Member Since: 20 Jul 2012
Location: coventry
Posts: 12

Hi ref td5 diagnostics the two that stand out are bearmach Hawkeye plus nanocom they are both roughly the same but the only downside I see to nanocom is that you need a laptop an internet based where as the Hawkeye is just plug an play once you've unlocked code to your Landrover I looked into this when I brought my disco td5 in the end I opted for the Hawkeye but at the end of the day it's down to personal preference and its usage 
2nd Nov 2015 11:54am |
Member Since: 06 Jul 2013
Location: uk
Posts: 2055

I have Britpart Lynx which is brilliant,the advantage is it was developed with Omitec who developed Landrovers official Testbook and as far as I can see covers EVERYTHING. I used it a lot when I replaced my ABS unit last year,you can switch between multiple live data a lot easier and FASTER on a laptop than you can with Nanocom/Hawkeye (unless you can plug them into a laptop???)I stand to be corrected.
The disadvantage is you need a laptop/ tablet up to spec (would be brilliant) and initial setup,which Britpart say can take up to an hour,but you must be on really slow broadband for that,mine took about 20 min with 3 meg upload.
So,Nanocom/Hawkeye for ULTRA portability and Lynx for I dunno, ease of use.
Lynx is also model specific,So I got Defender TD5,I believe either Nanocom or Hawkeye are the same tho. Pov.spec,ftw. 2006, 110,TD5.
2nd Nov 2015 1:06pm |