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Member Since: 21 Oct 2023
Location: Leistershire
Posts: 23

United Kingdom 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 HT Keswick Green
Defender Puma Starting woes...

To start, I've scanned most of the topics on this site relating to starting problems with the Puma models and I think now know what is a fault but I'm not 100% sure to be honest. That's the reason for me posting. I'll take you back to the very start.

On Good Friday afternoon, started the truck and noticed a strange whirring sound coming from somewhere near the transfer box. After trying to restart the truck with no luck, I realised the crater motor had stuck on and burnt out. The following week I fitted and brand new Genuine Denso Starter motor.After the joys of trying to change the starter motor and fitting the replacement, to my amazement the truck started!

After a few days, the truck wouldn't start.. I thought it my fault, may the connection had come loose at the starter motor. Checked, all good. After scrolling the topics on this forum, I discovered that it was most likely a problem with the ignition barrel switch. New switch acquired. After the fiddling job of removing the barrel, I discovered that the terminal for the radio/blower had failed. New switch fitted, back up and running. This also rectified the blower/radio fault which I was pleased with. I also had the thought that the failed terminal may actually have caused the starter motor to go? I have no clue (can you tell yet? Laughing ) so any professional opinion on this would be much appreciated. *Pic

Click image to enlarge

Thinking that everything was up and running fine, I drove my truck to the station to collect a family member. After turning off the truck once I had parked and going to restart ready to leave, the truck was dead again. I couldn't believe it, I was stumped. After 5 minutes of trying looking around the truck trying to convince my family member all was fine and in hand, I jumped back in and turned the key. You never know, the truck may have changed its mind and wanted to go home. It had and started without fault first time! Knowing there was a fault, I haven't been driving it too far and it had been running ok for the last week or so until yesterday afternoon.

Driving home yesterday, I popped into the garage just outside my village to fill up. I went to leave and it was dead again. After testing the battery, checking the immobiliser ring around the barrel and check the ignition switch was in working and the connections were all ok I was completely stumped. After 3 hours of deliberating and evening organising a RAC recovery, I called my Dad. He had been on the wine so couldn't drive out to give me a tow to bump it. He did suggest I try and bridge the starter motor to bypass the switch. I grabbed a metal bar, opened the bonnet, turned the ignition and poked the connection! My gentle poke ended up creating one spark measly spark and no turning of the starter motor. Coming to the realisation that creating sparks on garage forecourt wasn't the brightest of ideas (wine talking.. Laughing, thanks Dad ) and frankly had enough. I closed up and thought Censored it, I try it once more. IT STARTED!

Once home, I tried to start it again and it worked and again this morning. I completely stumped at what the fault may be. I have a replacement switch coming tomorrow (Genuine part) and will get it swapped. It may just be a faulty ignition switch but I don't see how me poking the starter motor live terminal made any difference. The motor didn't turn at all.

Im sorry for the long post but I wanted to get the timeline in. If anyone has had a similar situation or knows what to be the fault, I would greatly appreciate you opinion.

Thank you
Post #1031680 15th Apr 2024 5:20pm
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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
Location: South West, England.
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United Kingdom 
It’s usually a loose connection, either live or ground related.

Check the battery clamps are tight, check the grounding points are not loose and any other lives.
Check the mega fuse on the live battery post is not loose.

This is normally the reason behind these sporadic issues, and that’s why they can be temperamental.
There is a lot of vibration in defenders through drivetrain, and everything else so component can come loose.

Be especially cautious if you’ve recently had a clutch changed, as many components get disconnected and refitted during a change.
And after that, they then can become loose creating problems that come and go which is difficult to nail down.

I presume you have the fob synced ? As that will cut the engine if not due to immobiliser. TheThunder Rolls🇬🇧🇺🇸
Post #1031683 15th Apr 2024 5:30pm
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Member Since: 21 Oct 2023
Location: Leistershire
Posts: 23

United Kingdom 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 HT Keswick Green
Thanks for the reply!

Im going to check over the connections at the starter motor and battery this weekend. I know the clutch was changed last July but the fault only started once i changed the starter motor.

My landy doesn’t have central locking. Its just a standard key blank.
Post #1031755 16th Apr 2024 12:14pm
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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
Location: South West, England.
Posts: 20638

United Kingdom 
I take it you tested it before fitting and all was well presumably.

I was looking at the starter motor last week, a very fun (not!) place to put it to remove and replace and access.
Typically Puma. Laughing TheThunder Rolls🇬🇧🇺🇸
Post #1031776 16th Apr 2024 4:09pm
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