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Member Since: 23 Nov 2012
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Yes i agree. The thing is though I believe it's been blown out of proportion. If it had been a full-blown punch he would have had worse than a cut lip. Both May and Hammond said it wasn't that serious. They could have sorted it out like grown men the following day but Tymon went running to A&E which made that impossible...
Post #414831 8th Apr 2015 4:17pm
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I don't mind Clarkson, the way He says what he likes, sometimes makes "offensive" remarks, which really aren't "offensive", except to the "Do-Gooders" & "Tree Huggers" etc. I believe He is a genuinely FUNNY guy, although the categories I mentioned previously wouldn't think so?
And He really "makes" Top Gear, which will be nothing without him.
BUT, there is NO excuse for hitting anyone, certainly not in these circumstances, so IMHO Clarkson got what He deserved. And, it wasn't just a whack, there was a continual out of control abusive situation, and after all, He was 2 hrs late!
Anyway, does anyone think Clarkson will be at all concerned about all of this? Well maybe just a bit, but not very much, just adds to his "character".
I predict He'll be back (not on Top Gear) "bigger & better", on another program, where He may be even more outrageous than He was on Top Gear?
Post #414919 8th Apr 2015 10:09pm
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Skippy R

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gilarion wrote:
Personally I turn off the telly when Ross comes on since his "Sachsgate" screw-up with that other prat Russell Brand. Ross's £6m per annum is a disgrace.

Ross should have been sacked - no question, and Brand removed from license-payers funding.

Whilst I also don't condone violence, it does look like Clarkson has gained some footballer-esque diva tendencies, which is a shame, at least he didn't stoop to the depths of Ross/Brand IMHO

warning Rant about to start. Whistle

Jonathan Ross is an overpaid, egotistical, smarmy, smug, arrogant git, why he is paid so much money when he is such a talentless speech impedimented moron who has never conducted an even remotely interesting interview is beyond me, but like a lot of media ‘jolly fellows’ he is loved by the producers. In my opinion Jonathan Ross is a big-nosed, egotistical, Andrew Sachs hating right wing loving cretin, also his fat, red dyed hair blinkered multi-millionaire ‘I write firm scripts’ wife is no better either.

And as for Russell Brand he is a talentless scrawny, lank haired, ex-junkie Censored , who thinks the entire planet should listen to his ridiculous rants, because he’s, like, so profound. Apparently, being ‘funny’ in his drug-addled mind entails being rude, patronising, arrogant, ignorant, insolent and downright obnoxious. He needs a quick rub-down with a house brick.

Rant over Laughing

Most truthful thing I've read in ages, can't stand either of the pr1cks Dave
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Post #414928 8th Apr 2015 11:49pm
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According to reports, and I don't know how accurate they are, there is an apparent new claim being brought against Top Gear and JC.

Someone from the "Travellers" movement has issued a complaint that JC was seen with a sign saying "Pikeys Peak" when the Hamster was driving up a mountain. Shocked They were apparently 'horrified' by the use of wording!!! Thud
Post #421308 5th May 2015 12:55pm
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To quote:

BBC Two's Top Gear is being investigated by watchdog Ofcom over the use of the word "pikey" in an episode broadcast in February last year.
The BBC Trust rejected the Traveller Movement's original complaint in March, but the group have brought it to Ofcom.
It was sparked by a placard featuring the words "Pikey's Peak" which host Jeremy Clarkson put up after a race between 1980s hatchbacks.
Clarkson has since been axed from the show, after a "fracas" with a producer.
During the episode, broadcast on 2 February 2014, Clarkson had been ridiculing co-presenter Richard Hammond's choice of a Vauxhall Nova when the term was used.
"Ofcom is investigating a complaint from the Travellers' Movement that it was offensive to include a placard with Pikey's Peak written on it in this BBC show," said a spokesperson from the broadcasting regulator.
'Common parlance'
Top Gear was cleared by the Editorial Standards Committee of the BBC Trust over the comment earlier this year.
It acknowledged the word "pikey" derived from the word "turnpike" and was therefore related to travellers, but said there was no "intended racist reference".
The committee said the word had "evolved into common parlance among a number of people to mean 'chavvy' or 'cheap'".
This, it said, meant many Top Gear viewers "would not necessarily associate it with the Gypsy and Traveller communities".
It also noted that the placard was a deliberate pun on the US race course Pike's Peak, which had been referenced earlier in the show's script.
Ofcom said its investigation, launched on 22 April, was looking into whether the potential for offence caused by the use of the word "pikey" was justified by the context.
'Racist abuse'
A statement from the Traveller Movement welcomed the decision and said it hoped Ofcom's investigation was "thorough".
"When the BBC Trust ruled that the Top Gear use of the word 'pikey' had nothing to do with gypsies and travellers and meant cheap and dodgy instead, it was clearly the trust that was being a bit cheap and dodgy," it said.
"We believe in freedom of speech, but with that freedom there must be responsibility.
"The BBC Trust abdicated that responsibility when they legitimised the use of a racist word on one of their most popular and money-spinning programmes."
It said the topic was one that needed attention, adding: "We can bang on about semantics and meanings, but at the end of the day too many gypsies and travellers hear that word in the form of racist abuse.
"How can you work for understanding and integration when racist abuse is seen as funny by a national public broadcaster paid for by the public?"
Top Gear producers are currently looking for a new look presenting team for the show.
Last month Clarkson's co-presenters James May and Hammond ruled themselves out of returning for the next series without him.
Post #421309 5th May 2015 1:03pm
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
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What a heap of CRAP.
How politically correct do we have to be these days without someone trying to get their two bobs worth of "indignance".
Post #421314 5th May 2015 1:34pm
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Well said Pickles Thumbs Up

If it's any consolation, any ground made by such indignance is soon lost, plus a bit more to boot, when the "My Big Fat..." series airs on TV. Rolling Eyes 2015 90 XS CSW TDCi - Beautiful
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Post #421321 5th May 2015 2:07pm
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your local friendly travellers wrote:

"How can you work for understanding and integration when racist abuse is seen as funny by a national public broadcaster paid for by the public?"

I assume they mean those members of the public who pay taxes and TV licences and boring things like that? 2015 110 USW XS in Santorini with premium contrast leather seats in tan/black, black headlining and with Dual Finish alloys (in the garage, now on Wolf rims with Goodyear MT/Rs)

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Post #421323 5th May 2015 2:12pm
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What's the dictionary definition of Pikey? 
Post #421469 6th May 2015 12:27am
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The Collins English Dictionary now defines the word as

(British, slang, derogatory)
a gypsy or vagrant
a member of the underclass

Historically the word was used to mean "an itinerant person" and derives from the shortening "pike" of the word "turnpike". It is only in recent times that the word has been used to any significant extent perjoratively - in the past it simply meant a person who spent all, or a significant part, of their time on the road.

The fuss that now surrounds the word amuses me to an extent, since really I think those who now claim to be insulted by being described as pikeys are themselves responsible for the terrm being considered insulting.

Nowadays the word seems to be taken as meaning a person of an itinerant nature who is prone to ignoring the mores of civilised society, indulging in (mainly, but not exclusively, petty) crime, and leaving a trail of filth, debris, and scammed persons in their wake.

The people who seem to object most vociferously to being called by the word are in fact precisely those who are of an itinerant nature, prone to ignoring the mores of civilised society, indulging in (mainly, but not exclusively, petty) crime, and leaving a trail of filth, debris, and scammed persons in their wake. If such people changed their lifestyle to be more integrated into "normal" society, then the word would probably not be applied to them!

It really comes down to the fact that just about any word, even the most innofensive, can be offensive if the person using it so intends. It is all about context and intent, which is hard to legislate for.
Post #421523 6th May 2015 9:49am
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