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Member Since: 06 Jul 2013
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Retro for me,not knocking KBX or anything just not a fan.Nice truck,btw.Another alternative,"less is more" look,stainless headlamp surrounds colour coded,series 2/3 alloy (polished,but think I'll paint em coz they look a bit "bling") headlamp finishers.

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[/img] Pov.spec,ftw. 2006, 110,TD5.
Post #357581 13th Sep 2014 9:39am
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TDCi Guy

Member Since: 17 Aug 2014
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 286

United Kingdom 1996 Defender 110 300 Tdi HCPU Auto Keswick Green
SailingTom wrote:
I'd be tempted to go down the kbx route aswell.
Im not normally a fan of there work but have you had a look at the kahn wheels, the other good thing is as a company they will do you a deal, where the only way you'll get the twisted wheels cheaper is holding out for a set second hand. Thumbs Up

They do look quite good actually, I was shocked after seeing some of their other "tasteful" mods. Wheels aren't going to happen straight away anyway as I want to do some performance bits first, might black up the boost alloys and see how they look.

Likeomg wrote:
I prefer the bottom one color coded

I love the colourcoded look on your 90 but I just can't bring myself to like it on a white truck, it just doesn't look right to me. I've stolen a few other ideas from your 90 though you'll be pleased to hear. Laughing
Post #357621 13th Sep 2014 3:09pm
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Member Since: 29 Jun 2012
Location: Lake District / Newcastle
Posts: 2655

2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 HT Stornoway Grey
Sounds good, at first I was a bit sceptical about performance parts on my defender, we had another of our cars remapped and it transformed the car... So I took the plunge with my defender, no regrets and continuously adding different performance bits, suspension is done, remap, big brakes next and a visit to alive for a turbo when I get back from sea
Post #357630 13th Sep 2014 3:51pm
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TDCi Guy

Member Since: 17 Aug 2014
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 286

United Kingdom 1996 Defender 110 300 Tdi HCPU Auto Keswick Green
So managed to pick the 90 up on Thursday afternoon, as soon as I got home I instantly swapped the headlight surrounds to black, swapped the side repeaters to clear (previous owner had already done the fronts), swapped the steering wheel for the "airbag" style wheel and fitted the YRM seatbox corner protectors which cover where the matting had started to wear through.
(Apologies for the poor quality pictures, also tried to rotate some of the photos but it doesnt seem to want to play)
Click image to enlarge

At the weekend the drill came out and the checkerplate wingtops went on, covering over the hole for the crappy flimsy 1940s aerial which I removed.

Click image to enlarge

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To replace the aerial I bolted my CB aerial to the rear of the roof. I have run the cable through a splitter which allows one aerial to operate the FM radio and CB. The CB is sat behind the drivers seat to be wired in once I get a MUD roof console in.

Click image to enlarge

Then the rear window came out.

Click image to enlarge

The tint went on.

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And the window went back in.

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For a first ever attempt at tinting I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. The tint is the darkest I could find and was bought a long time ago for another project and left in the garage. It's much harder to see in the back from the outside which was the intended purpose.

I also managed to fit in a few lanes over the weekend which is why it's looking a bit dusty in some of the pictures.

Click image to enlarge

As she stands at the moment. Thumbs Up

Click image to enlarge

Last edited by TDCi Guy on 27th Sep 2014 10:02pm. Edited 1 time in total
Post #359392 22nd Sep 2014 8:29am
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Member Since: 14 May 2013
Location: North Yorkshire
Posts: 257

United Kingdom 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Galway Green
Looking good!! Thumbs Up

Glad you're happy with it!!

Cheers Rob
Post #359402 22nd Sep 2014 9:03am
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TDCi Guy

Member Since: 17 Aug 2014
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 286

United Kingdom 1996 Defender 110 300 Tdi HCPU Auto Keswick Green
Nothing much to shout about this week, took the downpipe off and removed the cat internals with a large chisel. Twisted Evil

Click image to enlarge

Also finished off my chequerplate collection with some rear corners.

Click image to enlarge
Post #360643 27th Sep 2014 9:52pm
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TDCi Guy

Member Since: 17 Aug 2014
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 286

United Kingdom 1996 Defender 110 300 Tdi HCPU Auto Keswick Green
Considering ordering some gloss black vinyl wrap to cover the roof. Anyone attempted this before? I think it'll either look spot on or a load of crap! Suppose there's only one way to find out! Twisted Evil

Thoughts on spraying the wheels and bonnet letters with black plasticote as well? I saw a thread on here where someone else had done it and I've used it on my previous Audi's grille with great results.
Post #361004 29th Sep 2014 3:59pm
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Member Since: 06 Jul 2013
Location: uk
Posts: 2055

looks like a toilet with a black roof, aka, Twyfords edition:wink: .If you insist on wrapping it don't buy the cheap stuff,when you decide to take it off in 2+ years time the cheap stuff just breaks into mm size pieces. Pov.spec,ftw. 2006, 110,TD5.
Post #361123 29th Sep 2014 8:50pm
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 3790

Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
Mud, some good work there.
I've seen those "corner protectors" (what a great idea), but I wouldn't be too happy at drilling holes in the seat box to fit them?
Regards, Pickles.
Post #361168 29th Sep 2014 10:43pm
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TDCi Guy

Member Since: 17 Aug 2014
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 286

United Kingdom 1996 Defender 110 300 Tdi HCPU Auto Keswick Green
jimbob7 wrote:
looks like a toilet with a black roof, aka, Twyfords edition:wink: .If you insist on wrapping it don't buy the cheap stuff,when you decide to take it off in 2+ years time the cheap stuff just breaks into mm size pieces.

Rolling with laughter Toilet with white seat or toilet with black seat, I just can't decide. Who makes decent quality wrap apart from 3M?

Pickles wrote:
Mud, some good work there.
I've seen those "corner protectors" (what a great idea), but I wouldn't be too happy at drilling holes in the seat box to fit them?
Regards, Pickles.

Thanks Pickles. Thumbs Up With all the holes I've drilled into it in my first two weeks of ownership they were the least scary! The corner protectors come with tech screws which have a little self drilling part on the end of them, installation is as simple as holding the plastic corner jobby in place and just banging the screws in with a drill.

It really tidied up the edges of the mat which was starting to look a mess. If I fancy changing the matting on the seatbox I can always fill the holes with rivets and stick the matting over the top although I still think I'd refit the protectors as a precaution. I did consider fitting them with black rivets to make them look more factory-fit but haven't got round to it yet. Tom
100” Defender Hybrid
2010 Alaska White 90 HT
Post #361181 30th Sep 2014 6:20am
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TDCi Guy

Member Since: 17 Aug 2014
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 286

United Kingdom 1996 Defender 110 300 Tdi HCPU Auto Keswick Green
This weeks update:
I managed to get a rear headlining and over door trim from "Derrickthedefender", I got that installed when it arrived. Very pleased with it, cheers Ben. Thumbs Up

I just need the MUD side panels and need to do something with the panels either side of the doors where the windows are fitted on a SW. I also need to do something with the gap in the headlining for the alpine windows.

I managed to acquire the rear grab handles that fit above the door on the SW from my old disco which is awaiting a decision on whether it is to become a new project (potentially a 100" defender build) or just scrap. Anyway turns out that the handles above the doors on the disco are the same as at the rear of a defender so that saved a bit of cash. While I was there I also stole the interior light from the disco to fill the hole in the headlining although it is a different coloured plastic to the one fitted in a defender, I'll get round to buying the right coloured one at some point.

Click image to enlarge

Me being me I love a good plug and play loom, I hate unsightly red wires here, there and everywhere like you see on a lot of Land Rovers when people fit extra equipment. I also fancied something different to the DRL bumpers that everyone has fitted.
I spent a couple of hours in the week building up a nice loom for my DRL lights which are basically a high powered LED stop/tail bulb.
I fitted a stop/tail bulb base into the side light opening and, using a couple of relays, took permanent power from the obsolete dim/dip plug and ignition power from an unused pin on the connector for the wing loom. Nice, easy plug and play loom with no wires chopped and can be fitted/removed in 5 mins!
The DRL/side lights have two functions:
1. High light output for DRL when side/dipped beam is off
2. Reduced light output for sidelights when side/dipped beam is on

I'm really pleased with how it all fitted together, I'm just on the lookout for some higher powered bulbs now for extra DRL goodness.

Click image to enlarge

Another addition is a S**tpart "High Kwality" stainless centre pipe. I thought I'd take the risk with this as I couldn't see what they could possibly get wrong with it. I'm extremely pleased with it, after reading that some people had problems with their terrafirma pipes I was happy that this went straight on with the mounts lining up perfectly. Money well spent!

Click image to enlarge

A minor niggle of mine was also addressed and I moved the trailer socket to the hole on the crossmember. A dead easy job, unplug the wiring behind the mudguard in the wheelarch, remove the pins from the plug, drill the mounting holes into the chassis, thread wiring through the large hole, plug the electrics back in and bolt the socket on. Looks much neater and is up out of harms way.

Click image to enlarge

I've also added a bit more security with some bonnet hinges, a very nice bit of kit and in-keeping with the black/white colour scheme. Laughing

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Finally, I dug out my half used tin of plastidip and sprayed up the bonnet letters. This is such a good product to use, peels off really easily around the letters and I'm chuffed with the results for no outlay since I already had the paint.

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100” Defender Hybrid
2010 Alaska White 90 HT
Post #362202 4th Oct 2014 7:08pm
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TDCi Guy

Member Since: 17 Aug 2014
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 286

United Kingdom 1996 Defender 110 300 Tdi HCPU Auto Keswick Green
I haven't updated for a couple of weeks but not too much has happened over that time.

I spent a bit of time with a hot knife attached to my gas powered soldering iron to make a nice job of the air box mod. An ITG filter was then plonked back in the box. Twisted Evil

Click image to enlarge

As it was my birthday last week I got a couple of small bits from family members, gotta love em! Very Happy

They were a YRM stainless rear door thresh as the one that was on there was pretty rotten, especially for a 4 year old vehicle! Also I got a set of front and rear Land Rover badges, the supercharged black and silver type to match the colour scheme. Rolling Eyes

The biggest job I've had so far was fitting the bulkhead removal bar which I'd got cheap on ebay before I'd even taken delivery of the 90! An hour or two spent with a couple of 1mm cutting discs and a flap disc on the grinder saw the rear bulkhead out with some neat lines that need touching up with some white paint before being carpeted over. I also riveted some angle ally onto the corners of the wheel boxes to hold the bits of ex-bulkhead to the rest of the vehicle. After looking at a mate's TD5, this is how Land Rover did it although fixed with spot welds.

All the holes were drilled for the bar, the only adaptation to the correct fitting procedure I made was to drill out the captive nuts on the top of the side supports so that I could fit the bolt from the bottom. This meant I could slide a nut in between the tub and the van sides rather than have to unbolt the entire roof and sides to drop 6 bolts in!

The whole thing was then tightened up and an unreasonable amount of time was spent hoovering the entire truck! That dust gets everywhere when using a flap disc, even though I'd covered everything with dust sheets, but it does make a neat job! Rolling Eyes

Click image to enlarge

Just need some MUD side panels and a bit of carpet to finish the back off nicely! Tom
100” Defender Hybrid
2010 Alaska White 90 HT
Post #365789 19th Oct 2014 10:31pm
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Member Since: 08 Apr 2009
Location: Sunny Oxford
Posts: 1244

white with black roof

I like

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 2020 P300 HSE
Post #365890 20th Oct 2014 1:42pm
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TDCi Guy

Member Since: 17 Aug 2014
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 286

United Kingdom 1996 Defender 110 300 Tdi HCPU Auto Keswick Green
Very smart PJB. Thumbs Up I had a read through your thread, shame you're selling up! Tom
100” Defender Hybrid
2010 Alaska White 90 HT
Post #366277 21st Oct 2014 7:48pm
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TDCi Guy

Member Since: 17 Aug 2014
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 286

United Kingdom 1996 Defender 110 300 Tdi HCPU Auto Keswick Green
A more up to date photo!

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100” Defender Hybrid
2010 Alaska White 90 HT
Post #367013 24th Oct 2014 10:42pm
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