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Member Since: 05 Apr 2011
Location: bickenhill
Posts: 3660

United Kingdom 2011 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Galway Green
Just for others reference

1/ the ALKO tow ball and standard LR one are similar so no need for an ALKO tow ball.

2/ The LR socket kit was no use as it didnt have all the wires for the caravan so I brought a maypole one and spliced it in to the existing trailer socket for the lights and the purple wire for the permanent live and a asplit via a VSR for the switched live. (this this left me with a socket just for my trailer and a separate socket for the caravan so suits me just fine)

3/ I did fit a 20mm spacer this and the removable ALKO hitch handle and coupling up is no issue even with the door shut and no drop plate

4/ The van is very slightly nose up but within range with no drop plate, this is with no load in the 90 once loaded it is near to level.

will let you know how I get on after my first trip out DEFENDER 90 TDCI XS,

I hope everyone is well and your land rovers make you happy
Post #797351 9th Oct 2019 5:30am
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Member Since: 05 Apr 2011
Location: bickenhill
Posts: 3660

United Kingdom 2011 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Galway Green
well I did do my first trip to Llanlidloes and had a great weekend, I could definitely feel the weight of the caravan but the 90 towed and braked it fine, I was driving like aunt daisy so had no issues. the most interesting bit was the bypass at Newtown where the hills were certainly noticeable, and the islands annoying. On the way home my confidence had grown and my next trip is already booked, although its in the New Year DEFENDER 90 TDCI XS,

I hope everyone is well and your land rovers make you happy
Post #806123 14th Dec 2019 5:49am
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2013
Location: North Yorkshire
Posts: 1831

United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Cairns Blue
LR90XS2011 wrote:
Just for others reference

1/ the ALKO tow ball and standard LR one are similar so no need for an ALKO tow ball.

2/ The LR socket kit was no use as it didnt have all the wires for the caravan so I brought a maypole one and spliced it in to the existing trailer socket for the lights and the purple wire for the permanent live and a asplit via a VSR for the switched live. (this this left me with a socket just for my trailer and a separate socket for the caravan so suits me just fine)

3/ I did fit a 20mm spacer this and the removable ALKO hitch handle and coupling up is no issue even with the door shut and no drop plate

4/ The van is very slightly nose up but within range with no drop plate, this is with no load in the 90 once loaded it is near to level.

will let you know how I get on after my first trip out

Is this with the caravan loaded and with the correct nose weight which is listed in the caravan handbook, Land Rover all so specify a nose weight for a trailer/caravan?.

I have towed for over 35 years with different caravan and tow vehicles and have never had a combo that didn't ride nose down slightly even unloaded. Don't make old people mad.
We don't like being old in the first place,
so it doesn't take much to Censored us off.

Post #806135 14th Dec 2019 9:37am
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Member Since: 05 Apr 2011
Location: bickenhill
Posts: 3660

United Kingdom 2011 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Galway Green
The van specifies 100kg max nose weight the landy will take a lot more, (I have checked the nose weight with a scale and am at about that) .

When the landy is loaded I am just about level, I have no drop plate fitted and the tow ball is on the bottom set of holes on the standard LR tow bracket arrangement.

will take a photo when it is all next coupled together DEFENDER 90 TDCI XS,

I hope everyone is well and your land rovers make you happy
Post #806139 14th Dec 2019 10:02am
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