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Member Since: 03 Dec 2016
Location: Sunderland
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United Kingdom 
Joe the Plumber wrote:
Birth, school, university, teacher.

Life experience? Zero.

The education side of things needs a right kick up the arse experience wise. Ok studying things but where do you get the experience from? That's the question. I tried to get into the ICT tech role for schools and could i hell get in for experience. They would not even entertain me if i offered to pay for my own checks. All about insurance sadly Rolling Eyes Defender TD5 90 ---/--- Peugeot 306 HDI hatch back

Success is 90% Inspiration and 4 minutes Preparation # you can make it!
Post #836826 12th Jun 2020 4:27pm
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Member Since: 04 Nov 2016
Location: West lancs
Posts: 593

As a teacher who would have made more money as a capable builder I find views of teachers very interesting. However they can be unfortunately accurate. I work with very challenging and vulnerable kids and have seen them make grown men cry like babies using verbal Insults. Birth school college uni school with zero life experience is the norm but the best are the ex somethings like mechanics, doormen, Salon owners, military etc who have retrained. It is a vocation There are days I come home physically and mentally knackered but I’ve always made a difference and improved a life in some way. That makes me smile
Post #836836 12th Jun 2020 5:00pm
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Doc P

Member Since: 03 Apr 2016
Location: Midlands
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Firenze Red
Rashers wrote:
Had a similar experience with a Consultant at the Hospital.
I was using a wire wheel on the end of an angle grinder to clean up some trailer wheels. Being Mr health and safety, I had gloves, mask and eye protection. I finished the wheels, de-gowned and went out for a cuppa. I came back and found a small piece I had missed. The rest as they say was history and there I was being carted off to A&E by the present Mrs Rashers with an eye injury.

When I finally got seen, the Doctor asked me how the accident happened. 'I was using an angle grinder with a wire wheel on it to clean up some metal wheels'. I said. 'An angle what?' came the reply back. At first I thought it was some kind of sick medical profession joke, but he had absolutely no idea what an angle grinder was. I explained it was like a drill, but had an angled end and it usually had disk attachments for grinding and cutting, but I had been using a wire wheel attachment.

The Guy got really uptight with me saying that if I couldn't explain how I had the accident, how was he supposed to treat me Shocked

On the Teacher case, my best mate as I grew up had both parents as teachers. He got a puncture in his bike. They had seen people remove tyres with kitchen implements. It's just such a shame they choose knives to try and lever the tyre off rather than spoons Rolling Eyes

Bet my left nut an orthopaedic surgeon would have known what an angle grinder is.
Post #836877 12th Jun 2020 8:23pm
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