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Member Since: 15 Jan 2014
Location: hampshire
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300tdi choices must be made soon, please help
Hello all,

I'm looking at buying my first defender in the near future which will be a 300tdi, either a 90 or a 110.

I have a few questions about them that I can't seem to find any answers for, which are;

can you fit a 90 csw with 3 man benches either side or is it just the 2 man or the split 2?
is there an easy place to buy sound deadening kits?
what is the 300 like to live with as a daily driver?
also what would you guys recommend for me to buy as a starter a 90 csw or a 110 csw (has to be a csw as i need the seats)


Post #298957 15th Jan 2014 3:18am
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Dave T

Member Since: 07 Jun 2013
Location: Glasgow
Posts: 490

United Kingdom 1994 Defender 90 300 Tdi SW Cairns Blue
90 or 110 depends on your intended use really, off road I would always go 90.

I think 2 is the limit in a 90.

there are loads of places that will sell you sound deadening, although there can be a huge difference between cars so buy the car first.

You can always fit windows for a couple of hundred quid. I restricted myself to a CSW but that really does cut down the number of vehicles available and adds price. Look at vans as well, increases your chances of finding a decent one and can make it cheaper, then add windows and seats.

Daily driver? mine has always started but it depends on how far you are going. Personally I wouldn't want to do much more than maybe half an hour each way if in it every day. 2015 RRS Autobiography SDV6
1994 Def 90 300tdi
Post #298964 15th Jan 2014 7:04am
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Member Since: 07 Jan 2014
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I've just bought a 110 300tdi last week. I didn't want it just for off roading so a90 was to small. A 110 isn't a huge car!! Our golf is way more space for the five front passengers but obviously the 110 load area is huge!!
I bought mine with a view to also have a small run about (polo) so if and when things go wrong I can fix it at a leisurely rate!
My thoughts as a daily driver...
We have a golf tdi super quiet nippy and very comfy! I just got rid of a disco 2 which in comparison to the golf was like being in an old truck!
Now after driving the 110 to and from work the disco felt like a Bentley !!
Could you live with an old transit van? Cos that's what it's like apart from .....
The utter satisfaction I have every time I look at it! The feeling of joy when I'm in it!!
It is taking some getting used to. I intent to sound proof it and modernise the interior to make it a better vehicle.
If your coming from a nice quiet car it will be a huge shock!!!
I am slowly starting to love it! My 109 thread

my youtube channel
Post #298989 15th Jan 2014 9:48am
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Timo K

Member Since: 23 Aug 2012
Location: Helsinki
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I daily drive mine, now I only do short distances though, about a 20 mile round trip. I used to commute 25 miles to my workplace, and that 45 minutes each day started to take its toll. I started to suffer from slight noise stress. Now with a moulded matting system front and sound insulation in the back it's somewhat better, but I really should do something about the bare door skins, bulkhead, roof and rear panels. It might even start to approach car levels of comfort...Maybe...

Oh and the engine is gutless. I have a large Allisport IC and variable geometry turbo on it, but it's still really slow... Reliable and easy to fix though.
Post #298990 15th Jan 2014 9:57am
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Member Since: 05 Feb 2012
Location: Cheshire
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United Kingdom 1997 Defender 90 300 Tdi HT Stornoway Grey
300's are great daily drives! Lovely engine! An engine to TDi for!
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Post #299087 15th Jan 2014 4:43pm
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Member Since: 06 Mar 2011
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I use my '96 300 Tdi 110 CSW was a daily driver (35 km's roundtrip) since 2008. Wouldn't want another car anymore. Also use the 110 on holiday trips of 3000+ km. Bought the Defender with approx 245000 km, and after some initial left over problems from the previous owner were solved, she now is very reliable. Now approx 335000 km and still going strong!

I definitely would go for a 110. That is not that big (it is in fact shorter than most sedan vehicles), unless you want to use it as an off road vehicle most of the time. Cheers, Vincent
1959 Polynorm 1/4 Ton Trailer, Olive Drab Green (sold)
1970 M416 Military Trailer (Camping Trailer Conversion), Epsom Green (sold)
1975 Series III 88 V6, Light Green (sadly sold)
1996 Defender 110 CSW 300 Tdi, Epsom Green (sold)
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Post #299239 15th Jan 2014 11:50pm
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Member Since: 30 Apr 2013
Location: West sussex
Posts: 305

I'm gob smacked by how good my 300 90 is to drive and wouldn't hesitate to use it on a very long run. The previous owner invested a lot in sound proofing, suspension and Discovery gear ratios to ensure it is quiet at speed. My daily driver is a new 4 Series BMW but I'm just as happy to drive my Landy. Go for it!
Post #299491 16th Jan 2014 11:13pm
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Member Since: 11 Apr 2012
Location: harrogate
Posts: 2006

England 1998 Defender 90 300 Tdi PU Rutland Red
Now I am no longer using the 90 every day I am struck each time I do drive it just how much of a wagon it is, yes it is powerful and noticeably quicker than the jimny but the sensation is of it just crushing the road under it while the jimny just skips along the top. Add in the noise of things squeaking and rattling and the buzz of the motor and it feels like an event, like driving is happening if you know what I mean. Is the character enough to draw me back to full time use possibly if the jimny is the alternative were however the alternative a subaru I doubt it would. Rhubarb and custard let fly with their secret weapon.
Post #299505 17th Jan 2014 5:43am
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Member Since: 15 Jan 2014
Location: hampshire
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Thanks for the replies guys,
I was thinking of doing a complete swap out of the engine, gearbox and axles as I have access disco td5 facelift that has been rolled so the only good bits left are the running gear.
but i think as power goes i'm not so concerned, i'm coming from a little 1.4 ibiza i bought for �200 to get me by.
I think the appeal of these are the look and feel, my parents had a series 3 when i was a sprout and I loved it!

If I was going to buy a van, how easy is it to beat it into the shape of a csw? is it still legal to put seats in it?
As i have the choice what is the better motor? td5 300 or 200?

also does anyone know how much an internal roll bar would cost?

recently i have read about an egr blanking thing that adds power? myth?

what are the obvious points to avoid on them?


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Post #299807 18th Jan 2014 1:13am
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Dave T

Member Since: 07 Jun 2013
Location: Glasgow
Posts: 490

United Kingdom 1994 Defender 90 300 Tdi SW Cairns Blue
Its pretty much the cost of windows and seats, check ads on here or ebay, you can get new windows for under �200 i believe and seats should be available at under �100, plus some masking tape and cutting discs. A friend has just done it, very simple.

If you watch out for wheeler dealers they did it to a defender and show how easy it is. 2015 RRS Autobiography SDV6
1994 Def 90 300tdi
Post #299818 18th Jan 2014 7:10am
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Member Since: 17 Jul 2011
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diseasel wrote:
I was thinking of doing a complete swap out of the engine, gearbox and axles as I have access disco td5 facelift that has been rolled so the only good bits left are the running gear.

Unless you buy a complete basket case then there's probably little benefit to any of that. If you buy a 300tdi then the gearbox will be the same anyway, putting a TD5 in an earlier model is not straightforward if you don't know what you're doing and the axles are quite different requiring welding on of new mounts to make them fit. It's all doable, but not the nuts and bolts conversion you may think it is.

The transfer box may be useful for a higher gear ratio, but that will depend on the state of tune you're planning, tyre choice and what you might use it for.

Given that you've got the DII as a donor, then your best bet may be to try and find a TD5 Defender with a knackered engine that could be picked up cheaply. Easier said than done though, and does limit your market significnantly. Darren


"You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought!" - Princess Leia
Post #299830 18th Jan 2014 8:18am
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Member Since: 15 Jan 2014
Location: hampshire
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so the td5 and 300 aren't much different power wise?
the welding fabricating and all that jazz doesn't bother me, I build trailers for a living
I have looked into the windows and such, seems reasonable, but there isn't much difference in the price of a csw and a van from what I can tell...

do all 300td 90s come with glazed rear door and panels? (as in the very back, not the sides)

I had a look at a 300 90 van, I see the panel supports in the back, are they glued and bolted or riveted?
the bloke told me he gets about 18 to the gallon, is that normal for a 300? i thought the figure would be higher than that, is there any modifications that can increase economy in a wagon like these?

sorry about all the questions, i just don't want to have the walls pulled over my eyes.

Post #300162 19th Jan 2014 3:05am
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Dave T

Member Since: 07 Jun 2013
Location: Glasgow
Posts: 490

United Kingdom 1994 Defender 90 300 Tdi SW Cairns Blue
May be not much difference in price but it gives you a lot more options.

I'm sure I'm around 25/26 with mud terrain tyres and mainly off road use, 2015 RRS Autobiography SDV6
1994 Def 90 300tdi
Post #300175 19th Jan 2014 7:19am
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Member Since: 11 Apr 2012
Location: harrogate
Posts: 2006

England 1998 Defender 90 300 Tdi PU Rutland Red
18 when loaded and towing to the maximum permitted weight would be ok .I get low 30s empty and solo. Rhubarb and custard let fly with their secret weapon.
Post #300176 19th Jan 2014 7:24am
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Member Since: 30 Apr 2013
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Low 30s here too....
Post #300406 19th Jan 2014 9:05pm
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