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Member Since: 08 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Orkney Grey
K9F wrote:
K9F wrote:
Would love to try yours on a 'trial basis' Pete especially as Autologic have offered me a full refund if I'm not prepared to wait for them to sort it out! Other people have a lot of confidence in your product! You gonna let me try it? May get me the fairytale ending I seek and you another £499 in your account! Thumbs Up

What about me then Pete? With all the kerfuffle I've had with my Autologic saga it is my frustration and not suspicion that 'comes to the fore.' Would love to try your product out and also pay you £499 for the pleasure to keep it if it comes up to scratch in direct comparison to what I have been used to! Autologic are obviously holding my funds at present and I cannot afford to shell out another £500. I do not wish to cut ties with them until I have a proven alternative on my very own vehicle.

As seen in a couple of my earlyer posts, ive proved the speed limiter is off by showing todays forum thread then moving the camera over to the dash, so thats the first equation/queiry out of the way proven in film, so nothing to test here.

And again here later on in the day when i had more time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkDsN1dF2B0

The second issue mentioned by yourself, and others has been shown on video and explained as to why - in some cases – it happens, remembering the logs was made of the EGR, Air Mass sensor and RPM live from the 11bit CAN bus direct from the ECU on a standard car.

If the standard car drives and behaves like this I cannot be held responsible for its actions when pushed hard - I didn’t build, it LR did.
Within standard mapping, I do not control when the EGR opens and closes, nor its side effects. The calibration/mapping was done by LR, and I can only work with what is already on the car and the mechanics given to me of that particular car..

Im sorry you have had problems with AL and really do feel for you, Ive not ever compared my tuning to AL nor really want to. Ive not even ever said my tuning is more power the same as or better etc etc no comparison has even been made and id like to keep it that way if possibile.

Ive shown you what i can do with regards to the speed limiter and shown you what quirks the standard car can give regarding surging or power delivery problems due to its own build or programming problems.

If you want a try before you buy its really no problem at all, but i dont want to be in the middle of your self and AL ive not got the time so im sorry it would have to be at my workshops or a show as i cant keep sending out hardware just for people to do direct comparisons and compare against what they are used to especially when ive not compared my tuning to theirs my self.

If you do not want to travel, I do have a very experienced dealer that will travel to you install and road test with you while you decide, obviously there will be additional costs involved that must be paid regardless of whether you keep my trial mapping and have it installed on a BAS interface or not.

All my files are made per car NOT generic pre loaded on to a tool see picture of just some of them ive made with the same software as Q068, some files take more fetteling than others depending on the car and its user.
Some cars or users want more than is realiticly possibile with out problems most not, the ones that do enevitibly end up with problems of some sort generally drivability issues and i get the blame.


Just a few listed here, i cant fit any more on the page.

Post #35139 26th Jun 2010 10:00pm
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Stornoway Grey

Just to clarify (will read your post in greater detail tomorrow) I am not necessarily looking for comparisons but just a remap that is fit for purpose, fully functional without any flatspots, glitches farts coughs or splutters that works on my vehicle. I had that initially with a perfect product and want a perfect product replacement.

Can you supply me this for £49 more than I paid Autologic all by post? If so I may be up for it but was asking to try before buying, I am not prepared to spend more than the £499 for unique individual extra set-ups or travelling!

I did say I would come door knocking as a prospective customer if AL couldn't come up with the result in an expedient time. I just don't want to enter into another 'can of worms' or 'world of pain' and wish to have some up front guarantees if possible before shelling out. Should it not be possible to provide me the guarantees I seek no worries I'll just walk and will have to wait for AL as there is no other option open to me.

bell-auto-services wrote:
Some cars or users want more than is realiticly possibile with out problems most not, the ones that do enevitibly end up with problems of some sort generally drivability issues and i get the blame.Pete

For the outlay I would hope for a product that would be problem free. My vehicle is currently running ok on a standard map! In the event I would suffer drivability issues irrespective of who may or may not be blameworthy (not really into the blame culure) could the issues be ironed out further or would this possibly result in a return to standard/refund scenario? Hence my reason to try before buying then there's no haggling or blame - you get your kit back and I've not shelled out and AL still have my dosh. Either way we're all winners surely.

Thanks for your time in answering I know how busy you must be!

Thumbs Up If you go through life with your head in the sand....all people will see is an ar5e!!

Treat every day as if it is your last....one day you will be right!!

Last edited by K9F on 26th Jun 2010 11:02pm. Edited 1 time in total
Post #35140 26th Jun 2010 10:36pm
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Member Since: 08 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Orkney Grey
The best option of try before you buy or try without paying upfront is if you come to Billing show, about 140 miles from you or 2 hrs up the road ill pay your entrance in and we can program you car and go for a road test while you drive. then you can decide if you want to pay and have the tested map installed onto a BAS interface or have it removed and we go our different ways.

Post #35143 26th Jun 2010 10:58pm
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Stornoway Grey
Good offer Pete!

If I don't have a resolution by the middle to end of August I may take you up on your kind and generous offer! Admittedly I was hoping for a home trial (I was not about to do a runner with your kit) but it will give AL time to pull their finger out. It may well be they have sorted it as I am away on courses and cannot access my work e-mails remotely. I will know and be able to chase them up more a week Monday.

Thank you. Dog Thumbs Up Dog If you go through life with your head in the sand....all people will see is an ar5e!!

Treat every day as if it is your last....one day you will be right!!
Post #35144 26th Jun 2010 11:10pm
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Member Since: 08 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Orkney Grey
K9F wrote:

could the issues be ironed out further or would this possibly result in a return to standard/refund scenario? Hence my reason to try before buying then there's no haggling or blame.

Im beleive you are aware probabaly of someone who had a refund after they could not be satisfyed , not that i was not willing to try nor given time unlike you who have given AL plenty of that, it was more that i was only given a very short chance to correct before it was made clear it was never going to be resolved easly with the said person.
Id like to point out this was only about a 4 week buy to full refund window of which the socalled problem was brought to my attention only in the last 4 days of ownership, so i think ive given fantastic customer service compared to your AL dealings.

Ironicly as a "real life, is it in your mind" test i sent 2 new test files with identical content but named differently to try but weirdly the 2 test file results reported back from the user were totally contridicting, which in this case indicated to me it would be far easer to refund than deal with it unknowing the correct outcome of the test files, afterall i can only work with the honest results im told if changes are needed. Of course the log file from inside the tool sent back tells a storey of its own about use dates of programming time tested etc etc. But i still left this deal with no hard feelings towards what so ever and took it on the chin as lesson learned.

If i were given the half time and trust in my judgement of problems AL have had from you already im 100% sure it would have been sorted. Hence why ive got reservations to send kit just to test without payment being made.

Given the chance id love to sell you my kit and hope you are very happy with it but i cant send out kit without payment im sorry. I cant forsee any problems with your car but if for some reason you had and you give me the time you have given AL to sort your car i think you can only be on to a winner in the long run.

Post #35145 26th Jun 2010 11:35pm
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Member Since: 08 Jul 2007
Location: North Yorkshire
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Orkney Grey
If you decide to stay with AL and they are still strugelling with the speed limiter you can give them this picture to help them out ive nothing against them so have nothing to loose, its one Byte of the very few that need changing out of a possibile 896 Bytes admitingly it takes some finding amongst the others of the same value. They will already know the other few bytes to change along side this im sure.

The standard shown value is 00132, 00132 meaning 132kmh at address 9413A removed, raised or changed to 00255 will do im sure .

Click image to enlarge

Failing that it may be worth a try getting onto some kit from ATI VISION



Last edited by bell-auto-services on 27th Jun 2010 3:32pm. Edited 2 times in total
Post #35146 27th Jun 2010 12:06am
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Member Since: 24 Dec 2008
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bell-auto-services wrote:

Im beleive you are aware probabaly of someone who had a refund after they could not be satisfyed , not that i was not willing to try nor given time unlike you who have given AL plenty of that, it was more that i was only given a very short chance to correct before it was made clear it was never going to be resolved easly with the said person.
Id like to point out this was only about a 4 week buy to full refund window of which the socalled problem was brought to my attention only in the last 4 days of ownership, so i think ive given fantastic customer service compared to your AL dealings.

Hi Pete, I gather this post was about me unless you've been dishing out more refunds?
I would just like to put the story straight.After receiving your remap...I brought the problem to you the
very next day.I told you it was Censored and wasn't any different to a standard map.I thought I hadn't even
loaded it,it was that bad.You then gave me another remap which undoubtedly had a lot more pull, but
with problems.....ie,flat spots.I then rang you and made you aware of this problem which you told me it's because of the EGR needed blanking to sort the problem. Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter I told you i already had it blanked,to which
you told me I needed a smaller blank. Rolling with laughter You sold me this map knowing that people were having problems.
And knowing that AL had pulled theirs off the market because of this problem.You then sent me a further
2 maps.....the first one I tried had the flat spots....the second one I tried was better but It was as if the
power had been turned down to overcome the flat spots.Oh,and by the way.....I never asked for a refund....
you offered me 2 options....the first was you told me you could sort this problem out at a further cost and
to drive to your business premises in York......the second was a refund.....I chose the refund as I am a busy man and did not have the time to drive all the way to York.And by the way....my card still hasn't been
credited.....but have I been on the phone to you moaning?? No...I haven't.I thought we weren't going to bring this on to the forum.....I certainly wasn't going to mention it.But I am going to stick up for myself when I'm
Post #35162 27th Jun 2010 9:44am
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Member Since: 03 Jan 2008
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fekete wrote:
bell-auto-services wrote:

Im beleive you are aware probabaly of someone who had a refund after they could not be satisfyed , not that i was not willing to try nor given time unlike you who have given AL plenty of that, it was more that i was only given a very short chance to correct before it was made clear it was never going to be resolved easly with the said person.
Id like to point out this was only about a 4 week buy to full refund window of which the socalled problem was brought to my attention only in the last 4 days of ownership, so i think ive given fantastic customer service compared to your AL dealings.

Hi Pete, I gather this post was about me unless you've been dishing out more refunds?
I would just like to put the story straight.After receiving your remap...I brought the problem to you the
very next day.I told you it was Censored and wasn't any different to a standard map.I thought I hadn't even
loaded it,it was that bad.You then gave me another remap which undoubtedly had a lot more pull, but
with problems.....ie,flat spots.I then rang you and made you aware of this problem which you told me it's because of the EGR needed blanking to sort the problem. Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter I told you i already had it blanked,to which
you told me I needed a smaller blank. Rolling with laughter You sold me this map knowing that people were having problems.
And knowing that AL had pulled theirs off the market because of this problem.You then sent me a further
2 maps.....the first one I tried had the flat spots....the second one I tried was better but It was as if the
power had been turned down to overcome the flat spots.Oh,and by the way.....I never asked for a refund....
you offered me 2 options....the first was you told me you could sort this problem out at a further cost and
to drive to your business premises in York......the second was a refund.....I chose the refund as I am a busy man and did not have the time to drive all the way to York.And by the way....my card still hasn't been
credited.....but have I been on the phone to you moaning?? No...I haven't.I thought we weren't going to bring this on to the forum.....I certainly wasn't going to mention it.But I am going to stick up for myself when I'm
getting talked about on here.

Fekete, I dont think you should be sorting your problems with Pete via this forum (Martin?) 1964 Series IIA SWB Truck Cab - gone
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Post #35165 27th Jun 2010 10:17am
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Member Since: 08 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Orkney Grey
Autologic have nothing to do with me and ive read on the forum very few problems with their stuff so im not in a possition to state this or that about them, from what i see and work on in % i recon they have had a very very low % failure rate just as i have.

I dont want an agrument with you i cant be bothered their are 2 sides to every story, you attitude and language towards me in this post was the excat same attitude and laguage i got on the phone 4 or 5 days agao which is why i decided it wasnt worth the hastle to try and sort out and it would be far easer to refund you and keep you happy. Which obviousley didnt work lol

your card as advised in an email to you yesterday was refunded yesterday only 4 days after i was told of a problem and decided to refund you under the circumstances as it was going to be hard to map round in your cars case any problems as feedback given from the end user did not make logic sence compared to the 2 test files sent.

If i genuinly knew of a major mapping problem on your car before this time i would have tried my best to address it for sure.
Every time you rang me for stock availability on the Decat you slipped to mention you were still unhappy with your remap but still wanted to buy my Decat how very odd, weirdly now you have sourced my cloned Decat from another source your thoughts have changed towards your tuning as if you were mind washed from its supplier or offered a deal not to be refused !!

You forgot to tell the forum readers that i had to send the box back to you again as it was not errased when you returned it, it was still locked to your car after a tuned programming session.

You also forgot to tell them that i and ANY owner can save the log file from inside the box with the software you have already to find out why when how and who it could not be errased, and it did seem from your case (Unless it was a mysterious PC glitch at my end) your tune was still ON your car and the box was returned for a refund as if the car was standard, of which i politly didnt push about when i called you about it.
But i suppose i will always be wrong in your eyes as you feel ive let you down somehow.

My full day yesterday was spent on a car as you have seen in this post trying to replicate your problem, of which i did find as you have seen here already the EGR actuation speed issue that is already on the standard car that could insome cases be enhanced by strong or stronger tuning of which you did ask for and was advised against on day one. also simlar effects or problems could happen with an incorrect injector fuel pump calibration after a incorrect dealer update is done again which i replicated and cured yesterday.

I was also sucessfull in TOTALLY removing the egr from the car with no mill lamps surging sptitting of coughing or other problem of which will be released eventually to BAS remap owners if they wish for it.

I hope you enjoy your next remap whos ever it may be renamed as. i wonder where it could have origanated from Whistle


Last edited by bell-auto-services on 27th Jun 2010 3:10pm. Edited 7 times in total
Post #35166 27th Jun 2010 10:46am
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Member Since: 30 Nov 2008
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Pete, I send you an email yesterday night.

Daniele Discovery 5 td6 HSE Stornoway Gray Outback Engineering Limited Edition

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Post #35170 27th Jun 2010 11:49am
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Member Since: 08 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Orkney Grey
Ive not got it m8, can you please resend. Use the email address on the rear of the BAS box.

Post #35172 27th Jun 2010 11:51am
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Member Since: 30 Nov 2008
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bell-auto-services wrote:
Ive not got it m8, can you please resend. Use the email address on the rear of the BAS box.


My bas box is in the car could you pm me it? Discovery 5 td6 HSE Stornoway Gray Outback Engineering Limited Edition

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Post #35173 27th Jun 2010 11:53am
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Orkney Grey
Post #35174 27th Jun 2010 12:07pm
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Member Since: 19 Jul 2009
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I am seriously considering purchasing your BAS box re-map but am having to save up but thats another story. What I wanted to know is it worth replacing the EGR valve and taking the cat off the exhaust.

1 should I do this before the remap

2 does the cat removal make the exhaust note better as I do prefere the sound td5. But I did hear a tdci that looked standard and sounded amazing as he gunned down the road.

3 Is it worth doing the EGR as my 110 is brand new


Post #35176 27th Jun 2010 12:39pm
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Member Since: 08 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Orkney Grey
RobKeay wrote:
I am seriously considering purchasing your BAS box re-map but am having to save up but thats another story. What I wanted to know is it worth replacing the EGR valve and taking the cat off the exhaust.

1 should I do this before the remap

2 does the cat removal make the exhaust note better as I do prefere the sound td5. But I did hear a tdci that looked standard and sounded amazing as he gunned down the road.

3 Is it worth doing the EGR as my 110 is brand new



Hi Rob

The cat removal does help free up the system, but i beleive with the centre removed also in some cases it can be to loud inside and out side the car and spoil the drivability of the car unless you are a boy racer and like that sort of thing lol.

The EGR kits available on the forum from one of the members do help restrict the flow from the EGR and its reported that some have even gained power from this.

However id be very carefull of warranty issues from your dealer with such mechanical modifications and the final choice can only be yours to take.

As both of the above do have waranty voidability posibilitys attached, as with any modificationdone to your car does.

Post #35178 27th Jun 2010 1:58pm
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