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The Boy

Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
Location: East Northants
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United Kingdom 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Rimini Red
Speaking as someone who has seen more than his fair share of active service and a father of a soldier on the front line in afghan I get pretty sick of armchair generals. Quite happy to listern to ex or serving soldiers weather I agree with them or not (they have earned the right to voice their opinions) and my support for them is robust to say the least.

Post #49900 27th Dec 2010 5:41pm
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Member Since: 09 Nov 2010
Location: Cornwall, UK
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Tonga Green
Indeed but the risk is calling the wrong people walters...
Plenty of armchair warriors around, but be careful dismissing anyone who cares to keep things quiet. Defender 110XS SW gone... now VW California 180 4 Motion.
Post #49925 27th Dec 2010 8:57pm
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Member Since: 28 Dec 2009
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United Kingdom 
Some interesting comments!.

Soldiers or ex soldiers have earned the right to voice their opinions??

Interestingly I thought freedom of expression/opinion was enshined in the UN Charter of Human Rights, the American constitution and under UK common law.

Have I served in HM Forces? I could say what has that got to do with the price of cheese! It also makes a assumption that I am entitled to serve in HM Forces. However I am a UK citizen and of an age where I missed National Service and did not take a job in the Armed Forces on a voluntary basis.


As for men in orange boiler suits being held somewhere warm. Do you think that the inteligence gained from them hasn't benefitted us in the UK?? If you think it hasn't stopped attacks etc then you are a tad naive!!

I will not stoop to personal comments/insults.

Now is this the sort of intelligence that took the UK to war in Iraq because of intelligence reports about WMD and being ready to fire in 40 minutes?

It could well be argued that the continuing detention of innocent until proved guilty detainees in Guantanamo Bay is responsible for more terrorism around the world. If the USA is so convinced about the guilt of the detainees why don't they put them on trial? UN Charter of Human Rights etc etc?? Why do they hold the detainees in legal limbo?

Iraq was accused and guilty of chemical warfare. How about the USA? Agent Orange in Vietnam? The USA government was aware of the fact that agent orange contained dioxin whilst it was being spread. Oddly they compensated American veterans but not innocent Vietnamese citizens. Have YOU seen the effect of agent orange on the young generation in Vietnam? In my opinion it is worse then the naturally occurring leprosy in Nepal or the actions of gang masters on the orphans in the then Calcutta.

How about the continuing deprivation of medical supplies by the US to a whole nation?

Have you seen rural farmers protesting about the US imposition of trade agreements on a continent?

Read in the press?? NO I have seen the effects of agent orange in Vietnam, leprosy in Nepal, the mutilated orphans in Calcutta, rural farmers protesting in Peru, lack of medical supplies etc in Cuba with my own eyes.


My main point is that the US has a track record of relying on trying to kill from a distance/'smart weapons'/blanket weapons whilst ignoring hearts and minds campaign, human rights etc

Yes I will stand by those comments.

Post #49939 27th Dec 2010 11:06pm
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The Boy

Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
Location: East Northants
Posts: 1459

United Kingdom 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Rimini Red
Nothing changes does it Leeds? Divide and conquer, divide and conquer! I knew it would not be long.

Forgive me for not getting any further into this now as I have already read this script Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
Post #49988 28th Dec 2010 2:02pm
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Member Since: 01 Oct 2010
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I was many years ago a squaddie, and unless things have changed in recent years it was the Government whom are elected by the electorate who decide when and where to go to war and not the humble squaddie! The squaddies job was to kill the enemy without getting himself killed in the process, or more correctly to risk his life serving his countries policies whether they are right or wrong! Why die for your country when you have the means to make the other sod die for his? This weapon will be invaluable in the fight in urban areas, a sniper hiding behind a brick wall is pretty much safe unless you bring in crew served heavy calibre weapons like the 50. cal or call in an artillery barrage or close air support to level his position causing a lot of collateral damage.
I totally agree with everyone's right to their own opinion, we live in a democracy unlike Iraq or Afghanistan and you should express it any way you feel, but be mindful that the squaddies out there are the reason you have freedom of speech. As for Guantanamo Bay, maybe best discuss this with one of our boys who has stepped on an IED and had his lower limbs blown off and possibly damage to his upper body as well. Or the victims of suicide bombers worldwide. We should remember not just those who have died fighting, but those who are severely injured, and will never have the opportunity to live a normal life again. Next time you see someone collecting for Help for Heroes, Royal British Legion etc, please do give generously, we owe them our freedom.

Brian and Elaine
Post #49990 28th Dec 2010 2:47pm
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