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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
A couple of noises...
Just a quick email on behalf of a friend who owns a MY2011 2.4SW.

He has noticed two noises recently that he can't pin down. He took me for a spin and we think we've identified the location, just Not what the noises are. Both sound mechanical as opposed to trim etc.

First is a light grating/grinding from the area of the rear axle. More pronounced at speed and when the suspension goes through some flex. Not a hard bump but if for example it is driving on a dual carriageway that rises and falls, so each time it goes through a hollow. As I said, not a loud painful grinding, very low key, almost anonymous and you wouldn't hear it I felt the window was open or the music is on. But definitely there and definitely constant. I did notice this in another Def I drove a couple of weeks ago, so is it just one of those things? If not I'm wondering if it's bearings, lack of oil in the dif or perhaps dirt in the shocks?

The second noise comes from under the gear box area, seemingly the LHS. It's not nearly as common as the first noise apparently, and it took quite a few runs before we heard it. Simply, if he's been driving fast, (sixth gear, dual carriageway or similar), for a relatively long period of time (some minutes or more), and arrives at a roundabout or toll, when he lifts off the accelerator to start coasting, there is a sharp, high revolution spinning sound from under the cabin. I can only liken it to the sound of a circular saw slowing down. Hi rev, metallic, sharp, spinning.

Any thoughts on either would be much appreciated. Thumbs Up Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #651682 21st Sep 2017 6:41am
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Member Since: 19 Jul 2017
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South Africa 2014 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Tamar Blue
I had a rear diff noise on MY2014 90CSW, low mechanical rumble when coasting at about 60km/h. Look it to the local JLR agent, they were just as stumped. They found wear in the rear diff, replaced under warranty. The noise was still there. Replaced side shaft bearings, checked splines, prop shaft, wheel bearings, all perfect. Run the car on an elevated ramp, no noise, put it back on the road, noise returned. They sent a recording of the noise to JLR UK, reply was to check the tyre tread. Original Goodyear Wranglers, 47000 km on them. So we replaced both rear tyres, noise gone! I had a meeting with the Goodyear rep, he explained that erery second tyre block on the inside had worn lower than the other ones, he explained that this is common on 4x4 tyres and they need to be rotated every 10000 km to solve the problem. Summing up, the uneven tread wear caused the harmonic noise at certain speeds, I would check the tyres first and eliminate them as a source or the noise before chasing a parts swapping exercise.
Post #652202 23rd Sep 2017 4:59am
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Member Since: 05 Apr 2011
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Galway Green
after the tyres check all the oil levels and grease the shafts DEFENDER 90 TDCI XS,

I hope everyone is well and your land rovers make you happy
Post #652203 23rd Sep 2017 5:14am
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Member Since: 23 Jan 2015
Location: Near Preston
Posts: 431

United Kingdom 1996 Defender 90 300 Tdi HT Bronze Green
The second noise sound like the turbo boost pressure hose possibly has a slight leak or it is just the turbo pressure adjusting. We have the similar noise on my wife's Evoque. Jeff
Ex 1968 Series 2A
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Post #652224 23rd Sep 2017 8:11am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
Posts: 5879

France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
Hi Jeff, thanks for the thoughts. Is the sound on your wife's Evoque a hissing sound given it was a split pipe or metallic/mechanical. If the latter, were you hearing the turbo through the split? The one I heard is very definitely mechanical/metallic and seems to come from under the Chassis, in line with the gearbox, and if I had to guess, left hand side of the prop shaft. Can be heard faintly through the floor, clearly if the window is open. I would liken it to a bench saw having just been used in a joiners, the blade spinning but slowing down. If I recorded it and heard it blindfolded in a studio, that would be my first and only guess... Shocked Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #652289 23rd Sep 2017 2:58pm
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
Posts: 5879

France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
LR90XS2011 wrote:
after the tyres check all the oil levels and grease the shafts

Thank you and thanks Landyman. My mate is due to do full oil change and aims to do grease on bearings, so we'll find out what levels they're at, but I shall also recommend he checks the tyres. However I'm pretty sure they're BFGs, 18" on Sawtooths that are under a year, and well under 10,000 old. Will let you know what we find out. Ta. Thumbs Up Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #652291 23rd Sep 2017 3:01pm
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Member Since: 23 Jan 2015
Location: Near Preston
Posts: 431

United Kingdom 1996 Defender 90 300 Tdi HT Bronze Green
The sound on the Evoque is more like a wheel spin /skid but occurs after slowing down for a bend or roundabout and then accelerating slowly rather than booting it to cause the spin. There is a whole thread on the BabyRR forum but no one has an answer, even the dealers just suggest that it what they do!! Sound comes from the passenger side/left front. Jeff
Ex 1968 Series 2A
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Post #652311 23rd Sep 2017 4:46pm
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Member Since: 13 Feb 2016
Posts: 216

United Kingdom 
Landyman61 wrote:
I had a rear diff noise on MY2014 90CSW, low mechanical rumble when coasting at about 60km/h. Look it to the local JLR agent, they were just as stumped. They found wear in the rear diff, replaced under warranty. The noise was still there. Replaced side shaft bearings, checked splines, prop shaft, wheel bearings, all perfect. Run the car on an elevated ramp, no noise, put it back on the road, noise returned. They sent a recording of the noise to JLR UK, reply was to check the tyre tread. Original Goodyear Wranglers, 47000 km on them. So we replaced both rear tyres, noise gone! I had a meeting with the Goodyear rep, he explained that erery second tyre block on the inside had worn lower than the other ones, he explained that this is common on 4x4 tyres and they need to be rotated every 10000 km to solve the problem. Summing up, the uneven tread wear caused the harmonic noise at certain speeds, I would check the tyres first and eliminate them as a source or the noise before chasing a parts swapping exercise.

I remember the same used to occur with the Goodyear tyres on the Range Rover L322. They came with the wranglers on the 18" wheels and they used to wear unevenly. I think it was referred to as cupping..basically uneven tread wear of the blocks creating the same noise you mention.
Post #652326 23rd Sep 2017 6:49pm
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