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Member Since: 26 Jul 2013
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London ULEZ
So, defenders will effectively be banned (well, £12.50 per day + congestion charge if in the timings) from central London from April.

From mid/late 2021 will be extended out to north and south circular, then who knows where next.

How the f*** do we stop it!? Bloody Sadiq Khan! I’ve seen very little opposition so far, despite almost all the cars on my road (council houses) being subject to the new charge.

It’s gone under the radar I think. Fuming. Cheers, David
Land Rovers of all shapes S3 onwards… Daily is a 110 V8.
Post #745427 12th Dec 2018 11:32pm
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Member Since: 20 Mar 2017
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Only a matter of time before it encompasses the whole area within the M25.
Elect a politician get a devious B-----D 1983 Series 3 Pick up in Marine Blue
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Quod Abundat Non Obstat.
Post #745428 12th Dec 2018 11:37pm
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Member Since: 26 Jul 2013
Location: Cheshire/London
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United Kingdom 
Going to cause severe financial headaches for the poorest in the city.

Who the f*** elects these jokes? Taxes never solve anything.

Hopefully Sadiq is kicked out of office before 2021. Cheers, David
Land Rovers of all shapes S3 onwards… Daily is a 110 V8.
Post #745429 12th Dec 2018 11:45pm
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Member Since: 18 May 2012
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United Kingdom 2004 Defender 110 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
There's already a low emissions charge. Costs me £22 a day if I drive in. 110XS CSW TD5.
Post #745430 13th Dec 2018 12:12am
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Member Since: 05 Jan 2016
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How to deal with it? Move, boycott the city if possible, start an internet blog to bring awareness or post a video on utube.

Personally, in the US, I dont visit any city/state that elects rabid progressives. It's pretty easy too because they are usually high crime areas that are congested, prohibit firearms and have high gas taxes. Move out if you can and take your money elsewhere.

California lawmakers just proposed taxing cell phone users per text message to fund cell phones for the poor. I've been to California once and regretted it although San Francisco has gotten worse since I went with homeless and drug users defecating on the sidewalks. California, New York, New Jersey, Maryland and some others are just states to avoid altogether.
Post #745431 13th Dec 2018 1:12am
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
I've been boycotting London and other major cities and towns with idealogue nutters running them for years. It makes me happy to do this, however as a protest statement it isn't very effective - none of the nutters have actually noticed and I doubt they'd care if they did. If all Defender owners boycotted London I doubt anyone would notice, but if they did no doubt the nutters would consider it a huge triumph.

I find it hard to escape the conclusion that the human race is entering its endgame and I seriously doubt it will survive for more than a few more generations, at least not unless someone has the courage to start to address the real issues.
Post #745443 13th Dec 2018 7:22am
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Member Since: 07 Oct 2017
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United Kingdom 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
Pollution is a huge problem in London and is causing an extremely detrimental effect on health. Unfortunately the most effective way of remedying it is to change people's behaviour via their wallets. What we really need is a different solution that doesn't punish the poor. Perhaps a way of retrofitting vehicles to make them cleaner. However this would obviously have flaws. Not only cost but you only have to take a quick scan of this forum to see just how widespread the illegal removal of egr, dpf, cats is. The truth is many folks just don't give a f.
As much as I dislike Khan's course of action I can't see any viable alternative.

Obviously anyone who lives in London is able to vote Khan out but I suspect it will be like the original congestion zone. Although campaigning and promising to remove it, when in office Boris chose not to. The reality of it's effectiveness in reducing unnecessary journeys plus huge piles of money rolling in were just too hard to ignore. Once the genie is out of the bottle etc.
Post #745447 13th Dec 2018 7:44am
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Member Since: 14 Jul 2018
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United Kingdom 2003 Defender 110 Td5 XS CSW Oslo Blue
Chocolate wrote:
There's already a low emissions charge. Costs me £22 a day if I drive in.

It shouldn’t CSWs are exempt from the Congestion charge, and for the time being td5 (euro3/15p) exempt from the LEZ A’s lens rover were an Euro3 early adopter.

Swine&Small wrote:
Only a matter of time before it encompasses the whole area within the M25.
Elect a politician get a devious B-----D

That’s my worry...

The existing LEZ has a strip down the a12 from Brentwood in. I couldn’t find anything on whether the strip is being updated to ULEZ or scrapped.

To actually boycott London is actually impossible to me. 100% of my clients are in London, and work in London 80% of the working week.

What it is, is in fact another source of squeezing money out of people...

Over half a million cars are affected...

TFLs response to not being able to meet the criteria are
> take the train, oh great let’s pay 2.5k a year for a service that’s never on time, always on strike, uncomfortable and takes twice as long as driving. Oh and let me just carry a tonne of steel about on the Censored *ng tube.
> cycle. You want me to cycle 25 miles and two and a half hours to work? Go duck yourself TFL
> upgrade to a euro 6, because I can really afford a brand spanking new land cruiser (which I do in fact want) TFL you useless asshats
> Pay the daily charge. That’s 2.4k a year based on 80% London, 48 working weeks... where am I getting this money from. tfL? I’m not made of money!

Yet another tax on the poor. So much for the “working mans party”.

“Oh but the children at school” simple prevent parents dropping of their children to school in cars. Make sections outside schools pedestrian only zones or erect trees as absorbing barriers. I'm on IG: https://www.instagram.com/osloblue42/
Current: TD5 '110 "Lucinda" Thread here: https://www.defender2.net/forum/topic62562.html
Post #745454 13th Dec 2018 8:25am
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Member Since: 09 May 2015
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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Santorini Black
No doubt Andy Burnham will be next to introduce it into Manchester City Centre. Defender 90XS SW
Mini Countryman Cooper S
Morgan Plus 8
Post #745455 13th Dec 2018 8:27am
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Member Since: 14 Jul 2018
Location: Essex
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United Kingdom 2003 Defender 110 Td5 XS CSW Oslo Blue
And another thing...
One of my clients who has an office in Chelmsford did away with employees car park spaces.

In order to encourage public transport. Admittedly it’s a 10 min walk from Chelmsford station. They had a meeting last week on how they could further encourage public transport.

No ideas came up other than paying for public transport, but they’re not willing to pay...

Then the head of Chelmsford HR stands up and ask why a majority still drive in.

Answers as follows:
Even with paying for parking, fuel, insurance, AA it works out cheaper than the train
More freedom on leaving/ coming to work early
Takes less time than the train
More comfortable than the train
Many villages haves limited bus service and not train station, so is impossible to get public transport...

And they wonder why people would switch from the Chelmsford office to their London office and get paid 20% more and travel paid for... I'm on IG: https://www.instagram.com/osloblue42/
Current: TD5 '110 "Lucinda" Thread here: https://www.defender2.net/forum/topic62562.html
Post #745459 13th Dec 2018 8:51am
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Member Since: 18 May 2012
Location: Berkshire
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United Kingdom 2004 Defender 110 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
Chocolate wrote:
There's already a low emissions charge. Costs me £22 a day if I drive in.

It shouldn’t CSWs are exempt from the Congestion charge, and for the time being td5 (euro3/15p) exempt from the LEZ A’s lens rover were an Euro3 early adopter.

Sorry it's the T Charge that mine falls under, £10.00 on top of the congestion charge.
This is on cars as well apparently. 110XS CSW TD5.
Post #745760 14th Dec 2018 11:23pm
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Member Since: 23 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Java Black
discomog wrote:
No doubt Andy Burnham will be next to introduce it into Manchester City Centre.

I think fortunately that idea has been kicked into the long grass for the time being. I’m sure it’ll come back but they have openly said it is off the table for now. They just make it so inconvenient in other ways, such as no parking, especially for cars over 2m, bus/tram priority everywhere that it’s not worth the hassle. I haven’t used the Defender to get into work for over a year. 2007 110 TDCi Station Wagon XS
Post #745796 15th Dec 2018 10:22am
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Member Since: 19 Jan 2013
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United Kingdom 1995 Defender 110 300 Tdi CSW Aintree Green
Lancs, Cheshire, Midlands, America - not your problem, but thanks for the concern. Thumbs Up

For those of us that live here, have a vested interest in the area, work here, maybe operate fleets of vehicles in the area (42 vans and lorries), have seen and live with the effects - you know what, I might or might not have voted for SQ but he's doing the job. Actually TBH knowing how the GLA works, it's not their idea's, but more that they are the spokes person for the GLA and LMO.

eg everyone thanks Boris for his bikes, but they were Ken's announcement and planning.

And please, a bit of homework before we stir a pot of stuff that we don't like but is beening cooked in next-doors kitchen; Residents reductions yup, (not £12.50 if you live here) and if you live in the CC, not £11.50 a day either. Grants for £4k off an electic or hybrid - yup, with chargring poiint installed at home for free - yup, and free parking in the city for EV and HV - yup. And if you live in a terrace (yes we have those south of Watford Gap as well you know)then local authorities put charging points into the street lamps outside your house.

I get that LGV / PSV and LCV vehicles need to meet certain standards for emissions, and yes this costs money. Self Employed chippes and sparkies trying to find the dosh for a new vehicle isn't easy but there are also exemptions / reductions for businesses and certain trades, take alternative routes and the reduced £3 a day can easily be passed on, or tax deducted Wink

Are we aware of the affects of breathing such polluted air - kids and the older are much more vulnerable to the PM's and NOx, that PM's and heavy metals can enter the blood stream and pool in the brain, add to blocked arteries and such advance strokes and heart attacks, macrophage scarring of the lungs as bad as exposre to illegal levels of asbestos ...... oh it's a fun subject!

PT in the city ain't that bad - all depends what you;re trying to get into town to do - to work, well you're on an hour / 2hr plus commute anyway so here, it works (it doesn't make a profit but it works). Oh and when Crossrail eventually opens it will add 20% to the capacity of TfL transport network...... but make it more accessible to 3 times the population (already know people taken jobs in Canary Wharf, who live in Reading as it's only 90 min commute lol!)

But people don't help themselves - school in Brixton has a catchment area of 98 METERS (yup, you have to live less than 100m from the gate to get a place at the school) and guess how many of their kids are DRIVEN to school and picked up each day - also 98 but %. That's the mental level of activites in the city 98% of kids are driven the less than 100m to get to school (it was also confirmed that these were not dropped off en route to somewhere else but a specific jouney just to take the kids to school then go back home again); why drive through the city during the day to get accross town?

New build apartments in the GLA area must NOT include parking spaces, and residents can not apply for a permit in the surrounding streets, ie you want to live here - fine but there's no parking for about a mile in any direction.

Yes I live in London, Yes I own a defender, Yes I pay for it and No I don't try and stop the changes as they is a coming, for the positive and the best.

Each to their own free speach but please, we speak up down here when needed - if you want to slag it all off, move down here, then you can vote the next time there's a local election and get put your tuppence worth in.

Question though - how are CSW's exempt from CC, not figured that one out yet Question TY&GN
10 years in a WOLF, WIMIK and Snatch and this is all I have to show!
Post #745872 15th Dec 2018 6:03pm
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Member Since: 07 Oct 2017
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United Kingdom 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
Excellent post Wangers.
Post #745875 15th Dec 2018 6:12pm
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Member Since: 26 Jul 2013
Location: Cheshire/London
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Sorry if I wasn’t very clear - I do love in London and the new rules will rule out Defender ownership or living in the city for me. Can’t have both - just won’t be financially possible.

Some hard facts: checked today and on my road, which is all council houses except ours, there are 9 cars on drives (only a small street) and all but 2 will fall foul of the new Regs.

TFL themselves say over 500,000 cars will be affected(!!!)

I hope the common sense people of this city bring it to its knees before they let Sadiq Khan inflict one of the biggest single acts of financial harm on its people I can think of.

Other countries don’t stand for this kind of nonsense. Cheers, David
Land Rovers of all shapes S3 onwards… Daily is a 110 V8.
Post #746090 17th Dec 2018 12:40am
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