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Member Since: 10 Sep 2007
Location: Co Donegal
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The Puma returns from warranty work
The Puma went in for a few days last week to get some warranty work done. I was given an 09 Ford Focus while the Puma was in. Regarding the Focus. There was lots of room for my right elbow and it did not hit off the door. I presume all this room is there to allow you to crane your next to look for on coming traffic before you overtake. The Defender definately scores over the Focus here.
The windscreen rakes toward you and combined with the low roof gives you a claustrophbic feeling. For cabin room the Defender wins again. Rear passenger space, well the Defender comes out on top of course.
I could barely see the fuel and temperature gauges in the Focus. Yep the Defender gets top marks here again. The Focus has pedals that a budgie would find small not to mention the handbrake being stuck over by the passenger seat. Two ours driving home and my back and legs were aching. As for noise it was quieter than the Defender until I went over certain types of tarmac then the noise from the back was awful. At least the Defender has a constant low road noise ( Puma version).
Fair enough it did a bit more to the gallon than the Defender but why would anyone want to drive something like this when you can enjoy a "real" car is beyond me! There was a 15 year old Tdi in the dealer's yard. If the Puma goes in overnight again I will be taking that!
When the Puma went in to the dealer for the work my wife reverted back to the 200 she had driven for 14 years before the Puma arrived. The Focus sat in the garden. The 200 tdi took a little getting used to she said but after a few miles it was as if she had never left it. When the Puma came back and was reappropriated by the wife she arrived in after her first drive saying how wonderful it was and how she missed it. Talk about gratitude, only wish we could have gotten the Puma before our honeymoon all those years ago! A few days on and I must admit that all of this "gratitude" is beginning to take it's toll. I mean I am not as young as I was and there is only so much "gratitude" a man can take. Good grief here comes the Mrs again with that glint of "gratitude" in here eye. 1982 88" 2.25 diesel
1992 110 200tdi csw -Zikali
2008 110 2.4 tdci csw-Zulu
2011 110 2.4 tdci csw-Masai
Post #33807 6th Jun 2010 11:39am
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Member Since: 09 Apr 2010
Location: Derby
Posts: 309

United Kingdom 
I have to say I find your appraisal of the Focus somewhat refreshing, though I expect biased towards the Defender ;/)

I absolutely love the Focus as a car and have made sure we had one on the family since I first drove one in 2000. I've chopped on my wife's Astra and my Mondeo Ti-X to get a Focus for us and a 110 for me. Best of both World's in my mind. I love my Defender and just love taking the Focus for a blast on some tight, twisty lanes.

As for pedals, you should drive a Pug 206, I'm a size 10 and can operate 2 of the 3 with one foot. Though it's not intentional & can lead to hairy moments when you least expect/need it Wink
Post #33810 6th Jun 2010 11:56am
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Member Since: 10 Sep 2007
Location: Co Donegal
Posts: 4755

Nailing my colours to the mast I am definately biased towards the Defender. Another thing I noticed about the Focus was the audio control stalk. This was right below the indicator stalk and I kept hitting off of it when trying to use the indicators! Probably the reason why I am so swayed by the Defender is that we have never owned a "car" type car.It has always been a Land Rover which is why it feels so right to me. Everything else is judged by this yardstick. Some people go from a car to a Land Rover and judge them accordingly. Regarding having the best of both worlds, the Puma is our main car while the 110 200 tdi is "mine" so to speak so it is always a Defender that I find myself in. Just found the Focus too big of a change. 1982 88" 2.25 diesel
1992 110 200tdi csw -Zikali
2008 110 2.4 tdci csw-Zulu
2011 110 2.4 tdci csw-Masai
Post #33811 6th Jun 2010 12:51pm
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Member Since: 14 Oct 2009
Location: East Lancs.
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England 2009 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 HT Santorini Black
Think yourself lucky they didn't give you a Freelander 2... I have unclean thoughts every time I get in one! Luckily the Defender has never been away for more than a week so I've not had time to act on them
Post #33815 6th Jun 2010 3:04pm
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Member Since: 27 May 2009
Location: Cardiff
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Wales 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 PU Santorini Black
I totally agree with you Spud: I bought a Series 2A at sixteen and owned it for many years before moving onto Fords and the like. A number of years ago I became broody for another Land Rover, and after looking for a few years bought my current Puma and everything just feels entirely natural and as it should be. I can't imagine ever being without a Defender again. Peter
2008 SWB Truck Cab
1952 80" Soft top
Post #33840 6th Jun 2010 10:16pm
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Member Since: 21 May 2009
Location: Poniente Granadino
Posts: 371

Spain 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 CSW Java Black
Probably a very stupid question on my part,
Does the warrenty work provide you with a car or are you charged for it? I believe my dealer tries to charge me for it. 2008 Defender 110 60 year Edition (sold unfortunately)
IN the hunt for another Puma for the wifey!
2008 Kia Sorento LX 😁 2.5crdi
Post #33843 7th Jun 2010 5:07am
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Member Since: 09 Apr 2010
Location: Derby
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United Kingdom 
Im (well the Defender) is going in for warranty work next weeka nd I have been told I will get a Freelander2 - quite excited Wink
Post #33850 7th Jun 2010 6:36am
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willy eckerslike

Member Since: 15 Jun 2009
Location: North yorks
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 HCPU Keswick Green
You won't be for long. Heres the last one they lent me Whistle Thought i'd better try it offroad.

 Original Member Pie n Pea Club.
110 HCPU Tipper
Post #33851 7th Jun 2010 7:22am
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Member Since: 09 Apr 2010
Location: Derby
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United Kingdom 
I love Mk1 Freelanders they got me into LRs, so I'm excited about trying the Mk2 one for a week, far better experience then a loop round the block test drive Wink
Post #33857 7th Jun 2010 7:47am
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Member Since: 10 Sep 2007
Location: Co Donegal
Posts: 4755

johnnyturbo2002 wrote:
Probably a very stupid question on my part,
Does the warrenty work provide you with a car or are you charged for it? I believe my dealer tries to charge me for it.

If they have sufficient notice they should provide you with a car. 1982 88" 2.25 diesel
1992 110 200tdi csw -Zikali
2008 110 2.4 tdci csw-Zulu
2011 110 2.4 tdci csw-Masai
Post #33862 7th Jun 2010 9:44am
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Member Since: 06 Apr 2008
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United Kingdom 2016 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Scotia Grey
Freelanders are great!

On hirecar charging...just to totally alienate the second dealer - i had a row over charging.

What they do is dont charge you for the car, but for the insurance, unless you policy covers it (thats a long story but mine does, except this occasion when it wasnt good enough for the day hire, but ok for 3 weeks...anyway)

LR warranty pay and cover for a LR hire car (i know they try and parm you off with some ford or similar rubbish) and insurance. If your cars in you dont pay for the car.

What annoyed me is both their other "chain" partner and the old dealer dont charge...but they do and the price changes between 10 (principle thing here) and 35 - rip off for a day.

Dont start me on Fuel Rolling Eyes the numbers empty i have to fill up to get to work, but always seem to be "required" to bring it back quater full - mainly so the sales guys can get home Twisted Evil Evil or Very Mad Mike
Post #33869 7th Jun 2010 11:12am
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Member Since: 14 Oct 2009
Location: East Lancs.
Posts: 903

England 2009 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 HT Santorini Black
Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter @ Willy! Did you wash it off before you took it back? I was paranoid when I had to take mine back and gave it the once over with the jetwash Rolling Eyes

I've always had a courtesy car when the 90 has gone in, only the first time I had to pay a fiver or something daft as I was under 25, rest of the time it's been free.

Although I've always booked it in around a time when a car is available. No idea what would happen if it went in on short notice...
Post #33899 7th Jun 2010 10:20pm
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Member Since: 09 Apr 2010
Location: Derby
Posts: 309

United Kingdom 
I have to say that when I booked in for Warranty work and got offered a coutesy-car, they asked whether I wanted to pay 20 a day to reduce the excess to a few hundred, if I didn't pay, they wopuld cover me for free but with a 1000 excess. Needless to say I am not paying anything.

However, I did over hear someone arguing with the service department because he (the customer) was refusing to pay the isnurance. The dealer staff member was asking for 20 a day, when he refused she disappeared for a few minutes then came out and offered to do it for 10 a day. He was arguing that he should be given a car free under the warranty as it is not his fault the car is defective and he should therefore not be out of pocket.
Post #33906 8th Jun 2010 6:49am
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willy eckerslike

Member Since: 15 Jun 2009
Location: North yorks
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 HCPU Keswick Green
warren wrote:
Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter @ Willy! Did you wash it off before you took it back? I was paranoid when I had to take mine back and gave it the once over with the jetwash Rolling Eyes

Nope, the've come to expect it now, the mechs think it's hilarious watching the salesmans face.

Far worse is AndrewS he's done it to all his courtesy cars including a brand new full fat range rover (FFRR) Rolling with laughter Maybe he might have some photos Original Member Pie n Pea Club.
110 HCPU Tipper
Post #33908 8th Jun 2010 7:15am
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Member Since: 26 Oct 2009
Location: Northumberland
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United Kingdom 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Santorini Black
I was offered a Citroen C1 for a curtesy car.........................I declined the offer and used one of the work vans instead Mr. Green 59 2.4 110 XS Utility
55 TD5 110 CSW Special Vehicle
Post #33934 8th Jun 2010 12:13pm
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