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Member Since: 05 Apr 2011
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Galway Green
you could try lowering your tyre pressures slightly, fit spring isolators between the springs and chassis, try more road biased tyres and adjustable shock absorbers, you will have then removed loads of road induced vibrations, re the vibs caused by the engine, I too would look at mounting the seat on proper rubber mounting rubbers, if worried about accident strength fit a loop bracket that allows some movement but would arrest any excessive movement in the event od a collision. DEFENDER 90 TDCI XS,

I hope everyone is well and your land rovers make you happy
Post #408313 17th Mar 2015 6:57am
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2013
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Cairns Blue
Thank you for the replies. HGV air seat.......not practicable due to lack of head room.
Who said it was the vibration......... well Dr1 and Dr2 later on after six months of sitting in chair and laying in bed a Chiropractor.
X-rays? none as day after accident A&E Dr says nothing wrong at all with neck although Ambulance staff say possible dislocation of vertebra. Insurance hired consultant says same as A&E and says that it is a Criminal Offence to make false claim, Insurance Co solicitor advises same and case is closed despite my protests that they have no evidence as no X-rays taken.

Eight weeks ago I felt dizzy after driving a hundred yards or so, stopped and got out and legs collapsed underneath me, wife takes me home, felt OK next day so out we go, this time get dizzy feeling and muscles in forearms go numb and tingling in fingers, S.H.M.B.O. takes me home The next day I visit the Chiropractor who works her magic , advises that it could be the vibrations of the vehicle, which last for a couple of days. Appointment with Dr3 who advises that it possibly the vibrations of the vehicle that is setting things off and she will arrange for a M.R.I. scan as this seems to have been going on for to long. Bow down

Seating position is a case of sit were you can in a Defender so I don't know if I am favouring on side or not. At 5' 10" I can see through windscreen quite well.

I have not driven for 7 weeks now and I was looking forward to the Momo steering wheel I had bought.

The accident we were in was violent, I'm doing 50 mph when on coming driver turns across me path approx. 10 feet in front of me, collide with him which cases rear near side to collide with stationary bus. Result both diffs and gear box locked up, body comes off all mounts. The poor land rover had to be dragged by two tractors to get if off the recovery vehicle.

A couple of photo's

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Post #408379 17th Mar 2015 1:04pm
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2014
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You have a mixed bag of symptoms there ....dislocation of your neck vertebra a would be picked up by your chiropracter and is serious enough to warrant an x ray .The a&e doc works to strict protocols and although he/she looks 12 they will usually spoit something serious....The MRI will give you peace of mind but if it comes back normal that does not say your pain is not real.......the insurance whilst right. cannot stop you claiming for pain etc they are just warning you off!

I would try the corbeau seat at 250 notes and go from there......they are designed for of road market and are used in those engine and frame buggies that hurtle up hills in the usa......if you've got a spare couplpeof grand I would try the stratos seats as they are designed to fit the defender and are supposed to stop 70% of vibratio

apologise for disjointed post I'm at work and using my tablet.......its like a monkey trying to write HTML!

Further here is link to British company importing SUSPENSION corbeaus...


Last edited by nitram17 on 18th Mar 2015 12:13am. Edited 3 times in total
Post #408389 17th Mar 2015 1:36pm
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Member Since: 11 Sep 2013
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United Kingdom 
I use scheelmans or cobra daytonas which are the largest seat you can squeeze in and close the door.dead comfy on long trips and not to high a seat squab for getting in and out

Downsides are having to undo four bolts to work under the seat
Post #408504 17th Mar 2015 7:44pm
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
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Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
Not impressed with Chiros, although I know MANY have had good experience with them.
In your case, what with dizzy spells etc etc, I would not be mucking about. I don't know what the UK medical system is like, but I do know that my Docter would be referring me to a specialist IMMEDIATELY, who would then get MRIs & X Rays done, of ALL of the relevant areas, & then ascertain & treat the issue.
Post #408567 17th Mar 2015 10:12pm
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2013
Location: North Yorkshire
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Cairns Blue
Thanks for the advice and suggestions. I have spend several days checking on tinternet and phone and not one manufacturer can advise is there seats are better than the standard Land Rover ones in absorbing vibration or are more comfortable. The standard answer is "they are Land Rover seats" or "We don't know because we don't drive Land Rovers"
So the quest continues. Don't make old people mad.
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Post #410759 25th Mar 2015 12:45pm
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2014
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Not to be cheeky Wink but have you read any of the repliess Question (especially mine)quest away fella but thats the best your going to get............Im in the same boat except its my lower back(i do have a dodgy neck but it is not affected(yet) by the stiff ride) as you but i know what i have to do is try some of the options out.

......... whats the point in asking for advice and not taking it! just about any seat is better than a defender seat its just whether they will fit!..the corbeau will be like sitting in a hammock and will i say it again it will absorb a great deal of the vibration im just not sure whether they will sit to high!........

the stratos ones will fit, just and have a purpose made adaptor and mechanical suspension system im just worried they cannot import them.............options are out there to try ...if your looking fore someone to wave a magic wand and fix your neck with a seat choice well you set for a dissapointment ...untill you try stuff out you wont know if the vibration is causing your neck trouble ............im willing to put money on its not but its an individual thing and it up to you!
Post #410861 25th Mar 2015 5:59pm
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Member Since: 23 Nov 2012
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Would i be correct in saying that in actual fact this is less of a landrover problem, and more of a medical problem?

I presume you found the landrover comfortable enough before the accident? Surely once you get to the route of your medical problem and cured that, you will find driving the landrover comfortable once more?
Post #410870 25th Mar 2015 6:20pm
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2013
Location: North Yorkshire
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Cairns Blue
I did take your advice Bow down , not knowing what corbeau seats were I rang a company and they told me. They are not much good if you have to change a blow fuse or have a flat battery as you need to take the whole seat out to do it is it.

Premium seats I am given to understand are no better than the standard ones.

I am awaiting delivery of 6mm industrial anti vibration pad that I will fit under the seat runners and as washers for the bolts to see if it is a quick/cheap fix to the problem.

I am fully aware that no one is coming to my rescue with a magic wand and I never asked for anyone to do so I thought that members of this forum may have found a more comfortable seat that had the same arrangement as the original. I have spent nearly eight weeks looking and I don't need someone coming along suggesting that having asked I have taken little notice. Don't make old people mad.
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Post #410874 25th Mar 2015 6:27pm
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2013
Location: North Yorkshire
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Cairns Blue
need4speed wrote:
Would i be correct in saying that in actual fact this is less of a landrover problem, and more of a medical problem?

I presume you found the landrover comfortable enough before the accident? Surely once you get to the route of your medical problem and cured that, you will find driving the landrover comfortable once more?

I drove various 90's for 15 years and always found them comfortable until the accident 5 years ago. Don't make old people mad.
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Post #410877 25th Mar 2015 6:30pm
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2014
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ARC99 wrote:
I did take your advice Bow down , not knowing what corbeau seats were I rang a company and they told me. They are not much good if you have to change a blow fuse or have a flat battery as you need to take the whole seat out to do it is it.

Premium seats I am given to understand are no better than the standard ones.

I am awaiting delivery of 6mm industrial anti vibration pad that I will fit under the seat runners and as washers for the bolts to see if it is a quick/cheap fix to the problem.

I am fully aware that no one is coming to my rescue with a magic wand and I never asked for anyone to do so I thought that members of this forum may have found a more comfortable seat that had the same arrangement as the original. I have spent nearly eight weeks looking and I don't need someone coming along suggesting that having asked I have taken little notice.

If your after a seat witha a removable base your market is reduced ...you will find no anti vibration seats with that setup

How often do you get a flat battery how often do you blow a fuse!........if a seat will stop your neck pain it would be worthwhile ..........four bolts then they are off......the sort of pad you are talking about may reduce some micro vibrations but not the jolts you get even on road use and also I doubt the fixing arrangement will get you past the mot I suppose you could take it off for the mot)...

.........You are starting like I am from the cheapest and working up ......I will go from once its out of warranty to changing the suspension then the mechanical tractor suspension unit that gives you 2" of travel then th corbeau(google corbeau suspension seats in usa and look at the reviews they love them) then if available I will try to import the stratos seats which are purpose built! Iwill try anything to keep on driving my defender and I wont let the inconvenience of removing four bolts stop me from doing so in the rare occasion i blow a fuse or get a flat battery.................come to think of it i have been driving for 36years and i have never blown a fuse in any of my cars!

I will continue the search and i will be the first to post if i solve it!

If your set up works please let us know as i would ve very interested
Post #410888 25th Mar 2015 7:02pm
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Member Since: 22 Nov 2014
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Another vote for Premium Seats. 2015 Audi Q3 Quattro S Line Plus 184 TDI Stronic
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Post #410890 25th Mar 2015 7:11pm
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Member Since: 23 Nov 2012
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Another thing to consider is spring rate/type. It makes a HUGE difference.

You should be looking for light duty/progressive springs. Admittedly you wont be able to carry heavy loads or stuff on a roofrack etc. But the difference could be immediate and very noticeable...

I have experienced this difference first-hand.
Post #410929 25th Mar 2015 8:25pm
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Member Since: 08 Oct 2012
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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Montalcino Red
This maybe a too simplistic option but would it be worth trying a sheet of foam between you and the seat? This could be temporarily kept in place by something as simple as a seat cover. That might be enough to dampen vibrations further and maybe isolate the true cause without going down the more expensive trial and error route of new seats. 2015 90 XS CSW TDCi - Beautiful
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Post #410950 25th Mar 2015 9:12pm
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2014
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Hi rusty thats the first thing i tried with my back problem......doesn work.....the problem with the defender is the hard suspensipon but part of lt the alli constriction which is light and the seatbox transferrs the vibration up throught the seat frame .........part of a solution would be to get some weight attached to the seatbox to make it more solid .....like lead sheet or a big hunk of steel to absorb some of the vibration.......foam as you say feels softbut does not absorb enough of the energy.....you need something that moves with the vibrations like the corbeau seets or stratos seats...you could get two sheets of alloy the same size as the seat frame and hingeed together at one end and at with springs attached ..would absorb some up and down vibration..see diagram

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it could be taller at the hinge end and would act like a seat raiser bar.
Post #410979 25th Mar 2015 10:04pm
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