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Member Since: 19 Nov 2018
Location: South West England
Posts: 339

United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Firenze Red
Frequent DPF Regens
Just thought I'd share my experience with frequent DPF regens in case anyone finds it helpful.

My DPF has been actively regenerating every 120 to 130 miles. That's always seemed too frequent to me. I mostly do short journeys, but even when I drive long distances on motorways it still wasn't managing the 300 miles or so I've read should be expected between active regens, at most managing around 130 miles.

Also I've always been surprised when I read that some other puma 2.2 owners don't even notice that an active regen is happening. My experience has been a really strong hot acrid smell inside the cab. How can it be that others don't even notice it when I've always found it totally impossible to miss ??!! Smile

A few weeks ago I stopped at traffic lights in the middle of an active regen & whilst I was sat there I noticed just a small waft of smoke or steam or something from under the bonnet. I asked the local independent to do a smoke test and they found I had an exhaust blow between the turbo and DPF. In fact the DPF wasn't fitted correctly and was sitting at an angle which made an air tight seal to the turbo impossible. They sorted it for me - a couple of hours labor, a new seal and a refill then needed for the aircon.

So today (while on a 240 mile round trip collecting my youngest from university) an active regen happened at 320 miles !!! Smile

320 miles instead of the 120 to 130 miles I've become used too!

And what's more if it wasn't for my scanguage (telling me that the exhaust gas temperature was at around 550 to 600 centigrade, with the DPF % dropping) I would never have even noticed! Smile

I now understand how other owners totally don't notice that an active regen is happening because that's how it should be!

If you experience frequent regens like I was, even when getting in the motorway miles, it might be worth checking if you have an exhaust leak before the DPF (presumably reducing both the pressure & heat entering the DPF).

I'm much happier now, without all that carbon monoxide and goodness only knows what other stuff I must have been breathing in & also knowing there isn't so much oil dilution going on.

Anyway hope that might be helpful. It may be obvious to some but took me a while to get there.
Post #872166 9th Dec 2020 5:22pm
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Member Since: 19 Aug 2018
Location: North Yorkshire
Posts: 3701

United Kingdom 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 HT Loire Blue
I don’t have silencers and it makes no difference to the overall exhaust volume. However, when I regen I know about it big style! I still think I do it much less frequently that you are though.
Post #872192 9th Dec 2020 7:03pm
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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
Location: Norfolk
Posts: 3572

United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
That’s good information Thumbs Up

Never understood why we weren’t provided with some kind of light or indication? Saved a few quid in Solihull.
Post #872205 9th Dec 2020 7:56pm
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