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Member Since: 05 Nov 2015
Location: somewhere in the north
Posts: 1100

Germany 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 SW Keswick Green
UK - where is it (in)secure for a Defender on holidays?

following this forum for quite a while now, it seems Defender thefts and vandalism in the UK won't subside in the near future like we had hoped it would. However we'd really really like to come to your beautiful country for a holiday in our Defender.

I've added various security measures (again, thanks to this forum) but my wife and I still feel reluctant to leave our camper Landy unattended when e.g. going on a hike, visiting steam fairs, car or country shows, car boot sales or an outdoor theatre - activities that to us are special and that we're always looking forward to when coming to the UK.

So, question, where in the country is it particularly (in)secure, regarding Defender thefts?

Post #790222 3rd Sep 2019 10:39am
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Member Since: 09 Sep 2016
Location: North Essex
Posts: 1295

First of all, don't be put off from coming to the UK.

Yes, a lot of Defenders get stolen, but the vast majority do not.

Others will tell you of particularly nasty areas to avoid, but it is generally a matter of common sense.

Your Defender will not be parked in the same spot for several days/weeks, like domestic vehicles, so the local scumbags have less time to target it. You would be unlucky to suffer from an opportunist thief, although it can happen.

Generally it's a matter of common sense, and awareness of your surroundings when you park it.

I haven't seen many thefts reported on here in East Anglia.....
Post #790228 3rd Sep 2019 10:57am
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Member Since: 02 Mar 2011
Location: Silverdale (Lancashire/Cumbria Border)
Posts: 2665

United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Orkney Grey
I am with slideywindows.
Our Defenders are very desirable and do sometimes attract the wrong attention.
However most of the "touristy" and beautiful places (Lake District, NY Moors, Scotland, Snowdonia Cornwall etc) are probably OK if you take some precautions and park sensibly
...at least that's what I keep telling myself!

Plenty of us driving around in Defenders, and the % chance of attack are probably low if you park in sensible places and take reasonable precaution.

Enjoy! Defender "Puma" 2.4 110 County Utility (possibly the last of the 2.4's)
Post #790240 3rd Sep 2019 11:23am
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Member Since: 07 Oct 2009
Location: Middlesex
Posts: 1312

United Kingdom 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Santorini Black
I would avoid Yorkshire - seems like a very high incidence of Defender theft up there but it could just be anecdotal.
Post #790251 3rd Sep 2019 12:51pm
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Member Since: 06 Nov 2012
Location: Nottinghamshire
Posts: 4410

United Kingdom 
As above really, but I am going to emphasize that there are very few Defenders that actually get stolen, attacked or destroyed. But, social media being what it is you will only ever hear about that tiny percentage of vehicles that do get targeted and the outcry of hatred aimed at the people responsible or the cops.

The UK is a perfectly safe and simply gorgeous place to tour around in any vehicle and at any time of year.

However, as a precaution it would be wise to add some anti-theft or security devices/modifications to your vehicle before leaving home. The truth of the matter is that I expect that security would be high up on the list of priorities no matter where in the world you are planning to tour.

And why would you want to miss out on Snowdonia... Absolutely worth the effort and risk getting here Thumbs Up Thumbs Up

And besides the real question is why would you not want to come here;

Click image to enlarge

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It is worth the (admittedly minuscule) risk...
Post #790252 3rd Sep 2019 1:21pm
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Member Since: 20 Feb 2013
Location: East Lothian
Posts: 354

Scotland 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Baltic Blue
Avoid Yorkshire? What, all of it? On what you yourself have admitted may just be anecdotal evidence?

Come on mate. It's hardly a Mad Max post-apocolyptic wasteland is it? Well maybe if you're from the Home Counties I suppose everywhere can seem that way.

I'm hoping that post was done tongue in cheek but suspect not...not that I have any connection with that part of the world (other than once winning a karaoke contest in a pub in Doncaster outside of which you most definitely would not want to leave your pride and joy) - just an advocate of common sense.

Anyway here's an anecdote for you - we recently toured down through Europe to Lake Garda and back. Travelled through several countries and cities over three weeks. The only incident of note do with security/theft happened...guess where? Germany. My wife's locked bike was nicked from outside a swimming pool. Would that mean I recommend people avoid Germany - in particular the state of Hesse? To be specific the municipality of Wiesbaden. No don't be silly.
Post #790255 3rd Sep 2019 1:35pm
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Member Since: 05 Dec 2013
Location: Wales
Posts: 5115

Wales 2007 Defender 90 Other CSW Trident Green
Everywhere is safe in the UK with a Defender as long as you take precautions and use common sense when leaving it parked. Lots of security layers and you will be fine. It has been my experience that most of the Land Rovers stolen in the UK have had very little in the way of security. For those who like Welsh Mountains and narrow boats have a look at my videos and photos at..

Post #790259 3rd Sep 2019 1:52pm
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Member Since: 06 Nov 2008
Location: Birmingham
Posts: 6319

England 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Stornoway Grey
I was going to mention a couple of places to avoid and then realised there was no where left to visit so hence no list.

When ever I visit other parts of the world I always end up asking myself the same question - why the hell would anyone want to visit England Confused

just my opinion and probably warped and a little tongue in cheek.

I'm starting to realise the best way to travel is by using Street View. you can travel from the comfort of your own home that way Laughing

if you do make it over I sincerely hope you have a wonderful time - the photos above suggest there are places worth visiting. Thumbs Up
Post #790260 3rd Sep 2019 1:57pm
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Member Since: 05 Nov 2015
Location: somewhere in the north
Posts: 1100

Germany 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 SW Keswick Green
Thanks all for trying to cheer me up. I don't want anyone to discredit anyone's home zone. However... there simply are areas all over the world that you want to avoid. And as a foreigner you might not know them, hence my question.

As some of you may know, over 20 years ago I had my motorcycle stolen in Pontypridd - two days after I arrived. I was very ignorant of the UK crime rate in general and of motorcycle thefts in particular. The police told me they nicked a van just to steal my bike, probably just to drive around with it. It was a rather battered enduro not worth much, so I didn't even have a theft insurance... And the police knew who did it but they were afraid to go after them ("death trap" in the hills). The neighbour told me it was silly to park it outside. His heavy motorcycle was stolen from inside his garage - lifted over his car which he parked in front. And a motorcycle magazine showed instructions on how to "secure" your garage with a bomb (no kidding - I still have that magazine).
All of this came as a total shock to me. I had heard nothing similar at home.

edit: "common sense" is easily said if you know what to look for and what to expect - which is easy for someone living in a place but might be difficult for a foreigner. Parking my motorcycle on the street was perfectly normal for ME while that neighbour thought it silly. Parking a Defender on a Tesco car park, at a Land Rover show or in front of a police station seems ok, doesn't it - yet there are reports on dismantled, even robbed, Defenders in that locations Sad

Oh, and bikes, yes, that's a problem everywhere in Germany. Car theft, too (east european criminals). But not Defenders - yet?
Post #790261 3rd Sep 2019 1:59pm
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Member Since: 05 Dec 2013
Location: Wales
Posts: 5115

Wales 2007 Defender 90 Other CSW Trident Green
By common sense, I meant do not park your Defender in any remote area where there are no people about, similarly, do not leave your vehicle unattended overnight in a dark out of the way spot or leave anything valuable in your Defender in plain sight. You have not mentioned in what type of accommodation you would be staying in but if its a hotel or guest house type then go for ones that have their own parking rather than leave it on a street or road overnight. But the most important thing is to make sure you have as many security layers as possible and I am sure you will be fine. For those who like Welsh Mountains and narrow boats have a look at my videos and photos at..

Post #790263 3rd Sep 2019 2:21pm
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Tim in Scotland

Member Since: 23 May 2007
Location: The Land that time forgot
Posts: 3753

England is so bad for Defender theft you should just miss it out and come direct to Scotland instead Embarassed Pangea Green D250 90 HSE with Air Suspension, Off-road Pack, Towing Pack, Black Contrast roof , rear recovery eyes, Front bash plate, Classic flaps all round, extended wheel arch kit and a few bits from PowerfulUK Expel Clear Gloss PPF to come
2020 D240 1st Edition in Pangea Green with Acorn interior. Now gone - old faithful, no mechanical issues whatsoever ever but the leaks and rattles all over the place won’t be missed!
Post #790267 3rd Sep 2019 3:13pm
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Member Since: 22 Aug 2016
Location: Midlands
Posts: 238

United Kingdom 
Most places you would plan on visiting, are most likely rural and have a high population of local defenders that can be seen pretty much everywhere! As above social media brings to light the ones that get stolen, unfortunately.
Now if you owned a fiesta Rolling with laughter






My point being regardless of what car you own the internet, will tell you it will be instantly stolen!
Post #790287 3rd Sep 2019 4:26pm
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Member Since: 09 Feb 2015
Location: Guernsey
Posts: 1674

Guernsey 1998 Defender 90 300 Tdi HT Nato Green
For the upmost safety it would have to be Guernsey, loads over here and nowhere to take them if they get past the unlocked doors and keys in ignition Rolling with laughter I know of some people who’s car keys are most likely rusted into the barrel as they have never felt the need to remove them, this is across all vehicles to be honest.

Still loads of summer houses built by your country here to look at too Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter 90 wolf - Jasmin http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic39408.html
90 V8 - Maggie http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic42564.html
110 TD5 - Buggsy http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic59029.html
52HG25 lightweight https://www.defender2.net/forum/topic72342.html
D3 Hse - Fiona
Capri 2l S - Anna

Think I might have a problem............
Post #790292 3rd Sep 2019 4:43pm
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2016
Location: West Midlands
Posts: 1978

United Kingdom 
Not sure where you get your intel from, the idea the UK is a seething hotbed of criminal activity is just nonsense. For the last 12 years I've used a Defender most days and left it at a train station in the West Midlands - not a million miles from the perceived criminal hotbed that is Birmingham. Sometimes I forget to lock it, sometimes I forget to flick the secret switch to disable the ignition. Now, I might be the luckiest man alive, my wife would back that argument, or.......the whole drama around Defenders getting stolen every 5 minutes is massively overblown. It might happen, but there is a good chance you'll be absolutely fine. I'd book the ferry and crack on. Thumbs Up
Post #790294 3rd Sep 2019 4:45pm
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Member Since: 05 Nov 2015
Location: somewhere in the north
Posts: 1100

Germany 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 SW Keswick Green
Our Landy is a pop top camper and we'll be staying at camp sites / farms mostly. So should the scrotes attempt to dismantle the Defender at night, they would experience the Mr Hyde in me - prepare for a medival scene on the market place Twisted Evil

Fiesta?? Shocked I didn't know they stopped production, too. Were they that bad? Rolling with laughter
Post #790296 3rd Sep 2019 4:58pm
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