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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
I have to say that when I have my biker's head on, I am very cautious about the age of a tyre, even if unused. Indeed more so. When I have new tyres on the bike I will not allow them to be over a year old and ask about delivery date and storage if they haven't just arrived in shop. Some are really badly looked after and it does effect the compound. Obviously less so n four wheels and notably something as meaty as a Cooper or BF AT or ST, but tyre compound does degrade and become less effective. No evidence from insurance companies, but certainly if you read biking mags... Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #477991 1st Dec 2015 2:17pm
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Member Since: 08 Dec 2014
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Belgium 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 HT Chawton White
ericvv wrote:
Do you know of a legal limit of age for a tire? Like to see that, does not even exist here in Switzerland which is a model for rules and regulations.

No there is no legal limit. Nor is there one for driving while having a flue. Still, it's as dangerous as driving drunk, and if cause of accident is proven due to this, you're to blame.

ericvv wrote:

I think if with a serious accident police or other will check the tires, they will have an argument if there is not enough thread left, if the thread has abnormal wear, if the tire is damaged, if the tire is not properly inflated, but I don't think legally there is anything they can do if an older tire which looks to be in very good shape with ample thread, etc. just has an older build date embedded in the rubber.

I'll ask him if he still has the reports and if I can publish them. You'll be surprised.

ericvv wrote:

Yes, I agree hardening would be no good, not for a winter, but not for a summer tire either. But as I said in my above, I do believe that in the last 10 years respectable tire manufacturers have made a big leap in tire compound technology, and hardening today is going to happen much less/later than say 20 years ago.

I can tell you this: Yes there is a lot of evolution in the compound, but none that lengthen the compound spec's or lengthen the tire wear. It did change the effects while cornering, breaking, noise and roll-resistance.
In most cases this is at the cost of tire wear. 28/02 - Loss of a good friend...

In a time of chimpanzees, I was a penguin.
Post #477993 1st Dec 2015 2:37pm
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2011
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Switzerland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
^^ Well, all that being said, I guess half this community here is up for replacing their tires without delay. Whistle

Luckily when my new GG TR were installed back in April this year, our German friends of Continental tires delivered me what you call fresh pistolets straight from the oven. Laughing Built code 0815, they were still a bit warm when delivered to my tire shop. So according to you I am ok until 0820 I guess. Thumbs Up
And I hope you will approve my use of ceramic grease on the hubs, otherwise we get into another discussion. Rolling with laughter


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Eric You never actually own a Defender. You merely look after it for the next generation.
Post #478001 1st Dec 2015 3:38pm
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Member Since: 16 Jun 2008
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 CSW Keswick Green
I looked into the whole tyre age thing recently, before replacing my 7 yr old only half-worn tyres.
This from the RoSPA website:
Tyres that have been in storage should not be placed into use if they are over 6 years old, from their date of manufacture. When a tyre has been in use, the effects of ageing are lessened to a degree, but such tyres should be replaced after 10 years.
Post #478019 1st Dec 2015 4:44pm
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Member Since: 25 Sep 2011
Location: Burton on Trent
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United Kingdom 
Out in the uae they often replace tyres aver 2 years from the heat but not mileage. Here mine are replaced after around 4 years, there is a noticeable difference in grip, even in a fiesta.

From personal experience, the heat cycles and hardening can be dangerous. When I had semi-slicks A048s, can remember travelling back from a track day weekend in France with the tyres screeching and feeling a little grip less where are pretty standard saloon could corner without problem.

In my opinion, would think winter tyres are past their best after a couple of years use, especially with the infrequent use they get.
Post #478050 1st Dec 2015 6:06pm
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Member Since: 25 Sep 2011
Location: Burton on Trent
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United Kingdom 
ericvv wrote:
Do you know of a legal limit of age for a tire? Like to see that, does not even exist here in Switzerland which is a model for rules and regulations.

I think if with a serious accident police or other will check the tires, they will have an argument if there is not enough thread left, if the thread has abnormal wear, if the tire is damaged, if the tire is not properly inflated, but I don't think legally there is anything they can do if an older tire which looks to be in very good shape with ample thread, etc. just has an older build date embedded in the rubber.


You mention that but there has been calls to change the law. I can recall a case recently where a coach with old but legal tyres were fitted and were found to be the cause of an accident where people were killed. I cannot recall whether the company were charged or convicted but will look for the case.
Post #478054 1st Dec 2015 6:15pm
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Member Since: 25 Sep 2011
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United Kingdom 

The end of that article says manufacturers do not recommend fitting tyres that are over 6 years old.
Post #478056 1st Dec 2015 6:18pm
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Member Since: 11 Jul 2015
Location: Gorleston, Great Yarmouth
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United Kingdom 1984 Defender 110 300 Tdi CSW Portofino Red
Branny wrote:
Hi All,

Just to dispell the myth - I have cooper discoverer M+S LT235/85/R16s fitted on my Defender at the moment...

I'm in France, which my have a bearing as they shift more snow tyres here?

The Nokian Hakkapeliltas are what I would have bought, if funds had allowed. That said, I'm very impressed with the Coopers having moved from the Michelin latitiude M+S that came on my car and were quite scary in the snow/ice we get here in the Alps!!

Errmmm I run the same tyres on my disco 2 as winter tyres as they are marked as winter tyres!! So can you please tell me the myth you speak off. By the way they made GG ATs look like slicks and happily drove through 2ft of Scottish snow this year and never missed a beat.

Ref wear on the Nokians. Have only ran mine 20 miles or so ( fitted on a Saturday came back to work in Oman on Monday) they have a 100%,80%,60%,40% and possibly 20% wear markings in the center of each tyre so you can check wear easily.
Post #478431 2nd Dec 2015 6:01pm
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Member Since: 11 Jul 2015
Location: Gorleston, Great Yarmouth
Posts: 497

United Kingdom 1984 Defender 110 300 Tdi CSW Portofino Red
a13x wrote:
Out in the uae they often replace tyres aver 2 years from the heat but not mileage. Here mine are replaced after around 4 years, there is a noticeable difference in grip, even in a fiesta.

From personal experience, the heat cycles and hardening can be dangerous. When I had semi-slicks A048s, can remember travelling back from a track day weekend in France with the tyres screeching and feeling a little grip less where are pretty standard saloon could corner without problem.

In my opinion, would think winter tyres are past their best after a couple of years use, especially with the infrequent use they get.

If its anything like Oman they do quick tyre changes by having blow outs lol. Go down a 30 mile road and you will have at least 4 blown out tyres at the side of the road!!
Post #478434 2nd Dec 2015 6:07pm
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2011
Location: Near the Jet d'Eau
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Switzerland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
a13x wrote:

The end of that article says manufacturers do not recommend fitting tyres that are over 6 years old.

I have to laugh by the nonsense of that article, and of that law proposal.
Coaches and public transport buses are not doing the average of 10 or 15000 miles per annum which often is the norm for private cars I would think. Coaches and public transport buses are not like a car or a Defender, they are actually bought to do a continuous job, and that is to work 12 or more hours per day each, year round, except for time needed for repairs and maintenance. If they would not be used like that, there would not be a return on investment, and a waste of public funds.
Our public transport buses here easily rack up 100.000 km or more per annum each. I am a frequent public transport user, and our Geneva buses which are all in perfect condition, after 10 years often have 1.000.000 km on the odometer, and they are heading to much more than that.
Now, how could their tires ever get to the age of 10 years, please explain? I think each of them consume at least one full set of new tires every year. Seems a real waste of time to talk about limiting coaches and public buses tires to max 10 years, even if they would be retreaded. Which believe on truck tires (which run equally big miles/annum) happens only once before they get recycled.
Eric You never actually own a Defender. You merely look after it for the next generation.
Post #478454 2nd Dec 2015 6:58pm
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Member Since: 25 Sep 2011
Location: Burton on Trent
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United Kingdom 
You say, coach tyres do not last for years because of the miles driven. That article states that the tyres were not excessively worn but were well aged. Your example is irrelevant but accepted that in general, you may be correct. There are also statements that suggest a tyre in regular use performs better than one with infrequent use.

My opinion is that your tyres while perfectly legal, look almost as good as new etc, are past their best. That opinion would be maintained for any tyre with similar circumstances.
Post #478477 2nd Dec 2015 8:02pm
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