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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey

Have you double checked that both ends of your prop are the same size?

When I changed mine the first time I, like you, bought a matching pair, only to discover that I had an adapted prop (someone on here will know why, probably the same person who told me the reason all those years ago) and the transfer case end housing was larger and therefore required a larger, heavier duty UJ than the rear-diff end of the prop. Worth double checking.

Interstingly it is the smaller one that has failed again (after approx 40k miles) whilst the larger one looks in very good nick. No idea whether this is because of its location (hiding behind the transfer case, so less muck/spray/salt etc) or its size and strength.

I doubt you will need two sizes, apparently it is a very very rare modification, perhaps even DIY, but worth checking before they arrive! Thumbs Up Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #963500 31st Aug 2022 11:53am
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Member Since: 03 Dec 2016
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United Kingdom 
me and my dad changed the UJs on my old defender, due to one the brink of failing, he decided to give the prop shaft a few taps to see if it was seized or not. lucky mine still had life in it, when we changed the UJs over, How every my dads ended up having the same trouble as mine, but his prop shaft seized so he changed it over.
To me its quicker to change the prop shaft over, as its just a case of un doing nuts. But you could revamp your old unit and sell it on at a later date on here Thumbs Up Defender TD5 90 ---/--- Peugeot 306 HDI hatch back

Success is 90% Inspiration and 4 minutes Preparation # you can make it!
Post #963839 3rd Sep 2022 1:44am
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Member Since: 11 Sep 2020
Location: Paris
Posts: 184

France 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 CSW Zermatt Silver
.. And so I dropped the rear propshaft ..

As the first picture on my original post suggested, one cup is indeed loose in its eye. Once the prop was removed from the Landy, the incriminated cup is definitely rotating in the eye while manipulating the prop with my hands, strangely I cannot feel any slack Exclamation
I cannot reproduce the same on the opposite cup with my hands, but as the second photo of my original post suggests, it should also be the case under load.

I attempted to overhaul the 2 UJ's on this propshaft with new HD ones (TVC100010GKN). Surprisingly, the ones that came out were also HD ones with 18mm trunions. Once dismantled I closely inspected them, and they were all nicely greased up, with absolutely no sign of wear on the trunions and needles. By the way, I was not aware LR fitted HD UJs as standard in factory, or maybe some previous owner has already been there ... Question Does anyone know (just curious)?

This was a waste of time anyway, and I should have listen to some advice on here. hey .. you live and learn.
The holder on the prop side, facing the transfer box is just no good anymore, the new UJ cups slide in way too easily. And then it was impossible to fit the circlips on opposite sides of the said holder as this was putting too much pressure on the UJ so that it was impossible for it to move freely as intented. Something is definitely not right on this side of the prop, and it's not going back on the Landy for sure.

.. And so I ordered a new GKN propshaft (LR010463G) - now waiting delivery sometime this week ..

Post #964680 11th Sep 2022 8:41pm
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