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Member Since: 04 May 2015
Location: Suffolk
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United Kingdom 2012 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Orkney Grey
Just found this thread, very interesting, thank you Thumbs Up James
MY2012 110 2.2TDCi XS SW Orkney Grey - http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic43410.html
MY1990 110 200TDi SW beautifully faded Portofino Red - https://www.defender2.net/forum/post743641.html#743641
MY1984 90 V8 Slate Grey - https://www.defender2.net/forum/post744557.html#744557
Instagram @suffolk_rovers
Post #635577 4th Jul 2017 5:17pm
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Well. The coolant issues continue. thankfully the explosive nature of them have abated since replacing the water pump and that brass plug under the manifold. however, after a longish cruise coolant would still leak out of the expansion tank cap and annoyingly down the back of the engine and in to the bell housing causing the clutch to slip... Very irritating!

So what i have done is to replace the radiator, front end pipe work, thermostat, coolant and given the whole system a heck of a chemical flush and refill. Pics to follow.

The old radiator is the original, covering 179k miles and basically fell apart when removed from the vehicle. The upper pipe bulged and its bleed screw popped out when i was trying to bleed the system a few months back. Had to make a quick connector out of a piece of old exhaust and beads of weld. these pipes have been replaced with quality silicone versions and are quite frankly gorgeous. Especially the drain and bleed screws which are very substantial.

Thus far... after two good trips at motorway speeds, not hauling ass but consistently at the speed limit not a drop of coolant has been expunged from the cap. I actually noticed today, after almost a week that the coolant level had dropped a tad, so topped the tank up. It is amazing how long it can take for the TD5 coolant system to bleed through fully. Mind you the heat coming through to the cab is positively volcanic... at the same time i replaced the foam donut that connects the air intake duct under the wing too the heater fan housing. darned thing sounds like a tornado from the outside now.

Tomorrow we are off to Devon so the system will get a heck of a run... Fingers crossed folks....
Post #653739 29th Sep 2017 8:56pm
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Member Since: 31 Oct 2015
Location: Devon
Posts: 10894

Mine are crossed for you Whistle have a good time in Devon as well Wink Clayton.

1996 Golf Blue 300Tdi 110 Pick up.
Post #653982 30th Sep 2017 8:55pm
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Well today did not quite go to plan. The goal was to replace the fuel pressure regulator and it went superbly up until the moment the casting around one of the metal outlet pipes split when being torqued up... very disappointed in the quality of the housing and now i am stranded until at least tuesday when a replacement can arrive.

Not a good day...!

Click image to enlarge

Tomorrow I will be replacing the rear brake discs and pads. Fingers crossed that goes well. Rolling Eyes
Post #655702 7th Oct 2017 7:58pm
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Member Since: 06 Nov 2012
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Right well after my quite frankly disastrous weekends wrenching where the fuel pressure regulator casting broke, I had somehow ordered the wrong rear discs (1st time for me and serves me right for trusting a website and not checking the manual) and worst of all my ol'faithful torque wrench died a death... Thankfully I have a very understanding boss who allowed me to work from home Mon/Tues.

So a quick call to the parts supplier had a replacement FPR and set of discs sent out for Tuesday before 1200. Plus a brand new torque wrench;

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And to the fitting;

These are the old Britpart rear discs which have done sterling work

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and the new replacement discs with EBC Green stuff pads;

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The discs i bought in error were EBC versions for a D90. EBC do not produce a rear disc or pads for a post 2003 Defender 110/130;

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Previously I replaced the front discs (originally Britpart drilled and grooved) and pads with EBC drilled and grooved plus yellow stuff pads;

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The bedding in process for the EBC discs and pads was super quick, it really didn't take very many miles for them to become efficient. Not entirely sure there is much difference between the Greenstuff and Yellowstuff pads, perhaps the yellow stuff are slightly better earlier when the brakes are cold. Still bedding in so not a lot of heavy braking.

The rear Britpart discs are a vast improvement on the first set (4 years ago) and are bedding in nicely. I remember the original set (front and rear) had a slight movevout in the disc from new. These definitely do not, smooth and flat. Interesting to note that the bottom of the slots on the Britpart discs pretty much equate to the minimum thickness for that disc (13mm on a defender 110). A good visual indicator.

I was impressed with the state of the brake callipers, after 2 years the pistons are in perfect condition. Cleaned up to a shine and retracted easily.

Combined with the new 285/75/16 BFG AT KO2 tyres the 110 has never felt more glued to the road, even in the horrendous weather we are having up here in Wales today. The new tread pattern really does scythe through standing water superbly.

The Norbar torque wrench is absolutely superb, by far and away leagues better than my previous unbranded version. There are some good deals on Amazon at the moment for anyone interested. I bought a 60 - 300 Nm 1/2" version which s perfect for most Land Rover jobs.

The replacement FPR is working well, looks to have sealed well too. The new version has a pressure release valve with a small pipe on it, my original one only had a hole which dribbled on to the block and bell housing. This newer version allows for a small bore clear silicone pipe to be fitted. The next time the FPR fails any diesel will now end up lubricating the inside of the chassis rail...

So what next. Whilst replacing the brakes I noticed the rear half shafts are getting quite long in the tooth... The next time the brakes need doing (or earlier) the rear stub axles are nearly due, which is not bad after 180k miles... I still need to replace the bulbs behind the dash. I still have a problem with a pressurising coolant system, which could still be a head gasket issue, but it is very intermittent. Next step is to inspect the heater matrix. Every now and again I get a whiff of coolant in the cab which could possibly mean the matrix is compromised. There are no external signs of coolant dripping out. This is the next step. If this fails to solve the problem then... Big Cry Big Cry
Post #656573 11th Oct 2017 3:14pm
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Member Since: 06 Nov 2012
Location: Nottinghamshire
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United Kingdom 
Apologies, just realised the old drilled and grooved discs might have been a Paddocks set... Could be wrong...

Also, what is this new branding of Britpart about - Britpart XS... Surely not Censored Xtra Censored ...!?!? Whistle

Only time will tell how the FPR behaves. Which reminds me I need to send the damaged one back to Britpart.
Post #656574 11th Oct 2017 3:18pm
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Member Since: 06 Nov 2012
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Oh Balls... it is pretty much official...

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Head gasket or head. We will see, but Big Cry Big Cry

Have to say many thanks to Excossac at this point. Great talk the other night, many thanks Thumbs Up Good to hear experiences before having to take the plunge on a new head.

So for future reference and others. Thus far the symptoms have been;

    Very occasional plumes of white steam out of the exhaust, very random.
    Over pressurisation of top hose, often.
    Coolant being forced out of expansion cap, especially on long drives.
    Oil pressure light coming on when engine is hot, at standstill and after a longish run.
    No oil in the coolant
    No diesel in the oil.
    No reduction in MPG.
    No noticeable reduction in performance.
    slightly noisier top end recently which is possibly due to oil pressure.
    Stream of bubbles along with coolant out of too hose bleed screw.

Next step is the local indy or DIY. Not sure which, but the head must come off.

Just a note on the block tester kit. It does work, but it does sometimes take time to work. Obviously if the crack or leak is small it will take more time to show a positive result, like mine did. Not the stated ten pumps but 15 minutes with the engine running. So probably a small leak or crack, but still a positive. Might mean just a gasket being possibly so small. fingers crossed.

as they say only time will tell at this juncture...
Post #660163 28th Oct 2017 9:42pm
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Doc P

Member Since: 03 Apr 2016
Location: Midlands
Posts: 565

United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Firenze Red
Will be watching with bated breath 👍

Aside from titting about with minor electrical jobs, I have never had the balls to have a go like you with mechanical stuff. Well done!
Post #660204 29th Oct 2017 7:08am
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Member Since: 06 Nov 2012
Location: Nottinghamshire
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United Kingdom 
Well on to slightly happier thoughts. This week Miffy and I have been out in Newborough Dunes surveying the dune wall post storm Brian.

Great fun and good to get out of the office with a bunch of enthusiastic Under-Grads and an Masters student.

Have to say the new BFG tyres are excellent in deep dry drifted sand, transported all gear and personnel with no problem at all. Big Thumbs Up Thumbs Up

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Post #660297 29th Oct 2017 4:02pm
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Member Since: 06 Nov 2012
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Well the decision has been made. I do not have the time or space to sort this likely head gasket issue out myself, so earlier this morning I dropped Miffy off to my local indy (LAS Garage in Bangor);

Click image to enlarge

Highly recommend these guys. Top notch Indy. Always happy to indulge my need to pop over and check progress and components whilst they have things in bits.

The plan is to get the head off this afternoon tomorrow morning and get it off to be pressure tested and skimmed somewhere England way. What happens at that point depends entirely on the head gasket and the pressure test.

I will let you know... Having been fretting about this for months, it feel awesome to have bitten the bullet and get the old girl back to a place where she does not puke her coolant over the engine bay.
Post #660904 31st Oct 2017 2:20pm
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Member Since: 06 Nov 2012
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Well. Miffy's head is off. I have just popped down to the garage to chat things through with the mechanic. Think this is why I like this garage so much, give you time if you need it or are interested. Plus the guys in the shop love talking, well, shop...! Thumbs Up

So I have had a good look at the head and apart from a few small hairline cracks around the heater plug holes there is nothing obviously amiss. Or at least nothing that jumps out and goes... Whhhoooaaaa there! Shocked valves looking excellent and there are no chips or evidence of abnormal wear. Possibly a little too much in the way of carbon coating that components, so will have to have a look at the fuelling (emu map) when she is running again.

This is the head picture, anything jump out at any of you guys?

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Once again I am so surprised at how small a gap there is between the cylinder and the water ways...

On to the rest of the engine. Popped the bonnet and I was happy to see that the pistons are in great shape, pretty uniform colour and the spray pattern of the injectors are clearly visible traced in to the black carbon. Again need to look at the eco map before the next MOT. Also, nothing untoward in the cylinders, no scoring apart from the honing marks left during manufacturing.

The gasket mating surface, like with the head, doesn't shout out anything in particular apart from possibly a slightly cleaner portion between C3 and C4 leading to a water way. Maybe just maybe this is the cause of the failed block test.

Here is the block photo, anything jump out at you guys?

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Other good news is that the coolant exploding out of the header tank has not caused the core plugs to weep or leak which is a huge relief;

Click image to enlarge

Also, all the glow plugs are dead, which might explain the slightly rough starting from time to time.

Next step is the head is off to be skimmed and pressure tested then the rebuild begins...
Post #661182 1st Nov 2017 4:10pm
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Member Since: 06 Nov 2012
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Well it isn't take long for me to miss having Miffy to drive, the Corsa loaner is just not cutting the mustard.

This is my mates superbly original 109 all the way down to the patina and Perkins engine. Love this truck, makes me smile overtime he brings it to work;

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And this peach of a 90 with proper old school firestone cross ply tyres on rostyles;

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Post #661250 1st Nov 2017 7:58pm
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Member Since: 31 Oct 2015
Location: Devon
Posts: 10894

Nice pair of landy's there Thumbs Up my fingers are crossed for you Wink Clayton.

1996 Golf Blue 300Tdi 110 Pick up.
Post #661297 1st Nov 2017 9:59pm
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Member Since: 06 Nov 2012
Location: Nottinghamshire
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United Kingdom 
Cheers Clay. Our fingers are crossed too... regardless she's a lifer so will be repaired regardless of the outcome of the pressure test...
Post #661311 1st Nov 2017 10:24pm
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Member Since: 31 Oct 2015
Location: Devon
Posts: 10894

Same here with repairs Very Happy Clayton.

1996 Golf Blue 300Tdi 110 Pick up.
Post #661315 1st Nov 2017 10:40pm
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