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Member Since: 18 May 2009
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United Kingdom 1987 Defender 110 V8 Petrol CSW Corris Grey
Sulisuli wrote:
JJ I have made contact with the Cornwall 4x4 response group this weekend with a view to joining them but to be honest having read your views on the type of person you assume I maybe to be honest I’m not sure I wish to progress it anymore.

As I said the response groups do amazing work but the attitude of a response member is rather off putting to potential new members in my opinion.

You are misunderstanding me. With another hat on I also run a youth football club and am very aware of safeguarding issues. It is great that people want to help out but unfortunately there are people in this world that will take advantage of the situation. That is a fact. Sad I know.
Do join your local 4x4 . Most of the organisations are quite good but there are some complete @#@#@#@ The groups are only as good as the members.
There are some changes coming at national level which will bring greater consistency across the regions but it will take time and energy. HR064 Hampshire and Berkshire 4x4 Response
Post #691009 4th Mar 2018 10:19pm
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Member Since: 06 Feb 2018
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Buckingham Blue
diesel_jim wrote:
Badger110 wrote:
I received a bottle of red wine, a bag of wine gums and lots of coffee.

That's still a "payment" even if it's not cash

It was well received although the wine isn't my thing, the wine gums and coffee were Thumbs Up
Post #691017 4th Mar 2018 10:46pm
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Member Since: 13 Dec 2009
Location: Cornwall
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United Kingdom 2012 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Firenze Red
Sulisuli wrote:
JJ I have made contact with the Cornwall 4x4 response group this weekend with a view to joining them but to be honest having read your views on the type of person you assume I maybe to be honest I’m not sure I wish to progress it anymore.

I thought it would be nice to try and help people during the bad weather and I’m sure your group did an amazing job but to be honest I don’t need someone taking a “holier than thou” approach when people like myself tried their hardest to help people in need.

Walfy your reply made very interesting reading, thankyou for sharing your experiences.

As I said the response groups do amazing work but the attitude of a response member is rather off putting to potential new members in my opinion.

My honest answer is to give it a go and see what you think. All volunteer organisations have similar problems with using volunteers, and you cant please everyone all the time.
I have been in the RNLI, Ambulance first responders and a rescue team, they all have had the same issue with the individuals being seen as the ‘organisation’
We are part of the D&C 4x4 team and do what we can, with out getting involved with any politics. Poppy - TDCI (Puma) 110XS 2.2 - Camper conversion - see the build here - https://www.defender2.net/forum/topic56530.html
Elgar -TDCI(Puma) 110XS Dormobile - now sold
Devon & Cornwall 4x4 Response - DC126
Post #691021 4th Mar 2018 10:58pm
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Member Since: 22 Jan 2015
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Aintree Green
Suli there isn't any intention of a 'Holier than thou' approach. Although a charity run by volunteers since the pen hit the paper and it came into being, and I'm sure all groups feel the same that what "we" try to aim for a professional approach.

Now there is sometime where a member get's a little too carried away thinking he is action man but we get them in all walks of life.

Now this professional approach isn't about having the right kit, it is having the right practice in place, the group has committie and also trustees and there is in legal speak Corporate liability. Just like any ones day at work there is rules to keep yourself and your co-workers safe.
The 4x4 groups are all going to be different in their approach to this but having an induction and 'vetting' process in place not only helps with the introduction of the members but sets up this professional thinking.

I've seen various people come and go because of the instant on the face assumption that "we" are being all "up ourselves", when the reality is that if something goes wrong then the trustees are in the dock with the victims of all sides comes asking for answers and compensation.

Now coming back to the OP questions and keeping on topic I'm sure 99% of us in 4x4R have business cover on our policies and the company is informed as to the policy holders actions. on top there is Public liability insurance held by the groups and National also aid groups in this department (I think I don't get involved in that high up)
Either way we operate with our insurance companies knowledge and also with something like £6 million PLI to be safe.

Don't get me wrong Suli you have been a great help and many like you are sensible in your intentions to help when the NHS struggled to implement their planning and haven't learnt the protocols or lessons from 2009 - 2010.
There is sadly a number of people in poorly maintained vehicles and those with poorly maintained driving skill who shall we say pose a higher risk of being a liability.
Yes there is praise to be had in being out there tow rope in hand clearing traffic that cannont move due to the snow but no doubt somewhere out there on the social media side there is film of some redneck with a 2 ton static tow strap sat on the Rev limiter and snatching away to move a lorry. 9 times out of ten it will be ok but it's not safe and should the rope or recovery point fail on the less then well maintained 4x4 there is going to be trouble.
The boss of the big lorry company will be looking at you to repair the damge on his lorry that is a VERY real risk no matter what good samaritan cause you stand by.
Now being tasked through 4x4R and further up the chain the Police if this happens and you prove no negligence on your part as you are a sensible person with quality rated gear and well maintained vehicle then the PLI covers the repairs not you.

TBC.. Also can be found on Fb, Ytube, Insta & Twitter @4WDSouthwest

Last edited by Devon-Rover on 5th Mar 2018 6:50pm. Edited 2 times in total
Post #691085 5th Mar 2018 8:36am
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Member Since: 15 Nov 2014
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DevonRover, good points and well expressed. Thumbs Up
Post #691127 5th Mar 2018 11:16am
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2012
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I'm still not sure why the military are not more widely used in these circumstances. It seems very ad hoc and geographically variable. Especially given the volumes of equipment sat year in year out in reserve depots, cast when 10 years old and having silly low mileage or hours run.
Post #691134 5th Mar 2018 11:57am
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Member Since: 26 Oct 2011
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England 2002 Defender 110 Td5 SW Coniston Green
Our local Response Group was close to folding recently, they originated as a branch of our local Land Rover Club and grew with the use they had in the 2010 snows and floods in later years. Politics between the membership started to show its ugly head, I drifted away as did many others untill it was decided to wind the Group up and amalgamate with a neighbouring Group.
Some of the original members wanted to start again and with the snow at Christmas they got support from a lot of us originals plus new members and with this last lot of snow there must have been 20 to 25 vehicles answering calls for help all organised through Response Control set up at Hereford Hospital.
It is the members that make any Club or Group when it comes to a voluntary organisation and we've had members say that they've wanted to be of use and have been put off joining other groups because of their attitudes, "holier than thou" is often heard from them.
Going back to the thread title, I have a business policy on my 110 and when I first started with Response I was advised to have a word with my insurers, NFU, and ask to have cover for "Voluntary Use", they provided me with a headed cover letter confirming my membership with Response and there was no extra premium and has been included in my cover ever since.
Post #691149 5th Mar 2018 1:06pm
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Member Since: 30 Oct 2016
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Devon-rover thankyou for your detailed and informative reply, the points you raised are all extremely valid and very well put. I totally understand the reasoning behind the points stated.

I meant no offence to JJ with my initial reply but it came across as we don’t need untrained / qualified people in 4x4s.

I have been trained in first aid for more years than I care to remember, received 4x4 driving instruction and training over a number of years, hold various rescue qualifications including rescue from fast flowing water. So felt somewhat upset by being dismissed as a “random person” when all I had ever intended to do was help people.

I hope that clarifies the situation from my point of view and that what a better world it would be if we all helped each other in times of need. 2015 HT XS 90
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Post #691233 5th Mar 2018 6:42pm
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Member Since: 13 Dec 2009
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United Kingdom 2012 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Firenze Red

Sounds like you are just the sort off member we are always looking for !!
There is a team meeting in Roach next week so pop along and meet the gang.. Im sure you’ll get on fine. - just check the day and time on the website

Thumbs Up Poppy - TDCI (Puma) 110XS 2.2 - Camper conversion - see the build here - https://www.defender2.net/forum/topic56530.html
Elgar -TDCI(Puma) 110XS Dormobile - now sold
Devon & Cornwall 4x4 Response - DC126
Post #691507 6th Mar 2018 6:28pm
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Member Since: 13 Dec 2009
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United Kingdom 2012 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Firenze Red

Sounds like you are just the sort off member we are always looking for !!
There is a team meeting in Roach next week so pop along and meet the gang.. Im sure you’ll get on fine. - just check the day and time on the website

Thumbs Up Poppy - TDCI (Puma) 110XS 2.2 - Camper conversion - see the build here - https://www.defender2.net/forum/topic56530.html
Elgar -TDCI(Puma) 110XS Dormobile - now sold
Devon & Cornwall 4x4 Response - DC126
Post #691508 6th Mar 2018 6:29pm
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Member Since: 06 Feb 2018
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Buckingham Blue
I'm looking into Devon & Cornwall 4x4 Response at the moment. I'm based south of Dartmoor just outside Totnes and adore this part of the countryside, joining such a group would be a great way to meet likely minded people and most importantly, learn to do things right. I never pulled anyone out last week, just ferried stranded people back to a safe area or their homes as i don't have the experience or tools to do it yet. Common sense gives you an awareness of what you can safely contribute, and so i did only that whilst watching some right numpties dragging cars all over the place.
Post #691536 6th Mar 2018 7:53pm
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Member Since: 06 Apr 2008
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When we deploy our 4x4 volunteers through our groups, on our jobs they have to have standard car insurance, but they are covered under our corporate liability insurance for everything other than driving - which is then treated as if they are normally driving.

We require our 4x4 volunteers to meet various standards in training, equipment and accountability etc given what they do and get access to. We support the group with training etc and pay an agreed mileage rate per mile.

It amazes me to this day the open requests for volunteers (usually showing a total failure of the organisation to plan actually), you dont need anything other than a signature to buy a 4x4 - but it doesnt take long to get into difficulty and ownership doesnt demonstrate competence or moral standing. Even if 99% of people have their heart in the right place Mike
Post #691624 6th Mar 2018 11:34pm
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Member Since: 13 Dec 2009
Location: Cornwall
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United Kingdom 2012 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Firenze Red
Badger110 wrote:
I'm looking into Devon & Cornwall 4x4 Response at the moment. I'm based south of Dartmoor just outside Totnes and adore this part of the countryside, joining such a group would be a great way to meet likely minded people and most importantly, learn to do things right. I never pulled anyone out last week, just ferried stranded people back to a safe area or their homes as i don't have the experience or tools to do it yet. Common sense gives you an awareness of what you can safely contribute, and so i did only that whilst watching some right numpties dragging cars all over the place

take a peek at the DC4x4 website and come along to one of the meetings to get a better idea on wHat goes on - there is a team that meets in Devon close to you ...

http://www.devonandcornwall4x4response.com/ Poppy - TDCI (Puma) 110XS 2.2 - Camper conversion - see the build here - https://www.defender2.net/forum/topic56530.html
Elgar -TDCI(Puma) 110XS Dormobile - now sold
Devon & Cornwall 4x4 Response - DC126
Post #691627 7th Mar 2018 12:00am
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Member Since: 07 Dec 2012
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Scotland 1984 Defender 90 200 Tdi SW Coniston Green
You might be interested in this list of Insurance Companies with information as to their acceptance of Volunteer Work and any requirements theirof!

Post #692641 11th Mar 2018 6:19pm
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Member Since: 06 Feb 2018
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Buckingham Blue
wyvern wrote:
Badger110 wrote:
I'm looking into Devon & Cornwall 4x4 Response at the moment. I'm based south of Dartmoor just outside Totnes and adore this part of the countryside, joining such a group would be a great way to meet likely minded people and most importantly, learn to do things right. I never pulled anyone out last week, just ferried stranded people back to a safe area or their homes as i don't have the experience or tools to do it yet. Common sense gives you an awareness of what you can safely contribute, and so i did only that whilst watching some right numpties dragging cars all over the place

take a peek at the DC4x4 website and come along to one of the meetings to get a better idea on wHat goes on - there is a team that meets in Devon close to you ...


Cheers for the heads up Thumbs Up

I received a email from Kevin Phillips who is to get in contact with me regaridng answering any questions etc.

I have seen that the South Devon Team meet up, like you said, just down the road from me, so i shall get in contact with their Team leader and pop along to the next one Thumbs Up
Post #692644 11th Mar 2018 6:44pm
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