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Member Since: 12 Jan 2020
Location: Mudgee, NSW
Posts: 21

If the new Defender can spend 3 weeks Outback touring (2013 D4 SDV6 HSE) with a family of 3 teens and two adults towing a camper in comfort without issues (apart from not being able to get 20inch tyres in Alice Springs (Local LR dealer not able to help either) And needing them trucked 2000km from Adelaide!) then I will be shortlisting it as my next vehicle.

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Post #848820 9th Aug 2020 12:00pm
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Member Since: 11 Sep 2019
Location: Whitsundays & Sydney
Posts: 823

PB I find the issue is that people sometimes think that D3/4 or RRS owners are
characterised by the Knightsbridge and chamonix set, there seems to be a lack
of appreciation that in markets such as Oz, South Africa and parts of the US there
are a significant number of owners that enjoy touring and over landing.. many
of my off road trips have been done with like minded LR owners.. This picture
was the start of our Cape York adventure, towed a 1.6 ton camper trailer
over 2000 K's without a bit of bitumen in sight, including sections of the Old Telegraph
track.. The new defender will be spending a large part of its first year off road doing a
lap of OZ, i would not buy a new Defender if i did not have faith in its ability to get me
where i want to go

Click image to enlarge
 yet another pommie bar steward down under

MY20 110 P400 SE Defender
MY10 3.0 RR Sport

Last edited by zilch on 9th Aug 2020 12:32pm. Edited 3 times in total
Post #848823 9th Aug 2020 12:15pm
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Member Since: 04 Nov 2019
Location: Fife
Posts: 3436

Tim in Scotland wrote:
Supacat wrote:
Philm wrote:
There are recalls for the Pivi Pro and the steering, mine goes in on Tuesday for them.

When you say "recall" do you mean that it's a full motor industry /Govt recall or is it more of a Technical Service Bulletin/Servive Message?

I cannot see how Privi Pro would be a “danger to life/ safety “ item needing a recall - suspect both these are TSB.

Philm - is th eteering one for the over intrusive Lane Assist system because mine is switched off as much as I can go down through the layers but it still cuts in which is a pain on the narrow roads around here where our generous council has white lined the road edges along the verge

The demo car I had didn’t appear to correct my steering. I should’ve checked the settings to see.
Post #848825 9th Aug 2020 12:20pm
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
Posts: 5880

France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
zilch wrote:
PB I find the issue is that people sometimes think that D3/4 or RRS owners are
characterised by the Knightsbridge and chamonix set, there seems to be a lack
of appreciation that in markets such as Oz, South Africa and parts of the US there
are a significant number of owners that enjoy touring and over landing.. many
of my off road trips have been done with like minded LR owners.. This picture
was the start of our Cape York adventure, towed a 1.6 ton camper trailer
over 2000 K's without a bit of bitumen in sight, including sections of the Old Telegraph
track.. The new defender will be spending a large part of its first year off road doing a
lap of OZ, i would not buy a new Defender if i did not have faith in its ability to get me
where i want to go

Click image to enlarge

No lack of appreciation about oceanic markets whatsoever, but it is a tiny percentage of drivers globally who off road in RRS. Likewise I had a friend who liked to skydive in brogues, collar and tie, but that’s not the normal use for those items of clothing and as such (and rightly) they’d normally be categorised not as sporting clothing but city/country attire. So if the vast majority of users DON’T off road a RRS then that’s a correct characterisation, and is likely to be how they plan marketing to appeal to said audience.

The ROW/Asia Pacific combined account for fewer total sales than just the UK, where in my experience the vast majority of RRS stay on tarmac and in urban areas. The biggest market is the US, where whilst there will be those who use them off road, most don’t. Proper off roading Americans would rarely look beyond the US marques. The next two (equal sized) markets are Europe and China, and having visited China, it’s the upsurge in the Chinese middle class buying all the premium models, not off-roaders, whilst across Europe you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who off-roads choosing anything other than a Defender, Disco (normally 1-2, sometimes 3&4), Toyota etc. I’ve seen bucket loads of RRS carrying expensive shopping and expensive skis, across the globe, but I have never seen one kitted for off roading.

As I mentioned previously, there are always exceptions and clearly our Aussie contingent have a healthy gang who like to take them into the wilderness, but that probably accounts for no more than a single percent of all global RRS sales. So it’s not an assumptive or dismissive characterisation, it’s based on stats. But I never said RRS don’t off-road, shouldn’t off-road or that I don’t think their owners who do are any less important or valuable as a LR customer. It’s just that if the marketing team back at LR HQ imagined their target buyer, it isn’t going to be someone in shorts, boots, and baseball cap who understands the mechanics of winch recovery, how to use a sand bridge, what purpose a reserve fuel cell might serve etc. It’ll be someone who wants prestige, image, connectivity, comfort, speed and an interior that will swallow a partner, two kids, a dog and a shed load of shopping or kit for their ski trip/horse riding/picnic etc. Not exclusively, but in the main. Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #848836 9th Aug 2020 1:12pm
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2012
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 11018

United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS DCPU Keswick Green
I'm struggling with certain posts on here. People are making points about how JLR are characterising the market they want for their vehicles, and being quite clear about not including current posters, current posters take offence, where clearly and expressly none was intended, state they don't share the said characteristics, and then post they are the target audience because they will buy one.

And what exactly is meant by this?
100inch wrote:
And yes you are right that most users here are JLR owners but not all are equal.

Is this about the size of your wallet?

This is uncalled for:
100inch wrote:
.... probably seen more off road than most Defenders on here. I normally check out other peoples LR's here and this often tells the story how they use their car and how much 'old school' they are. Or at least think they are.

And if you start a p***ing contest about off road driving credentials, best not to start it with a dribble down your inside leg:
100inch wrote:
Or when I drove an Evoque in Icleand. In winter.
Post #848846 9th Aug 2020 1:43pm
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2012
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 11018

United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS DCPU Keswick Green
I'm struggling with certain posts on here. People are making points about how JLR are characterising the market they want for their vehicles, and being quite clear about not including current posters, current posters take offence, where clearly and expressly none was intended, state they don't share the said characteristics, and then post they are the target audience because they will buy one.

And what exactly is meant by this?
100inch wrote:
And yes you are right that most users here are JLR owners but not all are equal.

Is this about the size of your wallet?

This is uncalled for:
100inch wrote:
.... probably seen more off road than most Defenders on here. I normally check out other peoples LR's here and this often tells the story how they use their car and how much 'old school' they are. Or at least think they are.

And if you start a p***ing contest about off road driving credentials, best not to start it with a dribble down your inside leg:
100inch wrote:
Or when I drove an Evoque in Icleand. In winter.
Post #848848 9th Aug 2020 1:45pm
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Member Since: 28 Sep 2013
Location: Suffolk
Posts: 735

United Kingdom 
Shocked Whistle Sold the Puma Defender and bought a brand new Pangea Green 2020 Defender D240 S with a few factory extras!
Post #848849 9th Aug 2020 1:47pm
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Member Since: 31 Oct 2015
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Posts: 280

Malaysia 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 DCPU Galway Green
And yes you are right that most users here are JLR owners but not all are equal.

..of course..some are smart enough not waste such amount of money on to atrocious pile of metal..
Post #848855 9th Aug 2020 2:50pm
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Member Since: 21 Feb 2011
Location: Central
Posts: 491

England 2002 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter That actually made me laugh out loud.
Post #848857 9th Aug 2020 2:58pm
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Member Since: 15 May 2012
Location: Brunswick
Posts: 411

Australia 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 CSW Santorini Black
Some compete with their keyboards, some behind a steering wheel. Hope we are not running into a popcorn shortage. m

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Post #848934 9th Aug 2020 10:07pm
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Member Since: 11 Sep 2019
Location: Whitsundays & Sydney
Posts: 823

Grenadier wrote:
As I mentioned previously, there are always exceptions and clearly our Aussie contingent have a healthy gang who like to take them into the wilderness, but that probably accounts for no more than a single percent of all global RRS sales. .

i think i have mentioned before Grenadier, i would assume it is very much territory dependent and the accessibility
of tracks/trails. do the dealers encourage owners of new vehicles to join local off road clubs etc. LR have been
reasonably active in supporting local owner clubs in NSW, especially around greater Sydney, which provides
opportunity for new and old owners the ability to learn and enjoy their Landies at their full potential
Whether a Disco, RRS or classic Defender when they were sold new. That encourages people to get out more
with a level of confidence on club trips, with the families and mates, whether short weekends or longer tours.

I cannot comment on dealers in the UK today, but between 1997-2005 when we had our D1 and D2's and lived
in sunny Bucks, i cannot remember once being asked by our dealer whether we had any interest in joining any
local LR or off road clubs. Different attitude and frame of mind no doubt

In regard to percentages, i do not doubt it is very low, but i would humbly suggest that owners of the late model
classics say 2014-16, how many of them are actually out in the wilds, more likely wrapped in cotton wool waiting
for the investment to continue to rise.

Your mate who sky dives in brogues Shocked , ex Guards by any chance ?? i was R Sigs for 9 years, so
no doubt would wear something more practical Laughing ..

My affinity with Land Rovers goes back 40 years when i passed my Army driving Test in an Airportable lightweight,
driven SWB and LWB utilities, FFR's, Snatch and mineproofs, owned a classic V8 RR, D1's, D2's, 2 RRS, i am maybe
misguided, but loyal to the LR brand from a perspective they have served me well both in the military and civilian
life, I do not see the new Defender being anyone different, its a continuing story.. with the odd blip of course Thumbs Up yet another pommie bar steward down under

MY20 110 P400 SE Defender
MY10 3.0 RR Sport
Post #848939 10th Aug 2020 1:00am
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2012
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 11018

United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS DCPU Keswick Green
100inch wrote:
Some compete with their keyboards, some behind a steering wheel. Hope we are not running into a popcorn shortage.

Well if you are going to start that again...

So where's the photos of this:

100inch wrote:
Or when I drove an Evoque in Icleand. In winter.
Post #848944 10th Aug 2020 5:53am
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Member Since: 27 Jan 2009
Location: Stellenbosch, ZA
Posts: 2663

South Africa 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 SW Alpine White
A bullbar from Oz: https://www.instagram.com/p/CDsGy7qMsGJ/ --
2010 Defender Puma 90 + BAS remap + Alive IC + Slickshift + Ashcroft ATB rear
2015 Range Rover Sport V8 Supercharged

Defender Puma Workshop Manual: https://bit.ly/2zZ1en9
Discovery 4 Workshop Manual: https://bit.ly/2zXrtKO
Range Rover/Sport L320/L322/L494 Workshop Manual: https://bit.ly/2zc58JQ
Post #848955 10th Aug 2020 7:15am
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Tim in Scotland

Member Since: 23 May 2007
Location: The Land that time forgot
Posts: 3753

Ecco wrote:
And yes you are right that most users here are JLR owners but not all are equal.

..of course..some are smart enough not waste such amount of money on to atrocious pile of metal..

Thank you for calling me a complete and total arse with more money than sense, and for spending my money how I want to spend it, I don’t understand you, you hate the car so why do you bother to come to this part of the forum and spread such bile? Pangea Green D250 90 HSE with Air Suspension, Off-road Pack, Towing Pack, Black Contrast roof , rear recovery eyes, Front bash plate, Classic flaps all round, extended wheel arch kit and a few bits from PowerfulUK Expel Clear Gloss PPF to come
2020 D240 1st Edition in Pangea Green with Acorn interior. Now gone - old faithful, no mechanical issues whatsoever ever but the leaks and rattles all over the place won’t be missed!

Last edited by Tim in Scotland on 10th Aug 2020 7:50am. Edited 2 times in total
Post #848958 10th Aug 2020 7:24am
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Member Since: 27 Jan 2009
Location: Stellenbosch, ZA
Posts: 2663

South Africa 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 SW Alpine White
^ thank you, Tim, I also cannot understand why people are Censored all over a vehicle and putting down the owners when they either have no intention of buying or cannot afford to buy.

Confused --
2010 Defender Puma 90 + BAS remap + Alive IC + Slickshift + Ashcroft ATB rear
2015 Range Rover Sport V8 Supercharged

Defender Puma Workshop Manual: https://bit.ly/2zZ1en9
Discovery 4 Workshop Manual: https://bit.ly/2zXrtKO
Range Rover/Sport L320/L322/L494 Workshop Manual: https://bit.ly/2zc58JQ
Post #848960 10th Aug 2020 7:37am
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