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Member Since: 06 Nov 2017
Location: Nth Scotland
Posts: 1866

Rear door 'finishings' - part numbers...?
Hi guys,

Looking to finish fitting the rear door. A couple of things have me kind of stumped. Because I'm not using original stuff, the age of the car is irrelevant in this instance.

First is the escutcheon or seal around the rear door lock.

This thing here:

I've got a whole new set of locks - the ones which take the larger barrels - post 2002 I think. The new lock has an external diameter of 23mm; the original is 19mm.

The part number I was pointed towards was EKC000030PMA - but I think that's the smaller one; I can't find any size references for CWN100020L but I'm leaning towards buying this just on the basis that it's a different number than the one above.

Has anyone got one of these recently and is able to confirm if it's for the larger diameter lock? Neither are particularly expensive, so I guess I could order both and use the one that works, but better to get just what I need if I can.

Second - is the internal handle. The original is just about knackered. If any weight gets put on it, it's only a matter of time before it snaps. I think RRC5662 is supposed to be a part number for a 'strengthened' military version, but the pics showing up on google make it look more or less identical to the 'civilian' or standard one. If there's a usefully stronger version, I'd get that, but if it's just about the same, I think I'll find some sort of other alternative - from a chandler or playground fittings or something like that.

Anyone got hold of the military one that can comment if it's worth using?

Thanks as always. Donald

1994 Defender 300Tdi 110 SW - owned since 2002 - 230k miles and going strong
(The 'rolling restoration' or tinkering thread: http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic58538.html )
2000 Range Rover P38 4.0L V8

in the past..
RR classic - fitted with 200Tdi
1984 RR classic - V8 with ZF auto box
1993 Discovery 300Tdi

not to mention the minis and the Type 2 VW camper...
Post #826660 20th Apr 2020 8:05pm
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Member Since: 17 Jul 2011
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United Kingdom 
Looking at pictures of the military handle, it's exactly the same as a civilian one. Darren


"You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought!" - Princess Leia
Post #826670 20th Apr 2020 8:26pm
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Member Since: 06 Nov 2017
Location: Nth Scotland
Posts: 1866

Yep, that's pretty much what I thought, but I did just wonder whether "the internet" was confusing the two, and that someone with experience of both might say there was some sort of strength benefit. Donald

1994 Defender 300Tdi 110 SW - owned since 2002 - 230k miles and going strong
(The 'rolling restoration' or tinkering thread: http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic58538.html )
2000 Range Rover P38 4.0L V8

in the past..
RR classic - fitted with 200Tdi
1984 RR classic - V8 with ZF auto box
1993 Discovery 300Tdi

not to mention the minis and the Type 2 VW camper...
Post #826674 20th Apr 2020 8:32pm
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Member Since: 26 Dec 2018
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 HT Aintree Green
You will need to change the door striker if fitting a new mechanism, the later mechanisms with the holes drilled in the handle incorporate an extra reinforcing layer of metal which contacts the older striker and prevents door from shutting properly. The later type striker has a flat machined on the outward face of the end of the striker pin. Or you can grind a flat on the old striker, but these are often worn anyway.

You may find the military mechanisms don’t have a locking facility - I had a new military rear door lock knocking about with no way of locking it from outside.

Ekc is the earlier smaller hole plastic trim
Post #826683 20th Apr 2020 8:59pm
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Member Since: 06 Nov 2017
Location: Nth Scotland
Posts: 1866

Thanks for that. I didn't know there could be any issue with the striker, so just changed the lock, and bashed on. Happily - by luck if not design - there seems to be no problem. The door closes and latches properly, and locks fine. I'm assuming the striker is 1994 standard, so maybe it's worn perfectly!

I maybe confused things talking about military versions of the internal handle. The lock mech is not military, and just a new lock so that I could have all doors, and ignition on the one key. (Though having achieved that, I am going to fit deadlocks!)

Good to confirm that EKC... is the smaller one, which does point to CWN... being correct. Donald

1994 Defender 300Tdi 110 SW - owned since 2002 - 230k miles and going strong
(The 'rolling restoration' or tinkering thread: http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic58538.html )
2000 Range Rover P38 4.0L V8

in the past..
RR classic - fitted with 200Tdi
1984 RR classic - V8 with ZF auto box
1993 Discovery 300Tdi

not to mention the minis and the Type 2 VW camper...
Post #826695 20th Apr 2020 9:36pm
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