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Member Since: 28 Dec 2009
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What is it...
What is it with certain people?

I think in general terms our emergency services do a wonderful job. Yes a blind eye should be turned to an emergency vehicle breaking the speed limits, jumping red lights etc with blues and twos on if it is safe to do so is perfectly acceptable IF it is safe to do so. WHEN things go wrong then the emergency vehicle driver is liable to prosecution and the use of blues and twos is not an excuse.

Attacks on police, ambulance and fire staff whilst they are going about their emergency duties is reprehensible now if fire service staff turned their hoses on people attacking them I would say good for them!

It would appear that some people object to where ambulances park whilst attending 999 calls


Now what are the chances that idiot would also complain if the ambulance took longer then 8 minutes to get to an incident and a family member died because the ambulance had to circle the area looking for a parking spot to park so they do not upset anybody.

Next time you see a member of the emergency service just thank them and wish them a safe shift.

Post #687488 18th Feb 2018 11:24pm
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Member Since: 05 Dec 2013
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Wales 2007 Defender 90 Other CSW Trident Green
Thoroughly agree with your sentiments all our emergency services and first responders have to be thought of as being dedicated, professional and being able to put all they have seen during their working day at the back of their mind,

The person, who posted a note not to park here on an emergency vehicle and then afterwards shouted such vile and abusive language to the ambulance crew, was so obviously not a well person. For those who like Welsh Mountains and narrow boats have a look at my videos and photos at..

Post #687495 18th Feb 2018 11:38pm
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Member Since: 17 Sep 2009
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England 2004 Defender 110 Td5 CSW Bonatti Grey
Didn't someone do this recently and basically was shamed into doing a full apology in the press? Either way let's hope the ambulance service refuse to go to her house if she ever needs it Whistle Ray
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Post #687496 18th Feb 2018 11:42pm
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Member Since: 08 Apr 2015
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Scotland 2004 Defender 90 Td5 SW Yellow
I left my Ambulance blocking a quiet street one time while we helped an old lady. Someone had come up behind us and started tooting their horn. As we were leaving I borrowed a line from The Simpsons and shouted “Thank you for your patience”. On this occasion they did actually look shame faced. Another time I was in someone’s house and their neighbor was tooting as they couldn’t get into (not even out of) their driveway. The chap in the house was not happy with his neighbor at all and set off to have a word with them as we dealt with his wife. It happens all the time, people just have absolutely no respect for their fellow human beings who are in need of a helping hand.
Post #687500 18th Feb 2018 11:58pm
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Member Since: 22 Nov 2011
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I would just like to make a small correction to Brendan's point. You don't need to turn a blind eye to emergency vehicles running red lights or breaking the speed limit. They are enabled with exemptions by law that allow them to ignore certain traffic regulations when attending an emergency and running warning lights.

However, the exemptions only allow them to ignore the stop light or the speed limit - it doesn't allow them to drive with disregard for other motorists or to endanger other motorists and if in collision with another vehicle and they are exercising those powers, they are in the wrong.

As for the original point about the person writing a note for an ambo.
We have entered an age of entitlement where people think they can make demands and they will be corrected or met instantly. Guess what? Suck it up buttercup, life is not like that you self entitled w***er Rolling Eyes New project and it's green: www.projectoverland.info
Post #687503 19th Feb 2018 12:21am
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Member Since: 28 Dec 2009
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A woman has been arrested over this incident.

Now what an unnecessary waste of public resources just because someone had zero consideration for ambulance staff going about their lawful emergency duties.

Post #687534 19th Feb 2018 9:38am
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
Another widespread misconception is that emergency drivers are allowed to cross solid white lines, like the paramedic I saw this morning. No-one is allowed to cross a solid white line, and ACPO guidelines are that if an emergency vehicle is behind a vehicle where solids prevent an overtake, the siren should be turned off (not the lights) and the emergency vehicle should hang back.

The widespread problem seems to be that the general public has no idea that this is the case, and most people's immediate reaction is to stop to allow the EV to pass. If there are solids up the centre of the road, this is illegal (it is illegal to stop if there is a solid line up the centre), forces the EV driver to take a dangerous action (technically the overtake not illegal once the vehicle it has to pass has stopped, since you can pass an obstruction, but if it is dangerous to pass, which by definition it probably is, then it is a serious offence), as well as putting other traffic in jeopardy.

This morning's paramedic was not an issue since the solid was protecting the brow of a hill, and the manoeuvre was near enough the summit for me to see what was happening and give the paramedic plenty of room, but a few years ago I very nearly had a head on with an ambo which was forced into an overtake on a blind bend by Joe Moron stopping dead when he saw the lights behind.

I really don't understand why we let ignorant morons drive!

Speaking of ignorant morons, the woman in Brendan's linked article is surely up there with the finest! I wonder what offence she has been arrested for, however. I don't think that "being incredibly stupid" is an offence, if it was the courts would be even more overloaded.
Post #687537 19th Feb 2018 9:54am
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
There also seems to be a widespread misconception now that owning a house somehow gives you an automatic and exclusive right to park in the street outside your house, and by extension be incredibly offensive to anyone who challenges your assumption and parks outside your house.

I have even had people park on my driveway before now, because "it is big enough to mean that I am not in anyone's way"!
Post #687538 19th Feb 2018 9:59am
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Doc P

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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Firenze Red
Have to say that, having worked in Stoke for years before now, it’s perhaps fortunate that the ambulance wasn’t on bricks or gone completely when they got back to it Laughing
Post #687543 19th Feb 2018 10:45am
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Member Since: 13 Oct 2008
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Apparently arrested not for the note, but for the verbal threats.

Post #687549 19th Feb 2018 12:04pm
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Member Since: 27 Feb 2013
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Technically you are allowed to cross a solid white line in the following situations.

Double white lines where the line nearest you is solid. This means you MUST NOT cross or straddle it unless it is safe and you need to enter adjoining premises or a side road. You may cross the line if necessary, provided the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, or overtake a pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10 mph (16 km/h) or less.
Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD regs 10 & 26 
Post #687554 19th Feb 2018 12:55pm
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2012
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS DCPU Keswick Green
I believe there is also the catch all proviso of when instructed to do so by a uniformed officer?

It is also an offence to move through a red light to let an ev through, they should either go around you or if that is not possible switch off the lights & siren until the lights change.
Post #687597 19th Feb 2018 3:20pm
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Member Since: 03 Dec 2016
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mk1collector wrote:
Didn't someone do this recently and basically was shamed into doing a full apology in the press? Either way let's hope the ambulance service refuse to go to her house if she ever needs it Whistle

yeah here


I thought it was the same story that was posted up on face book at 1st. It really make you laugh how people would even think of leaving a note etc, The ambulance etc are parked there for a reason, If one had to park in front of our driveaway, and i was due to come in, id just go back around the block and park further up the road, until all was well.
All our EM services are very brave in what they do, and should be treated with respect, even if they are waiting behind you in a cue to be served, let them go before you. Defender TD5 90 ---/--- Peugeot 306 HDI hatch back

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Post #687651 19th Feb 2018 6:33pm
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Member Since: 03 Dec 2016
Location: Sunderland
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RoddyK05 wrote:
I left my Ambulance blocking a quiet street one time while we helped an old lady. Someone had come up behind us and started tooting their horn. As we were leaving I borrowed a line from The Simpsons and shouted “Thank you for your patience”. On this occasion they did actually look shame faced. Another time I was in someone’s house and their neighbor was tooting as they couldn’t get into (not even out of) their driveway. The chap in the house was not happy with his neighbor at all and set off to have a word with them as we dealt with his wife. It happens all the time, people just have absolutely no respect for their fellow human beings who are in need of a helping hand.

I have the most respect for you, as I bet that's just as stressful as been a fireman! I bet you have had to kerb your selves a few times with people.
What was the neighbour expecting you to do? Say to the person hang on while i move the ambulance for your neighbour. I really do question people like that at times. Was the chaps wife ok in the end? Defender TD5 90 ---/--- Peugeot 306 HDI hatch back

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Post #687656 19th Feb 2018 6:46pm
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Member Since: 08 Apr 2015
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Scotland 2004 Defender 90 Td5 SW Yellow
I’m in the fortunate position that I don’t do emergency calls, but instead do patient transport. I never fancied the stress of the Paramedic or even Technician jobs where you can be ‘on the spot’ every day. On our side most of the work is routine and planned the day before, but we are obviously trained and carry the equipment to deal with the likes of heart attacks etc.
The case where the neighbor was wanting into the driveway was when we were taking a terminally ill woman home with a DNACPR in place and she had severe dementia too. Basically she was going home to die so the husband had enough to deal with without his idiot neighbour adding to it. Obviously being a neighbour you would have thought that they would have know that the Lady next door was unwell and maybe think twice when there is an Ambulance parked outside the house, but no, people are in too much of a rush these days. It doesn’t bother me in the slightest when people get upset with me if I have to block a road (obviously as a last resort) or the likes, it just saddens me that they cannot see the big picture and realise that a fellow human is having problems and needs help and it might just be a wee bit more important than the five minutes that they might be delayed for.
Post #687698 19th Feb 2018 8:43pm
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