turned out, however, not a very good photo

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We spent the night, again, at a gas station (there is a lot of parking space at Belorusneft gas stations and the entrance to the toilet is outside, it is convenient).

The next morning we went to inspect the castle

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"The Old Castle in Grodno (belor. Stari Zamak u Grodno zamak Batoriya) is an architectural monument in Belarus, a complex of defensive structures, religious and secular buildings of the XI—XIX centuries, located in the historical center of Grodno.

The Old Castle is the only surviving royal castle on the territory of modern Belarus. For a long time it was the residence of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania and the kings of Poland, and thus played an important role in the life of four modern peoples: Belarusian, Lithuanian, Polish and Ukrainian.

The castle is located on a high and steep hill on the right bank of the Neman River near the mouth of the Gorodnichanka River. It began to be built during the Old Russian state. The castle was repeatedly destroyed, restored and rebuilt. Its layout and architecture reveal layers of many centuries. The topography of the area determined the outline of the castle, close to the triangle. The length of the castle walls reached almost 300 m with an average thickness of about 3 m . The castle was separated from the city by a ravine and a deep moat.

Since the beginning of the XII century, it became the princely residence of the Principality of Gorodensk. The princely terem, the Lower Church, the Upper Church, and other residential and outbuildings were erected here. At that time, a stone wall made of plinth was built in the castle, which had no analogues among other Eastern European structures.

The palace, fragments of defensive walls, ruins of the Lower and Upper Churches, princely chambers, bridge and castle have been preserved to this day.

Now the Grodno State Historical and Archaeological Museum is located in the castle. Traditionally, the entire complex of structures on Castle Hill is called the Old Castle." (Wikipedia)

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There is a fire station with a tower near the castle:

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There is a museum in the castle. Neither it nor the territory of the castle with dogs can be entered, so we examined the castle only from the outside.

Then we moved along the m6 highway to Lida. On the way, we saw a pointer to the Svyatopolk-Chetvertinsky estate in the village Zheludok

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"The palace and park complex in the village of Zheludok of the Shchuchinsky district of the Grodno region was created at the beginning of the XX century by the efforts of Prince Ludwig Svyatopolk-Chetvertinsky. The construction was completed in 1908, and until 1939 the palace, as well as adjacent buildings, served as the center of a large family estate." (posmotrim.by/article/usad...ertinskih-v-gheludke.html )

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The guard did not recommend us to come in with dogs, because a shepherd is sitting in the aviary and she can get out of it if she really wants to. Inspection of the palace is possible only from the outside.

Beyond the territory of the main building of the estate there are outbuildings of the former once large and rich estate

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On the way from the Stomach to the highway, we saw a pointer to the Khadkevich estate in the village of Bolshoe Mozheikovo.

The main manor house located in the park has not been preserved to this day because it burned down in 1914, so the outbuilding, parts of the fence and outbuildings remained from the estate


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"Lamus (German: Lehmhaus — from Lehm — clay and Haus — house, Polish. Lamus, belor. Lamus) is the name of a two—storey, sometimes one— or three-storey economic building. This type of economic construction was used to store food, clothing, grain, agricultural tools and valuable property. In the summer, it was often used for living. This type of economic construction was widespread in the period from the XVII to the beginning of the XX centuries on the territory of Western Belarus, Poland and Lithuania. They were built mainly in cities and estates. They were rare in simple peasant courtyards." (Wikipedia)

The barn:

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Workers' House:

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The next object that forced us to turn off the highway was the fortified Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in the village of Murovanka

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"For a long time, the official date of construction of the church was considered to be 1407. Analysis of historical documents has shown that this date of construction was falsified in the XVII century. A more detailed study of the monument gave scientists reason to believe that the fortified church was built between 1516 and 1542 at the expense of the local landowner Shimka. Subsequently, the owner of Mozheykov, the Vilna underboss Shimko Matskevich-Shklensky, endowed the church with the tenth kopay from wheat, barley and wheat from his estate." (Wikipedia)

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"A fortified church is a church that, due to its design and location, can be used as a fortification. In the practice of Russian church construction, there is no special term for buildings of this type. Although there are many examples in history when the population took refuge in churches, seeking salvation from the enemy there.

Churches of this type began to be built in Europe in the Middle Ages in an era when firearms were not yet widely used, which made a fundamental change in the principles of fortification. Sometimes such churches were surrounded by a fortress wall with towers, a moat and other defensive elements. A cemetery was often located within this wall." (Wikipedia)

We saw a lot of fortified churches during our trip to Romania in 2018. “A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a word of command might transform them into our friends. At some table a document is signed by some persons whom none of us knows, and then for years together that very crime on which formerly the world’s condemnation and severest penalty fall, becomes our highest aim.”
— Erich Maria Remarque
Post #968346 19th Oct 2022 6:08pm
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Member Since: 27 May 2020
Location: Moscow
Posts: 84

Russia 2005 Defender 90 Td5 HT Santorini Black
On the way from the defensive church to the highway is the estate of the Brochotsky-Romers in Mozheikovo

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"Mozheikovskaya manor is a partially preserved monument of estate and park architecture of the XIX century, located in the agro—town of Mozheikovo in the Lida district of the Grodno region of Belarus. The palace was built in 1880 in the style of late classicism. Several other buildings of the former estate of varying degrees of preservation and the remains of the park have survived to this day." (Wikipedia)

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Upon arrival in Lida, we walked around the castle.

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"Lida Castle is a castle in Belarus, in the city of Lida, built in 1323 on behalf of Prince Gediminas. He was part of the line of defense against the crusaders Novogrudok — Krevo — Medniki — Troki.

The castle was built of rubble stone and brick, had the shape of an irregular quadrangle with two corner towers and was placed on an embankment sand hill surrounded by marshy banks of the Lidea and Kamenka rivers, with a moat about 20 m wide from the north, which connected these rivers and separated the castle from the city. Later (probably in the XVI—XVII centuries), an artificial lake was included in the system of pre-castle fortifications from the east.

The castle courtyard housed an Orthodox church (moved to the city in 1533), residential and outbuildings, and since 1568 — a court, an archive, a prison. The living quarters were located on the upper floors of the towers.

In 1383, after storming the castle, the Crusaders took it and partially ruined it. In 1392, detachments of German and English knights and the army of their then ally Prince Vitovt besieged and took the castle[1][2]. The castle repeatedly fought off attacks: in 1406 — from detachments of Prince Yuri Svyatoslavich of Smolensk, in 1433 — from the armies of Prince Svidrigaila, in 1506 — from detachments of Crimean Tatars. In the summer of 1659, the castle was stormed by the army of the Moscow Principality.

During the Northern War (1700-1721), the castle was destroyed twice by the Swedes, who blew up its towers. The last battle here took place in 1794 between the Kosciuszka rebels, who defended themselves in the ruins of the castle, and the Russian army.

In 1892, Lida burned down, and the fire destroyed the entire center, including the town hall building of the XVIII century. The city authorities began dismantling and selling castle buildings, using them to restore the city. Sand was taken from the slopes of the castle hill. Then the remains of the southwestern tower were almost completely destroyed and part of the western wall was dismantled." (Wikipedia)

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Then we moved towards the town of Novogrudok, where there was another medieval castle, of which there is little left by now…

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"Novogrudok Castle (belor. Navagrudski zamak, Poland. Zamek w Nowogródku) — the castle, once located in the city of Novogrudok, was one of the key strongholds and one of the most powerful fortresses in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, now its ruins are located on the slopes of Castle Hill. A unique monument of defensive architecture of the Middle Ages, the ancient center of Novogrudok, the residence of the Grand Dukes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It existed from the XIII to the XVII centuries. The foundations of fortifications with buildings and ruins of towers have been preserved.

In the XVI century, Novogrudok Castle was one of the strongest in Belarus and the only one with seven towers. It was further reinforced by fortifications on the northern and north-eastern sides, where there was a large earthen rampart and a wide defensive moat.

Over time, the Novogrudok Castle lost its strategic position and began to collapse. During the war of 1654-1667, Moscow troops took Novogrudok twice. In 1655, it was occupied by Ivan Zolotarenko's Cossacks. And in 1660, the partially restored castle was occupied by the troops of Prince Ivan Khovansky. The towers of the castle Meshchanskaya, Kolodeznaya, Malaya Nadvratnaya and Posadskaya, as well as the spinning walls were destroyed to the foundations. During the Northern War, the local fortifications were finally destroyed: in 1706, the Swedes passing through the city blew up their remnants.

In 1802, Grodno governor Bennigsen gave an order to dismantle the remains of the castle walls in order to pave the streets of the city. But two towers have been partially preserved. At the end of the XIX century, garbage began to be brought to the territory of the castle through a gap in the walls from all over Novogrudok, which covered the ruins of ancient buildings with a two-meter layer." (Wikipedia)

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View from Castle hill

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Near the castle there is an art gallery in the building of the former estate

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It was already dark when we reached the Lubchansky Castle

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"Lyubchansky castle (belor. Lyubchansky zamak) is a castle of the second half of the XVI century, from which two towers have been preserved in the village of Lyubcha in the Novogrudok district of the Grodno region of Belarus, on the left bank of the Neman River.

The castle was built in 1581, as evidenced by the weather vane found in it with the date "1581" stamped on it. The initiator of the construction of the castle was the influential magnate and grandee of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Jan Kishka, who owned Lyubcha. Initially, almost all the buildings of the castle, except for one stone tower that protected the entrance, were wooden. The territory of the castle complex, except for earthworks, was surrounded on three sides by a moat, and on the fourth by the waters of the river.

At the end of the XVI century, the new owner significantly rebuilt the castle: three more stone towers and stone internal buildings were erected, which significantly increased the fortification characteristics of the fortress.

In the middle of the XVII century, a talented commander, the Great Lithuanian Hetman Janusz Radziwill, who distinguished himself in the war with the Cossacks of Bogdan Khmelnitsky in 1648-1651, became the owner of the Lubchansky castle. However, the troops of Hetman Ivan Zolotarenko in 1655 captured and burned the Lubchansky Castle, destroying two towers, after which it forever lost its significance both as a military fortification and as one of the Radziwills' residences." (Wikipedia)

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Unfortunately, the photos on top were not sharp…

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Finally, they wanted to take the Mir Castle located nearby from the air, but it turned out that almost all the lighting in it was turned off, so they managed to take a photo only with a long exposure

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We spent the night at a gas station near Minsk and in the middle of the next day we moved to the house. We were at the place about 2 o'clock in the morning.

In total, we have traveled about 3 thousand kilometers during these days.

After the trip, I edited a small video:

Good luck to everyone! “A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a word of command might transform them into our friends. At some table a document is signed by some persons whom none of us knows, and then for years together that very crime on which formerly the world’s condemnation and severest penalty fall, becomes our highest aim.”
— Erich Maria Remarque
Post #968349 19th Oct 2022 6:26pm
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Member Since: 27 May 2020
Location: Moscow
Posts: 84

Russia 2005 Defender 90 Td5 HT Santorini Black
Summing up the results of the year)

Hello, friends!

In December, it is customary to sum up various results, so I decided to write briefly about how we spent the past year with Defender.

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So, the Defender is used almost daily for trips to the country, as well as for traveling — far and not so far)

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In the summer, I planned to make noise insulation and improve the music, but due to certain reasons, it was not possible to do this. But some devices were installed that make the life of the driver of the English legend even more convenient:

— Cruise control;

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— Tachometer;

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— Additional sockets;

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— In the summer, a Russian-made Autoslight-mini controller was installed, which lights up the high-beam headlights in the daytime (daytime running lights), and automatically turns on the low beam at nightfall. Unfortunately, the drl-near switching function works quite slowly, so the transition from daylight to night (for example, when entering a tunnel) occurs with a delay of three minutes. It's inconvenient. But in general, the device is useful.

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— The washer tank is installed in the regular place;

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— New rear seat mounting straps have been installed;

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This year I have visited the best master in the Moscow region several times to perform significant repairs and maintenance.

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As a result of the work performed, the Defender has become almost perfect in terms of technology, but there is still something to fix and repair in it:
— replacement of the front axle balls;
— lower silent blocks of rear shock absorbers;
— alignment of the A-shaped lever;
— replacement of the rear window or repair of heating contacts (fell off);
— to deal with the fact that the car periodically stalls and does not start, with the departure of the temperature indicator in the red zone;
— to deal with the fact that the car periodically stalls with the simultaneous glow of the check engine icon and then immediately starts;
— to deal with the fact that the engine vibrates for several seconds after stopping (either the speed sensor or the injectors). However, this effect has not been observed for several months;
— to deal with the condensate leak in the passenger's legs;
— to deal with the insufficient efficiency of the kondei in the heat on idle;
— to deal with the fact that the passenger door is not always unlocked, i.e. the locking button opens up to half and you can unlock the door only by simultaneously pressing the button on the outside of the door and pulling the inner button;
— to deal with the vibration at idle, giving into the brake pedal (suspicion of engine cushions). The effect has been observed for the last couple of weeks.
— recently, the preheater has started to fail — after turning off the engine, it starts in a few seconds, works for a minute and turns off and so on several times. When turned on from the remote control, the stove fan does not always turn on at the same time as the heater. And the other day, after a few hours of work at night, I was suffocated and turned off with an error due to overheating. In general, it is necessary to understand.
— also, various minor malfunctions periodically occur — the front lampshade in the cabin stopped burning, the rear door opening sensor was oxidized, the doors were self-locking in frosts when the external handle button was pressed and when the internal door handle was pulled back;
— it is necessary to redo the wiring of the mirrors because for some reason it has rotted at the junctions of the wires)

And the rest of the Defender is perfect and does not cause problems)

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This year, my wife and our small dog family went to different places: Suzdal,

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Vladimir region,

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Kaluga Region:

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In autumn, a folding sleeping bag was constructed, thanks to which you can travel with overnight stays.

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So in October we traveled around Belarus for four days,

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and I am writing this post while in Bulgaria, where we traveled through Georgia and Turkey for five days, since Russian citizens are not allowed to enter some European countries now)

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Let us have smooth roads and high-quality spare parts in our new year with Defender) And a peaceful sky, of course!

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Happy New Year!

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 “A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a word of command might transform them into our friends. At some table a document is signed by some persons whom none of us knows, and then for years together that very crime on which formerly the world’s condemnation and severest penalty fall, becomes our highest aim.”
— Erich Maria Remarque
Post #976186 31st Dec 2022 5:06pm
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Member Since: 03 Dec 2016
Location: Sunderland
Posts: 5244

United Kingdom 
All the best my friend Thumbs Up
My defender has got the dreaded crank sensor fault, Rolling Eyes which has put it out of action until the a replacement loom is made up and in the post.
Where did you get your spare wheel cover? Not the defender unit that goes over the steel spare wheel, but the one that covers the spare fully? Defender TD5 90 ---/--- Peugeot 306 HDI hatch back

Success is 90% Inspiration and 4 minutes Preparation # you can make it!
Post #976234 1st Jan 2023 1:55am
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Member Since: 27 May 2020
Location: Moscow
Posts: 84

Russia 2005 Defender 90 Td5 HT Santorini Black
Good day, Procta!

I changed the crankshaft position sensor wire, there are no errors on the sensor, so the problem is probably something else)

We have a small company that produces spare wheel covers for any wheel size. I like the way it looks, but there is a small problem - when opening the rear door, the spare wheel cover touches the right rear of the car. After a couple of such touches, a small dent appeared on the panel... Sad

Best wishes! “A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a word of command might transform them into our friends. At some table a document is signed by some persons whom none of us knows, and then for years together that very crime on which formerly the world’s condemnation and severest penalty fall, becomes our highest aim.”
— Erich Maria Remarque
Post #976417 2nd Jan 2023 6:32pm
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Member Since: 20 Mar 2013
Location: Louth
Posts: 519

Ireland 1989 Defender 90 V8 Petrol CSW Auto Firenze Red
Really enjoying the photos of the trips and the detailed write ups about them Thumbs Up Very Happy
Post #976436 2nd Jan 2023 8:05pm
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Member Since: 27 May 2020
Location: Moscow
Posts: 84

Russia 2005 Defender 90 Td5 HT Santorini Black
Thank you very much) “A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a word of command might transform them into our friends. At some table a document is signed by some persons whom none of us knows, and then for years together that very crime on which formerly the world’s condemnation and severest penalty fall, becomes our highest aim.”
— Erich Maria Remarque
Post #976667 4th Jan 2023 1:04pm
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Member Since: 27 May 2020
Location: Moscow
Posts: 84

Russia 2005 Defender 90 Td5 HT Santorini Black
Travel from Russia to Bulgaria via Georgia and Turkey.

Hello, friends!

For the New Year holidays 2022-23, we decided to go to Bulgaria, where my wife's mother lives. Since 2010, we have been going there periodically by car.

Until 2014, we traveled to Bulgaria by the shortest route through Ukraine. The length of the route was 1,976 kilometers. With a strong desire, it was possible to get from Moscow in two days and eat delicious Ukrainian dumplings on the highway between Kiev and Odessa.

After the events of 2014, we began to go around Ukraine through European countries: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia. The length of this path has already reached 3,000 km . Travel time is about 3-4 days, depending on the time of year.

After the partial lifting of covid restrictions in the summer of 2021, we decided to go through Ukraine again, despite the assurances of propaganda that Russians are treated badly there. As a result, we drove perfectly, looked at castles in the western part of Ukraine and several estates in Romania.


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Since March 2022, for those who do not have a residence permit of EU countries, there is only one way to Bulgaria — through Georgia and Turkey, bypassing the Black Sea. The length of the route is about 4,000 thousand kilometers. We had enough time, so we decided to go this way, despite the prospect of spending 8-10 days on the road.

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For the sake of interest, we decided to go on a Defender this year. Caddy, of course, is bigger, but Def is funnier) Before the trip, maintenance was done and all steering tips were replaced.

A few days before the trip, I began to feel the intermittent vibration of the engine at idle, giving into the brake pedal. Vibration could stop when removing the handbrake or when swinging the car. The master remotely suggested that tired engine cushions could be to blame. Considering that the malfunction is not critical, and there are no original pillows available in Moscow, it was decided to go.

Since there is not enough space in Defender 90, and if there is a driver, a passenger and five dogs, its volume tends to zero at all, then a box was borrowed from a friend, which was mounted on Thule crossbars purchased in advance on racks No. 953.

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A small folding sleeping bag was designed for overnight stays back in autumn:

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We travel with dogs. Currently we have one Giant Schnauzer, two teenagers of the Rottweiler breed and three Pomeranians.

The Schnauzer was left at home with his daughter this time, because at her age, travel is no longer as well tolerated as in her youth...

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So, we finally left on Sunday 25.12 at 10:00.

Around 00:30 we got up for the night. On the first day we drove about 1000 km. We were lucky with the weather — there was no snow.

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On 26.12 we started at 8:00 in the direction of Georgia. After that, the sun came out in the southern part of the country, which accompanied us until dark.

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On December 27, at 6:50 a.m., we moved towards the checkpoint on the border with Georgia.

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To be continued)

[/img] “A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a word of command might transform them into our friends. At some table a document is signed by some persons whom none of us knows, and then for years together that very crime on which formerly the world’s condemnation and severest penalty fall, becomes our highest aim.”
— Erich Maria Remarque

Last edited by Bingo on 9th Feb 2023 2:31pm. Edited 1 time in total
Post #981876 9th Feb 2023 2:12pm
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