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Member Since: 05 Aug 2011
Location: Somerset
Posts: 589

Portugal 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
Great pictures!!
I did a few lanes up there about 8 years ago and we had a great time!!
Some of the people we went with stayed at the Lady bower inn, don't know if it is close to where you were.
Post #406028 9th Mar 2015 5:00pm
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Member Since: 15 Jul 2014
Location: South Yorks
Posts: 795

United Kingdom 2005 Defender 110 Td5 USW Chawton White
We passed within about 3-4miles of the Ladybower Inn.

Post #406029 9th Mar 2015 5:02pm
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Member Since: 05 Aug 2011
Location: Somerset
Posts: 589

Portugal 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
Me and my wife had a great weekend up there!
This was before the children came along... Now i just look at pictures. Big Cry
Post #406030 9th Mar 2015 5:04pm
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Member Since: 13 May 2012
Location: Tyne and Wear
Posts: 499

United Kingdom 2002 Defender 110 Td5 CSW Chawton White
PCA42 wrote:
Not knocking other people's personal taste on vehicle modifications or accessories Sad

My mate in his modified 90 goes out in tweed jacket, checked shirt and flat cap ... ... every man and his Dog waves and stops and chats to him on the lanes Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter Adventure isn't paved!
Post #406075 9th Mar 2015 7:29pm
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Member Since: 15 Jul 2014
Location: South Yorks
Posts: 795

United Kingdom 2005 Defender 110 Td5 USW Chawton White
PCA42 wrote:
Not knocking other people's personal taste on vehicle modifications or accessories as I have done similar things myself, but from my own experience, I feel that a vehicle's/group's appearance does have an affect on the 'anti's'. When I've been out in my old 90 or in friend's vehicles with a big bumper on the front with winch, straight through exhaust, spotlights everywhere, roll cages, stickers etc etc, in a large group or of a group of vehicles that look similar to as described; I found a lot more walkers, cyclists or horse riders didn't really want to share the space with you or acknowledge you.

However, when I've been in more 'normal' looking vehicles, or my bog standard Series 3 that sort of 'blends in' with the surroundings, without any loud exhausts or anything with an 'intimidating' look about it, I found a lot of people had a totally different attitude. Some walkers have even held gates open for me and smiled back when I have thanked them, let me past them when in somewhere narrow or just generally been a lot 'cheerier' if you get what I mean!

Grenadier, I think your idea on having a sort of 'greenlane license' is a good one, something I've thought about myself. Genuine laning enthusiasts would be able to obtain them as they'd have the will and knowledge to go and obtain it, but maybe those who spoil it for us would not. Enforcing it would be the main issue though I'd think, especially as we're having to make do with less policing on the actual roads. Sad

Sometimes looking like someone at work can help too- Our white 110 looks enough like your doing a 'job' to not arouse too much animosity anywhere!

When we first got it was in Ex-EA spec, plain white, discreet winch mount- we got mistaken for the police on the greenlane that runs down the back of the 'Desert' near Mansfield- some of he local idiots came flying out of the old sand pit and disappeared down the lane at a hell of a pace- leaving their mate in a ropey old fourtrack stuck on the top of an embankment!

Post #406093 9th Mar 2015 7:54pm
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
PCA42 wrote:
Not knocking other people's personal taste on vehicle modifications or accessories as I have done similar things myself, but from my own experience, I feel that a vehicle's/group's appearance does have an affect on the 'anti's'. When I've been out in my old 90 or in friend's vehicles with a big bumper on the front with winch, straight through exhaust, spotlights everywhere, roll cages, stickers etc etc, in a large group or of a group of vehicles that look similar to as described; I found a lot more walkers, cyclists or horse riders didn't really want to share the space with you or acknowledge you.

However, when I've been in more 'normal' looking vehicles, or my bog standard Series 3 that sort of 'blends in' with the surroundings, without any loud exhausts or anything with an 'intimidating' look about it, I found a lot of people had a totally different attitude. Some walkers have even held gates open for me and smiled back when I have thanked them, let me past them when in somewhere narrow or just generally been a lot 'cheerier' if you get what I mean!

Grenadier, I think your idea on having a sort of 'greenlane license' is a good one, something I've thought about myself. Genuine laning enthusiasts would be able to obtain them as they'd have the will and knowledge to go and obtain it, but maybe those who spoil it for us would not. Enforcing it would be the main issue though I'd think, especially as we're having to make do with less policing on the actual roads. Sad

Pete, there's a lot of truth in what you say about appearance. Fast Bikes magazine (it does what it says on the tin) did a very (and I mean very) informal test to get an understanding of people's appreciation of a bike and its apparent speed, based on sound, style of bike and body position. They chose various 'members of the public' including I seem to remember a Traffic police officer, a yoof, an older person, and a DVLA advanced driving instructor, amongst others, and stood them on a long stretch of road. They then road a series of bikes past them, some revving high but travelling slowly, some in high gear, revving low but going fast, some with the rider bolt upright, some 'tucked', some normal bikes, some litre beasts. Obviously the aim was to challenge perception and invariably they did. The bloke at higher speed, but 6th gear, baritone exhaust and bolt upright on a neutral black litre bike, 'looked' slower than the bloke tucked to the tank, on a 250cc revving high in 3rd. Almost universally through the group they managed to fool them into thinking bikes were going different speeds to reality,j just by changing the look/sound. It is so often about perception and it's not always right. Hence a bloke in a tatty series 2 must be harmless, whereas the bloke with bar lights, off sets 265s etc must be a maniac. What is a universal norm is teens on mopeds are generally tw**ts.... Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #406111 9th Mar 2015 8:45pm
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nidge n

Member Since: 04 Feb 2012
Location: Cheshire
Posts: 720

x-isle wrote:
Yes, Hawkhill Road.

First time I've ever been uphill, been downhill a few times. Great climb.

Hi Craig, I live in cheshire. Heard of hawk hill before and wanted to try it. Where is it best to start it please.
Post #406137 9th Mar 2015 9:56pm
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Member Since: 26 May 2011
Location: Midlands
Posts: 1327

Wales 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
Easy way to find it is go to the public car park in Eyam, keep going up the hill and it's the first left. It's only a few hundred metres long but good fun. It's the only lane we did on Sunday that could cause some scratch damage which is why Ross sensibly detoured around it.

You can also find it on Trailwise, non-members can search for the tracks but have limited information.

www.trailwise.org - It's one of the best way to check for updates on trail status. Craig Rogers

2007 Puma 110 XS
2011 Evoque Coupe Dynamic Lux
Post #406151 9th Mar 2015 10:29pm
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