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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
Thanks for the update Gilarion. That is great news.
Post #557155 19th Aug 2016 7:40am
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Mr Fox

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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 HT Keswick Green
Grenadier wrote:
And it's great that despite all the dirge we hear on the TV about the state of the NHS, when it matters they do whatever they can for you.

We British seem to be wonderful at bashing the social services - we all know they don't always get it right but equally, the media love to paint a bleak picture every chance they get.

Like you Grenadier, and more importantly on this thread Gilarion via Hollie, I've only ever been very impressed with the emergency services and the NHS. I almost lost my father to a near fatal car accident and from the moment they attended road side to the point in which he was released into my care, they were nothing short of caring and brilliant.

Gilarion, I was really pleased to read your latest update and happy to hear that Hollie is doing well and the infection is subsiding. As a parent my heart has gone out to you and your family during this latest ordeal - when your children are in pain you'd do anything to swap places with them and, as you've said in your posts, it is the feeling of helplessness that is often the most excruciating emotion. I don't know you, and wouldn't be so presumptuous as to claim I did, but in reading your comments, it isn't challenging to see that you're a great Father and Hollie has a wonderful support network around her.

From last Friday to this one, I'm sure we're all still sending positive thoughts your way.
Post #557168 19th Aug 2016 9:11am
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Member Since: 08 Apr 2009
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So very well said AM94 Thumbs Up 2020 P300 HSE
Post #557169 19th Aug 2016 9:16am
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Member Since: 21 Jul 2015
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United Kingdom 1994 Defender 90 300 Tdi CSW Arles Blue
Glad to hear all went well and wishing Hollie a speedy recovery Thumbs Up

SG 1994 Defender 90 300TDi
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Post #557197 19th Aug 2016 11:25am
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Member Since: 10 Sep 2007
Location: Co Donegal
Posts: 4748

Happy that Hollie is doing well. As for the future, wait until she lands home with her first boyfriend... Smile 1982 88" 2.25 diesel
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Post #557427 20th Aug 2016 12:33pm
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Member Since: 31 Oct 2015
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Posts: 10902

^ ^ ^ Rolling with laughter Ive got 2 daughters Big Cry Very pleased that Hollie is doing great Gillarion Thumbs Up Clayton.

1996 Golf Blue 300Tdi 110 Pick up.
Post #557529 20th Aug 2016 7:50pm
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Member Since: 18 Jan 2015
Location: Manchester
Posts: 668

Hi Gillaron hope all is well, I live in Manchester if we can be of any help , shower, bite to eat or somewhere to stop off for an hour let me know , h
Post #557537 20th Aug 2016 8:19pm
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Member Since: 05 Dec 2013
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Wales 2007 Defender 90 Other CSW Trident Green
A long update (sorry) but this should be the last for a few days. I will post when Hollie is discharged and let you know all is well.

To all the persons who have posted on this thread I want to personally thank, I do not know any of you personally, however, I wish to call you all my mates, to take the time out to give me and my family so much encouragement when you have never met me is an inspiration and something I will always remember. I know it has nothing to do with owning a Land rover product, I know you are the sort of people would have done it anyway.

Hollie is now out of the high dependency ward and has been transferred to a general ward, her progress is remarkable but then so is Hollie, tonight she is out of bed eating a MacDonald’s happy meal that I brought in and saying to me that when she gets out of the Hospital there are some Pokemon go creatures nearby, Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu or some such, (those names I got from Google) I have not yet got my head around the app/game, but Hollie loves the game.

Hollie will have to spend a while yet in the ward, nevertheless if her improvement continues she will be home in ten days and not the weeks that was first spoken about, although she will still have to have a little bit of extra care, but that will be provided by visiting nurses at home. Hollies doctors are amazed at her strength and courage but I know her better and know given the chance she always comes through, that is why I love her so much and feel so blessed to have her as my daughter, even in the darkest of time she can make everything seem sunny.

I was back at the cottage today for one reason only, and that reason is a special surprise and one that I hope will delight not only Hollie but the other children on the ward, those who will be able and be allowed out of the ward tomorrow. That surprise is that Star Hollies pet Donkey will be driven down to the hospital tomorrow , he is very docile Donkey and the journey has not affected him one bit, he travelled well but he has travelled before in the trailer and he managed well. At the moment he is looking happy in the secure back garden in my house in Manchester, and my neighbours who have also been very supportive are fussing over him and I sure he loves every minute of it. I know that seeing him tomorrow will give my daughter a tremendous lift and she will be able to tell him all she has been through, and I hope the other kids on the ward will benefit as well being able to pat him and feed him his treats, he being an old beach donkey is very well used to young children.

It was a little bit of a challenge convincing the staff nurses to allow such a thing and the security guys in the car park but I can be very persuasive when need be, and I have been assured that a part of the car park will be corned off, so parking up will be OK, and I have a few bales of hay in the trailer and a bucket and wide spade to clear up anything if need be. I am not sure yet but it may be that the local TV news will also be there, not my doing but another patients parents that have informed them.

Again thanks so much a few day ago I was beside myself and asked for support, because I did not know what else to do, but your messages have helped both me, my wife, my sons and my daughter and I can only say thank you and thank you seems not enough to say, but perhaps bless you all is more apt.

My wife who has been staying in the accommodations provided by the hospital and has been through a terrible time this last week, more so than me and she looks drained, Georgina my wife will tomorrow come home with me. My sons have arranged a surprise for their mum, they have booked her a spar treatment on Monday as a thank you for being what they have said is a great mum, for as they have told me, though she gives a great deal of time to Hollie she has never neglected either of us, as I said in earlier posts she is my rock I am so lucky to have her, as I am with all my children.

Thanks again my forum mates. For those who like Welsh Mountains and narrow boats have a look at my videos and photos at..

Post #557583 20th Aug 2016 10:30pm
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Member Since: 10 Sep 2007
Location: Co Donegal
Posts: 4748

You have more important things to be going on with than keeping in touch with the the rest of us. Updates are important to us all but we understand that the updates have to be squeezed into a very busy and emotional schedule.
Been there, done that 20 years ago, daughter born with special needs rushed to intensive care. Moved up to be near the hospital for a couple of months. You need to reserve ALL of your strength and time for your loving wife and daughter. We the "Great Unwashed" of Defender2 land will understand. We wish we could be there to help and just give some support but you and your wife will dig deep, find it and get through this. It will be like a blur, memory wise. You will wonder how you ever got through it but you will. How is just one of life's mysteries. Me, I'm still trying to figure it out. But when I look at my daughter I understand, You will look at Hollie over the next few days and you will draw strength from somewhere but it will drive you along. In a few days you'll begin to think that if Hollie keeps on eating MacDonalds she'll end up in coronary care! You'll never get upset over life's so called " important " things. Whenever I have a bad day I think back on those rough early months and think how things could have gone, then I realise that things are not as bad as I thought. Hell, I don't even get upset over a couple of leaks in to the Defender. Heresey I know but that is how it is.
I don't know any of the "Great Unwashed" here either but I know that if you want someone to help you or just to talk to, the hospital car park will be overflowing with Defenders. We all wish you and yours the very best. 1982 88" 2.25 diesel
1992 110 200tdi csw -Zikali
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Post #557591 20th Aug 2016 10:53pm
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Member Since: 17 Sep 2009
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England 2004 Defender 110 Td5 CSW Bonatti Grey
Excellent news Thumbs Up echoing the thoughts above, I'm sure any of us would turn up if we could help and as I said before, with four daughters myself I don't know if I'd be as strong as you if I were in your position. Ray
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Post #557598 20th Aug 2016 11:56pm
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Member Since: 16 Apr 2016
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I don't know any of the "Great Unwashed" here either but I know that if you want someone to help you or just to talk to, the hospital car park will be overflowing with Defenders

This is great - love it. Thumbs Up

I've done lots of forums over the years, photography, film, electronics, carpentry, CNC, programming and more. i can certainly say this is the most easy going, helpful, meaningful, down to earth community I've spent time with so far.

Actually, vintage camera guys were great too - ah but who's counting Laughing Solved the bowel problem, working on the consonants...
Post #557599 21st Aug 2016 12:43am
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Member Since: 05 Mar 2015
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United Kingdom 2016 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Aintree Green
gilarion wrote:

Hollie is now out of the high dependency ward and has been transferred to a general ward, her progress is remarkable but then so is Hollie, tonight she is out of bed eating a MacDonald’s happy meal that I brought in and saying to me that when she gets out of the Hospital there are some Pokemon go creatures nearby, Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu or some such, (those names I got from Google) I have not yet got my head around the app/game, but Hollie loves the game.

I think we are all genuinely happy for you that things seem to be taking a good turn.
I remember Pikachu was my daughters favourite when the card game was originally popular.
"How do you get Pikachu on a bus?" Poke-'im-on Rolling with laughter (It's funny when you are young Laughing )
Post #557600 21st Aug 2016 1:07am
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Member Since: 31 Oct 2015
Location: Devon
Posts: 10902

Great news Gillarion, As all the above have said Very Happy Clayton.

1996 Golf Blue 300Tdi 110 Pick up.
Post #557754 21st Aug 2016 6:43pm
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Member Since: 24 Oct 2015
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United Kingdom 
Following this thread I've gone from tears to cheers.

Raising a glass to Hollies continued great recovery.

Post #557872 21st Aug 2016 9:27pm
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Member Since: 16 May 2016
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2014 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 SW Corris Grey
Thumbs Up It's amazing what a Donkey can do Thumbs Up I have three, mum, dad and daughter, and a big horse, and on my worst days they never fail to make me smile and melt my heart. Amazing and very affectionate animals. Very Happy Hollie will be over the moon to see him. Very Happy
Post #557876 21st Aug 2016 9:37pm
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