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Smilesapart Member Since: 28 Sep 2013 Location: Suffolk Posts: 735 |
Personally I have grown up with a couple of Scottish relatives (by marriage) and our best friends are both Scottish but now living in the UK.
I am really shocked and insulted by the strong level of anti English feelings and views we are reading about from a proportion of the Yes voters, not to mention reading that some English people in Scotland are coming across so much aggression towards them that they are considering leaving Scotland! Why is this? I've never once met an English person that is anti Scottish? I love Scotland, their culture and history and the people I have met. I holiday there often. But if they feel that strongly and hate us that much now then fine. I say have your independence but I for one will never return there if they do to spend my money, nor shall I knowingly buy any of their products. And if we get asked to then vote on if we let them share our pound sterling afterwards I shall vote No. |
9th Sep 2014 7:51pm |
MartinK Member Since: 02 Mar 2011 Location: Silverdale (Lancashire/Cumbria Border) Posts: 2665 |
Smilesapart - agree - As I posted the other day - the "YES" lot are getting really painful and in-your-face:
These graffiti-daubing louts are scum Defender "Puma" 2.4 110 County Utility (possibly the last of the 2.4's) |
9th Sep 2014 8:10pm |
Smilesapart Member Since: 28 Sep 2013 Location: Suffolk Posts: 735 |
If the Yes voters don't get their way, I believe there will be all sorts of social unrest in Scotland for a couple of days.
Is it me or is it mostly the working classes, unemployed and less educated Scott's wanting the Yes vote? Ironic really seeing as if they get their own way it's those very people that I think will financially suffer the most once Scotland realises it's going under and can't afford the benefits and hand outs that Great Britain currently provide! |
9th Sep 2014 8:18pm |
jimbob7 Member Since: 06 Jul 2013 Location: uk Posts: 2055 |
Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.
Albert Einstein Pov.spec,ftw. 2006, 110,TD5. |
9th Sep 2014 8:54pm |
custom90 Member Since: 21 Jan 2010 Location: South West, England. Posts: 20583 |
For me from my point of view the emphasis should be more about exactly why the referendum has come into being in the first place.
Not yes or no. In my book across the UK the south East is the only area that matters. Don't get me wrong I'm not condemning people of that area but parliament, mainly the so called leader that the majority did not elect. |
9th Sep 2014 9:12pm |
Paulv8 Member Since: 09 Jun 2013 Location: Milton Keynes Posts: 618 |
'yes' is a good excuse for a massive drinking session....
I hope they vote yes, and get fully divorced from us. Lovely country it is, but the nationalistic lot haven't matured to see the potential of a truly united Kingdom and unless they do the union is doomed to half baked success. I don't like the simmering resentment I see daily and undoubtedly most of the people I dislike are the ones who bleat on about race, colour and who's grandfather did what to whom. If people want to be stuck in the past let them get on with it or stfu - get rid of this half baked oh please stay and we'll give you money and favours bloody rubbish, either move forward as one or two, but not 1.5. You could always do a Putin, and chop Scotland in half! V8 90...WIP |
9th Sep 2014 9:39pm |
Paulv8 Member Since: 09 Jun 2013 Location: Milton Keynes Posts: 618 |
And frankly I think a better idea would be to make everything inside the M25 a separate country, it's hard enough to bloody get in there anyway, and most of the rest of us hate it.
As to the comments about those tiny countries not being taken seriously... By whom?, and do the people there give a hoot about it? I bet they are happy with their lot! No bankers, no financial sector (read 'gamblers and scam artists"). Sounds like bloody paradise! V8 90...WIP |
9th Sep 2014 9:45pm |
lambert.the.farmer Member Since: 11 Apr 2012 Location: harrogate Posts: 2006 |
I think there's a lesson from history here for Scotland. The Act of Union came about because Scotland bankrupt itself trying to start a colony in the Americas. The comparison is there to see if they go alone into the world how long before they are back asking for our help? Yes there's all the warrior gubbins from our earlier history but as with all that they did just as many ugly things to us as we did to them so that is basically even. It was and all ways up will ever be about finance, we have the means to grow, an independent Scotland, not so much. Rhubarb and custard let fly with their secret weapon.
10th Sep 2014 4:40am |
Hossman Member Since: 09 Sep 2014 Location: Aberdeen Posts: 12 |
As an Englishman living north of the border I can only hope that such a close vote doesn't divide the country.
The workplace seems to be firmly divided 50/50 and social media seems to be dominated by people regurgitating political slogans and harassing one another to vote a certain way. Last night driving home I saw 20-30 people armed to the teeth with campaign bags running up and down the street shoving leaflets into peoples faces exclaiming "vote YES with confidence!", what ever happened to letting people make their own minds up? Surely the point is to do whats best for the country not just to go along with who ever has the biggest gob? Vote which ever way YOU please! |
10th Sep 2014 12:24pm |
Dave T Member Since: 07 Jun 2013 Location: Glasgow Posts: 490 |
Sorry, hossman, as another southerner in Scotland, it's a bit late to hope for no division, I think we are back to where we were in the early eighties. I think this will carry on for years whichever way the result goes. 2015 RRS Autobiography SDV6
1994 Def 90 300tdi |
10th Sep 2014 3:43pm |
ericvv Member Since: 02 Jun 2011 Location: Near the Jet d'Eau Posts: 5816 |
Lively debate on the subject down under. 6 pages to the thread already.
http://www.aulro.com/afvb/general-chat/205...ag-if.html And by the way, today in Barcelona, 1.8 million people demonstrating to ask a referendum to be held Nov 9th about the independence for Catalonia from Spain.... You never actually own a Defender. You merely look after it for the next generation. http://youtu.be/yVRlSsJwD0o https://youtu.be/vmPr3oTHndg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GtzTT9Pdl0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABqKPz28e6A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLZ49Jce_n0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvAsz_ilQYU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8tMHiX9lSw https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dxwjPuHIV7I https://vimeo.com/201482507 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSixqL0iyHw |
11th Sep 2014 5:20pm |
Jonno1968 Member Since: 24 Oct 2013 Location: Leicestershire Posts: 245 |
The nationalist scots just dont understand. The english say yes, in the main becasuse it will be disastrous for scotland and we care. For scotland, major industries will leave, they dont qualify to be in the EU and wont be allowed to be part of NATO and they wont have a proper currency. For the rest of the "UK" it wont actually matter that much and in the long run will benefit the "uk" because of all the new business that we will get from the businesses that come south. Also....the labour party are sh&t scared bacause without the future scottish red electorate they know they will NEVER get into power in westminster ever agin. Fact.
11th Sep 2014 6:02pm |
Dave T Member Since: 07 Jun 2013 Location: Glasgow Posts: 490 |
That is dwarfed by the 214 pages over on disco4.com 2015 RRS Autobiography SDV6 1994 Def 90 300tdi |
11th Sep 2014 6:40pm |
ericvv Member Since: 02 Jun 2011 Location: Near the Jet d'Eau Posts: 5816 |
^^Indeed. Love the Monty Python bit on page 214. You never actually own a Defender. You merely look after it for the next generation.
http://youtu.be/yVRlSsJwD0o https://youtu.be/vmPr3oTHndg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GtzTT9Pdl0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABqKPz28e6A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLZ49Jce_n0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvAsz_ilQYU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8tMHiX9lSw https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dxwjPuHIV7I https://vimeo.com/201482507 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSixqL0iyHw |
11th Sep 2014 6:50pm |
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