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Member Since: 19 Feb 2013
Location: North Yorkshire
Posts: 1831

United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Cairns Blue
LR90XS2011 wrote:
work for the railway started with BR as an apprentice worked my way up to depot manager now lead an engineering team looking after modern Diesel Multiple Units for a couple of train operating companies enjoyed most of my 33yrs

Poo Tubes? Don't make old people mad.
We don't like being old in the first place,
so it doesn't take much to Censored us off.

Post #448185 21st Aug 2015 9:46pm
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Member Since: 25 Dec 2014
Location: The Shire
Posts: 159

United Kingdom 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 SW Santorini Black
Left school at 16, started as an apprentice engineer for corus steel. Was a good grounding and very hands on old fashioned mechanical apprenticeship in heavy industry, but I left as opportunities limited.

I ran off to sea, joined the merchant navy, retrained, rose through the ranks and am now a 2nd engineer on oil tankers. Have worked on a variety of tankers, oil, chem and gas from lil 3000T jobs up to 400,000T ULCCs. Did a little stint on a pazzy boat (cruise ship) through an agency during a brief interlude. I did not enjoy it, too much parading around in pretty white uniforms, Too much bowing and scraping! Also did a stint on a tug, was an absolute hoot, loved every minute, pay crap though.
Post #448202 21st Aug 2015 10:14pm
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Member Since: 23 Jun 2014
Location: Aberdeenshire
Posts: 637

Scotland 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Firenze Red
Oakseywick wrote:
However I have always wanted to be a tree surgeon and maybe I will jack in corporate life and follow my dream.

I've always wanted to be a lumberjack, and wear women's clothing...........


Seriously though I've always fancied being a farmer, or tree surgeon.

Only thing is, I lack skills and the finances to give it a go.

I am considering rearing a few sheep on some rented land for a year or two, it may kill or cure the dream!
Post #448207 21st Aug 2015 10:26pm
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Member Since: 25 Aug 2014
Location: Peterborough
Posts: 2087

United Kingdom 
What do we all do for work?
Well, coming to the end of my working life, I am currently holding two jobs; I am employed by a North London council as a PFI Contract Manager and am also a consultant manager for a private company that contracts to another London council. I get to work both sides of this particular fence and it is beneficial to all parties, including me!

And, yes, I do enjoy my work, especially as 90% of it is home based and fairly flexible in terms of timings, as long as the job gets done.

I have an electrical engineering background, gained during my services with the Royal Engineers, although I did side track and move to Plant & Civil Engineering, as well as the usual Combat Engineering stuff, which saw me do NI in the mid seventies, blowing stuff up and making good as well as being shot at for our troubles!

My path since the forces has been very long and windy, with many off-shoots, tangents and dabblings, until I settled into utilising my electrical engineering background once more, specialising in external lighting in the early eighties. I have remained in that industry since, although I've worked for many companies on the tools, working up to senior management and board level, until I ventured into, so-called, consultancy, which is just self-employment with a posh name... Whistle

And all that has led me to my current mixed roles; funny old world... Laughing

It was also my forces career where my love of Landies kicked off and although I went in holding a driving licence, having passed at 17, I left the REs with almost a full complement of driving licence attributes and wanted nothing more than to be a trucker driving 40' arctics all over, some of which I did do for a number of years all over Europe. Most of my forces driving though was in various of the Land Rover marques of the era, including a spell rallying lightweights in the forests of Germany for our regimental team.

It was to be almost an entire other lifetime before I was to drive another Landy proper, although I have had JLR vehicles for many years, and I am absolutely loving the life style that comes as part of the package.

I cannot see me ever going backwards, especially with my brand new keeper coming next month and I need the two jobs I have to help fund it... Mr. Green

 Rog... Mr. Green
The GREEN One...

MY2016 Urban Truck Build Thread - http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic40548....al[/color]
Post #448209 21st Aug 2015 10:39pm
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Member Since: 21 Feb 2015
Location: Aberdeen
Posts: 363

I work for one of the big subsea control systems companies in Aberdeen, Field service Engineer on and off shore, so site testing and verification of equipment pre deployment and installation and commissioning during and post installation.

Its a good mix of hands on mech and electrical stuff during the shore tests, with a lot of software integration testing and commissioning once the gear is Subsea, I do dive boat intervention work too.

I've got no work pattern whatsoever its totally client driven so am basically on call 365 unless i actually book holidays, 12 hour shifts when I'm on a job, off at home when I'm not, work an average of 180 days a year. The onshore stuff tends to be clumped into the winter months as the seas are crap, over spring summer there's a lot more offshore going on so i'm on platforms or boats mostly.

If none of that means anything, I test and commission oil wells Smile

And stuff like this....

Click image to enlarge

Edited bit.
Oh yeah as requested , been doing this for 5 years now and yes i love my job, Its frustrating at times, crazy busy or glacier slow depending on the circumstances, I was an Aircraft electrician before that, and don' regret making the change.

Gary 3 Landrovers
Post #448217 21st Aug 2015 11:39pm
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2014
Location: newcastle
Posts: 2261

Re: What do we all do for work?
Green Machine wrote:
Partly out of interest, partly looking for inspiration!

What does everyone do for work? It would be great if people could give a little overview of what they actually do on a day to day basis (especially if it is something unusual that people might not be familiar with), also be great to hear from anyone who has a Land Rover oriented job (we are all Defender nuts after all!). An indication of how long you have done the job for might also be useful, and also whether you enjoy your work or not! And, if not, what would you rather be doing instead? Do you have a job you wish you'd never left? Any experiences welcome! It would also be handy to have an idea of what people's working patterns are i.e. standard 9-5.30, 5 days a week; any regular overtime requirement; working weekends; shift work, etc.

I have a feeling that there was thread along these lines a few years ago, but have done a search and can't find anything.

I'll start: I am a CAD technician for a medium-sized architectural practice. Essentially sit in front of a computer all day (which I fear is becoming increasingly the norm). It is a very nice computer (Retina 5k iMac), but still get sick of looking at it on a fairly regular basis! Regular 9-5.30, 5 days a week (usually in the office 8.30-6), but very rarely need to work outside of this. Work on a variety of projects from large extensions and house re-modelling through to multiple housing schemes and larger public buildings. We use BIM (Building Information Modelling) software, so buildings are 'virtually' modelled in 3D and the 2D drawing information is taken from that 3D model. I have been doing it for 9 years and enjoy certain aspects, particularly the more creative / conceptual front-end design and modelling, but don't particularly enjoy others. Starting to feel that it might be time for a change, hence the thread!

As a general rule at a party the second question you hear is "what do you do"and on principal i never ask that question (and i usually answer it with warlord or fluffer) as it puts people into boxes and on a forum of like minded folk i dont care what they do as long as they share a love for defenders.............i do note that there are few new posters on here willing to describe their very intersiting jobs but a shyness in posting on more mundane matters......
Post #448220 22nd Aug 2015 1:17am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
Posts: 5883

France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
stanley wrote:
Been driving one pf these for last 30 years, based now in the New Forest.

Click image to enlarge

Now I know where to be if I crash my motorbike, but if I do, please promise not to pick me up in the Defender, I want to make sure you arrive... Rolling with laughter Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #448226 22nd Aug 2015 5:32am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
Posts: 5883

France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
As you might have guessed from my moniker, I spent approx 10 years in the First or Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards (to give the regiment its proper title), serving and travelling all over the place and taking part in the occasional Ceremonial Duty. Loved every minute especially my last posting attached to the U.S. Marines in Baghdad, and would do it again. But had to leave as my career profile was leading me to flying a desk in some Divisional HQ or the MOD. I was only ever interested in 'being on the ground', serving but only doing admin would have (ironically) killed me.

On leaving I headed into the world of property. Whilst the long term intention was to find, renovate and sell a couple of houses per annum, I started working in Estate Agency to 'get to know the market'. What I learnt is that many estate agents are often as bad as they're purported as being, that finding nice properties to do up in SW London was as hard as 'rocking horse s**t, and that working in an office was not for me. Just prior to the recession I left and was offered a job in Chamonix managing one of the UKs largest ski company's property portfolios. This involved managing a team of trades repairing, refitting, improving, sourcing, negotiating for etc 70 chalets and hotels across the Alps. An amazing two years spent riding my motorbike (when weather allowed) around 12 of the most famous resorts in the French Alps and being paid for it.

After a couple of years I decided to go solo and use the skills I had learned from working in/around French property to go back into agency which I have now being doing for five years. I don't like sales anymore than I did in the UK, but being self-employed as part of a franchise (France's biggest British estate agency) I don't come across the seedier side of real estate sales as often as I used to. It's still there, but mainly my time is spent showing some very nice people around some very nice properties. And they all love bimbling around the mountain in my Defender. If I happen to sell ia chalet and it goes through smoothly, great. If there are troubled waters, (and in French property there nearly always is), I bite the bullet as 'needs must'....here's one of mine:


However, I dislike sales enough that recently I have considered joining a Navy friend of mine who also lives here, in Security/Risk Analysis. We'll see how things pan out over the next month or two. Also currently developing an 'App' and trying my hand at writing a Screenplay....and before you ask, yes there's a Defender in it Thumbs Up Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #448227 22nd Aug 2015 5:55am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
Posts: 5883

France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
As an addendum, perhaps it would be interesting to hear what people who have maybe moved jobs (or thought about it) or are retired, might wish to do if money, education, experience and qualification were no object.

My dream would be to open a garage customising Bonnevilles and other classic motorbikes. I have no real mechanical skills, just the design, so I would need a grease monkey. Mrs Grenadier is still not convinced that this would be the best use for our barn... Rolling with laughter Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #448229 22nd Aug 2015 6:22am
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Go Beyond

Member Since: 30 Jan 2012
Location: Headcorn, Kent
Posts: 6678

United Kingdom 
I left school at 16 and became a photographic darkroom technician for a Company that produced front of house displays for Westend cinemas. At 17 I was driving around in a Bedford HA van with 'who you gonna call ?' emblazoned down the side.

Then moved to the 'daughter' company and made signs for hospitals (about 18 years old now) - I'll come back to this ....

Got bored and joined Simba vehicle alarms and kitted out vehicles going to Northern Ireland with all sorts of electronic gizmos.

Then started a one man band vehicle car stereo / alarm fitting company which by luck was around at the infancy of car phones. Joined a company installing phones for Cellnet and was lucky enough to install phones for the likes of Phil Collins, Nigel Mansall, Richard Branson, Penti Arikalla etc.

Did that until I was 26 and then received a call from the son of my old boss at the sign company, his dad was terminally ill, the company had a lot of debt, would I be interested in going into partnership and turning it around ?

I'm 48 now, I bought the son out in 2013 when he took early retirement, you'll see our work at most of the top London Hospitals.

FCX started as a hobby business in 2011 with the aim of paying for a few bits for my Defender, one thing led to another and now we have 3 full time staff, export right across the world (complete leather trimmed dash to Japan last week) and are currently building a bespoke 2250 square foot 'toy box'

FCX was built totally from scratch, no cash investment just a load of bits I'd collected over the years that had to be shifted as I was turning the cart lodge at home into an office for the sign company. Lots of hard work, long hours (don't forget I still run the sign company) but hugely rewarding (and I don't mean in a monetary sense) as I'm a proper enthusiast doing what I love - a pig in poo is how my other half describes it Smile

I'm Matt and I'm a Land Roverholic !
Post #448238 22nd Aug 2015 7:18am
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Member Since: 21 Feb 2015
Location: Aberdeen
Posts: 363

Hmm, well if its mundane you want I'll start.. I had a mug of Tea and some toast with orange marmalade for breakfast. There, I wouldn't want to be pigeon holed as shy.


Gary 3 Landrovers
Post #448254 22nd Aug 2015 7:52am
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Member Since: 20 Apr 2013
Location: Mid Devon
Posts: 1435

United Kingdom 2006 Defender 90 Td5 HT Java Black
What a fantastic and varied group we have on this forum, makes my situation seem very boring.

I left school at 16 with a few O levels, went packing boxes in a printing business straight from school to earn a few £'s, intended going back to the 6th form but got used to having a bit of money in my pocket so never did, stayed at the same company and did a full apprenticeship, worked my way up to Works Manager and eventually bought the owner out. I made some changes, went from strength to strength, did well financially but always kept grounded, I don't have a high rolling lifestyle, I like to keep a low profile, had to work hard and do lots of hours to get to where I did.
I got into motorcycle racing as a pastime, loved it, then had a 'lucky' accident at Mallory Park, a scan on my chest showed a lump on one of my kidneys that was cancerous, so the kidney was removed shortly afterwards. I would have been incurable in around 6 months, dead in 12, that was 5 yrs ago, I've just had the all clear.
Lucky escape, my ideas changed and I was approached to sell my business, so I took the chance and sold up.

My wife also worked for me, so we were both going to have a big change. Moved to Devon, bought a nice house with land etc to spend time doing up, but I kind of miss working.

So, at the moment I'm pondering a new adventure, my wife has trained as a dog groomer and loves it, I'm just looking for something to either invest in or start up. I can turn my hand to pretty much anything and could retrain, but until something comes along I'm happy cleaning my 90, fishing, jobs around the house, walking the dogs..... nice position to be in but I'd like to find something soon
Post #448257 22nd Aug 2015 8:00am
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Darcy Fairfax

Member Since: 05 Oct 2014
Location: London
Posts: 721

England 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Corris Grey
Swac3 wrote:
Hmm, well if its mundane you want I'll start.. I had a mug of Tea and some toast with orange marmalade for breakfast. There, I wouldn't want to be pigeon holed as shy.



Rolling with laughter
Post #448260 22nd Aug 2015 8:09am
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Member Since: 22 Aug 2010
Location: staffs
Posts: 10383

United Kingdom 
We are on a roll now !
I've worked:
transport manager-got my class 1 at 21.
Windscreen fitter
Managed a windscreen branch.
Spent a chunk of life working in the cycle trade (Brian Rourke sponsored me when I was 13, I ran his shop for around 6 years).
A year at a Land Rover/ Ibex specialist.
Then an online cycle store.

Now I work for a member of this forum along with another member of this forum, the job was advertised on this forum...and the car park has 3 bitchin' 110's parked outside. We do 'competitive intelligence data'.

(Lambley....congrats on your all clear).
Post #448262 22nd Aug 2015 8:17am
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Member Since: 22 Feb 2012
Location: North West
Posts: 5900

United Kingdom 1999 Defender 110 Td5 SW Caledonian Blue
'competitive intelligence data' - Data comms? 1999 Defender TD5 110

John M0VAZ
Econet Station 48 no clock
Post #448264 22nd Aug 2015 8:26am
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