Member Since: 07 Jan 2025
Location: Tours
Posts: 6

Thanks again for all of this great info, wish I had posted this months ago!
So I checked headers, pulled headlight bullet connectors (which as I mentioned had mud around). Tested. No good. Wrote my last reply on this thread. Went back out after a few hours, removed headlight grounds, (still looked good so put them back as they were). As I was doing that I saw there was some fog in the front left sidelight. For info, I had replaced all indicators with wipac leds a few years back, but kept the original sidelights. Sure enough there was a crack in this light so I replaced it with an orange indicator housing I had lying around until I can get a white one delivered. took all the sidelamps and indicators out and cleaned up connections. Put it all back. After all that I tested the headlamps, but no results. Went inside, read all your replies and prepared my test kit for the next day. Gave the lamps one last try before clocking out, still nothing.
Finally got out there with the multimeter etc next afternoon, ready to pass the rest of the day testing, but the lamps were all functional again. Nice and bright with that new boomslang loom in there, too. Couldn’t believe it. Working perfectly so far, been four days now. The only trouble is that I al not entirely sure what I did that got them going again.. nor am I sure they won’t kick off randomly some night driving back in the rain..
At least I’ll have a plan for the next time thanks to your responses here.
15th Jan 2025 2:40am |