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Member Since: 14 Sep 2007
Location: Norfolk
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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
noworries4x4 wrote:
If there is a bit proper organised event nearby, we can go elsewhere for the evening,and quite happy to do so, its people just randomly letting them off in the gardens and streets that is what i am grumpy about and for Tescos et all selling them to all and sundry.

But it's always been that way. Granted the larger type fireworks seem to be generally more available these days but back when I was a kid every local shop sold both individual and boxed fireworks, in fact I even remember them selling little indoor fireworks and everywhere had things like jumping jacks that once lit used to bang and jump about. There were far more family garden bonfires and fireworks BUT pretty much all of them were on Nov 5th. Steve.
Owned numerous Land Rover vehicles of all shapes and sizes over the decades.
Current Defender: A non tarts hand-bagged Puma 110 XS USW.

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I used to be Miserable ...but now I'm ecstatic.
Post #183110 8th Nov 2012 8:05am
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Member Since: 12 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Stornoway Grey
noworries4x4 wrote:
F###ing fireworks being set off in peoples back gardens scaring the crap out of my dogs !!!! Should ONLY be sold to profesionals for displays !!!
My wife has had a Jack Russel shaking and hiding under the bed for 4 nights running now and a Rotty cross that keeps barking at them. This is the first year we have had a problem it used to be the Golden Retriever (yes we know a gun dog) that used to hide under the computer desk, but this year there have been some huge loud bang morter type things, BAN THEM !!!!

Agreed - they seem to go on for days and at all hours. Our spaniel hasn't been very impressed. John


2011 Tdci 110 CSW XS
Post #183147 8th Nov 2012 10:47am
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Member Since: 08 Feb 2011
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England 2007 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 HT Tonga Green
Fortunetely my JRT being a working terrier he isnt the least bit bothered by any fireworks loud, big or small. All are walks carry on as normal, even passing a display last weekend

But the are a bloody nuisance! On the occasion [Nov 5th] then fair enough, but bonfire night seems more like bonfire month these last few years .. Guns and Landrovers .... anything else is irrelevant.
Post #183149 8th Nov 2012 11:20am
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Member Since: 24 Dec 2010
Location: Newton Abbot Devon
Posts: 1195

Laurie wrote:
It may sound calous but people have been letting off fireworks for centuries.
Surely dog owners should take this into account when they buy one........?
Bit like moving next to an airport and campaigning against the noise.

Sorry, but it had to be said.

We have also been burning witches at the stake, and we have whipped slaves and tortured heretics, but as a humane society it is NOT ! NOW ! considered acceptable. The gun powder plot of 1605 is now 407 years ago and is now of little or no relevance. It is time we all grew up !
If you were to be found in possession of explosives (without the relevant documentation) at any other time of the year you would be detained as a terrorist. Why is November different? An organised event if you MUST, so that we have sufficient notice to leave the area in good time. But as to the rest of you 'volatile' peasants I sincerely hope the all end up in whatever the replacement to Guantanamo Bay is.... Enjoy!!
MRS NO WORRIES If everything is under control you are not going fast enough.

Every Day 16 MY Discovery 4 Commercial Workshop and Escort Vehicle
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Post #183646 9th Nov 2012 11:03pm
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Member Since: 04 Apr 2010
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Havana

why is the 'new man' a wimp. i have had more than one 'man' whimper, get over emotional and even cry when things get tough at work. call me a cold hearted father who has had some tough life and work experiences but for God's sake why can't they 'man-up' and get on with it, learn to deal with the problems thrown at as.

I've seen better controlled and effective women at work of late.

no one is going to volunteer to resolve problems for us you have to do it yourself. bunch of pussies. BM52
Post #183649 9th Nov 2012 11:37pm
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Member Since: 26 Oct 2011
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England 2002 Defender 110 Td5 SW Coniston Green
Relying on deliveries Rolling Eyes I'm doing a little job at the moment and went to a timber merchant to order and pay for some timber to be delivered 10 days later, normal practice for the type of timber as it needed to be treated and give them plenty of time to sort it. They tried to deliver less than a week later, I wasn't ready for it and didn't want it knocking about to lessen the chance of it walking before it's nailed on. They then promised to deliver on the day I had allready specified, didn't turn up and when I phoned them up they fobbed me off with "It'll be on the next load", I'm trying to fit things in with the school run so I agreed for them to deliver mid morning the next day, I don't call 1:30 pm mid morning but still it got delivered. Today a parcel from Rimmerbros was due sometime in the day, I had to nip out to do the school run and left a note on the gate for the delivery to be dropped over the gate. I get back to find one of their "Can't deliver" notes on top of my note, great and it was timed 5minutes earlier! Those UPS vans must be rocket powered! I never saw one in the village. Phone them up and say the Monday delivery was no good, they couldn't advise about chasing the van if they could tell me his next drops so an 80mile round trip tomorrow to go to their depot to pick it up myself. The bloody parcel didn't even need to be signed for so I'm not a happy bunny Twisted Evil
Post #183660 10th Nov 2012 1:40am
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Member Since: 24 Dec 2010
Location: Newton Abbot Devon
Posts: 1195

bm52 wrote:

why is the 'new man' a wimp. i have had more than one 'man' whimper, get over emotional and even cry when things get tough at work. call me a cold hearted father who has had some tough life and work experiences but for God's sake why can't they 'man-up' and get on with it, learn to deal with the problems thrown at as.

I've seen better controlled and effective women at work of late.

no one is going to volunteer to resolve problems for us you have to do it yourself. bunch of pussies.

+1 If everything is under control you are not going fast enough.

Every Day 16 MY Discovery 4 Commercial Workshop and Escort Vehicle
Weekends 07MY L322 TDV8 Vogue SE
Series 1 80" 3ltr 6cyl with overdrive
No Worries 4X4
Post #183680 10th Nov 2012 9:14am
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Member Since: 14 Sep 2007
Location: Norfolk
Posts: 3471

United Kingdom 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
noworries4x4 wrote:
Laurie wrote:
It may sound calous but people have been letting off fireworks for centuries.
Surely dog owners should take this into account when they buy one........?
Bit like moving next to an airport and campaigning against the noise.

Sorry, but it had to be said.

We have also been burning witches at the stake, and we have whipped slaves and tortured heretics, but as a humane society it is NOT ! NOW ! considered acceptable. The gun powder plot of 1605 is now 407 years ago and is now of little or no relevance. It is time we all grew up !
If you were to be found in possession of explosives (without the relevant documentation) at any other time of the year you would be detained as a terrorist. Why is November different? An organised event if you MUST, so that we have sufficient notice to leave the area in good time. But as to the rest of you 'volatile' peasants I sincerely hope the all end up in whatever the replacement to Guantanamo Bay is.... Enjoy!!

Rolling with laughter Steve.
Owned numerous Land Rover vehicles of all shapes and sizes over the decades.
Current Defender: A non tarts hand-bagged Puma 110 XS USW.

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I used to be Miserable ...but now I'm ecstatic.
Post #183684 10th Nov 2012 9:43am
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Member Since: 28 Dec 2009
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Am watching the Rememberance Service at the Albert Hall. Yes it is a serious service, yes in places it is formal, in other places informal and almost joyful. Yes it is powerfully emotional, yes very mixed emotions

Now I can see people wondering why I am posting this in the grumpy old man thread.

Now everytime the camera pans over Ed Milliband he looks totally disinterested, not serious, not solemn but totally disinterested. In the last 30+ years the UK military have suffered more deaths in conflicts which the Labour government has send UK force in. The least the current UK Labour leader can do is look interested in what is going on. There again it might be his natural demeanor!

Post #183884 10th Nov 2012 10:18pm
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Member Since: 14 Sep 2007
Location: Norfolk
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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
People who seemingly can't resist chiming in stating that what they have is better, that they have more of it, that it is more expensive, that they can afford more of it - in short Censored contests. Steve.
Owned numerous Land Rover vehicles of all shapes and sizes over the decades.
Current Defender: A non tarts hand-bagged Puma 110 XS USW.

[Insert something impressive here such as extensive list of previous Land Rovers or examples of your prestigeous and expensive items, trinkets, houses, bikes, vehicles etc]


I used to be Miserable ...but now I'm ecstatic.
Post #185596 16th Nov 2012 2:28pm
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Pam W

Member Since: 25 Oct 2011
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England 1998 Defender 90 Td5 SW Auto Oslo Blue
I'd rather the comments I made about aerials had just been deleted rather than moved and started an massive argument outside of the context of my original intentions! Made a lot of people grumpy who weren't grumpy before.

For those that are not aware, Brendan and Barbara are personal friends and have been for years. I had hoped my comments would have been taken in the way intended but I can understand that they may not have looked that way.

So, as 'Grumpy Old Woman' hat off - Apologies if any offence caused - was not my intention and for the reasons stated above, never would be. Our blog - http://landytravels.com/

Yorkshire Off Road Club - http://www.yorkshireoffroadclub.net

Last edited by Pam W on 16th Nov 2012 3:48pm. Edited 1 time in total
Post #185609 16th Nov 2012 3:27pm
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Post #185612 16th Nov 2012 3:33pm
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Pam W

Member Since: 25 Oct 2011
Location: North Yorkshire
Posts: 1169

England 1998 Defender 90 Td5 SW Auto Oslo Blue
Cheers Martin. All good. Our blog - http://landytravels.com/

Yorkshire Off Road Club - http://www.yorkshireoffroadclub.net
Post #185615 16th Nov 2012 3:39pm
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Member Since: 29 Nov 2010
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Ireland 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 CSW Stornoway Grey
Miserableolgit wrote:
People who seemingly can't resist chiming in stating that what they have is better, that they have more of it, that it is more expensive, that they can afford more of it - in short Censored contests.

Ah that would be relatives then! Well mine anyway
Post #189342 28th Nov 2012 8:35pm
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Member Since: 07 Jul 2011
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My mother had a friend like that, she called her BBC ....Bigger, Better, Cheaper Rolling with laughter
Post #189349 28th Nov 2012 8:46pm
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