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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
Location: South West, England.
Posts: 20441

United Kingdom 
But it’s also cheaper and easier from other countries, and many of us favour those more.
That’s the whole point free to chose, that’s what it’s all about free choice.

It’s not for any one group of society to tell another what to have.
The EU hasn’t been cut off, we have just left it.
Trade still exists, maybe more costs apply there through their greediness but that’s far outweighed by the benefits that trading with other countries provide.

Personally I think as stated Russia has lots that is right with its country.

It’s the EU leaders and American installation that’s lost it’s marbles.

That being said, the U.K. I believe has a lot of societal problems too, there is a lot of that and there is various reasons for that.
Something that in my opinion has got worse and worse over the last ten years.

That has been exacerbated by the Covid too, which has really shown it.
Such things as fighting over loo roll, individuals thinking they are higher up the ladder due to covid reliefs above others. Dirty looks to people because they have a 4x4.
All of that kind thing, I think most people on here get my drift.

It’s a real shame people can’t be kinder to one another, there are some excellent people out there that do their best.
There are a few wanna be heroes out to try and get fame and fortune too as well out of anything you can dream of.

It’s up to us individuals to try and make our country a better place, every one of us.
I think most people try to, shame there is of course a minority that do positively the opposite. $W33T $0U7H3RN $UG4R
Post #940028 29th Jan 2022 2:28pm
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